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I don't know about that LR, oil field workers are every bit as likely to end up in jail as hookers
GaGambler 456 reads

I have also managed sales organizations, in Vegas of all places and have had to come bail out my guys for a thousand different offenses, Once I had one of my best salesmen "mark" a double down hand with out the money to back it up. I got a call at three AM and arrived to find him handcuffed to the table. lol

but yeah, I do feel your pain, dealing with one hooker at a time is plenty enough for me.

Is answering the phone and make bookings for escorts a full time job?  Or it becomes easy as one gets familiar with it and then the individual can work another full time job and work this one on the side at same time?

the church would take a bad view of you answering the church phone wiith "Harry's Ho's, who do you want to see"

The difference between a booker/screener vs. a pimp for lack of a better word is the escort has more control over her business when using a screener. She dictates when she will work, for how much and who she is willing to see. When you work for an agency, it's harder to dictate to them what you're going to do. If you say you only want to see 2 guys a week for instance, you're not really making them money so odds are you're getting the clients no one else wants.  

I ran a service for a long time and trust me... it's easier being LR than herding fkin cats. It's much easier if you're just screening for one or two ladies vs. trying to run an entire agency with over 10 women, all of which you have to run ads for, screen for, schedule and collect money from.

Then it wouldn't be so hard to do.  Maybe you have never had a real managerial job in the real world.  If you did I don't think this would be so hard.

that the screener probably has to deal with?  And possibly more involved screening than just relying on a P411 type service? And booking travel, hotels, etc? And any other steps needed in ad placement, finance, etc in order to reduce risk? I'm not an insider but I can imagine that this could be more complicated if done correctly. If you spend one hour per day on each provider, and if you work with ten providers, then .....  

Not to mention baby showers, uniform service, stock room :-)

It's not the actual internet and scheduling work that is time consuming... it's the booked appointments that don't open the door, the girl who is stuck in some dark alley, the one who just got arrested for drugs, etc. If every schedule worked out and the girls showed up, paid what they owed, did not steal clients and see them behind your back, were actually sober 12 hours of the day, etc. it would NOT be so hard to do. Try finding me 10 highly educated providers who want to work for an agency that can only charge 250-300... not gonna happen. Those girls want to be Indy, and they are. I had at most 3 good girls at one time and they left after getting married or finishing school.  

I find it comical how someone can try and make a correlation between managing a professional, legal business where they do not hire criminals to herding cats in the hobby lol. Apples and Airplanes. The mere fact that running an agency requires over 60 hours a week compared to simply seeing one person for 2-4 hours  and making the same amount of money, is what he missed. I have never been late for an appt. nor have I had to cancel more than maybe 3 in 8 years. I dealt with that non-stop from other women every damn day during agency life. You can be the most organized person in the world, but you CANNOT control other people. If you toss them, BFD... they go work for someone else. It's not as if there is a point system for accountability here. Gawd.

GaGambler457 reads

I have also managed sales organizations, in Vegas of all places and have had to come bail out my guys for a thousand different offenses, Once I had one of my best salesmen "mark" a double down hand with out the money to back it up. I got a call at three AM and arrived to find him handcuffed to the table. lol

but yeah, I do feel your pain, dealing with one hooker at a time is plenty enough for me.

Ha, you might have a point there as I know many of them being from New Orleans. Offshore workers much the same, but they know if they do not show up, they are losing a solid 14 days of pay... that's a lot harder to make up than a gal who is young and cute only asking 300. Another guy will come along if she flakes.

GaGambler496 reads

IN the current environment, anyone who thinks "their shit don't stink" will find themselves without a job as oil workers are easily replaced right now.

I guess it's the same with hookers, the hotter the girl, the more likely she is to know that she can always find another guy if she flakes.

Salesmen, good salesmen that is, are very much the same way. The "rainmakers" are the biggest PITA as they know that they are hard to replace. It is a truism that 80% of the business comes from 20% of the sales force. I know, because I used to be one of those prima donnas who thought his shit didn't stink, and I was always good enough to get away with it. lol

You can only manage who ever shows up.

I have had many jobs in sales, operations mgmt and healthcare admin. as well as two degrees in associated fields. None of the people I managed drank 6 days a week, did drugs or had serious issues or they would not have lasted a month. Trust me... trying to get a bunch of hookers to show up for work much less on time, pay what they owe vs. stealing, not be drunk or high, have a reliable sitter, etc.  is a hell of a lot harder than managing a human resources department. You have clearly never managed providers or you would know that most who actually are willing to take shitty agency pay are not the most upscale or punctual of the bunch. You also have no clue about the TIME it takes to run so many women all in different states and have a life.  

As LR I see one guy a week and make 700 bucks in 2 hours.As an agency owner, I was putting in 14 hour days... uh yea, another thing you miss... agencies generally operate and cater to last minute bs drunk calls at 3 am. That is the whole point of having an agency... to cater to guys no indy would ever want to see, myself included. Shop opened up at 9 am and did not stop til after 4 am. It's not like a damn 9-5 behind a desk lol.  

If you're running a high end agency in NYC where the girls are actually making over 400 after the cut, you might have a point... I ran an under 300 an hour one in New Orleans because that is all guys were going to pay at that time. The women willing to only take 150-200 were not exactly the top of the line. Not a single one even had a car or an incall.

Running an agency is by far and away harder and about a hundred times more stressful. Try somewhere else with the "you hookers are just so dumb and haven't left the hotel room in a decade" nonsense. It only serves to show your ignorance to both worlds.  


I've been to college and worked as an RN for years.  Before that I was an apartment manager for some large apartment complexes.  But where I really learned my organizational skills was working as a food server at El Torito!  

I would have thought the same thing, but reference checking can be very time consuming and accidents can happen when it's busy, like when I'm on tour.  

I have a separate tablet (paper) for screening and each client gets his own page so I can keep track of it.  It's very busy when I'm on tour, though.  Most clients are new instead of half of them, and I work more than I do at home.  I might miss an appointment because I failed to send a final confirmation to the client but I thought I had.  Sometimes half of the appointments will either cancel or reschedule, others have requested to be notified if there's an opening on a certain day or time, plus many guys have the same first name, too. When you add the confusion of constant texts, calls, and emails coming in on the phone, it is EASY to mess up when it's busy.  

I feel bad for the client when I mess up his appointment.  I feel mad at myself, too, because one mistake can cost me hundreds of dollars and a good client.  Sometimes I am so busy with screening everyone that I miss out on some actual appointments.  That's the truth, and it happens pretty much every time I go to Chicago.  

We are lucky.  No doubt about it.  It's a very cushy job.  We can work when we want and usually at home there is plenty of time to complete references checks and a bookings one at a time, accurately, and quite easily.  But, like any job, it can get busy and it has distinct challenges even for people with good organizational skills

When you compare working 2-4 hours a week as a provider or having to work 60 as an agency owner for the SAME pay, it's easiER being a provider. Organization has nothing to do with it... it's simple math. Work more or less and make the same amount of money? Be stressed out all the time running behind a bunch of providers who do not give two shits about you and want only their next fix SEVEN DAYS A WEEK or travel the world ONCE a week whilst getting off and getting paid for it?  Gee, no brainer which of those scenarios is easier.

So if you are familiar with everything and organized, it's possible to have a 9 to 5 job at office and work a booker at same time?  That's a really good combination of two jobs to have!

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