TER General Board

I know just what you mean . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 49 reads

Nobody in real life ever thought I was a dick.  Ah, the price of hobby anonymity.  Lol

Here_I_Go3469 reads

Sure hope this is not real.  A division of our business has hired a new employee.  I interviewed her over the phone, but was just one voice in the decision.   She won’t work for me directly, but I am CEO of the business.   She kind of sounded familiar, during the call,  but I thought nothing of it.  Then I saw a picture, and she looks a lot like a provider I saw maybe three years ago.  

I am still believing that this is just one big coincidence.  I am flying into her city tomorrow, and we are meeting prior to heading off to see a potential new customer.  What if it is actually her?  Man, that would be awkward.

low odds to begin with.  chances she wont recognize you anyway if it is the gal. then just try not be in similar settings in the future.  and by all means, think with the big head and dont compromise yourself.  

John_Laroche52 reads

Well maybe not all of it, but unless you are CEO of the world's stupidest company, you did a background check and verified employment history. Does any of this raise a red flag?

If you're still worried, tomorrow is Halloween. Just wear a mask.

I did a personal business with a lady in RL... later on she introduced me to her husband and to our surprise; it was someone I meet as a client. Nothing happened, nothing would happen in the future. Would he out me? Nah! Would I? heck no!  

After we realize that we have an mutual acquaintance we didn't meet in private anymore; we did talk about it but that was it.  
I still provide references for him tho bc I saw him several times and he's a safe & nice client... and yes, I still do business with the wife.  

I guess I am lucky bc it happen with a mature gentleman and we didn't let Veronica-client interfere with our real life's & professions.  

Not bc we are escorts means we don't have careers you know...

SpectreNBond32 reads

....see if the provider is still working. If she is, book her the night before and then you know for sure when you meet the new hire the next day.

souls_harbor59 reads

If I had an escort come in and work in the same office -- that would be cool.  Why is this an issue with anyone?  

I mean we accept that this "hobby" is a business proposition.  I've worked with both women and men at other companies and then worked with them again at a new company. Just because I worked with them before doesn't mean I hide away from them if I see them again.

Why should I treat an escort any different.  If I was a hiring manager her former (or even current) escort status would be irrelevant to me.  I'd look first for personality (serious flaws) and secondly for competence.  

You don't get it because you're a logical person.
He's talking about someone he met three years ago, not three weeks ago.
Providers know how to act when we see clients in public but sadly a bunch of clients don't. So maybe that's his concern, he's thinking like a client and not a provider.

I'd immediately get a bit moist and be very happy. No need to hide my past and I can bang the CEO  THANK YOU JAYSUS

you could always pull a " Weinstein" move on her..

... his anonymity and probably is concerned that she might be freaked . Fear, no matter how founded or unfounded can cause some people to behave in ways that they normally wouldn't.

I think differently when I'm aroused and keeping myself in a business state of mind could be a challenge.  
I do understand the discomfort of having part of a secret activity overlapping into an area that I believe I have control over. There can also be a fear of her doing the wrong thing.  

Good luck mate!

We need an update! What happened?

Posted By: Here_I_Go

Sure hope this is not real.  A division of our business has hired a new employee.  I interviewed her over the phone, but was just one voice in the decision.   She won’t work for me directly, but I am CEO of the business.   She kind of sounded familiar, during the call,  but I thought nothing of it.  Then I saw a picture, and she looks a lot like a provider I saw maybe three years ago.    
 I am still believing that this is just one big coincidence.  I am flying into her city tomorrow, and we are meeting prior to heading off to see a potential new customer.  What if it is actually her?  Man, that would be awkward.

Here_I_Go22 reads

False alarm.   Not her.  Sorry for the letdown.

My concern is that I am very private.  Not a single person knows I hobby.  In my role as CEO, who knows what would happen if my Board found out.  Also, I have no issue with an ex-provider working in the company.  That was not the concern.  Me being an ex-client was the issue for me.

I can only imagine the shock if my staff found out I do this. I am seen as the most boring, conservative person ever.  Some of the women in the company actually try to embarrass me from time to time, since I am so proper.  I could probably nail them for harassment :-).   The anti-Weinstein.   If only they knew.  

Nobody in my real life would every think I am an escort. ha!

Nobody in real life ever thought I was a dick.  Ah, the price of hobby anonymity.  Lol

Posted By: TurbayVeronica
Nobody in my real life would every think I am an escort. ha!
I think that almost every pretty girl I see - walking around the city, riding the subway, in an office building, at the bank, at a meeting  - is an escort or a potential escort. At meetings, I sometimes ask for her business card and some stupid Such-and-Such, Inc. corporate card. I WANT HER TER BUSINESS CARD so I can look up her reviews and find her website.
So if you know anyone like me, they already DO think you're an escort. They just haven't found your ads yet.

Here_I_Go31 reads

Alright I need to know.  What has you hot for this job?  Me being outwardly conservative and boring, or do you have a thing for CEO’S?  The suspense is killing me.  

Might I remind both sides....Like this and any other profession like a therapist or Dr. Discretion and identity protection is a must to keep especially for clients. Because this hobby is still not widely accepted by the general public. Until it is it is our job as providers is to respect the identity of those we see and keep it under tight lip. Clients should do the same. Once either side is in public view their career is in jeopardy which can have a domino effect. We don't always know that persons back story or situation. See a client in public just smile smile and nod.

I have a professional career and am also known as the soccer mom type and no one would ever guess what I do but I have ran ito previous clients and just act as though we have never met. I believe this should be clear on both sides. Are we not all mature adults here?

I have knowingly hired a former sex worker that both my wife and I have seen professionally on multiple occasions. I did so as I knew her to be honorable and she was qualified. I would not hesitate to hire another former sex worker if I felt they were qualified  and professional weather I seen said applicant or not. Only exception would be if said had a criminal history that made them unlicensible for said job.  

If they ladies I see are unfit, then I am unfit, as our actions are different sides of the same coin, one know less guilty then the other.

but there is a huge difference here. You and I are the "owners" of our respective companies, and neither of us have a board of directors to answer to, nor do we have to file an 8K every time we take a shit.

If I were the OP I doubt seriously that I would hire ANYONE with whom I had ever had sex with, hooker or otherwise.

BTW for anyone new here, I too  have knowingly hired former sex workers to work for me, and I would do it again, but I do not run a public company, nor can I be fired by any board of directors so I have not really "walked a mile" in the OP's shoes.

Long story that might warrant a separate thread, but gets to the point of Karma and “what if”.

As a single military officer serving in Korea in the 1980s, a common activity was cruising local club/brothels off base. There were “rules”. One rule was officers did not catch feelings for the club girls, buy them out of the club, marry and bring them back stateside.  This was very common among enlisted soldiers frequenting the enlisted only clubs.

So me, young Lieutenant cks175, basically ends up spending a lot of time with one particularly beautiful girl.  In TER parlance, she was my ATF. Went as far as bringing her on base for a steak dinner at the officer’s club. Quickly taken aside by the captains who reminded me what could happen if the colonels/generals caught wind of this relationship.

Continue to see her (Provider 1), but much more discrete. The relationship never advanced to any thought of bringing her stateside.

Nearing end of my Korean tour, a very green new lieutenant falls hard for Provider 2 at same club.  In one drunken night I very publicly call out young lieutenant ar the club in front of P2. (I’m just inviting Karma to bite me in the ass, aren’t I?) What I said was very hurtful, and I regretted it.

Fast forward two years and I’m stationed in Georgia, dating a pretty young Korean girl who had gotten stateside via marriage to an enlisted soldier who she quickly divorced.  I don’t ask how they met, and I don’t care.  She’s working as a waitress now, going to Korean church, establishing her new life states. At church with her one Sunday and we are introduced to a newlywed couple, a pilot and his new Korean bride....  Provider 1!  Nobody says anything, so I’m thinking “it’s all good”. P1 and my girl get pregnant about the same time, cover restaurant shifts for each other, and become besties. A little awkward for me, but whatever.

I get transferred to OK, and we are searching around for a Korean church. Walk into one and my heart drops when looking back from one of the pews is young lieutenant and his newlywed bride, P2. She gives me the “if looks could kill stare”. This guy was an service academy grad who ranked his career for love. Higher brass had caught wind of the relationship and restricted him to base for the duration of his tour. So she was bitter.

Naturally, P2 and my wife become friends.  P2 doesn’t know that P1 and wife knew each other in Georgia, but P2 does inform wife that I had a gallavanting lifestyle in Korea that included “almost marrying” a girl that VERY VERY closely fit P1s description. Nail in the coffin was “she ended up marrying a pilot and I think they are in Georgia”.

I spent a month sleeping on the couch. And going forward, I didn’t get the death stare from P2. Just a very happy smile....      KARMA

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