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I don't see why it would be a problem
breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 306 reads

The only thing that irritates me is when ladies lie about it which happens a lot.  I do think men appreciate intelligence in a woman because not only is she interesting to talk to, one could also think that she has plenty of options in life and she's doing this because she loves it.  

Personally I don't have a PhD or anything, but I have a few years worth of credits towards an environmental engineering degree.

GoogleWasMyIdea3328 reads

One thing I've noticed is that a lot of ladies in my tech-heavy area create persona that stress their academic and intellectual accomplishments. I wonder if they are doing that for the client or to feel better about themselves.

I mean, it seems to me that most clients (at least for mid-tier and up escorts) work with really smart, educated women, are often married to them, interact with them daily. I just don't see it as an escort selling point. Of course, smart is good. But I'd think, PhD in an escort doesn't replace nice boob, good service, and fun to be with.  And for perspective, I'm also a guy who thinks the whole notion of high end escorting (say over $600/hour) is pretty silly.

Of course, to each his or her own. Ladies who like to talk about their dual degrees and love of advanced math in their ads - more power to you. And guys who like it - knock yourself out.

But am I the only one who feel that focus too much on it gets annoying quickly?

threatened by smart and/or educated women?  For me, if that D-cup comes with a 150+ IQ or a PhD, so much the better.  

The only thing that irritates me is when ladies lie about it which happens a lot.  I do think men appreciate intelligence in a woman because not only is she interesting to talk to, one could also think that she has plenty of options in life and she's doing this because she loves it.  

Personally I don't have a PhD or anything, but I have a few years worth of credits towards an environmental engineering degree.

it all depends on what client looking for. I have had quite a few appointment that client only want to have nice conversation and good companion. For example, I have had a client we meet up regularly for at least 2 hours and we just sit in my living room drinking tea and have conversation. and also dinner date in really nice restaurant and then took me shopping the next day for a whole afternoon in London. Recently I have had a client took me to see orchestra and we can't even talk because it's not allow, he just drop me home and left and we both had a good time.  

I think any kind of long meeting require a lot more than just a pretty face and nice body. at the end of the day, it's about making them forget it's a booking, but more like a real date and flow naturally.  

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Maybe it's my advanced years, but the conversation and companionship mean as much to me as the sex.  
She need not have a degree, but a little erudition goes a long way.

... then I can understand why a woman's intelligence wouldn't be important.  

i think smart is incredibly sexy.  The best providers I know have well-worn library cards--metaphorically at least.  But no need to boast about advanced degrees in an ad or profile.  The woman's intelligence will quickly become apparent to me  through her reviews, her communications with me, and during our first date.

To find dates.  Just kidding.

My sense of humor is dry or nonexistent depending on whom you ask.  A lady usually has to be intelligent to get it.  I'm not going to claim that physical attributes are not important.   However intelligence adds to the overall experience for me.  She may be intelligent without a degree, but at least when I am viewing her resume, there is a better chance of her being intelligent when we meet.  The actual interviews of course sometimes shows the opposite.

DatyRookie279 reads

Stereotype the ladies you see as uneducated who fell into the hobby because they had no particular skill set.  

Maybe I dont understand your post. It was long winded. Most of the ladies I see have degrees, some have children. Some do this for dual income. Some find the thrill of meeting new men and having a rendezvous. They may not like the men they meet (some), but bottom line, many of these ladies have a good head on them, and give good head too.  

Why do you really care about their academics?

I bet many of the men who hobby are beer bellied, sweat pant wearing, Velcro she strapping morons. Not all, but men tend to lie about their financial or economic  status in life. Ladies can see right through it.

Stop thinking so much and have fun.

There was a provider in my area who always told folks she had a medical degree.. but it was obvious she was lying.. I still had a great time with her. A friend of hers told me she worked in the infirmary when she was in prison....so she claimed to have medical training... I guess she did... kind of...

Providers flash the PhD because they worked hard for it and  
it sets them apart from the herd.  
They hold it up for the Clients to see and for the other Providers to see.

I don't think it guarantees a Great session,  
just because someone has "Paper" on the Wall.

A lot of "Smart" people don't know how to have FuN.

-- Modified on 4/14/2017 2:08:37 AM

to feel that way, I'm sure, but their focus is obviously not you. There are plenty of ladies focusing on the size of their tits and how "naughty" they are and guys like you go crazy for them.  

Why wouldn't there be ladies catering to someone who likes to connect intellectually? They also exist. It's great marketing to differentiate yourself in some way.  

Despite it seeming over represented here on TER, in the grand scheme of things, those ladies who talk about their academic accomplishments probably somewhat mirrors the education statistics of population; a minority of people have those degrees. And a minority of us have rates at 600/hr and up, so basically just avoid those people and you still have the vast majority of ladies to choose from.

...and am turned on by intelligence. Combine that with education and smarts, add in an exterior that I find attractive -- well, that's a woman whom I will be contacting.

Her ad, posts, participation in discussion boards and other forms of communication reflect her personality, wit, education, ease of conversation and likes/dislikes -- all of this data gives a look and feel to me regarding how well we might get along.

Since I like to book longer appointments, I prefer to find someone with whom I "click" and having been in the p4p world (off and on) since '92, it's served me well. I met with a provider in Feb that had the right combination for me and we hit it off quite nicely. We talked about a return appointment and I  mentioned the possibility of a 3-way another provider she had referenced in a discussion about duos. Turns out the other provider is also a strong and educated woman, so the three of us are getting together at the end of the month for a hot threesome.

Some smart people know how to have fun!

And those ladies are probably not the ones for you!

I find it a bit odd that you are annoyed by it. A woman is writing her copy to tell you about herself. If she's academically accomplished, obviously her academic and professional pursuits are an important part of her life. Why not talk about it? It's different from, say, being caught in an elevator with some egotistical doctor who rambles on and on about his CV.  

As for men who interact with intelligent and accomplished women on a daily basis? I don't necessarily see why that would make those qualities less attractive in seeking out an escort. We are often attracted to the type of people who are similar or "better" than we are exposed to most frequently. While one might tire of being caught in serious intellectual debates and seek out an escort purely for "fun", it doesn't mean he's going to try to look for the least educated lady he could find?? He'll probably just avoid engaging in intellectually taxing conversations/activities on the date.  

Also, the higher end market of escorting does not necessitate high academic achievement. (I doubt that women who play up their intelligence and women who don't discuss it at length or aren't as accomplished experience the same amount of success. High end escorting is about marketing prowess, volume, "menu", and/or status)

In any event, a of times, the quality of being able to hold an intellectual conversation is important only on longer engagements. If I have a 1 hour appointment, my intelligence and personality are probably not going to be on full display. We will likely make a little small talk and get down to business, and then it'll be time for the client to go.  

For anything 2-3 hours or more, you're probably going to want a lady with just as much beauty as she has brains, with personality and wit to match. A date of that length is not sustainable on looks alone!

Honestly I like when women say they are working their way towards their degree or have one and then are able to validate.  

If you are looking for a longer term relationship and the person can't speak on a peer level with you then it likely won't last.  My ATF is someone I've known for 4 years and we talk everything from Search Engine Marketing to Kevin Durant's strain, to the economics of the Raiders moving to Las Vegas to playing Words with Friends on our phones.  The last one is good because she is a real challenge and is very book smart!

if they have them. Whether they claim degrees or not, I can get a good sense of how smart a provider is (and, equally important for me, whether she has a sense of humor) by what she writes on her website (assuming she writes her own text, of course) and in comments here if she participates.

Somebody in another reply said he's a sapiosexual. Me too. Intelligence is hot. Humor is hot. Kindness is hot, though that is a little off the topic. I've had good times with women who weren't especially bright, but those who have really turned me on, civilians and escorts alike, have had a lot going on from the neck up as well as from the cleavage down.

But as the OP says, to each his own.

Most professional hooker web sites (Veda Designs etc.) are written by professional copywriters. Even a girl who had a self-made one told me she paid a copywriter 200 bucks to jazz it up and use the proper SEO terms.

Perhaps you should pose that question with respect to being the object of a man's desires to a woman like Maggie Mcneill who really was a librarian before she became an escort and is reservoir of information on a myriad of subjects in commercial sex and otherwise. I am thinking the reason that they put that information in their profiles is to explain that they can hold a conversation and they assume just like you they have a myriad of interest.  Also they put that there so hopefully if the right client comes along that they will have more in common than just the physical and they can graduate to the next phase of companionship which is social and the honorariums are greater there.  After all for their perspective there has to be something more than addressing the arousal to resolution issues that most of us have.

souls_harbor309 reads

Ha.  I'll believe in male "sapiosexuals" when these guys start paying for sex with ugly PhD holders.

As I said in my post above, it's the COMBINATION of smarts, personality AND looks that do it for me.

If I can find a woman with the looks AND the smarts, then that's the woman with whom I will be spending my time.

Posted By: souls_harbor
Re: Not
Ha.  I'll believe in male "sapiosexuals" when these guys start paying for sex with ugly PhD holders.

Honestly, being properly intelligent isn't some magic turn on. Most of the folks in the civvie world that I'd consider fantastically intelligent can't hold a conversation worth a damn if they don't know you.

That said, what is actually a turn on is someone who is *interesting*. You don't have to be smart to be interesting, and if you're interesting and also good to talk to, that's something very attractive.

...but I do state on my website that I hold an advanced degree. The majority of my clients don't notice this, and we build relationships based on mutual respect and physical chemistry.  

Occasionally I do meet a guy for whom my education is a major draw. A couple example scenarios:

1. A man who has been in academia his entire adult life and is very nervous about meeting a pro for the first time feels at ease knowing we'll have something to discuss

2. A gentleman finds witty banter the biggest turn on and thinks it's more likely to find that with someone formally educated*

*I don't personally think that's the case!

I don't think that formal education is a good indicator of how "smart" someone is. I also don't really value intelligence. Personally what I like in a person is kindness first and foremost, and a sense of humor is nice.  

However, it doesn't bother me at all when other providers mention education in their ads. Ads are marketing materials! They serve to communicate value. For a decent chunk of potential clients, a formal education is appealing. Of course providers are going to include something that will appeal to clients in an ad.

I don't look for just a roll in the hay when I'm looking for a provider. Ideally, I'd like to find someone who is well-read and philosophical, as it makes for a better experience for me. I always enjoy finding someone who can understand the emotional and intellectual side of attraction, seduction, and pleasure and take me someplace I wasn't expecting.

Hey, maybe it's not for everyone, but I find it makes for a deeper experience.

For argument's sake let's accept your premise and assume many ladies here don't have degrees despite advertising to the contrary.  That said, they get to go on dates with successful guys who treat them well and pay them more than most people pay their lawyers for an hour of their time.  Plus, rather than in real life they get to screen their dates (who pay them for the privilege) for their own safety.  Pretty smart I would say.

Then there are guys who have a degree or two or three who will pay women to go on dates with them (ok, pay them to go home for those who insist).  Anywhere between three hundred dollars to thousands.  So what does this mean to me...

If we accept your premise as true... a degree his highly over rated lol.  It's clear who the smart ones are.  

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