TER General Board

I know you said you were a Browns fan, so that might be why.
JohnyComeAlready 640 reads

Why did you specify Butts(women's) but didn't specify what gender boobs you like, or which gender you prefer to receive  a blowjob from?

Posted By: russbbj
I'm Boring.  
 I wonder if you can identify the pattern here?  
 Other than my work, I think about  
 Butts (women's)  
 I am a Browns fan (I mean let's face it my NFL team doesn't even have an insignia)  
 Yep, I'm Boring  
 Did you catch the pattern?

Some guys can just turn it on and I'm jealous of that. I'm really the type that needs to be talked to and calmed down first. Then some massage... then we go from there. I am kinda high strung, so I need that higher end of provider that can do that for me.

I'm the same way. I have to have a two hour session minimum to get to know the provider first before I do anything.

Actually I don't even have to do that. I think I'm in the mood when I'm sleeping too.

Shower, shampoo, shave, dress-up, grab the massage oil, and off I go.

Hieronymus1000 reads

You forgot the pineapple juice!

Just like bananas and any other dietary aid, you must build them up on your system.  Taking them right before the date doesn't add much to the mix, and certainly not after you brush your teeth.

I'm just about always horny.

GaGambler741 reads

I almost always wake up with morning wood,  so it must be true. lol

Honestly, it doesn't take a lot of work, or any work at all for that matter, for a woman to get my motor running. If she has to work at it, she is probably a member of the OTHFBC, and all the coaxing in the world is not going to help. OTOH if she is hot, all she has to do is walk into the room and little GaG is going to spring to attention. lol

The morning kickstand. I haven't slept on my stomach since I was 8 ... can't.

Skinny_Minnie:-)1190 reads

One of my client-friends is pretty funny.  We could have a completely innocuous, non-sexual phone conversation, say about politics, and then he tells me he has a raging hard-on and can't get up from his desk.

So yes, some guys are just ON by the sound of a voice, or even a strong wind.  I guess we take it for granted that not all men are so "easy".

She has a sexy voice, and a really cool laugh. It doesn't hurt any that she is very bright, and a very nice person, oh and good looking too.

But if I'm in my office, and I hear her voice, I get a chubby. I really enjoy when we are in a meeting together, because she has full lips, coupled with that voice, and I'm thinking about one thing, which is not the subject matter of the meeting.

I've found that I'm hornier now than I ever have been, possibly because I get to be with some really awesome women now. It's a great sport, this one.

Hell yeah it would be boring. A not so good looking middle aged guy who goes to work every day, pays his bills, doesn't have a record and posts to TER while watching the Browns beat the Bengals and sipping on a Bourbon neat.  

Yep, yep that would be boring.

I'm Boring.

I wonder if you can identify the pattern here?

Other than my work, I think about

Butts (women's)
I am a Browns fan (I mean let's face it my NFL team doesn't even have an insignia)
Yep, I'm Boring

Did you catch the pattern?

Why did you specify Butts(women's) but didn't specify what gender boobs you like, or which gender you prefer to receive  a blowjob from?

Posted By: russbbj
I'm Boring.  
 I wonder if you can identify the pattern here?  
 Other than my work, I think about  
 Butts (women's)  
 I am a Browns fan (I mean let's face it my NFL team doesn't even have an insignia)  
 Yep, I'm Boring  
 Did you catch the pattern?


Because men have moobs, thats why! Shesh, some really never recover after being dropped on their head!

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Why did you specify Butts(women's) but didn't specify what gender boobs you like, or which gender you prefer to receive  a blowjob from?  
Posted By: russbbj
I'm Boring.  
  I wonder if you can identify the pattern here?  
  Other than my work, I think about  
  Butts (women's)  
  I am a Browns fan (I mean let's face it my NFL team doesn't even have an insignia)  
  Yep, I'm Boring  
  Did you catch the pattern?

Wit gets me going, a dry warped sense of humor really turns me on.  

Big hands used firmly around my neck. Down around that crease between the hip and thigh area, just a graze will do it!  

Copious amounts of alcohol tends to make me horny, I drink entirely too much. ;)

Back_In_Black724 reads

"big hands" and your tits n ass kinda sweet ..xo ..whats up , pour me one and lets see what else we can do "entirely to much of" ..

Posted By: anavictoria
Wit gets me going, a dry warped sense of humor really turns me on.  
 Big hands used firmly around my neck. Down around that crease between the hip and thigh area, just a graze will do it!  
 Copious amounts of alcohol tends to make me horny, I drink entirely too much. ;)

I find taking time and not rushing is the key.  First I start at the bar in the parlor for a drink and some flirtation.  Then a jacuzzi followed by mutual massage leading into what they desire

I have to say, when I'm seeing my ATF, just the thought of being with her puts me "in the mood." Just saw her, and I'm already looking forward to our next visit (which happily is not far off). My problem would run the other way, how do I think of anything else when a visit with her is coming up?

For me, dancing with a woman that knows how to dance. (A hot looking woman helps, too, to get it on afterwards.)

At least I do, anyway,if it is going to be the great experience I feel the gentleman deserves.  
There is a lot of competition here and if he has narrowed down his choice to me I certainly do not want to disappoint.  In order to do that I have found that my genuine satisfaction is almost always just as important, if not more so to him, as his. That means I have to be in the mood, too.
Last minute requests make it harder to get in the mindset.  Getting ready at a more leisurely pace and having time to really pay attention to the details helps get the engine running a little bit.  A nice long hot bath or shower makes anyone feel sexy, I think.
Sometimes, I have a glass of wine while I am putting my makeup on.  I am not talking about getting shit faced, but a drink doesn't hurt to relax before hand.
Knowing what my date likes helps me feel confident= sexy= turned on.  It doesn't have to be a laundry list, but an idea here or there can sure go a long way, maybe the type of attire or a favorite color.
Playing music I like while getting ready is good.
Last but not least, playing with myself.  That takes a little "getting in the mood" all by itself.  It is definitely a step in the right direction.

s good.Those are just some of my little tricks to get in the mood.

Back_In_Black778 reads

do the trick for me ..soft voice doesn't hurt either ..that's it..  

Posted By: DaIncredibleHulk
Some guys can just turn it on and I'm jealous of that. I'm really the type that needs to be talked to and calmed down first. Then some massage... then we go from there. I am kinda high strung, so I need that higher end of provider that can do that for me.

Back_In_Black1132 reads

of you really are a great bunch of guys and then there's fid ...lol lol ..omg did he write a dick size post , and wink at us ..hide your cock hide your balls someone is on the prowl ...lmao ...

Epsilon_Eridani1105 reads

did you get your esteemed privileges put on hold for a while?

I for one, did not miss your posts.

Posted By: Back_In_Black
of you really are a great bunch of guys and then there's fid ...lol lol ..omg did he write a dick size post , and wink at us ..hide your cock hide your balls someone is on the prowl ...lmao ....  

Back_In_Black817 reads

don't read them . and no I could post didn't want to , its called having a life . go out and get one , then maybe you wont be such a killjoy ....:)..

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
did you get your esteemed privileges put on hold for a while?  
 I for one, did not miss your posts.  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
of you really are a great bunch of guys and then there's fid ...lol lol ..omg did he write a dick size post , and wink at us ..hide your cock hide your balls someone is on the prowl ...lmao ....  

Epsilon_Eridani560 reads

... Phil Rudd?  

that didn't work out too well for him, did it?

Posted By: Back_In_Black
its called having a life . go out and get one , then maybe you wont be such a killjoy ....:)..  

Back_In_Black873 reads

you sad , and I do mean sad , like urban dictionary sad . no date tonight ? wow some girl got lucky cause your as exciting as playing pong . listen have a nice day , whack off as usual and keep us apprised of the news , ok .. good boy .  

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
... Phil Rudd?  
 that didn't work out too well for him, did it?  
Posted By: Back_In_Black
its called having a life . go out and get one , then maybe you wont be such a killjoy ....:)..  
p.s. the man crush you have on me is flattering but ive promised myself to inicky46 .. sorry oh have fid you can tell him how big of a dick you are .

And taking it slow and easy when I'm with the lady of the evening allows a "mood" of hopefully some unique quality for both of us to reach fruition between the first kiss and the first taste of her.

But a lot of times, none of that seems important and the mood falls in place as soon as she opens the door.

it just turns on all by itself. A little anticipation, a thought, a look and a smile...

The real problem is turning it back off.

I'm sure your "dates" just hate it when you turn green, split right out of your clothes and eat the Tazmanian Devil.
Say, tell us, does your cock get gi-normous when that happens too?
Anyway, no, I don't need to be calmed down first and don't be jealous.  We all just are what we are.  Figure out what you need, tell her and she will provide it.  Assuming you've done your homework and she's the right one.

-- Modified on 11/7/2014 12:40:56 AM

I had a date a few weeks ago that I crammed in with a visiting provider in the only small time opening I had before heading out of town.  So I was extremely busy before the date, and had much to do right after it.
It was still fun, but when my mind is not 100% at ease, it does affect things.  I don't have problems getting up in that case, it's just the finishing that can take a very long time...

I also find that the longer and better the foreplay, the more quickly I will cum once the sex starts (which is generally a good thing for me, since I can be a long-laster).  A sensual massage with all kinds of teasing really gets me primed.

it is that relaxes your mind and frees it from your everyday troubles.  For me it is some light reading followed by a nice shower, shave, etc. while there is some soft music playing.  

Just like Aaron Rodgers said, "R-E-L-A-X".

Epsilon_Eridani743 reads

how many Viagra pills do you take before you start?  

higher end provider? you're telling us that all "lower tier" (less than $500/hr) providers are horrible at their jobs because they can't calm you down?

go ahead and continue to be jealous. I don't give a shit.

Posted By: DaIncredibleHulk
Some guys can just turn it on and I'm jealous of that. I'm really the type that needs to be talked to and calmed down first. Then some massage... then we go from there. I am kinda high strung, so I need that higher end of provider that can do that for me.

skarphedin1054 reads

-- Modified on 11/7/2014 11:59:30 AM

The entire act of planning a date builds excitement...

Then add the anticipation build up as the moment gets closer...

Then we meet, and he shares things about himself... his career, some special interest of his... and he talks about himself with such enthusiasm, and his eyes light up, and he gets that look, you know, like a kid showing me his really cool toy on Christmas...

and I am totally there

Thankfully for all involved I'm a simple cuss.

AFICIONADO13609 reads

I learned early in the hobby I can't do 1 hour dates. I don't have that instant on button and I usually prebook 2 weeks in advance. It's just to business like and takes away from the mood. IMO

Hands down is my erogenous zone more so than any other for play . hands down,

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