TER General Board

I don't think she was looking for sympathy
TheEdge7 60 Reviews 4874 reads

Unfortunately, she's probably voicing what a lot of people in the business feel deep inside.

Think about it the next time you're in a session.

completely lost11592 reads

Here's an interesting article that chronicles the life of an escort.

Although escorting has great perks, good money for a small investment of time for example. Not anyone can just "do" it. There are plenty of downsides too this type of employment as I'm sure you can imagine.

You can't choose your customers. Especially when working for an agency! They make a very nice cut from each appointment so they send you anything that has some cash.

Most clients, surprisingly are quite nice and just want some affection and sex. Even though, I can be very draining emotionally to cater to such men. They are much more observant and want you to enjoy yourself to which necessates a much bigger act, therefore draining some mental supplies.

With these clients, you have to keep your stories straight as they come back regularly for the most part. Remembering details such as what kind of work they do, some prior conversation topics and what they like physically wasn't always easy. After all, I was seeing a few men each shift I worked so keeping track of all that without writing anything down took some getting used to.

Then there is the nitty gritty: getting intimate with strangers and not very attractive ones at that! lol! Trust me, I have seen EVERYTHING!!! Short, tall, fat, skinny, hairy beyond belief, disabled, amputated, dwarfed and just plain ugly, to name a few!

I can easily say that few attrative men seek out such services. There are some and that is a very nice change of pace, even weirder were the really attractive ones! They made me super self conscious! To an ugly man I was a total babe but to a very handsome man? Girl next door? Pretty yes, but not a model. They would also make me wonder why they would seek out my services. They would be able to pick up some hot chicks in no time, why spend money to get laid? I later understood that it was really the hassle-free aspect of the exchange that interested these men most. I guess they didn't want anyone calling them back!

I was able to overlook physical lackings in my clients, actually, I was quite good at this and was great at making them feel like they were the only man I wanted to be with right then. Trust me, this is no small task! lol But among other things, this was one of my top specialties. To me, I would rather be with an ugly or unattractive client that is nice and respectful than have to spend any time with a wierdo client or prick.

Those were the worst. The wierdos and pricks.

When I say wierdo, I don't mean a bit kinky. I mean, just plain WIERD!! Some seem normal but give you a really bad gut feeling and just act a little odd. Enough to creep you out a LOT! Either the way that they look at you, you know they are thinking of something they would like to do to you, you don't know what but it sure isn't anything "normal".

One young guy used to freak me out a bunch and was the first client I ever refused to see. He was quite young and fairly attractive, maybe 22-23. He wore nice yuppy clothes and looked as if he was a college student or something of the likes. At first glance he looked harmless but he sure acted weird.

The first time he came to see me it was a half hour appointment. We chatted uncomfortably for 5 minutes and then went off to the bedroom. The first really odd thing was that he refused to remove any clothing, he would only unzip his pants to expose himself enough to do the deed.

He would only want to do it missionary style while staring into my eyes. Thank God he finished quickly as he was someone I hated to look into his eyes. I hated what I saw, I'm sure this guy will turn out to be a sicko at some point because I only saw crazy things in his eyes and I'm sure he was thinking of violent scenarios. He would finish quickly and go wash up, mumble a few words and leave.

The next and last time I saw him, it was pretty much the same scenario except this time he placed his hands on my throat during intercourse. I right away brushed them off and he kept insisting on placing them there. After a third time of brushing them off and them coming back, I got up and told him to leave. I didn't offer his money back or anything else, just told him to get out now or I would call security.

He got up, zipped up his pants and left.

I was very relieved that he left quickly and called the receptionnist to let her know what happened. I had been told many times that I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to, etc. I was going to see how true that was.

I was surprised when she accepted not to book him with me anymore. I guess since I still had the money from this appointment she didn't care, she'd pass him off to someone else next time.

Being broke sucks!

Since my so called retirement from the business a few months ago, the hardest thing for me to adapt to by far, is being broke.

I have a crappy little job like everyone else again and have to wait for a crummy paycheck every Thursday. I'm usually in a pissy mood on Tuesdays and Wednesdays because I'm out of dough!

When you've gotten used to making good money fast, going back to a regular job is so hard.

I walk by fancy restaurants that I've had the pleasure of eating at and at no cost to me, and am frustrated that I cannot enjoy them anymore. Before it was the client that paid all such expenses on an outing and it was a greak perk of the "job". I've eaten at pretty much all the nicest restaurants in town and some on a few occasions. I took it for granted then, I was focused more on what I had to provide and preparing myself and my shtick. Although I enjoyed those past experiences, I didn't savor them as I feel I should have.

Now I have no clue as to when I will ever experience such things again. At $200+ per person, an evening like that would cost me an entire paycheck, even more!

So I walk past them and try to forget about how crappy my financial affairs are at now.

For years while working in the sex industry, I never worried a moment about my rent, bills and other expenses I had. If something needed to be paid, I'd work a shift and tah-dah! It was taken care of. Money came very quickly. I could easily get a few hundred dollars working a shift at the agency or doing some calls that I never worried about anything money wise anymore during that time.

8 years of living like that is very hard to undo. Now I scramble to make my barely-over-two-hundred-dollar-paycheck cover my needs and always fall short. I'm not used to scraping corners and saving money, now I have to do it.

Boo hoo for me, it isn't the worst thing in the world. It just sucks. I'm sure I'll get over it with time and not be so bitter about being broke, lol! Things could be worse I guess so I'll try not to whine too much about my money woes.

Besides, tomorrow is payday!

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 1:41:07 PM

Ben Dover3566 reads

That is a tough thing to do - I have also had greatly fluctuating income levels over the span of my life. I hated saying "no" to myself when I saw somthing tasty, and I was still a week from pay-day!
 On the other-hand, It would have been sad for you to stay in the game way longer than you should have. You would end up doing something desprate, like touring to Minneapolis, having a "point-man" spot you, see that you were clearly used-up, and tell everybody else in his group to stay away, then there you'd be, phone not ringing, up in the middle of nowhere, barely able to buy a plane ticket home! It's the kind of sad story that would make you bitter for two or three years! -- Keep your chin-up, You have my respect for having the forsight to stop this cycle long before it happened to you! ;)

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 2:45:48 PM

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 6:02:39 PM

Ben Dover3544 reads

I recently had alot of collagen injected into my lips in an attempt to hide my fangs when I smile and speak, I guess I need more!

-- Modified on 6/29/2005 8:21:41 AM

BILL183563604 reads

you do as a profession. Its not about what you make but ultimately what you keep. Eight years later she should be a long way from living paycheck to paycheck.

It's not that you are incorrect, but the world is full of flesh and blood human beings.  

See beyond the bottom line.

Based on your feelings towards the men who were paying for all those things you miss I think your decision to retire was the right one.

Exec3212880 reads

The hobby has gone to hell and more and more women of this ilk are polluting it daily. Where are the "hos" with heart? I used to sample quite a bit in my early days, but when I think of the money that I gave to undeserving women, I just laugh and think about the precious few who understand and do their part. Retired? It's great that she's gone and I hope she never comes back. And yet she wonders why she hates her life. Fool!

I am not nasty looking either.  How depressing.  I sure hope the ladies I see do not feel that way about me...though I am sure that they do not see me as their ideal man, since I am over 50.

Vicki Nicole3913 reads

Don't be so sure that alot of ladies don't see you as their "ideal man"

I see a fair share of clients of all different types of ages and looks
and to be honest the guys with the "model good looks" are not always the ideal CLIENTS and personally i am attracted to guys who are younger than me but in my expereince they are DEFINITELY not ideal clients. They can be very aggressive, rude, quick, and demanding.

My favorite repeat client is over 50, and I adore, adore adore him

junior4573241 reads

I thought from one of your posts yesterday that you were a male.

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 9:27:02 PM

Sexuality is almost all attitude, given just a modicum of physical beauty.
 I don't argue with anyone's change of career, but aside from her general distaste for her clients, she doesn't say why she "retired." Eight years with an agency? Did she ever consider going Indy, where she could set her own client standards?
 And why this post anyway? 'gott'a wonder how really retired she is, if she feels compelled to share a dozen paragraphs about a job she left.
 S'none of my business, but I say she's just generally lazy, a sort'a C-student hooker.

I find that as an independent it's a pleasure to take the time to find out the individual needs of my gentlemen callers.  Each hobbyist goes to an escort for different reasons, and the obvious is not always the most prominent.  Being able to anticipate someones needs and meet them is a delightful challenge.  Giving that much energy is a good thing...especially when we as escorts can truly value the gift/donation being given to us.

Some of my clients have discretionary income that is of little concern to them.  They hobby as much as they like.  Others save for a month or more to see me for an hour or two.  How can I not appreciate that?  I know I've saved for things I want and I know what I had to give up at times to do that.  I'm truly amazed at this post and others like it that can't see how much we can learn about ourselves by giving pleasure to others.

How True - the presenting reason is most likely not the true reason.  Very good observation. You must be a student of life with a PHD.

ashleelala3312 reads

sheesh woman.........
Go make some civie friends (count me out) and stay away from the boards....
too much negative energy

sicnarf3577 reads

Ok, we get it.  However, I have known several escorts who saved their money - one to support her legit acting career - and she now does that, one to open up a restaurant - and that is a real possibility, others for other reasons - but they save and invest their money.  Some do this to put themselves through school, so that when they graduate, they can get a better job.  From your description, it sounds like you partied?  Correct?

And, I gather that we were not all bad, did you provide a GFE - if so, didn't you become friends with any of your clients?

And were you always with an agency - that can make a difference - especially which agency you are with!

So, while your story is interesting, there are some details that you have left out.....  sorry to be somewhat harsh, but everything, including this profession is what you make of it....

Unfortunately, she's probably voicing what a lot of people in the business feel deep inside.

Think about it the next time you're in a session.

If this person is anything more than a troll it's still just reflecting it's own deeply unhappy/ugly face.  "Thinking about" this post before you book your next session is probably what this being had in mind.  Don't give it that satisfaction.  Misery really does love company.

"You make me wanna screeeeeaaaaaaam." -Ashlee Simpson-  :) :)LaLaLaLa

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 8:13:08 PM

ellobo693389 reads

No thanks. That'd be as bad as reading the Rip-Off reviews.

From the info in that first blog post, let the flood gate's open! Fairly safe from a legal stand point, beautiful women, low rate's, here I come Canada, LOL. Joking aside, after reading more she sound's pretty level headed and together, a good read, really interesting.

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 3:34:38 PM

"I learned early on to always answer such questions with: It's been pretty quiet, only 2 or 3.". 2 or 3 for the evening is considered quiet. No wonder why she sounded pretty jaded. That's the hazard of working for agencies. These agency girls are high volume.

Just curious, is Megatha Christie the same person who also uses the alias of Completely Lost. You're female then, right?

Megatha Christie2851 reads

No, I'm not "Completely Lost" (well sometimes I am when I forget a map ... haha)  Different alias.

And no I'm the gal from Montreal. I'm in the US and for me low volume is 2 to 4 men a week.

what would you consider to be high volume? You'd agree, don't you, that 2 or 3 for the evening could qualify as high volume?

I must say that at first glance, his or her post several threads below makes him or her look clueless. But having read some of the responses from the opposite sex, I don't think it's as clueless as some of the gents might think.

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 5:04:50 PM

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 5:07:48 PM

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 5:22:21 PM

WebTerrorist3963 reads

Have those instincts checked...

First, did you go to the link, and read the blog there?  and if so did you note the date on them?
The last entry was:  Friday 02.06.04 [12:56 pm]
doubt the lady inquestion would still be posting on TER a year and almost 5 months later.

Also, from the posts I have read by "Completely Lost" his writing style really has very little in common with Miss Megatha's. Also, it is a general rule on TER that a person isn't allowed to use two IDs in a single thread, though I have seen it happen, it is rare.

Granted I'm no expert, though I have some experience in comparing writing and posting styles, I don't believe Miss megatha is Mr Lost...but in the event I am wrong, i am often wrong, why would that make any difference?
Neither Mr Lost nor Miss Megatha claim to be the original authors of the blog that was quoted.

Megatha Christie4524 reads

Completely Lost is a man. Do a search and read his posts where he asks such thought provoking questions:

"Ladies why is doggie style your favorite position".  Actually it's not mine... why would he assume that?

"Top ten reasons to go to work naked....." Come on, only a man would post a joke like that.

"Over-inflated rock hard boobs...Ladies it must be very uncomfortable sleeping on your stomach with those things"  (This man has too much free time)

"Re:Rates are non negotiable" That's right, they are not.

Etc, etc... he's a guy for sure.

what his motivation was in making this post which certainly provoked some interesting discussions.

BTW, I find you very intriguing and certainly hope to meet you some day wherever you may be.

Megatha Christie3814 reads

I'm not sure what his reason was for posting it but it did turn into a lively discussion and it's very interesting to read all the opinions.

:) Megatha

This post is certainly going to get plenty of response's, hahaha. One major point that should be noted is at the beginning, "Here's an interesting article that chronicles the life of an escort." This evidently isn't completely lost personal story. If anyone is offended by this post they need to get a grip on the situation, maybe it's time for a reality check. I've alway's figured most of the provider's, if not all, feel this way, is it that hard to believe? It's totally understandable to me, even as a guy there's no way in hell I could fuck whatever walked through the door, I don't know how they do it. Quite a few of these women missed their calling, they should have been actresses. The woman in the article was evidently a decent provider, she did put effort into her work. A rip off, or crumby provider wouldn't bother trying to remember anything about this or that guy. She evidently had repeat customer's so she couldn't have been that bad. As long as money's involved the woman is going to say and do whatever she's willing to do to keep your business unless she doesn't want to see you, or as in this case, has enough of the whole game. Those wonderful ATF's that you have unfortunately probably feel the same way or similar, damn, and I thought they were really crazy about me, LOL. The bottom line should never be forgotten, provider's are here for the money, hobbyist are here for the hopeful pleasure. I'd be very willing to bet if most of these women could make the same money doing something else they would be.

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 2:42:47 PM

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 2:46:57 PM

AnotherNYCProvider2664 reads

and to be the devils advocate, i really dont see anything wrong with what this woman said.  she was honest, but not mean about it.  After 8 years in any business do you really think she is going to love EVERY single person she sees?  Do you think a doctor who sees 20 patients a day is going to care from the bottom of his heart? No.  I mean, they are going to care as much as they can in order to do their job well, but you are one of many.  I definately have my favorite guys, and I have guys I wish Id never met and many in between, but all the same I give the best damn session I can.  It sounds like this is what this girl was trying to do. Also, when you see that many guys or even one guy a day, you HAVE to detach a part of yourself or esle you will become an emotional basket case and you wont last a milisecond. I disagree with how she would make up different life stories but I can understand why she did that.  Its for the same reason many girls take on a fake name.

Anyway, many of you guys are brutal when it comes to us providers, criticizing everything in a review, setting such high standards, ect.  Arent we allowed to have our own likes and dislikes?  I quote, "you want the truth? you cant handle the truth!"

She's cool as far as I'm concerned. By the way, I still don't own a pussy, LOL. You're marked, I'm never going to forget that one, hahaha.

and it was one of my worst experiences, that left me wondering why the hell I was doing this hobby thing anyway.

Then I met the poster on the thread right below this. Please get over it and move on, and away from the boards. I doubt it was me wikth the hands around your throat, I ran out with them around my own throat.

I'm glad this gal retired. What offends me more is the attitude that some of you have toward providers in general. It seems to be beyond your comprehension that SOME of us actually love what we do for a living. Maybe it's because I didn't become a provider until I was in my fifties. After a long term marriage I left to find me. I had the career, struggled to provide for myself in sales and dated my ass off to satisfy my huge libido. I finally woke up. I could use my experience in sales and marketing for the product I knew best and the activity I loved most. ME and SEX! Overnight, I made a great living. But those of you who think it's easy and just a few hours of our time don't have a clue. We ALL spend hours on this computer answering email, verifying the gents and in my case because I tour, making the arrangements to do so. Touring in itself is a huge committment of time. I haven't even mentioned monitoring TER and cruising the net looking at what is going on in this industry. Oh, and how about the gym, the hairdresser, nails, etc? Those things are NOT free. I work from the time I get up in the morning until I put my head on the pillow at night. Seeing clients is very little of that time. So, if you want a TRUE amount of what we make an hour it's not that huge. Am I complaining? Hell no! There is not one other job I'd rather be doing. I love the sexual variety, in all shapes, sizes and personalities.  I love the challenge of meeting you. I love figuring out the best ways to push your buttons, ring your chimes and make you generally nuts. I love looking my best and wearing beautiful things for you AND most of all, I love the financial security that this profession is affording me. I'm planning for my retirement with short and long term goals. I know I won't be able to do this a whole lot longer because of my age so I added the porn site to give myself some longevity. I'm going to start investing in real estate very soon. I wish I could have begun 10 years ago but wishing doesn't make it so. So, I work my ass off, loving every minute of it and hope that someday, I'll be able to retire in Tampa AND the South of France. I'm so glad gals like her leave this business. That leaves MORE business for those of us who DO love it AND provide good service.

Smiles and Naughty Thoughts Always,

I sure was not intending to offend true ladies like yourself. The author or poster if you will is 360 degrees different than you. Just read the post again, and re-read your own.

You are the true professional. And, you are doing everything she never thought of . I hope you end up in Tampa or the South of France

Megatha Christie4099 reads

I agree with what you had to say. There is a lot of work that goes into preparing for a date. The cost of clothes, hair, nails, gym membership, screening, emails, phone calls, etc.

No one can ever be sure what someone else's motivation is for doing a job, be it this line of work or something else.  This is how I supplement my income, so perhaps I can be a little choosier then other women in regards to who I will or won't see.  Sure there have been men that were creepy, unhygienic, boring, etc, etc, etc.  But honestly the majority are just regular, nice guys who want some passion and companionship in their lives.  Some I've grown to really like and would consider them friends no matter what the circumstances were that we had met.  Most are at least average looking, some are downright good looking and every once in while a real knock out opens the door and I'll tell you the first few times that happened I was surprised.

I'm a little older then your average 20-something agency girl (ok a lot older) and must be a late bloomer as this is not something I would have ever considered doing even a few years ago.  For me it's more then just the money, which might be the real reason I started this but it's not what makes me continue. I get a lot more out of this then a larger bank account.

Ego boast: men are paying me money for something I was doing for free anyway.  I must be someone very attractive, charming and desired to have men adore me so much that they will pay me a small fortune to spend time with me again and again. Not to mention the reviews, the thank you emails the next day.

It's exciting:  I'm a divorced, 30-something sales executive by day. For years I lived a rather ordinary life. I worked, I dated. But now at night I am glamorous, seductive and powerful.

It's a secret: For years I always was the good girl. First the good daughter, the devoted wife, the loyal employee in a very conservative world. The men that I've met as Megatha don't judge me in fact they applaud my sexuality.

And of course financial security. I have long term goals that I've set and that would take me years to reach with my 9-5 job. Nothing as exciting as moving to the south of France, but a few things that are important to me and if I plan right I will be able to meet them within a few years.

Hercule Poirot3926 reads

Right on my dear.  You are special...
Nothing like a smart sexy woman in a real short skirt...
I'm happy for you  :)


Exec3211897 reads

Whoever controls the pussy controls the world. I knew he was right, I know you are right. What is you link so I make sure I see you as you travel? If you save and invest 20% of what you make over the next 10-15 years you can have all that and them some.

AnotherNYCProvider5065 reads

I dont think completely lost is the escort in the story.

Read again the very first line:

"Here's an interesting article that chronicles the life of an escort."

Sounds to me like this person just found the story of the web.

There are still some issues that needed to be dealt with no matter WHO wrote it. Be NICE.

Some people had responded to the OP like "he" was the storywriter.  Anthother NYC Provider said that CL didn't write the story...I was just clarifying that "he" had recently declared his gender.  

I completely agree with you that there is much in that story that could be responded to, and several people did so very well.

As for being nice, I have a friend in Tampa who has told me how nice you are, so I would always try to be nice to you, my dear.  Besides, my other post on this thread was defending another provider I know.

Thanks for pointing that out.  I did miss that line.  I notice it was modified at  1:41:07.  Perhaps the modification cleared up the posters intentions.  That was right about the time I was writing my second post in this thread?    Or maybe I just misread and posted in haste.  If so, I'm sorry.

I'm glad for this thread though, it gave me an idea of what to post next time I want to knock some other thread off the front page.

-- Modified on 6/28/2005 6:25:12 PM

ashleelala3314 reads

We were misled.
I liked how you worded how we were misled a lot better, as I said before, very nicely put.

LJ-you are now 1 of 3 who gets the name :) :)  :)

AnotherNYCProvider4282 reads

oops forgive me. i didnt know that

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