TER General Board

I do have to apologize on behalf of my associatered_smile
Dr Who revived 867 reads

She's new to the biz and had just completed some CPE classes in "How to conduct an audit with the IRS".

Sounds like she excelled at the "fucking asshole" part of the class  ;)

As for the international part of this...avoid Chartered Accountants.  They have mastered these CPE classes.

In the old days you could have just used the spool from the calculator.  Works better than that tampon you were suggesting.

her fingernail And damn near causing me to bleed out right there and then.  Then she has the temerity – the absolute utter fucking Gall – to give ME shit for bleeding all over her sheets.  She says, “What the Fuck am I supposed to tell the Hotel about this!”

I reply, “Maybe you can start by telling them how you DIGITALLY FUCKING RAPED ME! How’s that for a start?”  Well, that didn’t go over too well, and the dying mood was murdered right then and there.  She started screaming at me to just get the fuck out (even though we were only 10 minutes into the session) and picking up my clothes and throwing them at me (the shoes hurt when they hit).

I started getting dressed, but stopped when I realized that I was still bleeding and didn’t want to put my white cargo shorts back on.  So I asked her if she had a spare pad or tampon so that I didn’t get fecal blood all over my clothes and new car seats.  I ended up just shoving them on and running when she started screeching Dolphin at me. This was doubly troublesome because I still had a hard on from the impulse-buy  supplements that I took.

Down to the lobby bathroom to shove a wad of toilet paper in my ass crack and out the door I went.  What a fucked up experience.  I should have known something bad was going to happen from the first minute in the room.
You see, I like to break the ice by hiding the envelope in the room while the Provider’s back is turned and then giving her clues like a scavenger hunt.  Usually they appreciate the effort, but she was not amused.  Evidently, she’s a former CPA, which means that she has absolutely no fucking sense of humor whatsoever.  Had I known her background beforehand, I probably wouldn’t have even seen her as I don’t know anyone who would willingly date a CPA.

Things got a little more awkward when, right before the BBBBJ, I asked her if the 1st pop could be CIM, and gave her the option of having me warn her by twisting her ears, pulling her hair, or lightly smacking her in the back of the head; and if she wanted me to shoot it down her throat, just in her mouth, or in the general vicinity of her mouth from ten feet away.  Being a former CPA, you would think that she would have appreciated me laying out the options as if on a spreadsheet, but NO.  She just gave me a withering look and told me to shut the fuck up and enjoy.  Well, I was enjoying it right before the FUCKING DIGITAL RAPE.

It had all looked so promising, and she (at least on paper) was meeting all of my definitions of being an ATF.  My eye had been on her for months.  Initially, I had placed her on the back burner because her first ads had no pictures or a contact number on them.  Then when she started putting pics up, she either hid her face or blurred it.  The body was great though, so she moved up the list.  She reminded me of the hot MILF’s that you see on the Depends commercials.

I was still hesitant because she was coming across as a high volume provider, and I prefer the low volume ones due to an unfortunate accident a few years ago involving my foot and the revolving door of the last high volume provider that I had seen.  Although I shouldn’t fret about that because the resulting disability allowed me to get Social Security payments that have since funded my hobying.

I finally zeroed in on her due to a combination of circumstances.  First, my then ATF somehow became pregnant and was hunting for who the father was.  Even though we always used a condom, she told me that I was a prospect because she had mistakenly put her condoms in the same bag as her spiked collar, and an accident could have happened.  Knowing who the other hobbyist that she had seen at the time as well makes me cringe a little about what that kid is going to turn out to be.  I know it’s a hobby baby because she swore up and down that she was single in her real life, and prefers it that way.  Well, the surefire way to be busted by the SO is by not being able to explain the child support payments, so I’ve been avoiding that ex-ATF like the plague.
Besides, her pregnancy was giving her some serious body image issues.  You see, she had developed the eating disorder of Incompedia Bulimia common in a lot of pregnant women, which is binge eating without the purging.  Damn, was she packing on the pounds.

So, I moved the eventual rapist up the list, but couldn’t get an appointment with her for six months due to her now being all low volume and shit.  That was actually okay as I really love the anticipation.  

To bide my time, I decided to implement a creative problem to the revolving door aspect of high volume providers by renting a hotel room by the week and ordering up some outcall pussy.  That was okay, but I started feeling like charging them after awhile since I was taking on all the expenses and was trapped in a room all day.  This biggest problem seemed to be the no shows of the new providers, leaving me sitting in a room with my dick in my hand, beating off to the AARP commercials  But it got me through, and finally the big day came for me to see this Goddess Rapist and you know how that finally turned out.

So now that you know the whole story, I come to the reason for this post.  I had originally posted about it on MyFace, but I was quickly warned that I was opening myself up to possible liability legally and Divorcely, so I thought I’d come here even though this fuck board is generally abusive, used to entertain the great unwashed, and I stand the risk of being ignored by all.

So, was I sexually assaulted by her, and what should I do about it?  Any comments or advice would be welcome.

From now on, I’m just going to hobby internationally.


-- Modified on 7/22/2014 9:33:40 AM

Put a condom on ur finger if ur gonna finger fuck the bootyhole!!!

She's new to the biz and had just completed some CPE classes in "How to conduct an audit with the IRS".

Sounds like she excelled at the "fucking asshole" part of the class  ;)

As for the international part of this...avoid Chartered Accountants.  They have mastered these CPE classes.

In the old days you could have just used the spool from the calculator.  Works better than that tampon you were suggesting.

"Give it to them up the ass."  is just a metaphor.

I recall a time at an MP where the gal shoved her finger up my ass during the BJ.  I guess I didn't have any roids then, and I sort of liked it once I popped my eyes back into their sockets.

We went on to become very close for a while, but things started to get to crazy with her, and I had to break out of her orbit.

And, holy crap, that must've been one humongous hemorrhoid!  I hope it's better now.  Just to be sure, I'm sending you a carton of PreparationH

it's a hard call... If you're both there consensually, and you're already in her mouth, at some point you might have felt her going in that direction and made your wishes known... I know I do when someone's down there!

But she should have used a glove or condom over her finger for both your safety, and you wouldn't have had the disaster and her finger wouldn't potentially smell for days. Ick.

That's the sarcasm going over your head.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
it's a hard call... If you're both there consensually, and you're already in her mouth, at some point you might have felt her going in that direction and made your wishes known... I know I do when someone's down there!  
 But she should have used a glove or condom over her finger for both your safety, and you wouldn't have had the disaster and her finger wouldn't potentially smell for days. Ick.

I think she is attempting to apply logic, to an illogical event.

How's that for sarcasm?  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
That's the sarcasm going over your head.  
Posted By: SoftlySarah
it's a hard call... If you're both there consensually, and you're already in her mouth, at some point you might have felt her going in that direction and made your wishes known... I know I do when someone's down there!  
  But she should have used a glove or condom over her finger for both your safety, and you wouldn't have had the disaster and her finger wouldn't potentially smell for days. Ick.

Panthera12950 reads

and who said osmium is rare?

-- Modified on 7/22/2014 10:34:43 AM

I thought you were DC when I responded. Sometimes I swear the handles on the board change, once I respond to them. I doubt if they do, but I experienced this a few times

Thanks for the laugh, though...and don't call me Shirley.  :D

Panthera12764 reads

Now you have to blacklist her on the unsocial media site, but just make sure you actually saw her and not someone else. If not a review, a "thumb" down will suffice

You need to copyright this by the way before Larry David gets a hold of it.

you should leave sex to a Professional :

First - DON'T sue her or press charges,

Do you really want to try to explain your damages to a jury?

But - DO register with a literary agent and launch what should be a very lucrative career as a novelist!

Congrats on the most entertaining post in a looong time/

she likes, she'll know what your interest are n whatnot. Brilliant, huh...😂
There's a board on here and you can make post suggestions n stuff on. Try that and maybe shoot em an email as well.  
Good luck and sorry bout your arse....

Posted By: DC.
her fingernail And damn near causing me to bleed out right there and then.  Then she has the temerity – the absolute utter fucking Gall – to give ME shit for bleeding all over her sheets.  She says, “What the Fuck am I supposed to tell the Hotel about this!”  
 I reply, “Maybe you can start by telling them how you DIGITALLY FUCKING RAPED ME! How’s that for a start?”  Well, that didn’t go over too well, and the dying mood was murdered right then and there.  She started screaming at me to just get the fuck out (even though we were only 10 minutes into the session) and picking up my clothes and throwing them at me (the shoes hurt when they hit).  
 I started getting dressed, but stopped when I realized that I was still bleeding and didn’t want to put my white cargo shorts back on.  So I asked her if she had a spare pad or tampon so that I didn’t get fecal blood all over my clothes and new car seats.  I ended up just shoving them on and running when she started screeching Dolphin at me. This was doubly troublesome because I still had a hard on from the impulse-buy  supplements that I took.  
 Down to the lobby bathroom to shove a wad of toilet paper in my ass crack and out the door I went.  What a fucked up experience.  I should have known something bad was going to happen from the first minute in the room.  
 You see, I like to break the ice by hiding the envelope in the room while the Provider’s back is turned and then giving her clues like a scavenger hunt.  Usually they appreciate the effort, but she was not amused.  Evidently, she’s a former CPA, which means that she has absolutely no fucking sense of humor whatsoever.  Had I known her background beforehand, I probably wouldn’t have even seen her as I don’t know anyone who would willingly date a CPA.  
 Things got a little more awkward when, right before the BBBBJ, I asked her if the 1st pop could be CIM, and gave her the option of having me warn her by twisting her ears, pulling her hair, or lightly smacking her in the back of the head; and if she wanted me to shoot it down her throat, just in her mouth, or in the general vicinity of her mouth from ten feet away.  Being a former CPA, you would think that she would have appreciated me laying out the options as if on a spreadsheet, but NO.  She just gave me a withering look and told me to shut the fuck up and enjoy.  Well, I was enjoying it right before the FUCKING DIGITAL RAPE.  
 It had all looked so promising, and she (at least on paper) was meeting all of my definitions of being an ATF.  My eye had been on her for months.  Initially, I had placed her on the back burner because her first ads had no pictures or a contact number on them.  Then when she started putting pics up, she either hid her face or blurred it.  The body was great though, so she moved up the list.  She reminded me of the hot MILF’s that you see on the Depends commercials.  
 I was still hesitant because she was coming across as a high volume provider, and I prefer the low volume ones due to an unfortunate accident a few years ago involving my foot and the revolving door of the last high volume provider that I had seen.  Although I shouldn’t fret about that because the resulting disability allowed me to get Social Security payments that have since funded my hobying.  
 I finally zeroed in on her due to a combination of circumstances.  First, my then ATF somehow became pregnant and was hunting for who the father was.  Even though we always used a condom, she told me that I was a prospect because she had mistakenly put her condoms in the same bag as her spiked collar, and an accident could have happened.  Knowing who the other hobbyist that she had seen at the time as well makes me cringe a little about what that kid is going to turn out to be.  I know it’s a hobby baby because she swore up and down that she was single in her real life, and prefers it that way.  Well, the surefire way to be busted by the SO is by not being able to explain the child support payments, so I’ve been avoiding that ex-ATF like the plague.  
 Besides, her pregnancy was giving her some serious body image issues.  You see, she had developed the eating disorder of Incompedia Bulimia common in a lot of pregnant women, which is binge eating without the purging.  Damn, was she packing on the pounds.  
 So, I moved the eventual rapist up the list, but couldn’t get an appointment with her for six months due to her now being all low volume and shit.  That was actually okay as I really love the anticipation.  
 To bide my time, I decided to implement a creative problem to the revolving door aspect of high volume providers by renting a hotel room by the week and ordering up some outcall pussy.  That was okay, but I started feeling like charging them after awhile since I was taking on all the expenses and was trapped in a room all day.  This biggest problem seemed to be the no shows of the new providers, leaving me sitting in a room with my dick in my hand, beating off to the AARP commercials  But it got me through, and finally the big day came for me to see this Goddess Rapist and you know how that finally turned out.  
 So now that you know the whole story, I come to the reason for this post.  I had originally posted about it on MyFace, but I was quickly warned that I was opening myself up to possible liability legally and Divorcely, so I thought I’d come here even though this fuck board is generally abusive, used to entertain the great unwashed, and I stand the risk of being ignored by all.  
 So, was I sexually assaulted by her, and what should I do about it?  Any comments or advice would be welcome.  
 From now on, I’m just going to hobby internationally.  

-- Modified on 7/22/2014 9:33:40 AM

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