TER General Board

I have no problem with it...
cspatz 67 Reviews 429 reads

...so long as it is clean, warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

What are the thoughts on an apartment incall?

There is someone I see who has an apartment solely for work that she shares with another prostitute. They don't live there, they just 'entertain' the johns there.

It's a nice, clean place in a good neighborhood that is safe. Service is top notch but it is in an apartment building.

One time I was leaving and I ran into a neighbor with his kids in the next apartment. Nothing bad happened, we both ignored each other but I imagine he know why I was there. A neighbor would realize that a woman or in this case,  two women wouldn't have that many boyfriends coming over and staying for an hour or two.  Do people feel safe in fixed incall apartments?

Why would you care what he thinks or suspects? It could be that he was just thinking "ok, I gotta pick up milk and bread and stop by the post office to get stamps".

I think it's awesome to see a lady in an apartment, I see a few like that. It's easier for them to have refreshments and honestly they seem to be a little more relaxed, but perhaps I'm the one who is a little more relaxed and it's my perception.

I'm not sure you should concern yourself too much with what the neighbor thinks, it's none if his business and besides I suspect your guilty conscious was what was making you think he was judging you.

It's all good man, have fun, be respectful and this is a wonderful life.

GaGambler704 reads

but yes, it can and has been problematic if the neighbors start to notice and complain. I have seen many occasions where a bust occurred because of a "neighbor complaint"

Ladies need to be very careful in selecting an incall apartment as to bring as little attention to themselves as possible, they also need to manage their traffic with the same purpose.

That said, I do actually prefer the apartment incalls for some of the very same reasons you do, but it's not a slam dunk, some thought needs to be put into it. It's a common strategy of LE to wait outside an incall of a suspected prostitute and wait for the next john to come out, grab him and try to sweat him to give them probable cause to arrest her, they usually then wait for the next poor slob to show up and try to catch them "in the act" so to speak. Note to anyone who doesn't already know this, if you are the guy they try to "sweat" into admitting to a crime, STFU, LE has nothing on you, you don't have to admit to anything and they have ZERO cause to arrest you unless you give it to them, but under no circumstances should you lie to LE, or you may be finding yourself facing obstruction charges, but that doesn't mean you have to admit to a damn thing. A simple "my activities are my own, and a private matter that I choose not to discuss and if I am not under arrest I will assume that I am free to go" will certainly suffice.

Fifth Amendment (right against self-incrimination), which is you do not have to disclose your business. Be courteous and say officer thanks but no thanks, I'm plead the Fifth Amendment.**  

If you’re not in a vehicle, and LE asks to see your I.D., you do not have to show it, say, “I do not consent to search and seizure.” (right against unreasonable searches and seizures, Fourth Amendment*).

Then after the above, say to the officer, “Am I free to go?” (This lets them know you’re not staying there on your own free will.)

Worse comes to worse and they disrespect all of the above, your rights are violated and they stand up in the courts.  

(Note: As far as the fourth, there are nuances to probable cause in different states, inside a vehicle, inside a residence, or as a pedestrian, and it demands further research to the state you’re in. Generally speaking, the officer has to have probable cause to legally defend a search and seizure in a Court of Law.)

I’m also thinking here, if they question you, they’re more likely after information regarding the activity in the apartment unit. Later, they may more likely pose as Johns and go after the provider.  

On-the-other-hand, they will go after Johns by setting up their own sting operation.  

In one town over where I live, a hotel complained about the activity in one of its units. LE set up a sting operation at the hotel; advertised in BP. It led to the arrest of a dozen Johns. (Of all days, it took place on Valentine’s Day.)

*Fourth Amendment: right of privacy, right against unreasonable searches and seizures, right to confront adverse witnesses.

**Fifth Amendment: Right to trail by jury, right to due process of laws (life, liberty, property), right against self-incrimination, freedom from double jeopardy.  

Source on the amendments: Nolo, 14th  Edition, Legal Research, How to find & Understand the Law

I wish to Buda I could see people in my apartment, but the compartmentalization necessary for this hobby would be compromised by letting someone see my personal space. Pics of family…choice of decor… weed crumbs on my coffee table… Not to mention MY ADDRESS!!! Maybe with a long time regular but other than that…

However I must say the paranoia would be cut in half. This isn't a place I have for a day with cameras and pushy cleaning ladies and front desks. This is my home and if I wanna have 20 men here and was bold enough to do so I dare some a-hole paying the same rent to complain. It's 2014. I could be a nympho or a therapist seeing clients from home (not far off often). Long as I'm not blaring music or having police wielding drama it's my fucking home. I say kuddos to those that can and do and if I was a client it would definitely put me more at ease.

cuppajoe506 reads

Saw Laurie (for those who remember) for many years in a small in-call in the city.  10 story apt. building without a doorman.  Daytime was my regular appointment, rarely ran into anyone, and when I did, it was in the foyer. Felt very discreet. On the other hand, some ladies got busted running an in-call in one of those big apartment building on the Delaware. Funny coincidence, my SO's secretary lived in the building, and it s was the buzz round the office for a while.  I had no comment other than "Wow, no kidding".  

Have to evaluate each situation with your James Bond hat on to evaluate the security situation.  

Posted By: madman274
What are the thoughts on an apartment incall?  
 There is someone I see who has an apartment solely for work that she shares with another prostitute. They don't live there, they just 'entertain' the johns there.  
 It's a nice, clean place in a good neighborhood that is safe. Service is top notch but it is in an apartment building.  
 One time I was leaving and I ran into a neighbor with his kids in the next apartment. Nothing bad happened, we both ignored each other but I imagine he know why I was there. A neighbor would realize that a woman or in this case,  two women wouldn't have that many boyfriends coming over and staying for an hour or two.  Do people feel safe in fixed incall apartments?

Ok, no hostility toward the OP... Seriously, I am not mad at you one bit! Happy Monday baby!

Ok, the apartment situation, I don't like it. Not when there are neighbors etc that know the ins and outs of who's there. Not when she is renting the property and management and whomever can gain access and investigate whenever they'd like. You may think they don't, but ppl do realize who lives there and who visits there and who just doesn't belong. If this is a busy apartment building with families and folks that are home all day, then no, it's not wise. On the other hand, if this is an upscale gated apartment, where the doors are not on top of each other, then that's completely different. The main thing to consider is your lady mature and generally safe in her routine? And sharing the incall with another lady, I would raise an eyebrow because we all have different motives while working in the hobby. Could be risky. IJS.

Personally, I entertained in a stand alone apartment for a year. A friend was in between renters and the apartment was vacant for the most part. It had a private parking lot, away from the street, a private entrance, where no one was near the apartment door, and it was owned by my friend, who knew that there would be professional gentlemen stopping by during the day. We never had an issue with it, other than once when someone got their appointments screwed up, not my fault, but we had hard and fast rules to keep the cover in place and to not be too "hot" with what was going on. And, The entire community were young professionals whom were always out at work all day and too busy to notice anything. I try my hardest to stay safe and discreet, and I do the same for my friends, I can only hope every lady and gent cares as much. Stay safe!  

Posted By: madman274
What are the thoughts on an apartment incall?  
 There is someone I see who has an apartment solely for work that she shares with another prostitute. They don't live there, they just 'entertain' the johns there.  
 It's a nice, clean place in a good neighborhood that is safe. Service is top notch but it is in an apartment building.  

One time I was leaving and I ran into a neighbor with his kids in the next apartment. Nothing bad happened, we both ignored each other but I imagine he know why I was there. A neighbor would realize that a woman or in this case,  two women wouldn't have that many boyfriends coming over and staying for an hour or two.  Do people feel safe in fixed incall apartments?

However, you mentioned she shares it with another provider.  That can be a issue. I've seen it where the two got into disagreements and it became uncomfortable. Also it doubles the traffic to the incall which can also be an issue. Scheduling can be an issue as well.  My preference for an apartment incall is in one of those large gated complexes, the type where the renters don't stay long and usually don't know each other.  My issue is the fact these complexes can be a challenge to navigate once past the security gates.  

Posted By: madman274
What are the thoughts on an apartment incall?  
 There is someone I see who has an apartment solely for work that she shares with another prostitute. They don't live there, they just 'entertain' the johns there.  
 It's a nice, clean place in a good neighborhood that is safe. Service is top notch but it is in an apartment building.  
 One time I was leaving and I ran into a neighbor with his kids in the next apartment. Nothing bad happened, we both ignored each other but I imagine he know why I was there. A neighbor would realize that a woman or in this case,  two women wouldn't have that many boyfriends coming over and staying for an hour or two.  Do people feel safe in fixed incall apartments?

Its tough to the apartments sometimes.
  I just keep walking around till I find it

-- Modified on 7/7/2014 6:30:58 AM

...so long as it is clean, warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Lickulots558 reads

have been very good. All gated, quite private, and quite day and night.  I hardly ever see anyone when parking, and don't think I've ever seen anyone else in the halls.  Some leave their door unlatched or unlocked when I clear the gate, and I can walk right in without knocking or making a racket.  Obviously a lot of thought was given on these apartment's locations in the complex.  The locations have always been very comfortable for me, but when traveling I usually have outcalls to my hotel.

I think it depends on what city you're in and what part of town.

Oddly, I feel better in a very large complex than in a smaller one. Also, more relaxed in a large five-star hotel than in a roadside motel.

89Springer458 reads

Nice hotels usually have good soundproofing in the walls. That's not always the case with apartments.  

A couple of providers I've seen have used apartments and/or condo's. It felt more personable, but I was concerned about sound, and also wondered about neighbors.  

A provider I've seen often gave up the apartment she shared with other providers, and went back to hotels. Don't know why.

I saw her pretty much every time I went there.
It was really awkward because I was on a first name basis with the landlady, and I don't know the providers real name.
Try skipping around that one during small talk.

It all started when I helped her water some plants she couldn't reach in front of the building.
Next thing I know I'm shooting the shit in her kitchen unpacking her fucking groceries!

I got to know her neighbors too. Nice people BTW..
They gave me a veal cutlet when I helped them with their kids bike. Yum!

The provider really didn't like me talking to these people, but it would have been so shady if I didn't.
She was surprised, and a little pissed off at the fact that I was on a first name basis..
She didn't get along very well with them.  

I almost shat myself when the woman neighbor took me away from her husband and said in a very quiet, concerned voice.
"She sees other men, you know."
Yea. I know..

If I were older. I would not have been able to convince those people I was her boyfriend.
It could have gone really bad.

So needless to say. I am very careful around apartment incalls now.

SweetSour600 reads

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I saw her pretty much every time I went there.  
 It was really awkward because I was on a first name basis with the landlady, and I don't know the providers real name.  
 Try skipping around that one during small talk.  
 It all started when I helped her water some plants she couldn't reach in front of the building.  
 Next thing I know I'm shooting the shit in her kitchen unpacking her fucking groceries!  
 I got to know her neighbors too. Nice people BTW..  
 They gave me a veal cutlet when I helped them with their kids bike. Yum!  
 The provider really didn't like me talking to these people, but it would have been so shady if I didn't.  
 She was surprised, and a little pissed off at the fact that I was on a first name basis..  
 She didn't get along very well with them.  
 I almost shat myself when the woman neighbor took me away from her husband and said in a very quiet, concerned voice.  
 "She sees other men, you know."  
 Yea. I know..  
 If I were older. I would not have been able to convince those people I was her boyfriend.  
 It could have gone really bad.  
 So needless to say. I am very careful around apartment incalls now.
This sounds like the pilot for a movie.

If she's well reviewed, she knows how to be safe and discreet.  It's all part of doing your homework.

as the only close calls I've had have been in hotels....

But I am always on the lookout for good contact protocols, discretion,  and anonymity.  So larger condo developments and buildings tend to be better than a typical garden apartment building with a dozen or so units per building....    

But I've done fine with the latter as well....

Any residential setting, apartments or houses, have people around that live there. They have a sense of ownership and IMHO they are more likely to take an active interest in anything they see going on around where they live. At a hotel none of the other guests have any reason to pay any attention to me at all, and I've never had any problems with hotel staff other than the housekeeping folks. Just gotta remember to latch the door!

Only one of them on multiple occasions.  One was way too near my house.  I realized later that one of my son's friends lived around the corner.  It would truly have sucked if his parents had recognized my car as they drove down the block and asked my wife about it...  Since then I have gone a few towns over for my fun to stay out of the neighborhood.

I lived in an apt complex and 2 girls worked (but did not live) next door.  For quite a while, I didn't know what was going on. BUT A BUNCH OF DIFFERENT CARS KEPT PARKING IN MY SPACE!!  There was plenty of on-street parking but they had to park in my space in the parking lot.  Summer - winter, didn't matter.  I kept complaining to the property owner that I come home late at night and can't even park in a space I'm paying for.  It wasn't until LATER that I realized what was going on, after the property owners had a meeting and asked the girls to leave.  

Lesson: Do your parking inside the apartment and NOT in the reserved spaces!  

Posted By: madman274
What are the thoughts on an apartment incall?  
 There is someone I see who has an apartment solely for work that she shares with another prostitute. They don't live there, they just 'entertain' the johns there.  
 It's a nice, clean place in a good neighborhood that is safe. Service is top notch but it is in an apartment building.  
 One time I was leaving and I ran into a neighbor with his kids in the next apartment. Nothing bad happened, we both ignored each other but I imagine he know why I was there. A neighbor would realize that a woman or in this case,  two women wouldn't have that many boyfriends coming over and staying for an hour or two.  Do people feel safe in fixed incall apartments?

Don't ever go there again. You will be arrested and out in jail forever.

Apartment Incalls are fine when it's the lady's residence and she lets you in right away.  I've been left standing out in the hall for an uncomfortable time on several occasions.

As for apartments that are only for hobbying, not the girls' residences, I've only been to one, run by an agency.  They got busted shortly after.

People aren't in most of the day and have better things to do than stare out their window all day. I am sure the apartment was chosen based on they don't have a lounge window facing that way to their entrance.

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