TER General Board

I don't control the Mexican economy
Udo 511 reads

In my opinion, I paid the MILF $300 for an overnight date. That is exactly 3X what this provider would have made working a shitty 40-50 hour job in Mexico. If she has three overnight dates a week, she wpould make 9X her average salary and hopefully she can bank and invest the money to retire early. I don't know what provider's in the US would make working civie jobs. However, I feel that that they like the Mexican providers make way more providing than they would be making in some bullshit retail, clerical or administrative jobs. Many US providers have told me that they are in the business solely for the easy money without having a boss. Let's all be honest here.

The Tijuana "Meet and Greet" had members from all over the world in attendance and social backgrounds: US doctors, Hawaiian businessmen, Korean-American international communication experts, British men that want a warm vacation and hot and young latinas, San Diego lawyers that can't afford to be busted in the hobby in the US and a friend of mine that is a lawyer in Chicago that can't be afford to be arrested in the UD because of carreer and family. We are not a bunch of lower class hobbyists.

I do feel bad for the Filipina hobbyist in Angeles City, Filipines. They do overnight dates for $50 just to spend time in a hobbyist's AC hotel to get out of the oppresive heat and sleep on a clean comfortable bed. Many of the international hobbyist reported soending three weeks in the Filipines with low cost. My heart goes out to these girls.for

As for me and Ocular Chlamydia, I had my San Diego doctor friend write me out scripts for multiple Z-packs and even some doxycyline. I took a Z-pack yesterday in the San Diego airport (felt the earthquakes there) and will take the doxycyline throughtout this week followed by another Z-pack next week in case I caught anything in Tijuana this weekend. Further, I was very careful about not rubbing my eyes until until the shower. I poured antibacterial gel all over my hands and then poured small bottles of ethanol all over my head and face making contact with my eyes. I allowed this to sit for 5 minutes followed by showering.

As far as bbfs, I am HIV/STD clean based on a couple weeks ago for a full STD screen I intend to be tested every month. I showed my results to the Mexican providers and had them check my body parts for IV drug use scars before they allowed me bbfs. Remember, with circumcision and a healthy penis, women are 10X more likely to catch HIV or even Chlamydia from an infected partner. I prefer bbfs since after I have been drinking it is hard for me to cum while wearing a condom that dulls the pleasure.

Udo3289 reads

I spent this past weekend staying in Tijuana, Mexiico. My first hour date ($150) was with a young attractive 18 year old girl. I had to provide her with direction to fucking and sucking since she did not have much experience in the business.

Later in the same day, I attended a "Fiesta" that was basically a hobbyist/provider "Meet and Greet." I was extremely attracted to a hot MILF sitting at the table nearby. Apparently, her overnight date did not show up lucky for me. It turns out that she was the 37 year old mother of the 18 year old girl that I started the day with. The MILF took me to her car while the daughter picked up her overnight back from the same vehicle since she to had an overnight date. It was a little ackward of a moment!

The MILF and I had great sex (bbbj and bbfs) all night and snuggled together all night long (10 hours since we both enjoyed plenty of alcohol). In the morning, I gave her $300 for the overnight date and she dropped me at the border to make my flight to Chicago from the San Diego airport.

I promised the mother that I would take both her and her daughter out for a lobster dinner on my next trip south.

It does seem a little strange having carnal knowledge of both mother and daughter. This makes the hobby great!

Try telling it on Newbie board..Perhaps they will buy it...

And learn how to spell awkward. Its awkward to read awkward spelled awkwardly...

A couple weeks ago you were worried about your chlamydia eye, and suggesting instant std tests, and being "done" with the hobby in Asia. Now you're getting bbfs in Tijuana.

Either you're a troll, just soliciting responses, or you are the stupidest guy on the board.

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 3:28:35 PM

Good catch PS. That 's the same idiot who claimed he went to Thailand or some fucked up Asian country and banged a broad there and got the C-Eye...

As much as I am on the boards, I should have caught that.  It was an easy fly ball...

I wasted five min of my precious time responding to his post.

May I suggest a BSC board for trolls like these....

Udo596 reads

Sir, you need to hobby outside of US!

GaGambler461 reads

and I have been with at least a thousand different women OUTSIDE of the US, one of the reasons my dick hasn't fallen off yet, is I am not insane enough to go BB with a complete fucking stranger in TJ.

Just for the record, I have in six different countries so far this year, with trips to both Asia and Europe still in the works. No one with half a brain would go BB in TJ, especially with some chica I imagine you picked up somewhere in the Zona Norte, which is the only place in TJ that a gringo should dare walk the streets.

Yeah, I been to TJ, going all the way back to '74, and even then you could catch shit that would make your dick fall off. I have also been to Nogales, Mexicali, Ciudad Acuna, Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, RockyPoint, Matamoros and every other stinking border town you have ever heard of.

Hey I have an idea for you if you really have a death wish, why don't you take a "hobbying trip" to Nuevo Laredo? I am sure you will get your wish there.

CentralSeeker479 reads

Posted By: perfectstorm
A couple weeks ago you were worried about your chlamydia eye, and suggesting instant std tests, and being "done" with the hobby in Asia. Now you're getting bbfs in Tijuana.
Hey, he just said he had BBFS.  He might have been wearing a blindfold for protection.

Maybe he wore them this time to protect his eyes, but I guess he is not worried about his dick falling off! :D

Dear Ms. Rayne:
If you were going to write a handbook on business practices and codes of ethics for adult companionship professionals what would you say with respect to the stipulations of the business venue? Also what would you ask your colleagues in Canada who just won a case where the living off the avails clause was rolled back as well?
Your thought are immensely appreciated.

Udo540 reads

Cured with a couple units of Z-packs. Hobbyists and providers need to modify their game globally.

Naturally blond, blue-eyed providers that are busty can easily make thousands weekly in India servicing the IT crazed Indian hobbyists and the other providers can travel to Saudi Arabia or Dubai to service the Muslim lords of oil. Thousands a week to be made by hobbyists.

However, I think there is some inherent provider racism about servicing a Hindu (or Muslim) Indian or a deeply religous Saudi Arabian. It is provider racism since money has no color!

GaGambler409 reads

Are you now claiming to be an international pimp?

BTW HIndu and Muslim are not races dumbass, they are religions. Did you also get chlamydia of the brain?

You are either incredibly stupid, or incredibly fucking stupid, Please take my advice and start hobbying in Nuevo Laredo, they love gringos down there, especially rich stupid ones.

Posted By: GaGambler
Are you now claiming to be an international pimp?

BTW HIndu and Muslim are not races dumbass, they are religions. Did you also get chlamydia of the brain?

You are either incredibly stupid, or incredibly fucking stupid, Please take my advice and start hobbying in Nuevo Laredo, they love gringos down there, especially rich stupid ones.

"Stupidest guy on the board" gets my vote.  Unless he's a troll.  Which is highly possible.

Posted By: Udo
I spent this past weekend staying in Tijuana, Mexiico. My first hour date ($150) was with a young attractive 18 year old girl. I had to provide her with direction to fucking and sucking since she did not have much experience in the business.

Later in the same day, I attended a "Fiesta" that was basically a hobbyist/provider "Meet and Greet." I was extremely attracted to a hot MILF sitting at the table nearby. Apparently, her overnight date did not show up lucky for me. It turns out that she was the 37 year old mother of the 18 year old girl that I started the day with. The MILF took me to her car while the daughter picked up her overnight back from the same vehicle since she to had an overnight date. It was a little ackward of a moment!

The MILF and I had great sex (bbbj and bbfs) all night and snuggled together all night long (10 hours since we both enjoyed plenty of alcohol). In the morning, I gave her $300 for the overnight date and she dropped me at the border to make my flight to Chicago from the San Diego airport.

I promised the mother that I would take both her and her daughter out for a lobster dinner on my next trip south.

It does seem a little strange having carnal knowledge of both mother and daughter. This makes the hobby great!

Writing out his fantasies.

Udo556 reads

Really? You need to develop a more International view of the hobby and become more global.

If you don't belive me, go to www.TJAmigos.com. I have posted on that site for over 10 years as my current screen name: Udo. Look at my posts while I encourage you to look up Fiestas.

Rates are much higher for hobbying in the US because it is illegal here. Most guys at the Tijuana Fiesta would never again go to the legal Neveda brotels since everyting is covered while you are fucking past their prime fake blonds for $500. Overprime and overweight providers here not providing full GFE would be working low paying civie jobs in these countries! The hobby is always evolving!

Many international hobbyists have directed me to Prague, Slovokia where a session with a 18 - 25 year old Eastern European model beauty (Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Croatian or Romanian) will cost you $150 with bbbj and bbfs for $150-$200.  Their STD rates are low over there.

Did not realize it was the same guy. No troll post but idiot post seems better. Enjoy your barebacking and green eyes. :) Have fun.

-- Modified on 8/27/2012 2:53:46 PM

Udo469 reads

Do you really think that hobbyist to drop money on your never hobby internationally/

short sided thinking

not to brag about their bbbfs conquests on here though. The only "short sided" thing in this equation is your fkin brain wave capability. Peace out!

Posted By: Udo
Do you really think that hobbyist to drop money on your never hobby internationally/

short sided thinking

Udo512 reads

In my opinion, I paid the MILF $300 for an overnight date. That is exactly 3X what this provider would have made working a shitty 40-50 hour job in Mexico. If she has three overnight dates a week, she wpould make 9X her average salary and hopefully she can bank and invest the money to retire early. I don't know what provider's in the US would make working civie jobs. However, I feel that that they like the Mexican providers make way more providing than they would be making in some bullshit retail, clerical or administrative jobs. Many US providers have told me that they are in the business solely for the easy money without having a boss. Let's all be honest here.

The Tijuana "Meet and Greet" had members from all over the world in attendance and social backgrounds: US doctors, Hawaiian businessmen, Korean-American international communication experts, British men that want a warm vacation and hot and young latinas, San Diego lawyers that can't afford to be busted in the hobby in the US and a friend of mine that is a lawyer in Chicago that can't be afford to be arrested in the UD because of carreer and family. We are not a bunch of lower class hobbyists.

I do feel bad for the Filipina hobbyist in Angeles City, Filipines. They do overnight dates for $50 just to spend time in a hobbyist's AC hotel to get out of the oppresive heat and sleep on a clean comfortable bed. Many of the international hobbyist reported soending three weeks in the Filipines with low cost. My heart goes out to these girls.for

As for me and Ocular Chlamydia, I had my San Diego doctor friend write me out scripts for multiple Z-packs and even some doxycyline. I took a Z-pack yesterday in the San Diego airport (felt the earthquakes there) and will take the doxycyline throughtout this week followed by another Z-pack next week in case I caught anything in Tijuana this weekend. Further, I was very careful about not rubbing my eyes until until the shower. I poured antibacterial gel all over my hands and then poured small bottles of ethanol all over my head and face making contact with my eyes. I allowed this to sit for 5 minutes followed by showering.

As far as bbfs, I am HIV/STD clean based on a couple weeks ago for a full STD screen I intend to be tested every month. I showed my results to the Mexican providers and had them check my body parts for IV drug use scars before they allowed me bbfs. Remember, with circumcision and a healthy penis, women are 10X more likely to catch HIV or even Chlamydia from an infected partner. I prefer bbfs since after I have been drinking it is hard for me to cum while wearing a condom that dulls the pleasure.

or what the fuck your social status is. Your semen can carry the same virus as the next guy who works in Wendy's and flips hamburgers for living.

It seems that you just want to SHOW OFF that you are well off...Well we are not impressed..And quite honestly, your stories are way out there for any of us to believe. I've been on these boards for around 10 rs and have pretty much seen it all. I can smell fake and made up shit from a mile...

Anyone wants to call MP just for a day or two to rip this guy a new one....

Instead of not drinking or drinking later, you drink and BB. LOL. Nice try. ;)

He is obviously too naive or maybe just clueless to consider that "he could be a bigger germ farm than that monkey in Outbreak (Chasing Amy)."

AltTraveler410 reads

I would never admit to an experience yours. You seem to lack both taste, standards and general common sense. Maybe you're so old you think your dick is going to fall off soon-- if not keep this shit up and it will. I'd never have BBFS with a civie let alone a pro in Tijuana. I hope you donate your body to science as it's going to make an interesting petri dish.

GaGambler483 reads

but even in 1974, getting the fucking clap in TJ was a running joke, and that was before AIDS and a host of other diseases that will take your shot of penicillin and turn the needle back around on your doctor and stick him in the ass with it.

Bareback in TJ, sounds like the beginning of a bad joke.

HookerCops334 reads

... Penthouse where you can get lots of readers who will believe and enjoy your nonsense. On this site, only macdaddy and lungman believe everything they hear.

Posted By: HookerCops
... Penthouse where you can get lots of readers who will believe and enjoy your nonsense. On this site, only macdaddy and lungman believe everything they hear.
i had a true mom & daughter encounter , that i still laugh about in Laredo. After a brief meeting w a young senorita , I kept her # & had to get a motel as my truck went in the shop. I called her as she was at a club & told her to bring a friend 4 a 3some, when she knocked  on my doorr, an ugly old troll, resembling the "wheres the beef" lady , barged in sayin : "wheres my money!" lol , i slammed the door & when the young maiden asked whats wrong? I said "why u bring that old bag along?" she says: "That old bag is my mother!"
omg, the door stayed locked as i fell on the floor laughing uncontrolably

Udo348 reads

Truth is stranger than fiction.  Visit "TJAmigos.com" to see what goes on in Tiijuana.

I find it hard to believe that a guy has never had bbfs in his life. He must be a sad human being.

I am sorry for the US hobbyists with vanilla sex from local providers.

HookerCops862 reads

I said I believe your story is total bullshit. Just like all the other crap you spew. I could not care less if you have BBFS with random street trash in Mexico. I also won't care when you die in a few years. Good luck!!!

I get the impression you may have been here before as ... MSHSEX.

Udo457 reads

Your comments are racist against the Mexican people. These women are not trash. Many provide only on the side to provide for their families. Some providers are married women trying to make ends meet.

Don't hate!

HookerCops351 reads

... the street and provide BBFS as trash, but feel free to distort things however you like, MSHSEX. Your opinion won't give me any sleepless nights.

GaGambler369 reads

hating enough to use a term as low as I have ever heard on this board "MSHSEX", Now that is a true insult indeed.

Posted By: HookerCops
I said I believe your story is total bullshit.
I used to frequent Tijuana regularly and posted reviews here of at least two senioritas.

He says enough things that are/could be true that I would not challenge his
claim that he had bbfs as "total bullshit".  In theory, "sexo servidoras" in Tijuana are supposed to have "health cards", though Udo did not claim that he was shown one.

For years the average escort rate has been 150/hour, some were willing do spend all night for as little as 300.  I would not be surprised if some still are.  

The TJ "love motels" have showers large enough for group activities....
I would probably return if Tijuana becomes safer.

Udo319 reads

Tijuana is very safe for mongers as I have been so many times in the last ten years. Don't believe the crap on the news. You will find trouble if you are looking for drugs. Guys looking for pussy have no problems.

Prices still remain the same:

Street Girls: $25 for 30 minutes with hotel at about $15 for the time
Bar Girls: $60 - $80 per hour determined by how sexy and beautiful the chica is
Escorts: $100-$150 per hour. $300 for overnight date in your hotel room

I almost exclusively do escort dates since I want the top of the line in sexual attractiveness and beauty while being with a clean STD-free low volume partner that provides me GFE. I will not see a provider that wants to give me a CBJ. CBJ is for Johns picking up street walkers that are high volue and might be servicing over 10 guys per day. Because of their high volume, they must protect themselves. I guess that I understand that. I am clean and not some filthy diseased pig. I usually can provide the chica with my latest STD screen results to make them comfortable with providing me GFE.

PM me for escort advice or hotel. I use a 4* hotel five minutes from the border with room service until 11PM and a lounge open most of the night. It is very friendly to hobbyist and extremely safe. The cost is about $60-$70 er night. It's mostly a business class hotel.

GaGambler374 reads

Every border town is dangerous, and has been for decades. I started going to TJ almost forty years ago, and it has never been more dangerous than it is now.

and you have no idea whether or not an escort is low or high volume by her prices in TJ, the US or any other country for that matter. You are either a moron or think the rest of us are. Kindly crawl back in your hole, or take my advice and move your hobbying to Nuevo Laredo.

saturnsky403 reads

And I take offense to that remark...lol Really I don't much care what you think about US ladies...if we are that boring and safe for your tastes, then it makes all the sense in the world that you leave us alone and stick to your wonderful TJ girls. I am sure they appreciate your generosity and snuggles.

Tiijuana Mexico is a very dangerous places to visit.  The crime there is horrific.  I doubt highly that there was a M&G there to begin with.  Unless it was a Cartel M&G and they wanted to parade their new kidnapped under age women around for you to fuck before they killed them.  Nice you are a hero.  And you screwed her mother too, who was probably a teenager herself.  But your fairytail story gets even better when you talk about screwing around in other countries.  Thailand, I am sure you got your fix of underage prostitutes there too.  And who are you kidding, you didn't spend $300, you probably spend $3.00, if that much.  You are a really sad example of how ignorence and stupidity can come from this great country.  I am sure the mother and daughter can't wait for your extravagant lobster dinner Ohhh!  But chances are they will probaly be long gone, dissapeared in the desert, or dead.  But keep up the great united nations work you are doing.  You are a discusting fucking hero!!!


Elle Vegas

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 9:43:37 AM

Wow, you where hot before you got mad, now, your REALLY hot!!!.....:)

Udo412 reads

Do you get your Tijuana info from CNN? There is no danger to hobbyists. I have been down over 100x in the past years. I have doctors and lawyer friends that go too since a prostitution arrest can't occur in Mexico since it is legal there. A prostitution arrest can ruin your family and career.

The girls in Mexico all have health cards and are 18 years and up. Its 100 percent legal (unlike the US where it is a crime) and safe.

I can share info for the mongers that want to experience a great weekend in the hobby at a lower cost including overnight dates.

accusing you of stereotyping or going off on a tangent,  because you are not blind enough to miss the connected dots! According to some, we as hookers and johns breaking the law can't object to ANY act of sex, regardless of how fked up it is. That includes children, rape, and incest...talk about fktardery!

-- Modified on 8/28/2012 6:23:40 PM

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