TER General Board

I don't know that there is anything she can do
divamissx 3629 reads

if he's holding everything in his own name.  If her name is not on the domain name registrar, then technically it's not hers.  There are plenty of reputable webmasters who specifically design provider websites.  She should try to use one of those.  Another avenue is to post a project on guru.com.  As a web developer, I've gotten a lot of my jobs from that site and the money is paid thru the site.  It helps keep things straight and legal but people can always find loopholes.  The best bet is to choose a developer with a good resume and references.

Anyone know if anything can be done.

I have a friend ( really I do ) Another provider. Her member site went up last week. Webmaster was all of  22. Took ALOT of money and whatever proceeds she made from her site, took her site down and holding her domain*s* hostage. He also did this to another provider in her area. THey worked with the same 22 yr old fuckhead.

Anything legally they can do? Or maybe even another designer who is savvy with design, pay member sites etc ?

[email protected]

-- Modified on 7/20/2005 5:46:43 AM

Mr. Info2366 reads

Have a different person other than your webmaster
register your domain and make sure it's in your
own name.

Also, have a different person or service host
your website.

Always get a the full content of you site on a
back-up disk in case webmaster or hosting site
flakes.  This way, you just move to another
hosting service and hire a new webmaster.

There are some regular TER chatters (all woman,
btw) who will do websites for providers.  Not sure about paysites though.

Sorry this happened. Good luck.

-- Modified on 7/20/2005 5:50:06 AM

First mistake girls make are telling people " I am totally computer illiterate"

So they will get scathed in a Buffalo Second.


sicnarf1973 reads

Just get the copyright...   that is own the content - that blocks him from using without your permission AND if he does - well, well, court time and an episode of LA Law!  hee hee....

ellobo692545 reads

From blackmailer to altruist. Whan an interesting person you are.

ellobo693736 reads

It's not like you've been trolling anyone else, is it? Report away, Mr. Info. Report away.

WebTerrorist1685 reads

Mr Info is quite right.
Don't let one person control everything...unless that one person is you.
Sadly, there are a lot of web designers / webmaster that will take advantage of people, they know that they control a person's web presence and they will take advantage of that.
Like in any business relationship, try and find someone that is not only competent, but also honest...that can be difficult, as most people won't give you a list of their dissatisfied clients to contact.

Domain name....register it yourself, and have you be the contact for the domain.

Get your own server space, a package deal mightbe cheaper, but you want to be the one with CP and server access.

Keep hard copies of your site. you can eother have your designer give you hard copy of your site, or you can download it with something like:

Sadly, in your friend's situation recourse is tough, she can try and get her site back, but that could cost her more time and money than just getting it redone.
She can try and contact the registrat of her domain name, but if it isn't in her name, they won't give her the information.  She can try and contact the hosts where she has the server spece, but if it's the same guy, or in his name again, she isn't going to have much luck.

I am sorry to hear about this, I have a special distaste for people that fusk over others...
Best of luck to your friend and the other lady that this bastard pulled this on.

Oh, one last thing, it's ok to be computer illiterate, and it's even ok to tell some people, just bevareful who you tell, and make sure that they are the type that will want to help you learn  and will look out for you, and not the type to use it against....easier said than done, I know.

These are very easy steps to take.  Domain registration takes 5 minutes on a website (godaddy.com for example), and you can do it yourself.  Spreading it amongst several people is EXCELLENT advice.  Anyone not doing these things is putting themselves in harms way.

divamissx3630 reads

if he's holding everything in his own name.  If her name is not on the domain name registrar, then technically it's not hers.  There are plenty of reputable webmasters who specifically design provider websites.  She should try to use one of those.  Another avenue is to post a project on guru.com.  As a web developer, I've gotten a lot of my jobs from that site and the money is paid thru the site.  It helps keep things straight and legal but people can always find loopholes.  The best bet is to choose a developer with a good resume and references.

ellobo692739 reads

I shouldn't have interrupted your thread.

No apology needed. Just email me the gossip and ill forgive you.. HAHAHHAHA..

Maybe.......... ;)

I've been coding my butt off since Sunday night and have my site, Ashley-Jade's site, and the main site done already.  I will have Kelly Shannon's done as soon as I get her pics.  The main site is really cute, if I do say so myself, and will give escorts with member's pages a place to list it.

The hosting is set up for mine and the main site with Ashley's and Kelly's to follow.  I have emailed an e-commerce company with final questions about taking payments and as soon as that is worked out, the sites will start rolling out.

I should have just listened to everyone months ago when they said I was capable of doing the sites.  This has been a never-ending saga since March and has consumed a lot of time and energy.

The really bad news is, I haven't gotten any play time in at all for WEEKS because of dealing with this and I am really needing some fun right now. LOL

But thank you for your support an concern, it means a lot to Kelly Shannon and I.


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