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I must say, I just don't get that.
inicky46 61 Reviews 576 reads

Call me a mangina but I have a bunch of gals I'm a regular with, and the idea of ripping any of them off is just alien to me.
I think these guys are sociopaths who, after they've seen you a few times, think you owe them something.  What a world.

ODF2442 reads

I was talking to a provider who recently got "stiffed" (client who bolted without leaving a white envelope).  She also mentioned getting stiffed by a client leaving an empty white envelope.  My question to providers: does this happen often and, if so, is there anything you have done to report these deadbeat clients?

Most providers clearly state on their site that the envelope should be placed down within the first few moments, and the client should go use the restroom to freshen up. This short period of time gives the provider a chance to ensure everything is right with the envelope. Following this very simple process puts both parties at ease. What is so damm difficult about that? And, in the case if outcall, most ladies say to leave the envelope in the bathroom, she goes in to freshen up, same process. I will never understand why some hobbyists can't get a grasp of this very simple process, why fuck with a good thing? You're getting laid by a professional, and you don't have to listen to the bullshit to get it, it's fucking perfect, there is no sense in messing with perfection.

...the guy who leaves fake bills on that first meeting, or the guy you've been seeing for a while who starts "forgetting" to pay?

VOO-doo625 reads

rip me off or short me.  

All of my issues have been with regulars. They never 'forgot to pay', just took advantage of the fact that I was trusting. Probably some of them figured I would be too meek to say anything.

In addition to getting blatantly ripped off, I've gotten the old ATM limit excuse (it's basically the  the-dog-ate-my-homework excuse of the escort business), 'I only have $', 'I thought it was $ - 200', 'I didn't check the site', and countless variations upon 'I thought we were friends,' or 'I thought we had something special', which, for the most part, is just outright manipulation.

Call me a mangina but I have a bunch of gals I'm a regular with, and the idea of ripping any of them off is just alien to me.
I think these guys are sociopaths who, after they've seen you a few times, think you owe them something.  What a world.

VOO-doo655 reads

Mostly, they know they can get away with it, at least once. And they really don't value our time. Not at all. Even *most* nice clients seem to think that our time is pretty much worthless.

Some guys say they don't really have to pay for sex. They say that they are youthful, good-looking, and funny, unlike those fuglies they imagine our 'other' clients to be. They think that they can charm us into accepting less and less, and that we'll be too dumb/meek/afraid of losing $ to say anything.  

Some guys who are lonely and sad just seem to feel that the WORLD owes them something. They're bitter that $ can't buy them friendship from us. Those are the ones who resent US for the fact that they have to pay for sex. That's the case w/the man who ripped me off.  

Also, I think a lot of them assume that we make huge amounts of cash, and spend, like, 6 hours a day at Neiman Marcus. What's an extra $200 or so? To me, $200 is a lot, and it's going to bills, not jeans.

The first time the lady was totally cool. I contacted her motified and she said lets meet for lunch tomorrow. Excellent. The second time I was driving home and my phone rang. It was a lady I'd seen several times. I did an immediate U turn and took care of matters.

HandleWithCare757 reads

Once the provider caught me before I'd left the building. The other time I realized it when I was about five miles away, and swung around and was able to rendezvous with her before she got on the road.  

Of course, both times the minimum possible score was 9:  "forgot it was a service".  :)

That's why I prefer to get the envelope up front.  After a few orgasms I can't think straight and am still on cloud 9 when he's walking out the door.  
However most of the time I found he left the envelope and if he didn't it's corrected right away.   I've never been stiffed, and I know I wouldn't handle it well. Not something I would let slide.  

Posted By: HandleWithCare
Once the provider caught me before I'd left the building. The other time I realized it when I was about five miles away, and swung around and was able to rendezvous with her before she got on the road.  
 Of course, both times the minimum possible score was 9:  "forgot it was a service".  :)

VOO-doo965 reads

He was a regular I'd seen several times for overnights. 40+ OK's on p411, reviewer, MAJOR hobbyist.  
It occurred on a major holiday, which made it even worse.

The best way to avoid getting stiffed is to screen. Check references, etc. Also, some would advise collecting the envelope at the start of the session, although I personally do not insist upon that, ever. I really don't want to treat my clients like potential d-bags...most of them are great and don't deserve that.  

The one thing we can do is blacklist the guy, which will help other girls avoid the same situation. My friend had other ideas...she said I should have marched mine down to the ATM w/threats and/or stolen his Rolex. Not really my style...my attitude is that he never intended to give me any money, and nothing I could do (short of my friend's advice) was going to extract even $50 for travel. And I am just not the Rolex-stealing kind of girl.  

It's kind of a cost of doing business. It shouldn't be, but it is. Screening mitigates the risk, but nothing eliminates it.  

(Actually, it happened twice...one regular - again, a regular - thought that since he just wanted a BJ, it was enough payment if he brought me dinner

VOO-doo673 reads

I should introduce you two, she is a character :-D  

The maddening thing about it, was that he was in a f***ing CASINO. He had no money at a casino? On a holiday? Really?????? But, had no $ for me, that was for sure. I am not the confrontational sort (which was EXACTLY what he was counting on, and I'm aware of that).  

Men take note...no woman will EVER forget the man who shorts her $$.

-- Modified on 10/29/2014 4:30:37 PM

It's a tad extreme, dontcha think?
Also, even as a joke, not the greatest way to present yourself here.
I mean, we get it.  Stealing is bad, whether it's a light envelope or C&D.  It happens on both sides of the transaction, sad to say.  But still.....

Stickythong602 reads

What's bad for the goose is bad for the gander.

A provider offers a service, the cash and dash are thieves plain and simple. Don't try and blur lines please.  

Posted By: Stickythong
What's bad for the goose is bad for the gander.

So, the onus is on you to stay away from the risky ones.

Gals, on the other hand, have much less ability to filter out bad clients than we do to filter out the bad  providers owing to having reviews, etc.

The two examples and not comparable.

Being a dope who doesn't do his homework and sees a C&D girl doesn't mean the "onus" is on him.  It's on the person who stole his money.  You're blaming the victim here, even though he's clearly a dope.  The implication is there's no "onus" on the thief herself in this analogy.

Yes, most clients know they leave a white envelope (though many of my clients just put cash without an envelope).  I sometimes make a statement like, "You may leave your offering to the Goddess....(I have a statuette of The Goddess on my table, since I'm a practitioner)", and they leave the dough.  I don't always get a chance to count it because of how my incall is set up.

However, many don't leave their donation at the beginning, and I don't realize until they've left that I've been shorted (because I don't feel comfortable counting in front of client, in case they are LE).  Obviously, I can't go chasing them down the street, so I'm left with putting them in as a 'short changer' if they don't answer their phone.

But you know, some of you clients don't have much respect for us, and have no qualms about purposely shorting or not paying at all.  I've never had someone not pay the full amount, but have had someone come in and rob me.

THIS IS ONE OF THE PRIMARY REASONS WE SCREEN CLIENTS!  But some markets (especially here in So Fla), clients almost refuse to be screened.  This business isn't at all what it was when I first started in 2007.  It's less refined and more 'Wild, Wild West" (and not in a good way).

Hope this perspective helps.


To throw her off to the fact that he put an envelope down with one hundred, and the rest dollar bills.
He literally pretended to be mentally handicapped!
Anyway the girl who told me this also told me she was relived at the fact she didn't notice until he left.
She would rather have been stiffed, than have a possibly dangerous confrontation.
Many girls have said that to me, and it's kinda sad, and unfair...
The fact that an escort can feel threatened by a creepy customer really sucks.
I think all escorts should carry a military grade tazer.

Big ass customer get outta line? Zap em! 💥⚡️💥

I think all escorts should religiously practice martial arts. a tazer isn't going to do much if its across the room and the client has his hands around your neck.

I have had my ass kicked by more than one woman, so I know first hand women can be tougher than men.
The fighting.. It wasn't violent in that way...  
It was more like getting laughed at by a girl as she beat you up. :(

Fucking girls.. Too fast!

Try it old guys.. I dare you.  
Slap box your escort.. She will kick your ass!

and I would absolutely return & make things right.  
Typically, I place the envolupe in advange on the first meeting but subsequent meetings I rarely do.  I always carry the donation, precounted & held together with a paper clip, in my key pocket.  I can't get my keys out without finding it.  With favorites, I empty my pockets when I undress so things don't fall out (happened in a civie situation long ago & was a big problem.)  My routine is the donation is the first thing on the corner of her dresser (my fav gal has a chair next to it for my clothes) & my wallet & such go over it.  It freaked out one gal I hadn't seen in a while...  but every other has been fine...  IF LE or someone were to burst in, it just looks like BF / GF.  When I dress & replace my stuff in my pockets, the donation is silently left behind.  We feel it adds to the illusion...  but requires trust.  I must trust her, she must trust me.    

I choose providers within my budget (what ever that might be) and I consider it a promise.    

I have no words for someone who is a thief...  in either direction.

Ihaveabig1563 reads

If so, you might get by the first time-will never be able to see her again, number and name will be blacklisted and also have a chance of getting fucked up by the bodyguard,bf in next room

Posted By: ODF
I was talking to a provider who recently got "stiffed" (client who bolted without leaving a white envelope).  She also mentioned getting stiffed by a client leaving an empty white envelope.  My question to providers: does this happen often and, if so, is there anything you have done to report these deadbeat clients?

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