TER General Board

I haven't been more disappointed in Woody . . .
Misty_Bay See my TER Reviews 1270 reads

...since he started a sexual relationsip with Mia's daughter.

It's nice to see another indie film win for not only being a good movie but one that talks about a sticky subject matter, although Lions Gate finally picked up the tab for production. By the way, I loved Selma Hayek's and Jennifer Lopez' dresses. Sorry guys, had to throw that one in.


-- Modified on 3/5/2006 8:27:42 PM

-- Modified on 3/5/2006 8:32:50 PM

Yes, Lion's Gate Films needed this win. Their stock price may finally rise as those buy out rumors will surface again and someone with long dough will buy them and fund even better movies...

Look, I think I know LA very well, and agree it's a pretty hostile place. But, it's Equal Opportunty Hostile. No one here really likes each other at all, regardless of race, creed or colour. This is a sad thing because of the diversity LA has to offer.

I found the movie predictable, trite and offensive. Frankly, the Crash script was incredibly trite and weak, and in spite of the outstanding performances by the cast and director, it's still at best a 2.5 check film. It's even more outrageous it won best original screenplay-it's not even in the same universe as Steven Gaghan's Syriana.

As for Salma Hayek, she rattles my chain anytime. Mexican-born Lebanese, not a bad combination...

was boring. However, I haven't seen the movie yet and I try not to listen to other's comments beforehand. I was actually surprised that "Memoirs of a Geish" didn't win more awards.


You look at the linked list and tell me how great all of the movies on it are.  I am sure you are aware that there are often much better movies out there than what is even nominated for this award, and that is the point...it isn't an exact science.

Your first paragraph was the best argument as to why "Crash" was relevant, and, therefore, good... and non-offensive.  "Crash" may have been somewhat of a "fable", but the power of some of its scenes was nothing I would remotely call trite.  

An original screenplay doesn't always have to be letter realistic to be good.  The idea was to show episodically the struggle, the pain, and, ultimately, the opportunity for hope in a city that often seems hopelessly hostile.  It it didn't move you, it just didn't connect with you.  In my book, though, it was far from weak...those scenes were powerful, moving, and deserving of the accolades they received.

Increase the peace.

Here is an interesting link to someone's opinion on lame movies that won oscars when more deserving films were passed over.


IMHO all of this years films were weak.

I myself thought "Crash" was a great movie...albeit, in a certain vein.  The only thing I saw last year that I thought was better was the first section of the trilogy movie "Eros".  The 30 minutes Wong Kar Wai committed to film in that movie was one of the most moving things I have ever seen in my LIFE, much less in 2005 (which, I agree, was a weak year for movies...about the only other thing that stood out for me last year was "Batman Begins").

Wow, that song Dolly wrote and sung was beautiful and so meaningful and some dam...pimp rap song wins...

...since he started a sexual relationsip with Mia's daughter.

...since he started a sexual relationsip with Mia's daughter.

...since he started a sexual relationsip with Mia's daughter.

...since he started a sexual relationsip with Mia's daughter.

Bizzaro Superdude2751 reads

"In her shoes" -  I was really touched by the scene with her and the older lady where she makes her feel better than Jackie Kennedy - as the lady says "better, Jackie "O"".....   and Diaz's response is all facial expressions....

of course any movie where they feature someone running up the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum -is an automatic winner to me!!  lol

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