TER General Board

I have yet to figure this out
N.C.Tammy See my TER Reviews 3704 reads

Why can't guy's do two things at the same time?


 Drive while geetting a blow job.


It's the orgasism part that fucks the driving up.

The problem is at Orgasm and if you at that point have to break behind a truck. It really screws up the question are you cumming or going. Then you hit the truck her head gets jerked forward and she bites your dick off.
Her head is then found sticking out of the Windshield with your dick hanging like a cigar. Not a pretty story but one that had to be told.

It's not the driving that's difficult it's staying in the right hand lane.

Which reminds me of the old joke about the new model car---The Pevertable. The top stays up but the driver goes down.....bada bing.

Been there. Done that.  What a great fantasy to work out.  Passing drivers in SUV's seemed to enjoy it too.

Poopdeck Pappy2621 reads

I have been doing it for years, well, not recently but I have done it in the past. Even CG while driving, that requires bucket seats and a spinner though. I would not suggest it in an urban setting or during rush hour.

laidback_nc2541 reads

That distracts me from enjoying the BJ. As "limey" pointed out, the thoughts of amputation of your dick by having it bitten off is a real thrill killer.

One of my ATF movies, laidback...thanks for the reminder.

"Michael Milton...sounds like a flavor in a gay ice cream parlor.
Chock-full-o'-chocolate, Mocha Madness, Michael Milton"

Robin Williams has never, ever been better...and John Irving's story and adaptation was sublime.

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