TER General Board

I never do that, for the simple reason that...
NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 94 reads

... I can't fuck and chew gum at the same time.  :D

From time to time, I have an encounter with someone who keeps his chewing gum in his mouth throughout our entire date.  For most of the time, I suppose it stays tucked inside the cheek, but these people don't spit it out prior to kissing, or DATY or anything else.

I don't understand this.  

Do you keep it in your mouth with the thought that this helps maintain fresh breath?

You just like always having it in your mouth?  

There doesn't seem to be a good time to suddenly spit it out?


If you do this, please explain your reason(s) to me! :-)

(Sure, I could ask, but that might create an awkward or uncomfortable moment and that is absolutely NOT what I want to do!)

PS ~ How am doing on the "silly" question scale??  LMAO!!

This is a good silly topic. It's also one I never saw before. I haven't checked the archives, so I can't guaranty it hasn't been asked before, but I personally do not recall seeing it.

Silliness and originality are qualities I value highly!!  :-)

JakeFromStateFarm145 reads

I don't recall any post ever saying a girl had a call picked up by the wife of a just-deceased client she was expecting to come over.

Posted By: Debra_Hollander

From time to time, I have an encounter with someone who keeps his chewing gum in his mouth throughout our entire date.  For most of the time, I suppose it stays tucked inside the cheek, but these people don't spit it out prior to kissing, or DATY or anything else.  
 I don't understand this.    
 Do you keep it in your mouth with the thought that this helps maintain fresh breath?  
 You just like always having it in your mouth?    
 There doesn't seem to be a good time to suddenly spit it out?  
 If you do this, please explain your reason(s) to me! :-)  
 (Sure, I could ask, but that might create an awkward or uncomfortable moment and that is absolutely NOT what I want to do!)  
 PS ~ How am doing on the "silly" question scale??  LMAO!!
Also: would you prefer that he keep it in his mouth or have it end up someplace else:

for Providers to be completely shaved.  Pulling gum out of hair is the worst.  Sometimes it might not be gum, just a large wad of mucus that he doesn't want to swallow.  

I probably should have given a PSA - don't-read-before-lunch   warning?

Any providers (under 50) with dentures???

Asking for a friend......😮

Lost her toothers in a bad auto accident.

Didn't affect performance however.

... I can't fuck and chew gum at the same time.  :D

.... The first time I asked her to remove it then I said the hell with seeing as it never got in the way of anything. I don't know why she does it and have no intention of asking.

I'm one of those "Perpetual Gum-Chewers". But 9 out of 10 times it's gone when we meet or when she's opens the door. But sometimes I'll be so wound up that I'll forget...but by then I'll spit it out when we meet and where it lands, it lands...sorry. I got to get better at this...
One time, long ago when I use to see a certain regular, I'd spit it out on a patch of flowers she had by her front door, did it every time. Then one day as I was leaving she tells me, "And next time don't spit your fucking gum on my flowers!"...Lesson learn, swallow it if you forget.

Was famous for giving a BJ whilst still having gum in her mouth. Her humor is missed.

kindly ask, "Hey do you mind getting rid of the gum?" with a sweet smile. He'll then hurry to spit it out so you two can get to business ;) :)

Thanks to all those offering their advice on handling this situation, but as it happens, it doesn't bother me one bit. ;-)

I'm simply curious about it! LOL!  :-)

keep chewing it long after all the flavour is gone. I don't know why they love to chew gum, but my only incentive for doing so was to keep my breath fresh, now I just use breath mints. I have never encountered a provider who chews gum, but there could still be a first. If it did happen though, I'd tell her the same thing I tell the smokers, which is to wait till the session ends. Imagine if the gum gets stuck to the condom while she's giving me head, then when she realizes what's happened, she bursts a hole in the condom while trying to detach the gum. See, this is why she just needs to spit the damn thing out her mouth and wait till we're done.

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