TER General Board

I guess you are also still using an Atari?
Dr Who revived 370 reads

Honestly I can't imagine many not knowing that reverse phone look-ups haven't been around for decades.  Including cell phones  LOL

Must take you (and mrfissure) hours to get a post up on here using that Atari with 56k baud modem  ;)
Posted By: ncgent49
Fish, I saw your post about Persopo.com etc....  
 As a one-off from that, I wish I woulda been on this Board years ago.  I learned recently here about reverse cell look-up: someone can determine my name from my cell number.. I never bothered to get a burner cellphone.  
 I've been 110% ultra careful to not provide my real name, employer etc. - I was proud of myself.   I now realize that several hundred providers can know my name....FUCK  
 Turns out I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer as we say in the South!  
 I remember seeing a provider several years ago who said she didn't hava cell phone.  I figured, OK, she doesn't want unwanted calls/texts....I bet that she just didn't wanna bother with a burner cell  

For example, yesterday I tried to post a link about some website that people can use to spy on what their partners are up to.  I thought it something married guys should know about.  But since this article was on a political website, TER pulled it.  They said I had put it on the wrong board.  I suppose that means it should have been on the politics and religion board

Or whores?? I have had 2 recently unacceptable. One was for Ripmany. Lol. It was a Friday movie reference. The other was to the guy upset about reading reviews and not getting the same exact service.

ncgent49527 reads

Fish, I saw your post about Persopo.com etc....

As a one-off from that, I wish I woulda been on this Board years ago.  I learned recently here about reverse cell look-up: someone can determine my name from my cell number.. I never bothered to get a burner cellphone.

I've been 110% ultra careful to not provide my real name, employer etc. - I was proud of myself.   I now realize that several hundred providers can know my name....FUCK

Turns out I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer as we say in the South!

I remember seeing a provider several years ago who said she didn't hava cell phone.  I figured, OK, she doesn't want unwanted calls/texts....I bet that she just didn't wanna bother with a burner cel

Honestly I can't imagine many not knowing that reverse phone look-ups haven't been around for decades.  Including cell phones  LOL

Must take you (and mrfissure) hours to get a post up on here using that Atari with 56k baud modem  ;)

Posted By: ncgent49
Fish, I saw your post about Persopo.com etc....  
 As a one-off from that, I wish I woulda been on this Board years ago.  I learned recently here about reverse cell look-up: someone can determine my name from my cell number.. I never bothered to get a burner cellphone.  
 I've been 110% ultra careful to not provide my real name, employer etc. - I was proud of myself.   I now realize that several hundred providers can know my name....FUCK  
 Turns out I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer as we say in the South!  
 I remember seeing a provider several years ago who said she didn't hava cell phone.  I figured, OK, she doesn't want unwanted calls/texts....I bet that she just didn't wanna bother with a burner cell  

JakeFromStateFarm486 reads

I guess it's because I started posting here about 7 years ago when things were wilder, or maybe I'm just an obnoxious mother-fucker.  Whatever the reason, I've been moderated for so long I don't even know how long. It doesn't really bother me at all and I have not asked to be un-moderated in years.  Because even if TER did un-moderate me, I'd just stray off the reservation again and they'd hit me with the Mod Hammer.  So why bother?  Sometimes (OK, often! LOL!) they deny one of my posts, so I edit it and it usually goes up after one or two tries.  And they are still pretty obnoxious, LOL!  But I still have fun and that's all that matters to me. So if you don't like my posts, please listen to my pal, Mr. Goodbar

Moderated and I feel they were way less funny or offensive as others. So I don't get it. You and gag are my fav posters.  

-- Modified on 9/21/2016 6:58:59 PM

-- Modified on 9/21/2016 7:05:59 PM

JakeFromStateFarm371 reads

you bimbo.  Now how was that for a gratuitous insult  LOL!

I thought that was your trademark?

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
you bimbo.  Now how was that for a gratuitous insult  LOL!

...TER Admin now gives anyone who is moderated a coupon for a:

-- Modified on 9/21/2016 7:52:46 PM

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I guess it's because I started posting here about 7 years ago when things were wilder, or maybe I'm just an obnoxious mother-fucker.  Whatever the reason, I've been moderated for so long I don't even know how long. It doesn't really bother me at all and I have not asked to be un-moderated in years.  Because even if TER did un-moderate me, I'd just stray off the reservation again and they'd hit me with the Mod Hammer.  So why bother?  Sometimes (OK, often! LOL!) they deny one of my posts, so I edit it and it usually goes up after one or two tries.  And they are still pretty obnoxious, LOL!  But I still have fun and that's all that matters to me. So if you don't like my posts, please listen to my pal, Mr. Goodbar!  

There have been times when I have gently chided someone, and my post is not allowed.  Other times, I have ripped the fuck into some idiot, and my post is there right along with all the other shit-flingers.  I gave up trying to reason "why" a long time ago; I just roll with the punches.

JakeFromStateFarm351 reads

Even if you're unmoderated, the TER system pulls out some of your posts randomly for brief moderation.  At least it used to.  I've been moderated for so long they could have changed it.  LOL!

...Well I try,but I guess I still have a lot to learn about being offensive.

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