TER General Board

I don't think . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 658 reads

screening improves or detracts from a session one way or another.  Whether I was vigorously screened or lightly screened had no impact on the quality of the session.   Its about the connection between two people. Sometimes two people connect and sometimes they don't.  The session is about the sexual chemistry, not about knowing where somebody works or who they have seen before.  Just my own observation in 9 years of hobbying.  Others may disagree.

Never underestimate screening. Screening really makes the experience really good for all parties. Instead of avoiding participating in screening, we should all actively participate in it. As a result from that my job its not a job at all 😃.  

I know most honbyists here know the importance of this but the lurkers out there who don't post. Most people here would agree with the importance of screening.  

I can tell a couple of experiences where screening was lacking and I ended up having subpar sessions. I'm sure it's even worse for honbyists.

screening improves or detracts from a session one way or another.  Whether I was vigorously screened or lightly screened had no impact on the quality of the session.   Its about the connection between two people. Sometimes two people connect and sometimes they don't.  The session is about the sexual chemistry, not about knowing where somebody works or who they have seen before.  Just my own observation in 9 years of hobbying.  Others may disagree.

But not everyone is good honest and respectful. In my first attempt at this I was robbed. I know a lady that was beaten and raped. Both likely would have been avoided has we each screened. With screening odds of a session going horribly sideways is small, with screening you have no idea what kind a person is walking through that door. LE for an example.

You found the lady that robbed you on BP, right?

But if not Backpage it was something similar. But through screening I have found less then honorable on a great many sites and avoided them, including this one. Most guys on TER do screen through reviews and the like. It was why this and all other decent review sites exists. Even using sites like P411 which prescreen there members is a form of screening. I stand by my statement everyone should screen everyone in this game. Hobbyist and provider alike. Bad things can happen if you don't.

I, and many other providers, can often get the feeling that we will NOT click with certain gentlemen during the screening & scheduling process.  

It often has to do with those who are unwilling to comply with our procedures or who have clearly not read the information on our ads/sites, or any number of things.  Sometimes, as is often said, it's just a "feeling".  ;-)

What I'm saying is that it's not just about checking references, reviews, etc.  It's about the tone & content of his communications as a whole.  If he seems very impatient to me, that might be a pass.  Ditto if his communication is very limited to the point of being abrupt or even curt.  These are the men with whom I am very unlikely to "connect".  

Some ladies insist on a phone conversation prior to meeting in order to feel out new clients.  Others deliberately make them jump through hoops, as they've learned those unwilling to dance to her tune are NOT the clients she wants. ;-)

So yes..... some of the possibility of a "connection" can indeed be determined (or ruled out lol) during the screening & scheduling process.  :-

you seem to only be concerned about your side of the process.  There have been some providers that I got a "feeling" on during the screening process that made me decide to pass as well.  There is a buyer and a seller in these transactions.  There are not enough buyers to go around and make all of the sellers happy, and competition happens as a result.  Like any mercantile relationship, a flexible seller (no pun intended) is the one that will usually land the sale.  

You have a minimum amount of information about me that you want.  I have a maximum amount of privacy I am willing to give up in order to see someone.  If your minimum and my maximum overlap, then the deal will be made, if not, then I will just find another seller, and you will have lost a sale.  The way I view business, if you lose a $1000 sale, you actually made your competition stronger, because you lost $1000 and one of your competitors made a $1000 extra, so you its a total swing of $2000.  Not many sellers can afford to do that very many times and stay in business.

Everyone should screen everyone in this game. Some very bad things can happen to those who don't screen, provider and hobbyist alike.

And I don't believe there's any correlation between the amount of screening and the quality of the session.

Just by judging based on their willingness to be screened. Sometimes it's not about the type of screening but just their willingness to be actively involved in it.  

Posted By: hiddenhills
And I don't believe there's any correlation between the amount of screening and the quality of the session.

GaGambler653 reads

I don't mind giving out the info, but I am not "applying" for a session, at the first hint of a provider acting like I have to "apply" to see her, I am out of there.

I have P 411, I have dozens of Okays, Dozens of women who have gone on record as vouching for me. I also don't mind proving who I am by providing ID, if "asked nicely" other than that, I am not going to be bothered getting "actively" involved in the screening process.

Iheartsports584 reads

You mentioned you have vouches but in order for the lady to contact your vouches or know more about you I'm sure she would ask you things like your name, e-mail, etc.  The reason I ask is because I'm trying to understanding what you mean by not getting activity involved.

-- Modified on 9/13/2016 10:41:17 AM

GaGambler401 reads

Everything but my real name is already provided in my profile, including dozens of okays.

If she wants to contact my okays, that's fine with me. if she asks for my real name "nicely" that's ok too.

If she asks me to jump through any additional hoops, I am not interested in pursuing a date with her. As I said I am not "applying" for the opportunity to spend my money, the very first moment where it looks like I am going to have to "work" for the privilege of spending my money on a provider, I lose all desire to meet her.

Iheartsports536 reads

Oh ok I get it so filling out a screening form would probably spark the feelings of " applying for a date" so you wouldn't do it. I get it, everyone is different.  

 If you have your p411 with your e-mail/ contact information showing plus other things that the lady would ask for your screening in order to contact your vouches then that's a good profile. Most just have a profile with barely no information which is why most providers have to start asking questions but in your case you have a pretty good profile with everything listed so I do get what you mean.

Thanks for clearing it up.  
Everyone is different

-- Modified on 9/13/2016 12:02:32 PM

GaGambler568 reads

I most definitely will NEVER fill out one of those insipid screening forms, I will however provide most any "reasonable" information that a lady asks about me, part of my willingness to provide information is the "tone" in which it is asked. The moment a provider "demands" anything from me is the last communication we will ever have. Or at least the last "pleasant" communication. "GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!" doesn't really count as pleasant, does it? lol

For the record, I am already "out" so things like my "real" name don't bother me in the least, I can completely understand however why a guy with a "lot to lose" would refuse to supply that information.

Mr.M.Johnson627 reads

But I have a fair number.  I never ever provide my name.  In addition to WhiteListings etc. I will sometimes provide info of my references (websites, email).  If Provider requires my name or employer's company name, forgetaboutit - ain't gonna happen.  I've only been "rejected" twice in 10 years

Iheartsports562 reads

whichever name your references know you by because we have to contact them.  

Basically seeing someone who real name is Richard but in the hobby his name is Jason and every one knows him by Jason is ok for me but I will not accept it if the person is one min Jason, the next min Porter and the next Mike because it gets confusing. An hobby name is fine although I prefer a real name first and last.  

Honestly my screening evolves for the better so as I go on I change things and make things fit my comfort level. I do the same with my rates I started seeing that I wanted to be low volume which is why I upped my rates and also to attract a different clientele so I believe everything in the hobby is a learning experience and we most do what we are comfortable with ( both ladies and gents)

-- Modified on 9/13/2016 1:10:38 PM

GaGambler333 reads

I said P 411 okays, of which I have dozens.

I don't live in TER land. I live in Texas where TER is NOT the dominant board, most of the women I see are not active on TER, but P 411 is big here and almost all my paid dates originate from a P 411 ad. It makes my mongering life so much easier to simply send a P 411 PM asking for a date and telling the lady to feel free to check out my profile and okays before getting back to me. Most of my dates on P 411 are arrange in a matter of minutes, an hour or two at the most. Call me spoiled, but I refuse to spend days on getting screened when there are literally hundreds of women more than happy to get me screened with no effort on my part in a matter of minutes. Why would I jump through endless hoops when so many quality ladies are willing to make MY life easier?

Junk-Yard-Dog583 reads

and my reply and sarcasm was to Him.

I just knew the phrase "insipid forms" was going to be in there somewhere.  

I still love you. Not as much as my form, though. :D

Posted By: GaGambler
I most definitely will NEVER fill out one of those insipid screening forms, I will however provide most any "reasonable" information that a lady asks about me, part of my willingness to provide information is the "tone" in which it is asked. The moment a provider "demands" anything from me is the last communication we will ever have. Or at least the last "pleasant" communication. "GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!" doesn't really count as pleasant, does it? lol  
 For the record, I am already "out" so things like my "real" name don't bother me in the least, I can completely understand however why a guy with a "lot to lose" would refuse to supply that information.

GaGambler473 reads

You can have all the personal information you want about me. Come to think of it, you probably already have it. lol

I'm sorry but I am not jumping thru hoops to see a provider...or doctor or dentist or carpet cleaner.
It's a service business and you'll love some people you see and dislike others just as intensely.  
And after moving into medicine after the PD I can tell you some doctors are scarier.  

Sasha, no offense meant...and I mean that sincerely...but you are in a unique segment of our hobby.
There's more danger from your clientele, or potential clients, because some people just are miserable human beings.  
As a former homicide detective in a major city I can tell you from firsthand experience.
I'd suggest that your screening be as stringent as possibl

I can't see myself having a session with a client and I don't know his real name... It's just not smart on my end. Something happens and I'm now looking for "john242" how does that even play out? lol.

I can't see myself giving by to someone who's real first name I don't even know.

Screening easy by giving my board info up front. I have my TER stuff, P411 with 20 something OKs and even DateCheck (when it works) with seven or so provider referrals. So I try to make it easy and hope my date request emails get moved to the short stack. Rarely am I asked for anything else.

LasVegan563 reads

This is a topic that can get many providers and hobbyists "invested."  Clearly, screening is necessary to make providers/hobbyists feel safe and comfortable.

When a hobbyist feels a provider's degree of screening is overkill and kills the mood, that hobbyist will move on.

When a provider feels a hobbyist is not willing to allow screening to the point that provider can feel safe, then she will deny the hobbyist an appointment.

This is no different than so many other factors that play a role in making an appointment ideal for both hobbyists and providers;  1) menu, 2) hourly rate, 3) appearance of BOTH, 4) incall/outcall, ad infinitum.

But above all these factors is the manner in which they are addressed by all parties involved.  Attitude is everything!  When either a provider presents any of these factors in an overly demanding way, it is time for me to move on, no matter!  The mood can be killed instantly, in some cases.  Conversely, am sure providers feel the same way about hobbyists.

Let's face it, the primary purpose of screening is NOT so a provider can be sure she will share the right chemistry with a client.  Am betting many providers have adequately screened their clients and as long as they were safe and the client had good hygiene, the provider managed to "tolerate" the session even when that chemistry was non-existent.

Don't you think?

Leaving the thing of dealing with an agency or an assistant aside for a moment, if the provider does her own screening some communication can happen.

Things I want to determine are:

How confident will I be that the photos are an accurate representation?
Do I get the feeling that her age is approximately what I'm looking for? IMC, mature but youthful, not a kid or a granny.
Without asking for an address, is she in a convenient part of the metropolitan area?
Does she enjoy DFK, a bit of get-to-know-you romance, and her service geared to GFE mainly and fully or PSE?

Of course I want to know that the experience is safe, and I know that I can't actually ask some questions in so many words, but I can get a good idea of what to expect by how she responds to her emails.

Given this, I'm willing in return to provide her with whatever information she is requesting unless it seems too private. If, for example, she were to ask for my SS# or my address, I would state that I wasn't comfortable telling her that. If that would be a deal breaker, I'd figure it was best to move on.

I've almost always wound up with a "good fit," and a lady who I have found absolutely enchanting.

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