TER General Board

I have and ....
dicerbo 42 Reviews 4830 reads
1 / 78
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 257 reads
2 / 78

cop to it first.  Sometimes I will bait them into talking about P4P, and the next thing I know, they are fessing up that they do it.  So technically, the answer is "NO, I do not discuss it with non-hobby friends," but if they admit they are hobbyists, too, then I will discuss it with them.

micktoz 41 Reviews 215 reads
3 / 78

I talk about it with some married friends. They are mostly unhappy in their relationships.  
I'm happily 2 times divorced and my friends are really jealous of my freedom.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 228 reads
4 / 78

unless you like to dig your grave with your tongue.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 181 reads
5 / 78

I only discuss this to the guys I know I have enough dirt on.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 206 reads
6 / 78

Married hobbyists, but for us single guys, absolute secrecy is not that important.

cspatz 67 Reviews 193 reads
7 / 78

....it would be a huge mistake.

lopaw 29 Reviews 273 reads
8 / 78
2648667 31 Reviews 177 reads
9 / 78

But not for burial purposes. That would just be weird.

GaGambler 307 reads
10 / 78

That's an awfully broad brush you are painting with fish.  Virtually everyone I know knows I am a whoremongering pig, just what do I have to gain by hiding it?

I have even had a cop buddy or two who knew I fucked hookers, they were "real cops" and couldn't care less about victimless crimes and we had several good laughs over some of the shit I've done.

Most of the time when the subject comes up for the first time around guys who don't see hookers the reaction ranges anywhere from curiosity to jealousy, to outright disgust and everything in between. Some guys live vicariously through me, others are repulsed by the idea of fucking "such dirty creatures" as hookers, and others just take in stride as something I do that they don't

Tarheel10 49 Reviews 260 reads
11 / 78

Other than the ladies I play with and a few hobbyist friends..
I am too old to start over if the wife caught me and too damn horny to do without..lol

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 323 reads
12 / 78

...the new TER format is completely fucked up!

I have a cop buddy turned criminal prosecutor who's married, has a mistress AND fucks hookers.

All my friends know about my hobbying, but not the wives of my married friends because they'd be suspicious that I was corrupting their hubbies.  But 90% of the married guys don't need corrupting - they're either cheating with civvies or hookers.

JakeFromStateFarm 139 reads
13 / 78
GaGambler 147 reads
14 / 78

even though much of my reply was directed towards fish.  

I was agreeing with CDL disagreeing with fishbro.

I do also agree that the only people I hide my whore mongering from are the wives of my married friends, but for THEIR benefit, not mine. Besides their wives would most likely forbid them from ever seeing me again without them present if they knew what a whore mongering pig I am.

I just reread my last post, and I concede it did look like a response to fish and not CDL. I guess it's time to lite the drinking lamp. lol

-- Modified on 5/11/2017 5:25:42 PM

mojojo 1 Reviews 217 reads
15 / 78

Absolutely not! This is my secret world. While some might understand, most wouldn't. About 20 years ago, I ran into one of my best friends at a strip club, twice. One would think that we could go strip clubbing together sometime, but in the last 20 years neither one of us has mentioned it. The topic is taboo.  

Another time I was eating dinner at a restaurant with some friends of mine when in walked a drop dead gorgeous lady, and sat at a table near us with some of her friends. We were almost speechless. A few years later that lady became one of my all time favorite escorts. Small world. Those ladies at the restaurant come up in our conversations all the time. I would love to tell my friends that I've done every thing on my sex bucket list with the prettiest one many times over. I doubt they'd believe me. Nevertheless, it's one of my strictest rules, and I'll never tell. However, when the topic of the restaurant ladies comes up, I do get a huge smile on my face.  

2648667 31 Reviews 152 reads
16 / 78

Are you sure? Maybe they're doing it too, thinking you'd never understand.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 197 reads
17 / 78

that I agree with you and BigP agreeing with me disagreeing with fish.

lopaw 29 Reviews 229 reads
18 / 78

Lol I wish!
My extended family is so PG you wouldn't believe it. A trip to Disneyland is a BFD to them. They have annual passes that they use regularly. I just can't relate to that. o_0

Some of my guy friends know that I like to go to stripclubs, but even they don't know about my seeing providers or visiting the occasional AMP. This world I only share with similar minded folks, and only online.

GaGambler 177 reads
19 / 78

I remember showing up late to the bar where I was meeting some friends one afternoon. The reason I was late of course was that I had a session with a lovely young lady right before I was to meet my friends at the bar and our session ran over a bit.  

AAR, I show up at the bar, a little disheveled I will admit and my one buddy busts right in a NY minute. He takes one look at me and tells me in as loud a voice as possible "You've got bed head!!!" "You fucker, I know why you are late, you stopped off on the way here to fuck a hooker, DIDN'T YOU???!!!"

Well, what was I supposed to say? Especially with this stupid shit eating grin across my face. lmao.

Having fun is even more fun when you can share your experiences with others. Can you imagine fucking a supermodel, but never being able to brag about it? fuck that. Any friends who disapprove of my whore mongering can find themselves a new friend.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 232 reads
20 / 78

After all, you are married to a former hooker, and I swear you mentioned before tgatvuour kids know you hobby. So how is it that you should absolutely not talk about it to non hobby friends?

Even if it was true for you that you don't discuss it, saying that nobody should is over reaching. Everyone is in a sifferent situation here.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 197 reads
21 / 78

I don't go around broadcasting that I do this, but I don't deny it, and have discussed it with people who admitted to it first.

I am also single.

rangerc79 155 Reviews 134 reads
22 / 78

don't discuss it with others, even if you're married or single, remember the rules of this hobby, BE DISCRETE!!!

2648667 31 Reviews 173 reads
23 / 78

I'm sorry but I can't relate to that.

I understand that around the general public / mixed company, fucking for pay (or paying for fucks) is a taboo topic. I get why it's a closely guarded secret for married guys. How in the hell is a strip club "too taboo" for a "best friend"? There's not even any legal issues there. I'm sorry, but if I'd known someone for over twenty years and I couldn't talk to him about strip clubbing, I wouldn't think of him as a friend.

Maybe it's a generational thing? If I'd been in a strip club 20 years ago, whoever let me in would be arrested so you're at least a little older than me. LoL

Hopefully I don't sound all preachy, to each their own, but I don't understand where you're coming from.

GaGambler 192 reads
24 / 78

I went into my first strip club right about 43 years ago. It was also the first time I ever fucked a hooker.

No Fearghas, you don't sound preachy, but "some" of the guys on this thread sure do. I completely understand keeping this shit to yourself if you are cheating on someone, but for those of us not cheating, I just don't get it.

2648667 31 Reviews 248 reads
25 / 78

Haha. Well, the OP had said friends, so I wasn't even thinking about family. I don't see me talking with the famn damily either. I'd say mine is a lot like yours, except mine is occasionally aghast at PG. let's just keep things in a nice safe G rating. LoL!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 211 reads
27 / 78

What is said can never be taken back, and sins of commission are far worse than those of omission.

You never know how a person is going to take something, and if not that person, then maybe the person he shares that with.  

So, why take the chance?

What does it gain you?

I guess you can tell, I've been burned.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 210 reads
28 / 78

The movie, that is, not the Bible.

It definitely had an impact on me.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 226 reads
30 / 78

True, each of us has a different situation, but as I point out above, it is best if possible to never let this cat out of it's proverbial bag.

GaGambler 352 reads
31 / 78

But a LOT of my stories start off with "I was with this hooker one night....." lol

At the current state of my life the only reason for me to keep this part of my life private would be if I were somehow ashamed of what I do, and I am most certainly NOT ashamed of this part of my life so other people can think what they like. Pot smokers and gay people don't go around with signs on their backs, but there's not a lot of them left in the closet either.

-- Modified on 5/11/2017 8:11:32 PM

2648667 31 Reviews 269 reads
32 / 78
2648667 31 Reviews 233 reads
33 / 78

Oh I remember that line. Though admittedly I'd forgotten it until you brought it up. My answer stays the same lol.

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 230 reads
34 / 78

You guys keep talking about that shit all you want. I'll just take Niki's advice and just do it.

2648667 31 Reviews 163 reads
35 / 78

Gotta love the irony of that phrase being associated with a GREEK Goddess.

2648667 31 Reviews 192 reads
36 / 78

To me, discretion is never doing anything to draw attention to myself at or on my way to an appointment, never saying or writing anything incriminating before I've met her in person, and possibly not even after that depending on her lead. I would also not tell the close friends I talk to about this WHO I've seen.

There are other things, obviously but IMO, discretion does not mean acting like I'm ashamed of myself.

For married folks, or those with sensitive jobs, discretion can mean different things. I get that. I'm not saying everyone should broadcast it. It's every person's choice. I'm saying the people pounding on the table screaming nobody ever should no fucking matter what should slow their role a little bit.

In fairness, a lot of this isn't really directed at you, lol.

JakeFromStateFarm 233 reads
37 / 78
Cochese2 2 Reviews 200 reads
38 / 78

Absolutely not. Part of my life that is Strictly, a personal part of my life without exception.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 151 reads
39 / 78

I've just recently got lay and lie figured out (until you bring up past tense, anyways.)

Next year I'll work on those.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 143 reads
40 / 78
trex44 9 Reviews 132 reads
41 / 78

...not because I must but because I choose to limit possible exposure and unintended consequences.

I've been divorced for years, the kids are grown and in disparate parts of the country, haven't had a civvie relationship for years -- so why do I feel the need to keep my activities under wraps?

Part of it is the straight-laced family members I live with (yes, a 63 y/o man taking caring of his elderly Mom and Sis is 2.5 miles away). They're both "good Christians" and would both have heart attacks if they knew of my extracurricular activities. To say they aren't very understanding folks is quite the understatement -- part of the reason(s) my last civvie relationship ended was because my S.O. was Jewish and they told me a week after introducing her to them that they were "concerned for my immortal soul" because I wasn't dating a Christian. Imagine their response to know I've been visiting paid social companions for 25 years!

I also live in a small rural town and everybody knows me and what I do for a living -- can't walk around downtown visiting accounts without 2 or 3 people saying hi, asking how Mom is doing, etc. Again, my sales position would take a significant hit in this conservative area should my fun side become common knowledge. Thus my travels to larger towns/cities 2-4+ hours away to play -- more camouflage in a larger pool of people and a larger selection of lovelies.

So no, even though I'm tempted to tell stories "out of school" when buddies/co-workers/family members express concern that I'm not seeing anyone, I just smile and keep those stories inside -- where the heat keeps me nice and warm, with a Cheshire cat smile on my face.

It's impossible to unring a bell -- once that info is out there, it will travel and take on a life of its own. I've seen terrible things happen to people I've known because of small-minded people (especially their own families).

2648667 31 Reviews 168 reads
42 / 78
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 158 reads
43 / 78

in a closet ain't all that bad.  Lol

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 123 reads
44 / 78

I only post from my phone anymore. I don't even own a computer. I just need to take time to go back and correct those stupid typos and autocorrects.

scoed 8 Reviews 142 reads
45 / 78

If they can't handle me as I am, a guy with an open marriage that enjoys the company of sex workers from time to time, well I hope they don't let the door hit there ass as they leave my life. If I can't be honest with my friends they aren't my friends.

What does it gain me? Well I don't have to hide or play pretend with fake friends for one. Second what does it cost me? Worse case a fake friend or too. Who cares.

Now I don't advertise what I do. And I have a few cop friends I am closed lipped with as it could put them in compromising position. But my family and close friends all know.  

Now as for the OP, yes I have had conversations with people outside of the hobby about the hobby. Some are curious and ask questions. Others get judgmental. No one I cared about left my life though. I have a few family member's that out of love try to save my soul form time to time.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 169 reads
46 / 78

It's not generational. I went to my first strip club in 1976 as a 16 year old. I still go to strip clubs occasionally. While not everyone in my life knows I pay to fuck hookers, everyone in my life knows I have gone to strip clubs. (This includes both parents when they were alive,  all my male and female siblings, relatives,  work mates and friends. Many of them have gone with me. Nothing  "taboo" about strip clubs.

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 242 reads
47 / 78

Is that you have someone to tell all your hobbying woes to.  I have mostly male friends who all have experience with this and they come to me for advice or to tell me about their experiences.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 179 reads
48 / 78
MasterZen 33 Reviews 135 reads
49 / 78

are easily poured and impossible to recover.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 252 reads
51 / 78

Posted By: Waxick

If so, how do they react?
Pay to play without stress

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 129 reads
52 / 78

However, from time to time I'll talk to a escort friend.

Posted By: Waxick

If so, how do they react?

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 97 reads
53 / 78

I've been called "preachy" on this board on more than one occasion.  I guess living with certain codes doesn't always sit well with others in some of my responses.  

You don't get why someone who is single doesn't mention this lifestyle?  I just don't talk about myself very much.  Even the women I've dated IRL hardly know me.  So why would I mention this lifestyle to anyone?

GaGambler 220 reads
54 / 78

being afraid, ashamed or otherwise unwilling to admit to it is quite another.

If you are single and the topic of prostitution comes up and you NEVER mention that you have seen hookers, then either you are afraid of condemnation, you are ashamed of consorting with hookers, or you have some other reason that you really need to address about why you would care about what other people would think upon learning you fuck hookers.

Now this is does not apply to people who could be hurt financially or otherwise if it became common knowledge that they were seeing hookers. Married people, teachers, politicians et al.

NEVER admitting this to anyone means that either a person is scared of the consequences (disapproval by others is a "consequence") or has at least some degree of shame about what they are doing.

In your case for example, if you have friends who know that you love to camp, but have no idea you have ever been with a hooker, you really need to ask yourself why you can be open about camping, but secretive where it comes to fucking hookers. You may not like the answer, but you really need to ask yourself the question.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 184 reads
55 / 78

I am one of those individuals who could be hurt by it if it became common knowledge.  Officially, the subject did come up not to long ago and I did admit to the fact.  

A number of people know that I spend a great deal of time outdoors, I have trinkets from all over the place.  I also tend to disappear and not be heard from.  It's very rare for me to go with anyone, I prefer my own company.  It's how I recharge.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 199 reads
56 / 78

I've always been private with my private life.  
When I was young I had more temporary GF's than I could count but as far as guys knew I had no GF.  
Even among my closest  school mates  I would never kiss the Gal and tell.  

 Most  often my temporary GF was another guy' s full time  GF, except when she was with me .   :-D  

   I see no point in telling anyone I've visited Hookers and loved them unless I decide to quit seeing civilian Gals.    
 An extremely large percentage of  civilian Gals believe  anyone that visits Hookers is low life and desperate.  
  Desperate guys are on the bottom of almost every woman's list.
 I told one guy, a booker for a few independent's, about a Gal who worked for a different agency doing OTC after hours with me, when she came to town.  He was the only person I told.     He snitched to the agency owner.  

Guys snitch more than women, no sense telling guys anything I want to stay confidential.
The guy you trust is likely to drop a dime on you if he sees an advantage to snitching.

  When I am too old to deal with civilian women challenges I will tell some friends.
   If I live that long.
  Until that day comes......  

vantheman666 10 Reviews 118 reads
57 / 78

However, I do exercise some discretion.  For instance, the sex-negative feminazis at my workplace will never hear about it, but they're in the minority.  You'd be surprised at how many of my female co-workers think that what I'm doing is cool, and love to hear my stories about it.  I've also chewed the ears off my local representatives about the topic of decriminalization.  I understand that married mongers can't be as open as me, but I sure wish more of the single mongers would jump on the wagon and start getting this "normalized" like the potheads and the gays have.

Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 153 reads
58 / 78

Just wondering for your friends who know you exceptionally well, would they even have a hint of your proclivities in the hobby? I am just asking because if you have been to strip clubs with them, then I am wondering if you paid for a lap dance as well as the conversation you might have on other topics encompassing sex, then I am sure although it hasn't been said yet if they have a question although it is untraditional being a woman if you had pay for play.  Also I am wondering if they are really sharp listeners and if they can concatenate certain things within the conversation that might take them down the road to inquire about your potential for such activity.  At some point, someone is not going to be slow on that.

Luciano_luna See my TER Reviews 139 reads
59 / 78

she then became a provider herself. Shes more UTR ...but very shocking to me since she also was very private in personal life and the fact that she is with someone.  

I went and told a stranger that was sitting next to me on a flight once.....I just feel the need sometimes to not feel like im hiding my double life. I love my double life and I find it so ....addicting in a way. I just HAD to tell someone because I really needed someone to vent too....and this person was also a woman..she gave me hug and said to just be smart with my earnings and she will keep me in her prayers ...all while showing me she was a mayors wife. When she let me know that she respected my decision and completely didn't see anything wrong with this way of life...I felt very good inside.

I love being Luna & Luna loves being me.

JakeFromStateFarm 206 reads
60 / 78

Dupy tries to be uber articluate and Fancy talks like Tonto.  But both are equally incomprehensible.

sdottaylor 19 Reviews 136 reads
61 / 78

I'm single, so I really don't care too much about discretion. Just as long as family/work doesn't find out. I'd rather not tell all my friends, but a few know.  

One of my friends confessed to me about how him and his ex were swingers and told me not to tell anyone. As a display of trust, I told him that I see escorts occasionally. No real reaction from him

Another one of my friends, I told. He seems very interested. I'll text him about an experience, and he'll ask to see her website and ask me how it was. He works for TSA, so he said that he'll probably never see an escort,  but I know he's interested. He's got the hots for my ATF and asked me for my recommendations for who to see when he comes to DC. I've told him about TER and I think he's been on the site.

Another one of my friends, he kind of got me into this world. He'll occasionally see a craigslist/backpage girl. We've talked about it, hell when he was drunk, he wanted to split an escort. I said no.

Lastly, couple years ago while watching football, me seeing an escort became a topic of conversation. One of my other friends said when he was in North Carolina, he talked a backpage escort down to half her going rate. On the outside, I was laughing, internally I was thinking "damn, you've just made it harder for black people to see escorts"

subrob27 83 Reviews 124 reads
62 / 78
micktoz 41 Reviews 120 reads
63 / 78

..... with a group of guys. A few of them asked me for referrals to some of the ladies I play with.  
Now I'm not sure that I want to share.  
Hhhmmm, I need to take a look at that and see where that is coming from.  
Maybe, I don't trust a couple of them to not be arseholes.

Bigben68 10 Reviews 144 reads
64 / 78

Very similar for me also.

Small town b.s.
  I do tell some friends about my fun times and Vegas trips. Some like it, some don't.

One concern I have, is that if I do start dating in the real world. Someone will say "I know that guy, he's the one that bangs all the hookers".....lol

Guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there...( if ever)

I'm pretty honest and open, but I think that would kill a new relationship.

I've been single for 7 years and am having an absolute blast with some great ladies.  
With no drama and b.s.

GaGambler 234 reads
65 / 78

I wouldn't vouch for any casual buddies that I don't trust to be absolutely safe with the ladies. There are quite a few guys out there who think "paying for it" gives them the right to take certain liberties with the girls, and I wouldn't want to be the reason a girl got stiffed, hurt, or worse.

There are certain guys we all know that you "just know" there is something dark down there somewhere.

micktoz 41 Reviews 203 reads
66 / 78

You are right. I need to trust my conscience on this one.

scoed 8 Reviews 123 reads
67 / 78

Unless your 110% sure they will behave themselves, not waste the lady's time, and pay as requested best to pass on being a reference for others. After all you haven't been a female sex worker alone with them, people's behavior changes in different situations.

russbbj 89 Reviews 112 reads
68 / 78

Nothing good can come from doing so, and a whole lot of bad can happen. I enjoy attending M&G's so that I can talk about the favorite part of my life.

The closest I've ever come to discussing the hobby with a civie, I was at a stripclub with a group of colleagues and one of them is the most miserable man I know. His wife is a cunt, according to him she hasn't laid him in years,  he has 5 kids, and he's convinced that he cannot afford to get divorced, poor bastard. Anyway, someone in the group mentioned that maybe one of the strippers would take care of him for a fee. He said "I'd never pay for sex", I almost spit my Bourbon out of my mouth when I heard him say that. My reply was "dude, you pay for sex every day of your life, and you're not getting any". A short time later one of the other guys said "oh, I've ordered a prostitute off of BP, it's great". I flagged down the waitress and acted as if I did hear or understand him".  

Discussing our life with a civie is a lose, lose proposition, especially with colleagues or customers, you can not recover lost professional reputation. I don't really give a fuck about personal reputation, but I staunchly protect my professional reputation.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 121 reads
69 / 78

I made this mistake once years ago with a best friend who inquired, and I let him know in the affirmative.  He later reverted to form, and told me I would be much better off following his lead with My Time.  Maybe, but it's not yet My Time.  Even though this friend dates back to childhood, the attitude of disapproval was evident, as it always is with folks outside the Hobby.   Doesn't matter that we've been and are friends for now forty years, taken vacations together, shared civvie girlfriends,  did other things I can't mention here with 420 and whatever else; with civvies, you are supposed to play the game despite the fact that the failure rate is in excess of 95%.  Hobbying is cheating, which is absurd...for me, that eventually became intolerable.    

Since then, the hobby is like Vegas.   Always have a cover story for civvie friends and family, and take your secrets to the grave except with fellow travelers.   What happens in the hobby, stays within the hobby.  Leaks are the epitome of uncool.

ATLDAWG 249 reads
70 / 78

The problem with talking with someone about the hooker world and one's involvement is that you never can be sure that the person you talk with won't tell their wife, SO, or someone else -  all of which can bite you on the ass down the road.  Best to stay quiet on the topic.....

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: Here's why I'm so uncharacteristically dogmatic on this point...
What is said can never be taken back, and sins of commission are far worse than those of omission.  
 You never know how a person is going to take something, and if not that person, then maybe the person he shares that with.    
 So, why take the chance?  
 What does it gain you?  
 I guess you can tell, I've been burned.

GaGambler 154 reads
71 / 78

I have been divorced for well over 20 years, I don't have a boss, I don't have kids. Quite frankly there is nothing anyone can do with the information that "I fuck hookers" can do with the information that can do me any harm.

The only thing someone can do to me is "disapprove" and I simply don't give a rat's fucking ass if someone disapproves of what I do. I don't live for the approval of other people, and I no longer live in the big city. I live in a small, church going city in N. Texas. I still don't give a fuck. It's my life and if someone wants to take a bite out of my ass, let em try. lol

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 117 reads
72 / 78

It's like screening an escort. If you don't know who you can trust, then NO NO NO ... But I do. Oddly, I'm going to a party this summer, a reunion of sorts, and I met a friend in Philly last week who asked ... "can we bring a hooker" ... my kind of guy.  

I might but I'll probably stay for most of the day and she might not enjoy it as much as I will. I don't have a problem showing her enough attention for 8 or 10 hours but they're my friends not hers. She'll know no one there ... I hope ...LOL

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 128 reads
73 / 78

what people think about my lifestyle. For the record, I'm not married or in a relationship. That might change my feelings a bit depending on the audience.

-- Modified on 5/14/2017 3:08:15 PM

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 173 reads
74 / 78

JUST KIDDING ... I get your point.  
Neither quantity nor quality

-- Modified on 5/14/2017 11:24:19 AM

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 125 reads
75 / 78

If they're still in the closet.  But I get your point.  
You? And hookers? Right ... lol ... I heard you're  
still in the closet and still a virgin. Just sayin ... lol

-- Modified on 5/14/2017 11:23:08 AM

Hedonist51 1 Reviews 132 reads
76 / 78

and that was after he told me about his recent visit to an AMP, and street walkers back in the day. Never got into any details at all though, just told him that I had some experience too. He started by telling me an AMP rip-off story- kind of needed someone to open up with and vent.

crissy808 See my TER Reviews 130 reads
77 / 78

As a provider whose family and friends know this thread is sooooo interesting!!! Here's to my successful divorce and amazing friends!

VincenzoG91 5 Reviews 118 reads
78 / 78

I have never talked about the hobby with non-hobbying female friends. I have talked about it with five of my male friends. Turns out that two of them were also hobbyists. Of the other three, their reaction was moderate curiosity. I answered all their questions, and in one case strongly recommended that the guy give it a try. All three had the mindset that they would never pay for it, though the divorced one understood that he ended up paying his ex plenty for the sex that they had.

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