TER General Board

I luv getting to know you..and sharing My Personality & Charm.teeth_smile
Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 33 reads

It's a little more personable..and intimate..mskes Better SeX Too....😚💃🏃‍♀️

This may sound like a dumb question but why is it that it seems like most escorts do not want to really get to know their clients or let them know much about them, as far as likes and dislikes? I'm not talking about their personal life, but their personality. It's like when you try to have a normal conversation, there's a wall there and they stop talking to you. Are there any out there that trust you enough to talk to you like you're a normal human being and not just a client? My thought would be the more thought you know about each other, as for as personality and preferences, the better a connection it would be when you meet... but that's just me.

souls_harbor36 reads

It's probably an early red flag for an obsessive type or stalker.  

It's a little more personable..and intimate..mskes Better SeX Too....😚💃🏃‍♀️

Remember that in most all cases this is a business not a personal relationship.

type relationship where an agreement is made, boundaries established with someone they can share their experiences with each other.  This would fall more in to SD type relationship with each agreeing to what is expected, needed and desired.  They desire the feeling and emotion beyond the carnal.

In my experience, most providers do like having "normal" conversations, although some tend to open up more on the second and later sessions.  But I favor "GFE" providers, which might be different from your experience.

Your experience seems to differ from my style, and also of the other providers I know. I think you should be able to get a decent idea of a providers personality from their reviews. I enjoy getting to know each other. It's very much a part of the attraction and experience IMO.

Is a relationship possible?  Yes, but rarely, though it does happen.  I've seen it.  But don't get your hopes up.  For most it's simply not possible.

It's pretty obvious that the problem is with you and not with the ladies you are seeing.

Quite frankly you seem rather creepy to me, and if you seem creepy to a self admitted asshole like me, I can only imagine how creepy, clingy and potentially "stalkerish" you appear to the women you see.

Some of us have ZERO problems having a normal conversation with the hookers we see, so the problem must be on your side, not theirs.

if you are going to post on here.  GaG can be brutally honest, even when he's wrong...lol.

I am never wrong, if you don't believe me, just ask me. lol

As for the OP, he did ask, and I don't believe in sugarcoating things. Sometimes a little brutal honesty can serve as a wakeup call and hopefully he will realize that he is coming across a bit "creepy" and will try not to do so in the future.

I'm never wrong either.  I once thought I was but I was mistaken.

It's there to protect you, but it also protects the provider as well.

That's not to say that it doesn't get violated now and then (like on Star Trek), but you have to have a pretty good reason.

to say nothing of a few of the Ten Commandments.  


Find hookers that offer GFE. Bang them multiple times, they'll open up the more you pay them for sex.

But don't creep them out, or else they'll close up and then no more sex. : /  

Tippecanoe54 reads

OP has never researched a provider, as in read their web page. You kidding me? These women write a freaking essay on their websites.

Also, they'll talk about anything to kill 20 minutes of an hour before getting you out the door. Hell, I know the favorite doughnut shop and doughnut of a famous provider. Stop seeing street walkers and crack Ho's.

The boundaries set in place for each provider (set some for yourself). Sometimes famiarity breeds contempt, opens the door for feelings, or reveals information she is not comfortable with you knowing. There are parts of her (and your) life that should be kept from the hobby.  

Keep it fun, respectful, and clear boundaries. In time ask her if she likes certain positions, gift cards, or restaurants, but don't dog too deep unless she opens  up first. It's for the best.

FWIW In my experience many providers travel and don't emphasize creating a client base.  This gives them no incentive to go much beyond the very superficial.  Others are just not interested in or comfortable with anything approaching a personal relationship with a client.  Its a business after all.  There can also be security concerns.  

I don't have a problem sharing my likes and dislikes with my client. I honestly enjoy sharing if they are interested. I tend to have an easier time sharing if the conversation flow is relaxed and fun. Perhaps you were throwing too many questions right after the next kind of throwing her too many balls to hit. Also I think it's possible she has had a bad experience with a stalker in the past and she is being careful. Maybe try to be in her shoes to see her perspective. Other than that maybe you just need to find a provider that has a more of a similar vibe who is a natural conversationalist.

I love getting to know my clients. To me, it makes the sessions more enjoyable. I don't know why other providers put up walls but perhaps it's because of bad experience? Sometimes clients get close and then try to cross boundaries so girls try to keep the relationship at a distance and professional. It's a delicate balance that I think a lot of us try to maintain.

I love getting to know my clients. To me, it makes the sessions more enjoyable. I don't know why other providers put up walls but perhaps it's because of bad experience? Sometimes clients get close and then try to cross boundaries so girls try to keep the relationship at a distance and professional. It's a delicate balance that I think a lot of us try to maintain.

a coworker at the office really. You spend enough time with someone feelings sometimes develop.  loss of income from a regular would certainly be a concern.    Best to respect boundaries I think.  

Because they are prostitutes and you are a john. Nothing more. You are a money source. Period.

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