TER General Board

I have a real-life . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 109 reads

poop-in-your-mouth story, but it involves an 85 year old hobbyist who lost control during a rimming and let it go into the provider's mouth.  She took a month off, presumably to brush her teeth 24/7.  True story (except for the teethbrushing, that's my speculation).

NomdeAmour9995 reads

Today I did BBFS for the first time ever in 7 years of p4p. It was a very young Sugar Baby, we each had recent test results, and somehow we decided to trust each other. So, let's get some data on this topic.

1. Gents, and PLEASE, ladies as well, weigh in, USING YOUR ALIAS. (Unless, like GaG, you just don't give a fuck.) This should allow everyone to respond candidly.

2. State "provider" or "client". And, ladies, your input is needed! Be anonymous, but please contribute!! This is very important, because, obviously,  client stories of BBFS are just BS unless there are SOME similar stories from providers.

3. State that you've done BBFS:
(a) Never
(b) often
(c) rarely
(d) just once or twice
(d) never

4. The subjective part. When do you do BBFS? With whom? Why? What makes you comfortable with it? Other comments.

5. And, please, no editorializing. Let's just get a somewhat objective assessment of what's going on out there.

So, I would be: Client, just once or twice, because we had an unusual level of trust and I thought she was simply too young to have any issues.

...and you really don't know what I've done, so why chance it?
Now, that's not to say I don't have unprotected sex.  I've been dating a married couple for just over a year, and we don't use condoms. But, when we all first started seeing each other, we did.
They trust me in the fact that I would never want to bring any of my work home to them, and I don't want to lose that trust.
Now, have there been times when I've wanted to give a client BBFS?
Sure. I won't deny it.  But I haven't, yet.
If I do, I better be damn sure about what I'm doing.

ROGM109 reads

I'm seeing two providers BBFSCIP.
Both in their early 30's.
Once every week or two. Depending on her availability.
100% total trust with both of us. And they're both gorgeous.  
Sorry I can't reveal who they are.  

Do the ladies know about each other?

you're fucking two different (attractive by your standards) women raw... how many other men are these two women fucking raw? That's a lot of raw sex and bodily fluids...

It always blows my mind how little these dudes think. If she's doing my BB with one person, she's also doing it with others. That's just disaster waiting to happen.

Next week we'll see a post like "my junk has been itching really bad lately and..." or "my test results came back and it wasn't what I was expecting"🤦🏻‍♀️

a vaginal moisturizer, then it won't be raw, it will be soft and smooth.  Providers and johns should know this.

when HIV/AIDS was new and a death sentence, the motto was "if you are having unsafe sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone they've had unsafe sex with".  My ex was the STD nurse for the state health department for 5 counties.  It was a scary scary time.  The story I remember most (of course she didn't share names) was that she had to tell a 20 something young girl that she had tested positive, her 2 year old daughter tested positive, and her unborn baby would likely be positive.  Tragic...

Both times I was on my back and  expecting CG.  Not sure what the girls were thinking but both just inserted me BB and started riding without saying anything.  Both girls have retired from hobbyland, but one I still know in real life.  She lives one town over from where I work.  Both events were about 5 years ago and my dick hasn't fallen off yet.

My personal preference is BBBJ the full hour but I know a girl needs to breathe.  Always cover for FS, with the two exceptions mentioned

That's exactly how my two year long "relationship" with my sensual massage girl started.  Me on my back, her massacring my legs and working her way up. Then, before I could even react, I'm balls deep in her.  Didn't stop her from going to town on my knob.  Felt too damn good.  

Uncovered pu$$ie$ and daty and rimming cleaner and safer than uncovered d!ck?  It's your dime on time.Client just one or twice because we had an unusual level of trust

ROGM114 reads

The one that started this post just wanted what others experienced with BBFS. So those that are against BBFS should shut the Hell Up! You're not going to stop those that like BBFS from going BBFS.

ATLDAWG96 reads

Posted By: ROGM
Re: Anti BBFS People Shut The Hell Up.  
The one that started this post just wanted what others experienced with BBFS. So those that are against BBFS should shut the Hell Up! You're not going to stop those that like BBFS from going BBFS.
AMEN!  The dude that originally posted this is reading all the responses and jerking off into an old sock which has been used for this purpose multiple times without hitting the laundry  !

Awww, whatsa matta?  You no have your yoga class, this morning?

GaGambler108 reads

I would have to say "rarely".  Most of the BBFS I have had with hookers has not been as a client, but as a BF.  I think most people here know my "number" is rather high. If I was getting BBFS from random hookers that I just met, I am pretty sure my dick would have rotted off years ago. lol

Applies to me EXACTLY, word for word.  Once I have transitioned from customer to boyfriend, then its okay.  However, if she is not like-minded, it may not last very long.  

Alias6095 reads

Often -  
With few regular provides with whom it seems right

I guess the risk for you to feel skin on skin is worth it. Porn stars are always tested and it doesnt seem to stop outbreaks from happening in that industry. I doubt you're going to get a life threatening disease in this case since you took the time to get tested, but jesus man, STD test results can show up negative, even though the person is infected. Some STDs take time to develop and may not register on a test, because some STD tests are less effective at detecting positive results for a newly acquired infections. Some people can carry the aids virus but not contract it and not show any symptoms at all. No test is 100% accurate at detecting a disease, so IMO, beyond testing, the person's lifestyle and sexual history are the other tests to see if sex with that individual is going to be safe. In this case, working girls that are currently active are not women who have a recent history (or any real history) of monogamous sexual relationships, so I just wear a jimmy for my own protection.  

So... for me, the answer is A) Never with an active working girl.    

Posted By: NomdeAmour

Today I did BBFS for the first time ever in 7 years of p4p. It was a very young Sugar Baby, we each had recent test results, and somehow we decided to trust each other. So, let's get some data on this topic.  
 1. Gents, and PLEASE, ladies as well, weigh in, USING YOUR ALIAS. (Unless, like GaG, you just don't give a fuck.) This should allow everyone to respond candidly.  
 2. State "provider" or "client". And, ladies, your input is needed! Be anonymous, but please contribute!! This is very important, because, obviously,  client stories of BBFS are just BS unless there are SOME similar stories from providers.  
 3. State that you've done BBFS:  
 (a) Never  
 (b) often  
 (c) rarely  
 (d) just once or twice  
 (d) never  
 4. The subjective part. When do you do BBFS? With whom? Why? What makes you comfortable with it? Other comments.  
 5. And, please, no editorializing. Let's just get a somewhat objective assessment of what's going on out there.  
 So, I would be: Client, just once or twice, because we had an unusual level of trust and I thought she was simply too young to have any issues.

Morpheousman100 reads

Thrice.  Once intentionally and twice unexpectedly.  I don't recommend it, but I emerged unscathed.  

AssAngler110 reads

Offered or indicated it was available about half dozen times, usually with a provider I had seen multiple times
Offers not accepted!

But I assume you're asking about BBFS in P4P, not civvie sex e.g. with spouse/SO.  

icebear92 reads

often (about 20%/25% of the time)
Note that this in the legal club scene in Europe: always if it is in a place were it isn't supposed to happen (not that I think I'm the only one she does it with, I'm not that naive) and 80%/90% of the time in places where it is common knowledge that BBFS is available.

I guess we know it's out there and most ladies deny offering it, even if they clearly must do!
I have never in 15 years as a SW done it with a client, nor would I ever for any amount of money or bookings.
Using a condom is like wearing a hard hat for hookers. Just would never risk it, nor have I ever wanted to.

Dunkindognuts104 reads


Never in P4P as it just has not come up. Try to go in with some idea on only starting repeating recently so who knows what the future holds.  

Subjective part, guess I am more interested in who does CIP vs just BBFS. Feel like the risks jump up a bit with the finish but know it most likely is going on. Not planning on finding out soon though!

icebear97 reads

As for CIP or not:

Most girls that don't want it will tell you about it. Girls that don't say anything, I make clear I'm getting close and the response will either be moving farther away from me or getting closer. The former means I'm pulling out, the latter means  I cum inside her. On the rare occasions it is unclear (in doggy for instance), I play it safe (sic) and pull out.

Sometimes the first time is without CIP, but later it is allowed. Sometimes they say no CIP at the beginning, but don't let me out once we get there. In general though, once CIP has become part of the deal it remains so in following encounters.  

I've never paid for it, nor have I done it with a sex worker.

I have done it plenty of times with serious, exclusive, girlfriends after we were both tested. It is better, no doubt. It's not so much better that it's worth your dick rotting off.


There's a nonzero chance that you'll catch something, namely HSV/HPV, with 100% correct condom use. So, even if you're going BB with someone and they're seeing other people, even if it's 100% covered, you're still at a higher risk.

Caramel_Lady101 reads


I've done it before, wouldn't mind doing it again with extra screening, and a std report.  

Anyone complaining about STD's should see/be a fully covered provider only.  

BBBJ, DATY and rimming all carry the same risks, minus pregnancy.  

I would advertise this but the stigma is so much with this service. and it would still only be available to select clients

And I would charge more for this exceptional service. lol :-)

-- Modified on 8/28/2017 4:52:46 PM

The risks for oral are substantially lower for everything outside of HSV which is moderately lower and only if one of you has an outbreak (and I'd doubt that most providers worth seeing would give BBBJ to a dick with a sore on it, some might give it when they had a cold sore however).

If you're curious there's good science by the CDC to back this up as well.

Caramel_Lady108 reads

why would anyone willingly suck a dick with a sore on it? and yeah it's low until you add CIM and Swallowing, people out here swapping spit back and forth after DATY and BBBJCIMNQNS but you wanna tell me about the risks of BBFS? and herpes is out here spreading with a condom and closed mouth kissing. Any sex ed teacher or nurse or doctor will tell you it's not as risky but is still risky.

> why would anyone willingly suck a dick with a sore on it?  

Someone desperate for money, obviously. It's a terrible idea to service a customer with an outbreak, covered or not, but some people are just trying to pay bills. It's not ok, but I can understand why.  


 >low until

Actually, they're assuming CIM/NS in that risk assessment. If you have a cut/abrasion/gum disease/etc then it can be risky, but the fact is, most diseases don't last long in your mouth and a quick rinse of mouthwash will mitigate most of that risk. Obviously if you take CIM and gargle it on your cheek that you just bit you're going to have trouble. I don't think that's the norm.  


>nurse or doctor will tell you

This is the CDC's ballgame, and they're better informed than the average doctor. They're the ones running the studies looking at disease transmission. Your average doctor is going to be very conservative with what they tell you, because they're liable for their advice to an extent, and their malpractice insurance payments are high as-is.

Imabigfan118 reads

Never in almost 20 years. Only 'offered' once and that was after I pushed her off when she tried to slip it in during a stripper slide.  A few other times I had a feeling it might be available but wasn't offered.

I hope your spouses catches something & divorce your asses & takes everything !!!  Or if you're single I hope you get them prego and have to pay an outrageous amount in child support or get stuck paying for someone else's baby!!!!  

Seriously!!! It's ridiculous to justify BBFS in this line of work... Keep thinking your special for doing BBFS offered by providers cause if they are offering to you they're offering it to other clients!!! Sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths isnt  CUTE!!!    

Please go get tested ASAP!!!!

It's a bad idea, everyone knows that.

That said, it's in poor character to wish evil on someone.

Is it poor character?   I'm stating consequences that follows with stupidity!!! I never said I wish upon... I stated I hope!!!!

>I hope your spouses catches something & divorce your asses & takes everything !!!

You're right actually, hoping evil on someone is far worse than wishing evil on someone. Wishing is used for something that's unlikely, hope is used for something that you think is likely.

I don't think that you're looking for simple consequences due to actions here here. By your language, you'd prefer people participating in BBFS be punished. It's an old guard way of thinking you're prescribed to, that everyone will be "Punished for Their Sins", and it's a shitty way to treat people, if only mentally.


Again, your use of language betrays you. I'd recommend for, your own sanity, to waste less time wanting bad things to happen to people.

I'd recommend a cover for a civvie girl much less than a prostitute who sees like how many guys a week.  

Julian781 reads

Unless they are borrowing your dick, none of your business!

NomdeAmour99 reads

I reported my first BBFS experience in hundreds of p4p encounters. I SPECIFICALLY asked for no editorializing. Please.  

Let's just try to get an idea of how much of this is going on, rather than the reflexive condemnation. Having some real information is useful to everyone here, so please don't try to suppress that information gathering because you disapprove of what some people are doing.

BTW, it is a true fact that the odds of getting HIV from one act of unprotected intercourse are lower than the odds of dying in a car crash on the way to that assignation.  Doing it regularly, with multiple unprotected partners puts you in Magic Johnson territory, but one such encounter is a very low risk.

So, to others, please keep responding, and keep it just to the facts.

Tonystarks341288 reads

Keep telling yourself that.. all it takes is one you dumbfuk... smh

We know the consequences of raw sex. We don't need a lecture. Have fun or what fun you can get from this thread.
You're not going to change the attitudes in this P4P world...so just keep on keeping on with your own thing.

ROGM107 reads

Posted By: hpygolky
Re: Wow...party pooper...Lighten up, alittle..we're all adults here...
We know the consequences of raw sex. We don't need a lecture. Have fun or what fun you can get from this thread.  
 You're not going to change the attitudes in this P4P world...so just keep on keeping on with your own thing.
Thank You!!!!!!

A BBFS provider, its better to be the first customer of the day.  By the fourth appointment, it's usually just about full, so when insertion comes, the combined contribution from the first three guys squirts  out on your balls.  Its kind of messy and unappetizing.  When that happens, I never follow up with DATY.  

oh, c'mon.  that's the best part.  lol  Why not go for the gold of grossness.  Follow it up with her popping in your mouth.  Where does it end?  lmao

poop-in-your-mouth story, but it involves an 85 year old hobbyist who lost control during a rimming and let it go into the provider's mouth.  She took a month off, presumably to brush her teeth 24/7.  True story (except for the teethbrushing, that's my speculation).

Don't you think it's a bit hypocritical to be violently forcing your morals and values about BBFS onto others when you already suck bare dick for a living?   This hobby is about mutually consenting adults. So if both people mutually agree, who the fuck are you to criticize?  

If two people decide to rob a bank using weapons, is one a "safer" criminal if he/she uses a knife instead of a gun?

Repping you for that one, Gemma.  That's why a provider I knew is not a provider anymore.  She got knocked up and now he's paying child support.  lol

any post under a real handle will be some dignified answer. questions like these are pointless and just a reason for some people to make themselves sound holier than thou.

I ALWAYS use my real handle because I want all of my responses to be viewed as dignified.  Its all I've got since everyone is holier than me.  

. . . andd whatever two people agree on in the bedroom is *their* business.  

Echoing fancy's post, I find it funny that people vilify raw sex then turn around and eat ass.

Really? Rimming, tossing salad or eating ass as you put it is much safer then going raw!!!  Idk how others eat ass but for me I make sure the ass is sterilized ... Are the dicks steepled for BBFS!  Lmfao!!  

Just out of curiosity is this your way of saying you're a BBFS friendly provider?  

Please note I am not condemning it but eating ass has its own risks. Yes it is at DATY level risks for STD's and much lower that BBFS in that regards but it carries its own unique risks that few other sex acts possess. The biggest is E Coli. Every man, woman, and child is carrying the deadly bacteria in their colon. It is actually useful there. No matter how well washed there is no way to eliminate that risk completely. Every time you toss someones salad you are taking the same risks as eating known contaminated salad greens. Most of the time a healthy adult will be OK most of the time but that is not saying the risks aren't real. E Coli is hardly the only unique risk of DATO. Don't kid yourself DATO is at least as risky as BBFS. The risks are just different.  After all not ever sex partner is carrying a STD to spread during BBFS, But everyone is packing E Coli and it can and does kill.

GaGambler109 reads

What I will do however is to point out that you are hardly "sterilizing" the asses you eat. You might be cleaning them to the best of your ability, but even a freshly washed ass is hardly sterile.


Yes, there are even more risks involved with BBFS, but you can only catch something from somebody by having sex with them if they actually have a disease, but you can get sick from ingesting the fecal matter of even the healthiest person.


Lets not get into "you are an idiot for the risk you take, but my preference is perfectly safe" type of argument. All sex comes with at least some risk, lets try to stick to the facts and not overblow or conversely sugar coat the risks. They are what they are.

I guess that does mean that I "sort of" agreed with Droopy Dog, but don't tell him so. We'll keep that as our little secret. lol

GaGa you crack me up but I get the point!!  

I can't understand the justification of BBFS in this business cause you can procreate with BBFS & who suffers? The illegitment child who sufferers cause mommy & daddy were IDIOTS!!!  Who wants to be burdened with diseases/stds?  Idk I get tested on a regular basis so I advise everyone providers & hobbyists to do the same!!!  Come on life is too fabulous to have an std or diseases!!

It is one thing to put ones own health and happiness on the line and quite another to risk the happiness of a yet to be conceived child. Point well taken.

I still offer uncovered services that prose a risk to myself and others such as BBBJ, DATY, SS and DATO. I've been told by a couple of gentlemen that they wouldn't see a lady who offers all of that and I've also been declined a doubles by a lady as well.  

Hypocrisy much?  

As far as BBFS in the hobby, I've never 'offered' BBFS for extra money but I've been stealthed/raped by a hobbyist who decided to take the condom off while I was in doggy. I'm sure that there are ladies out there who offer BBFS as extra income and/or as a *preference* but that's none of my business.  

All I know is that you must have a real 'disconnect' to be able to go that far with anyone and everyone.  

Hell, even If we lived in a perfect world where diseases didn't exist, I still wouldn't offer BBFS. A raw dick going into my vagina is very personal and very intimate. I really have to be 'into' a guy for that to happen. For the record, I've never used any condoms in my RW relationships and even with my ex sugar daddy.  Albeit, we both had to get tested and I had to start taking the pill (which led to immense weight gain).  

Nonetheless, The funny thing about all this is that we put down BBFS and we ignore the fact that 99.9% of our married clients turn right around and stick their raw dicks into wifey.  

Again, people will do what they want to do . . .

-- Modified on 8/29/2017 4:17:50 PM

BadKisser119 reads

Client, never, unless you count the time we found the condom in her pussy after the act! That said, I should also note that the only time I think I was being offered -- in CG, after P2P, she went almost all the way (took my dick by her hand and raised her hip) , but stopped with the tip of my dick touching her pussy -- I did nothing to stop it, but I was so surprised that I think she saw it in my face and stopped.

ROGM105 reads

Some of you think a girlfriend is safer to go BBFSCIP than a Provider? Seriously? You think you're the first one to have sex with your current girlfriend? Who's to say that your girlfriend isn't hooking on the side?

rando_mn96 reads

Was offered BBFS by two different providers as an upsell during a first appointment. I did it, because I was younger and more reckless at the time. I also got BBFS from another provider after we got into a relationship, and I wasn't worried because she was a safety girl at work: everything wrapped, no kissing, etc.

I BBFS my wife quite often. We both test often. I test every three months or four partners whichever comes first. My wife tests weekly when working as required by law as a legal Nevada brothel prostitute, or every four partners or three months like me when she isn't.

Outside of the marital bed so to speak, I always use a barrier protection (male or female condom) with the paid women I see for FS. As I see it, I have know idea if these women are getting tested regularly. I have to assume everyone is BBFS someone. (Yes, I know some aren't but I still have to assume they are.) And I must assume that if I can pay my way into her love hole sans protection anyone can. So I have to assume that they are extremely high risk, and lets face it I fuck my wife who is both a sex worker and a hobbyist sans cover so I am high risk myself and must protect my parner. I do enjoy BBBJ with my paid dates if they offer it.

So my answers are:

1, I don't give a fuck.

2. Client as no women has shown interest in paying me yet. But ladies if interested my rates are cheap. Just saying.

3. (b) often with my wife. (d) never with anyone else.

4. When? most times I bed my wife on average four times a week. Whom? my wife only. Why? We both prefer raw dog. What make us comfortable with it? We both test often and play it safe with our other partners. Yes there are risks and both of us are considered high risk by the CDC, but life is a risk.

5. No editorializing? Good luck with that. Have you followed this board at all? You might as well be asking them to grow wings and fly it isn't going to happen. See my own post, I am editorializing the hell of point five. Sorry about that. (No, I really aren't.)

I am a client who has never requested or received BBFS.

If you want an objective assessment of BBFS, I will tell you that any activity that makes paid sex more hazardous or brings public attention to it is bad for all participants.  I'm not the bedroom police, but If STD rates start climbing because BBFS becomes a widespread activity, it will start a chain reaction.

1. Public health agencies will notice and commission studies to find out why STD transmission is spreading, because no elected official wants the local newspaper to have a headline saying, "[Insert STD name here] Rates Rocketing; Gov. Dumbass Doing Nothing".

2. They will figure out pretty quickly what's going on because they may be the government, but Public Health agencies are one of the few really effective parts of government.

3. They will publish a report entitled, "Primary Vectors of Transmission in Escalating Rates of STD: A Really Boring Report."  The report will say that BBFS is on the rise.

4. Gov. Dumbass will summon every local attorney general and police chief who wants box seats to the State U's big football game and say, "Break this shit up."

5. Our quiet little corner of the world will wake up to flashing blue lights and bail bondsmen.

exit9123 reads

Including one Nuru gal that I suspect was BBFS but honestly I don't know... wasn't discussed.. another that kind of slipped it in.. I got tested right away.. I was fine.. makes me nervous though.. never by request.. it happens..

Lair1107 reads

This seems to a hot topic in other discussion groups as well.
I'm almost 70 and have lived my life by don't judge lest thee be judged.
I am saddened that I've seen 3 Mojo ads for bbfs recently. I'll stay with TER.

Anyway this is what I posted in my Over 60 group:

"STDs aren't airborne. They are like wasps; you don't want to bring them into your house."

Why do you want the "data" and why is it that important to you??  You obviously are going to keep on with your unsafe practices regardless so who cares what others are doing?

I have never offered it and never would. Not even to a boyfriend no exceptions. My life, health and livelihood are not worth that.

CountofLogan113 reads

Never with a provider, almost always with girlfriends.  
I recently was offered BBFS-greek-by a provider that I see regularly, for an upcharge. Because I am older and have diabetes, I often lose my erection while putting on a condom, so her offer was an attempt to eliminate that problem. I doubt that I will take her up on that offer.

Happens all the time.  Currently, I'm BBFS with a massage provider who I have been seeing for two years.  First time she popped me in raw and it was incredible.  Other is with a regular who I started seeing in 2011.  We hook up weekly and the sex is great but long.  She was getting rubbed raw with the condom and on her suggestion we started going bare in 2014.  No issues with either of these ladies as far as STDs.  

Besides them, I see a swinger couple about once a month and we all got tested about two years ago and then threw out the condoms.  I'm straight but there is nothing more arousing than a hot woman going back and forth between two stiff dicks.  We take turns on sloppy seconds and it's mind-blowingly hot.  Every now and then I see the wife solo and it's always bare.  

Other than those three examples I use protection.  I've got to know someone for a while to gauge whether I can trust them but, even then, it's still a risk and I get tested often.  

ROGM259 reads

I have a playtime session set up this week with my young BBFSCIP provider. She called me because she wants to play. All she wants is for me to take her out to dinner after we play. I feel like a Powerball Lottery Winner since I met this girl.

Agreed.  CIP is as good as it gets., IMO. As deep as I can manage to get it, too, lol.  Never understood the girls who greenlight bareback but want you to squirt somewhere else when the moment arrives.

to clean up your own mess after you cum inside, she might let you.  Most girls I have asked about this say its the extra work to clean up what the guy left is why they want you to cum somewhere else.  I know you can hire cleaning services, but not sure if they also clean jizz out of pussies.  You'd have to ask, but usually, everything has a price.

ROGM77 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: If you offer . . . .
to clean up your own mess after you cum inside, she might let you.  Most girls I have asked about this say its the extra work to clean up what the guy left is why they want you to cum somewhere else.  I know you can hire cleaning services, but not sure if they also clean jizz out of pussies.  You'd have to ask, but usually, everything has a price.
The girl I'm seeing cleans herself after we play. I always finish inside of her. And she seems to like it. In fact after we're done playing she just sits up on the bed and we start talking about everyday things. And all the while she still has my juice inside of her. She's awesome.

As a client---never ever with a provider, under any circumstances!! And never will!!

-- Modified on 9/2/2017 3:02:42 PM

Mr_Info88 reads

Why, I never! *Southern accent*

A lady once hooked me with her legs, and tried to force me in, but I easily stopped her. I just smiled at her, and said, 'where's the cover'? No harm, no foul.

once - 20yrs ago @AMP in Philly

I have never done BBFS with an escort.  If I was considering a lady and saw that she did BBFS with a client in one of her reviews, then I would no longer be considering that lady.  

-- Modified on 9/3/2017 11:32:11 AM

ROGM111 reads

Posted By: ANiceGuyToHookUp
Re: Never ...
I have never done BBFS with an escort.  If I was considering a lady and saw that she did BBFS with a client in one of her reviews, then I would no longer be considering that lady.  

-- Modified on 9/3/2017 11:32:11 AM

Then go use a condom. Even if she offers BBFSCIP I'm sure she wouldn't mind using a Condom. Just because she offers BBFSCIP doesn't mean you have to see her that way. How can you be sure that a girl you're currently seeing with a condom isn't going BBFSCIP with other clients? What the Hell is wrong with some of you?

Many times though I have recently stopped.
Never had an STD but the worry afterwards is stressful and rarely worth the few minutes of fun.

I have been offered BBFS by many providers I have been with.  Usually after a long DATY session and making them come at least once. I will not divulge names. Some are famous for it, with others it was in the heat of the moment.  

If I want it, I will tease my cock on her pussy and give her time to react. I never push the subject. I figure if a girl says no then she know more about herself than I do (time of the month, health, etc..) and I will just go with a cover.

I am almost 59 and condoms really take the feel out of it.

I recently found an SO so I have laid off the hobby, and if I were to stray, I would play safe for my girlfriend's sake.

litlboy132 reads

Two BBFS experiences, about two years ago.
The providers were 18 and 24 years old.
Both had ads on BP and were TER listed. The 18yo had 5 reviews. The 24yo had about a dozen or so.
I'd chosen them because of their slim body type, attractiveness, and that they offered a Greek option.
Both experiences began with CBJs, then covered intercourse. When I asked to try anal, both women told me they preferred 'no condom' for Greek. I thought I was dreaming. I hadn't had BBFS offered in my 10 or so years hobbying.
I wasn't in a relationship, and the memory of skin-on-skin sensation was overwhelming. I threw caution to the wind and had a couple of the most intense orgasms of my life. Months later I had a full battery of STD tests and all came back negative.

Never.  I've used condoms with every person I've slept with even before sexwork. By the offers I've received I can unfortunately see why some providers do but I've taken way too many health/science classes to be interested.

We all adults with internet access so I'm not lecturing anyone.

So I understand we're all adults, so everyone will do as they please. But I simply can't understand why someome would want to take that risk? I have gotten so many offers and requests, and personally I have too much to risk. What if my birth control failed, and I got pregnant? Contracted an STD? I dont understand what the "thrill" is. Yes, it feels amazing and I have considered it with a handful of clients...but at the same time the risk was just too great. I dont know how many providers youve been with, that allow it. I dont know how many drunken encounters you've had or people you've slept with outside of hobbying. A hobbyist doesnt know where a provider has been,either. What amazes me is married or business men who want BBFS...how are you supposed to explain that to your wife or S/O? By all means, do as you please, but I can't wrap my head around it.

1. Gents, and PLEASE, ladies as well, weigh in, USING YOUR ALIAS. (Unless, like GaG, you just don't give a fuck.) This should allow everyone to respond candidly.  No need for an Alias

2. State "provider" or "client". And, ladies, your input is needed! Be anonymous, but please contribute!! This is very important, because, obviously,  client stories of BBFS are just BS unless there are SOME similar stories from providers.

3. State that you've done BBFS:  C, however I have not had BBFS since I have been an escort even in my personal life.
(a) Never
(b) often
(c) rarely
(d) just once or twice
(d) never

4. The subjective part. When do you do BBFS? With whom? Why? What makes you comfortable with it? Other comments.
I have kids and only went bare with partners who were tested and trusted.  1 night stands had to jimmy up.  Have not had BBFS at all, even with a partner since I started in the industry in 1999.

5. And, please, no editorializing. Let's just get a somewhat objective assessment of what's going on out there.
I do other things uncovered, however I do not allow come inside of my body anywhere unless it is in a cover.  I do not want more kids, nor am I able to take any sort of birth control so knowing how to properly use a cover to prevent pregnancy has kept me safe for many years.

I was getting a backroom lap dance from a visiting porn star. She mounted me and I went with it. As she was a popular studio porn actress, I figured she got tested regularly but there was still the nagging question in my head of, "how many other BBFS lap dances did she give?"

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