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I generally ignore ads....
lopaw 29 Reviews 321 reads

....and will use a browser add-on like AdBlock Plus if necessary to get rid of 'em.

floxiegirl1113 reads

I have a really nice free template site with ads, it only costs 200 to have the ads removed but because I'm a frugal fran.. I just haven't paid to have them taken off. When I look at my site, I wonder how potential clients feel about my charging 400/hr but using a free site. I don't know if the ads on my site affect my business or not, I don't think so, I do very well. But I do wonder.. how do you guys feel about ads on sites?

Posted By: floxiegirl
I have a really nice free template site with ads, it only costs 200 to have the ads removed but because I'm a frugal fran.. I just haven't paid to have them taken off. When I look at my site, I wonder how potential clients feel about my charging 400/hr but using a free site. I don't know if the ads on my site affect my business or not, I don't think so, I do very well. But I do wonder.. how do you guys feel about ads on sites?

do they have ads? Almost none do, because ads encourage visitors to click and leave your site. Your site should keep the visitor interested to the point where he wants to book with you.

....and will use a browser add-on like AdBlock Plus if necessary to get rid of 'em.

More and more sites, even allegedly upscale sites, are linked to pop-ups. From a Profile, I get to a home page. The next click - bio, gallery, contact, anything - opens up a new tab or window for Ashley Madison or Adult Friend Finder or some other annoying waste of time. After a while, I learn to recognize which sites do the pop-ups and I never click on them.  

Small side bar ads or banner ads, not a big deal. Huge floating ads that interrupt and disrupt why I'm there (to get info), BAD. "Fake Buttons" (click here to close this ad --> LIAR!) I usually recognize but I have to remain alert and distracted from the main content.  

Posted By: floxiegirl
I don't know if the ads on my site affect my business or not, I don't think so, I do very well. But I do wonder.. how do you guys feel about ads on sites?
It depends on how bad they really are. Small and innocuous or big, active and annoying

...gallery and then to the rates. Thats all I care about. I don't read your poetry or your descriptions, if I am on your site its because I found trusted reviews of you that caught my eye.  

A well done site with no ads just screams "expensive" to me. A site with ads however is quite annoying especially the ones where once you click enter a pop up comes up and I mistake the pop up for the homepage and delete the previous page (which was really the home page). However if the site with ads has a nice template and your photoshoots are pro then I will still think "expensive". If I see a cheap website obviously made by the girl with html 101 coding knowledge boom I press the X.  

A lot of escorts for some reason use escortfiles. Try wordpress, its around 10 a month. You get your own themes, website name, there is also a free wordpress but with ads (however nowhere near as annoying as escortfiles). Since you don't need a shopping cart feature or membership feature coding it yourself will be a breeze, just google w.e

SomeDumbPro334 reads

Posted By: ronkini1234
...gallery and then to the rates. Thats all I care about. I don't read your poetry or your descriptions, if I am on your site its because I found trusted reviews of you that caught my eye.  
Like you said, those are the pages that get the most hits by far.  Because so many guys don't READ ANYTHING we get bombarded with phone calls & emails asking our location, hours, and all sorts of crap that we took the time to put in the damn description.  To make it easy for you.  

But cuz too many men won't spend a minute or two reading to find those details on their own, time is wasted on both ends.

Some guys do look for that stuff, but lots of others don't

skarphedin395 reads

And escort websites are far and away the most poorly thought out, least informative and most difficult to maneuver websites of any industry.  

Think about it. It is not your clients fault that they do not get the info you want them to get from your website. It is your fault. Or it would be in any other industry but this one.  

Look, we get that your clients are an annoyance and should just directly deposit large sums into your account every month because you are physically attractive but for some reason they don't agree with your valuation of your appearance.  

So, if you want to monetize it, you are going to have to meet them part way.

SomeDumbPro349 reads

Exactly where did I say that my clients are an annoyance?  They're NOT.

My actual clients are the ones who take a minute or two to find out where I am, when I work, outcall or incall rates, and everything else before contacting me.  

I'm talking about all the time-wasters who don't read, just pick up the phone to ask stupid the Qs that were answered right above my freaking phone number.  Cuz my site and ads are all real simple.  

But no, these jackholes just wanna look at the pretty pictures, then get my phone number to call and ask me stuff rather than READ.  Nine times out of ten I'm not in the location they need, not available when they want, or won't answer their questions about my services. If they'd simply read the damn info page they could have saved their time and found someone else.   That's all I'm sayin.

Btw, that's a lot of anger you're venting there, buddy.  


-- Modified on 11/13/2015 3:19:16 PM

-- Modified on 11/13/2015 4:23:40 PM

skarphedin419 reads

You mistake direct and critical for anger.  

Read your quote and tell me your clients aren't an annoyance. You are a high priced service provider who is irritated when a prospective client calls you directly to ask questions. Your expectations as to customer service/client acquisition are unreasonable.  

Do you think some high-end purse store gets annoyed when a woman asks "Where is the hardware made?" or "Is that really gold?".  

Do you think a Porsche salesperson gets upset when a prospective client asks "So what horsepower does this have?" or "It's a V8 right?"...  

Or do you think either gets pissy when someone calls them and says "Hi, where are you located and what are your hours" when that info is very clearly spelled out on the website?  

And look at all the names you just called your prospective clients.

SomeDumbPro may have not phrased things with kid gloves, but she has a point.  

I don't want prospective clients who won't read what I've written on my website since I don't consider them to be my actual clientele. Contrary to your store example, I'm perfectly fine with someone going elsewhere.  My take is that this is completely a two-way transaction; I have to agree to offer the services, and I only want to offer services when I think there will be some connection and chemistry.

skarphedin327 reads

You are talking about using the willingness to read your site as some kind of personality profile or test, the results of which you use as the first cut in your screening process. The devil is in the details and that might be an elegant solution or bullshit. I suspect the latter but then again I would fail your test.  

The escort I was replying to was blaming her clients for the shortcomings or her website or her lack of patience. At best, she was conflating what was easier for her with what was easiest and or best for her clients.

She was arguing: my clients are too dumb and lazy to overcome my buggy site and make my life easy.

You are arguing: that is a feature and not a bug in my business plan.

hotplants336 reads

that you think would never fly with other businesses. Maybe yes, maybe no. But it obviously aggravates you that providers, who’ve already spelled out the basics on their websites may, not only be annoyed by guys who’ve not taken a few minutes to read the info she’s already provided but, if she so chooses, she can/will simply ignore them.  

But hey, guess what? A willingness to take a few minutes to read the details on a website is a personal profile/first-cut screening tool. And, if other businesses could, they would too. But most can’t---not unless they’re advertising that they’re, literally, willing to blow+fuck you.  

And the world goes ‘round.  

The escort you were responding to was not arguing that her “clients are too dumb and lazy to overcome her buggy site and make her life easy” She said nothing of the sort. (And, you’ve not seen her website have you? So, really, you know nothing about it).  

She was commenting on potential clients, who likely never will actually become clients, wasting her time asking her to answer questions to which they would already have an answer had they taken just a coupla minutes to actually read…(instead of just looking at her titties while holding their cocks lol…

SomeDumbPro355 reads

I think.   :shrug:

I'm completely average for my area.  Looks, scores, price..... average.  

But I have a clean, easy to read site and ads.  

And you know what?  They're really not my prospective clients when I can't remember the last time someone who called to ask me these things actually scheduled.  I know you're gonna think it's cuz I'm bitchy on the phone.... but I'm not.  
Not unless they ask things they shouldn't and then I just hang up.  

The ones that have read the info and call to actually make a date, not just kick the tires?  THOSE are my real prospective clients. Those are the kind of men I like and will get along with every time.  

Now that we're chatting about it, I'm thinking again of switching to email only.  Phone only for repeat clients.   Because I get very few answered-on-my-site questions in email compared to the phone.

Come to think of it, I had a lot of strange calls today..... maybe the Friday the 13th thing?    Meh.

Posted By: SomeDumbPro
Posted By: ronkini1234
...gallery and then to the rates. Thats all I care about. I don't read your poetry or your descriptions, if I am on your site its because I found trusted reviews of you that caught my eye.    
 Like you said, those are the pages that get the most hits by far.  Because so many guys don't READ ANYTHING we get bombarded with phone calls & emails asking our location, hours, and all sorts of crap that we took the time to put in the damn description.  To make it easy for you.    
 But cuz too many men won't spend a minute or two reading to find those details on their own, time is wasted on both ends.  
 Some guys do look for that stuff, but lots of others don't.    
As with most human interaction, if you want to change how people deal with you then change how you deal with them.  

If you want to make it easy , then actually make it easy.  

Put your hours, rates and location on every page. You can put a single sentence like $350 an hour, located in Washington DC. Further details on my information page." On the top of the gallery page and you'd probably reduce fishing emails by 50%. The put more details like "in call near tysons corner" on the proper page.  

Erosvads are the worst. Especially in the Carolinas. About 50% of the girls don't even tell you the city. It's ridiculous

Personally, when I see a beautiful woman who has obviously spent a lot of money to take a bunch of amazing and highly-professional shots, perfectly color-balanced, perfect lighting, etc. Playboy magazine worthy ... and then I see them on a free Wix website, all I can think is WTF?  

Why cheap out on the website? That's your marketing vehicle. Spend some money on a good developer for crying out loud. Have your images optimized for the web so they load quickly. Have them lazy-load so they don't make the user's browser slow to a crawl. Have them optimized for various screen sizes (serving up optimal resolution for the screen size and device) and make it mobile responsive in general.  

If you want to stand out and attract high end clientelle that is. Otherwise, just go with the cheap site, and keep getting cheap clients.

Let me guess. You're a web designer. LOL

Posted By: some-guy
Personally, when I see a beautiful woman who has obviously spent a lot of money to take a bunch of amazing and highly-professional shots, perfectly color-balanced, perfect lighting, etc. Playboy magazine worthy ... and then I see them on a free Wix website, all I can think is WTF?  
 Why cheap out on the website? That's your marketing vehicle. Spend some money on a good developer for crying out loud. Have your images optimized for the web so they load quickly. Have them lazy-load so they don't make the user's browser slow to a crawl. Have them optimized for various screen sizes (serving up optimal resolution for the screen size and device) and make it mobile responsive in general.  
 If you want to stand out and attract high end clientelle that is. Otherwise, just go with the cheap site, and keep getting cheap clients.

Everything else being the same, yes, ads (especially pop-ups) are really annoying and you'd be better off without them. However, it's not a deal killer and I'd take a useful, well organized site with ads over something that doesn't tell me what I want to know any day.  

FWIW to me a site needs to have

- Clear pictures (face blurring is OK, though the more you can see the better) plus your three sizes  
- Location, schedule and contact info
- Clear expectations (donations, ref requirements and so on)
- Activities list (or at the very least point us to a review that tells us what we can expect from the session)
- Not too much text. Nothing wrong with sharing about yourself, but no one wants to wade through pages and pages of text to find the above info.

Post a link and I'm sure you'll get lots of specific feedback

What I find worse than adds are the locked pictures. Definitely has me moving on to the next choice.  
I have seen it written here that most providers do not even know that they are but find that hard to believe.

I think you're doing the right thing in examining your website, and trying to pin down the value of each element.  

If I see someone it will be in spite of the adware assuming I didn't just move on at the first hint of ads.  If there's more than one popup and I'll close the page and sometimes the browser, run CCleaner, and move on.  I've dealt with trojans (not the namebrand good kind!) and viruses, and it's just not worth the risk, perceived or real.

Free pages may save you money, but is that savings costing you more in the long run either in appointments or brand identity & expectations.

All websites good to market your business. Thank you!

other 'products' on my site. To easy to click on an ad and not come back to mine!!!
I do need to brighten up my latest site though...too dark for my personality! Of course the site is device friendly and that is a plus over some other templates.  
Bottom line- I think it is worth it.

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