TER General Board

I do get a "rush"...
NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 140 reads

... as I walk up to the door, then enter and am greeted by a beautiful, sexy woman and we say "hello" in various ways.  :)

But after awhile the adrenaline rush subsides and is replaced by deep relaxation as we hug, kiss, cuddle, talk, touch each other all over our bodies ... etc. etc.  The dates with providers I enjoy the most are those where it seems as if we've known each other for years (and sometimes that's the case!) and our actions and discussion flow easily and naturally.  

Sometimes I think I will forever like playing close to the fire (not quite in but very very close) - it's probably why I wander in and out of the P4P arena frequently despite being way beyond the need to support myself financially from behind the veil. Maybe it's hedonism, maybe a perpetual need to feel that 'thrill' of discovery when you meet someone with with whom you have off the charts chemistry over and over and over....who knows.

It's not by any means a complaint, more an observation. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie (translates into my interests as well as my career) so it's not just about the sex either paid or otherwise. The best high for me is when the physical and the emotional/mental connection are mutually inclusive and run parallel for me - and I seem to know where to find these experiences across all facets of my life and I live for them. That said, I do have limits and stay far away from drugs, uncalculated risks and putting myself in to situations where the odds of not coming out unscathed are just beyond worthy consideration.   I suppose I am just wondering, being the curious cat that I am, if others feel the same or are there no parallels at all in your life away from the hobby?  

C x

FriendlyGuy2017123 reads

I can't say that I have a similar adrenaline rush but must admit that the same high you mention regarding the physical/emotional/mental connection is something, that when it does happen, which is pretty rare, I thoroughly love it.  But its been soooo rare in my life that I can't say I know it from a great deal of experience.

But I also found that once its gone, it leaves a void..so I tend now not to seek it out or when it does happen, I mentally tell myself its all temporary.

I think away from this arena a similar parallel for me is diving. I scuba and free dive. I'm qualified to a reasonably high level in diving and as such have had 2 instances where I've had to get people out of trouble fairly quickly. The physical and mental stamina required were of equal parts - one in isolation of the other could easily see you in end up in a bad situation. Combine the 2 successfully and you can end up with a high level of satisfaction....


Diving - 'where were you when I needed you?'  An ancient song. You would make one seriously compelling dive buddy.   Interesting that you bring this up.  

People look at things in different ways.  After about five years of hobbying, I finally worked up the nerve to move beyond BCD, with a couple of ladies I got to know quite well.  Fear of gettting caught.  That scared me more than any dive I have ever done.  Which included stuff like wall dives where you exit a tunnel into a 6000 ft abyss.  With a serious downward current.    

Free diving sounds like an entirely different world.  That would scare me, but standard diving never has.  Lots of adrenaline, but I always felt that keeping calm, and being properly trained kept the risk down.  Then again, I know people who have completely freaked learning how to dive.

Some women in this hobby know how to use anticipation to generate serious adrenaline pre-meeting.   Which can have me on a high days in advance.  Purely with their words.  When I find that I usually come back.  

Free diving isn't frightening as long as you stay within your limits and push yourself slowly. You've probably done more free diving than you realise - look
Up dynamic freediving and you (and most on this board) will recognise fairly quickly that you have infact indulged :)
I stay far away from no limits FD - that to me is bat shit crazy! I loved Audrey Mestres but I don't want to meet with the same demise god bless her so I'll stick with constant weight FD. Mastering the fins (both sets in the photo are mine) because they require totally different finning styles is the real challenge and my calves ache like hell if it's been a while 😜

As for scuba, 2 things are off limits to me. Night diving (get the fuck out of here - where is the pleasure in bumping into shit and not knowing what it is!!??) and diving trips with clients. The 2nd incident I mentioned above involved a freak accident with a client who was a highly experienced diver. Too close a call for me I'm afraid. Diving is the ONLY thing I'll get up at 4am for (hence the time now!) but even I confess that a shortie and fins win over the dry suit and boots I'm currently packing now!!!

-- Modified on 6/24/2017 11:38:54 PM

You need to stay away from low budget night diving.  In mine, they give you lights :-).   Pretty useful accessory it turns out.  

Best dives I've ever had were night dives -- Catalina Island (SoCal), Mexico, Jamaica and the Florida Keys.

All kinds of different critters come out for the night shift that you rarely see during the day time. And it does concentrated your focus, as you see where your lights are. And breaking the surface on a dark night with all the stars? Yeah, makes it ALL worth it.

Sharks don't come to my house
And I don't go to theirs.

souls_harbor122 reads

I'm not nervous going into an encounter so I don't feel that sort of rush (never really have craved feeling nervous.)

But I like variety.  That's what drives me.

....about adrenaline rushes from excitement rather than nerves. If I'm housing a sense of nervousness (to that level)  about things I am considering doing then I probably shouldn't (and mostly don't) do it...


... as I walk up to the door, then enter and am greeted by a beautiful, sexy woman and we say "hello" in various ways.  :)

But after awhile the adrenaline rush subsides and is replaced by deep relaxation as we hug, kiss, cuddle, talk, touch each other all over our bodies ... etc. etc.  The dates with providers I enjoy the most are those where it seems as if we've known each other for years (and sometimes that's the case!) and our actions and discussion flow easily and naturally.  

There have been many times I have said to myself maybe just walk away and save the money and use it to buy something else with the money I've been spending - like a small secluded island lol.  But every time the thought crosses my mind I see an ad or post on TER and think to myself who needs an island when I can ride the adrenaline wave myself and take a chance at having some incredible sex with a perfect stranger who might just some day be a friend I can share all sorts of special times with - and yes, not just sex but conversation and sharing experiences that will indelibly be etched in my brain when I think back to some of the best things I've ever done.  

It's the perfect high,  as enjoying another human being while perfectly sober is the purest joy I know.  Plus, being sober helps ensure I will be able to find my pants when it's time to go lol

I was definitely an adrenalin junkie, being married and having to sneak out during work hours, etc.

I admit I loved the rush from that as much as the sex.

But now I'm living alone, and hobby on weekends with gals whom I known for years, so it is the relational aspect that I love the most.

It's interesting how the hobby covers so many differing needs.

That's for sure - that expections change as life evolves. So far everyone has spoken about the hobby but no-one has really mentioned whether the risk taking (perceived or otherwise) has parallels in other parts of their lives - how about you Mr F? Were you a habitual risk taker back then or was it limited to life beyond the veil?  

C x

GaGambler130 reads

Which I suppose accounts for me having gone broke several times. I am a degenerate gambler, an unrepentant drunk, and an unabashed whore monger among other things.

But I don't really see how seeing hookers is really "risk taking" unless of course you count the time in Cartagena Colombia where we ended up at a "casa" where security patrolled the grounds carrying AK's, or going "up the hill" in Medellin where gringos simply "don't go" not if they ever want to come back that is. Yes, those are risks, (some people might call them foolish risks). but they are ancillary, not direct risks that come from my whore mongering proclivities.

As far as seeing providers in this country though, I just don't see it as risk taking and I do it because I love beautiful women and I love sex, not because of any kind of thrill I get from any perceived "risk" I am taking.

...I too am an adrenaline junky. It's changed somewhat over the years. When I was younger, I was a huge downhill skier. I loved testing myself against the mountain. Then as I got older I got into riding big loud Harleys, which continues today. There is nothing better to straighten yourself out then a winding two lane road.

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