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I disagree
Kelly Ripa 3542 reads

He knows that he left the ball in her court, and then he keeps asking her over and over...  for me I would feel like the guy is acting too "needy" and it would be a turnoff.  This is ONLY my opinion and I could be wrong because I don't know the people involved so can only say from my experience.

help needed4595 reads

I really need some advice from the TER community.I've been a member of ter for about 2 years.There is alot of smart and experienced people in this community and I really need your help.I've known this girl for a while she is a co-worker.We've worked together for about a year and a half.I never had any feelings for her before,but sometime in the last 2 months I started developing feelings for her.We both have been flirting with each other.I gave her my phone number and asked her to call me.It took a couple times of me asking her to call me,but she finally did call me.I asked her if she would like to go out to dinner and she said she wasn't ready for a relationship that she had a bad experience a few months ago.I told her that I had to try and I was ready to hang up,but she said that she would go out to dinner with me.I told her that I felt really comfortable with her and I could talk to her easily.I told her if your not interested in me tell me.Well we talked for a couple hours and I asked her to let me know when would be a good time to go out,because she has to get a babysitter for her kids.I told her that I wouldn't ask her for her number,but she could give it to me when she was comfortable,but she could call me anytime.A couple of days passed and I asked her to call me if she had time. No call so the next day I asked her to try and call me again once again no call.I wanted to see if she was able to arrange for a babysitter so we could make plans.I see her everyday, but i'm trying to keep work seperate.So I got upset and the next day I basically ignored her unless it was work related.I really feel like crap right now because I did that because I really like this girl.One of my flaws is i'm impatient. I don't know what to do. What I want to do is talk to her at work and let her know exactly how I feel. There is good chance i might get hurt. I really would appreciate any advice you could give me.Sorry if this was long.

Too easy to get all messed up and end up feeling uncomfortable, or, worst case scenario, find yourself on the end of harrassment charges.

Do like the rest of the civilians and go to a bar!!

Elise [email protected]

Rule #1 Don't date in your neighborhood~~ if you like where you live

Rule #3 Don't date at your gym~~if you like where you work out!

The list could go on!!

-- Modified on 4/17/2004 3:50:24 PM

She said she had no problem with employees in her company dating but if there was ever to be a problem that came to her attention she would immediately terminate the employee of HIGER rank.  It was in the employee handbook that every employee signed they read and understood!

Elise [email protected]

Que Pasa2606 reads

they generally fire the lower ranked worker since management reasons that they are much easier to replace. Unfortunately, last time (and several time before that)it was a woman we all liked to work with. So after they fired her, we kick the shit out of the idiot that got her into that compromised position. Naturally, we did so "off the clock."

No manager felt any lower rank worker was worth their job!

Elise [email protected]

Que Pasa2238 reads

that it was a double standard where I used to work. Since all the key managers were generally older males and the staff was predominatley younger females, it was the women who bore the brunt of it when a "relationship" went south.

After a while, such office romances were viewed as a "perk" of the management position. I always hoped just one lady would turn the tables and file a discrimation suit against the company.

First of all, I think it wouldn't hurt to be a little bit more assertive.  Right now you are trying to be too nice of a guy and always leaving her a way out.  Ask her for her number!  She's already said that she would go out with you.  

Secondly, instead of putting her in a situation where she has to arrange for a babysitter on the first date, ask her to lunch.  She already has her kids covered while she's at work.  Or you can ask her out for a quick drink after work as she may be able to get a sitter to stay an exta hour much easier than arranging for an evening.  

There are a bunch of things to look out for if you date somebody from work, especially if one of you is a manager, but since you haven't got to first base you don't have to worry about them too much yet.  Just remember, if she says no at some point you should just drop it and become a coworker again.  

-- Modified on 4/17/2004 3:57:06 PM

Another would be to offer to pay the sitter; even bring Pizza or something for the kids. Being thoughtful or helpful towards her kids is a big plus, and wins 'points', LOL.

Since, for 15 years I worked around the clock, my whole life was work - whether one job or the other, therefore ALL my relationships were work connected. If you know how to play the game, it can work, and did work very well for me. Also, sometimes we were on equal levels, sometimes they were my 'boss', sometimes they were VP but of a different department, once he was the CEO, and once, I was the boss, so I've had all mixtures.

Kelly Ripa3543 reads

He knows that he left the ball in her court, and then he keeps asking her over and over...  for me I would feel like the guy is acting too "needy" and it would be a turnoff.  This is ONLY my opinion and I could be wrong because I don't know the people involved so can only say from my experience.

Old bull, young bull. young bulls says lets run down and f**k a cow. The old bull says let's walk down and f**kem all. Learn patients.

he developed a crush on another brother's girl--let's call them Bob and Cathy.  after Bob and Cathy broke up, Abe picks up with her.  Abe and Bob were good friends before that--after that, they wouldn't talk.  Cathy soon dumped Abe (over the phone no less).  Bob has never forgiven Abe.  So here it is 20 years later, two guys who were best friends for 10 years haven't talked for 20 years.  What's the point of all this?  Don't f*ck with da rules.  Da rules?

1.  Don't dip your pen in company ink
2.  Don't covet your brother's woman--unless you want to ruin two relationships
3.  Don't try to pick up the waitress at your favorite restaurant
4.  Don't date a woman who's never had a real job of any kind
5.  Don't, even as a joke, flirt with your SO's girlfriends

The foregoing responses that warn about dating where you work are exactly on point; it is, with almost no exception, a very bad idea.  This is especially true in your case because it sounds like the lady you fancy is not equally interested in you.

In any event, the day you spent pouting should be a good indicator of things to come.  Many relationships fail -- even those which begin more auspiciously than the one you describe.  And if you still have to work with an ex, it will be uncomfortable at best.

A few months after my wife passed away, I was working at my company's headquarters in New England for a week (I live in New Jersey).  Without getting into any details, a woman with whom I had worked for the previous three years, and who lives near the headquarters building, wound up in bed with me.  This began what we both thought was going to be a great relationship.  Well, for reasons which aren't important, the relationship failed after about six months.  The upshot is even though I only see this woman two or three times a year, when I do, it's very tense.  Can you imagine what YOUR life would be like if the same happened to you, with you seeing your lady friend every day?  There are reasons why so many companies have regulations discouraging employee fraternization.  

For even MORE fun; you didn't mention your reporting relationship with this woman.  But, if you're in a higher position -- even if she's not a direct report -- you could wind up with a sexual harassment suit if things go south and she feels slighted.  

Since you ask, my advice is to look elsewhere for romance.  This has got catastrophe written all over it.

Good luck.

pasionflower3213 reads

Relationship at at work, could be quite tempting but could get out of control. There so many other places to meet women to date. Why put yourself in this situation which could possibly put your job at risk?

sexxygirrl3765 reads

You gave her several chances and reminders to call you or give out her number, but she hasn't done that yet.

Who knows whether it's her recent bad relationship, problems at home with the kids, or you two being co-workers--but she doesn't seem eager to start things up with you. Repeatedly asking her to call may even seem like a form of harassment if you overdo it.

Perhaps she just needs a little time. Why don't you be patient and maybe ask her again in a few weeks? Good luck!

P.S. Like Sedona, I have dated people at work (large organizations) but they were in different departments; so although dating a co-worker may be unwise, it can be done if you keep your wits about you.

-- Modified on 4/17/2004 4:35:41 PM

help needed3138 reads

I think you're probably right.I'm not a very patient person,but I need to be patient.Believe me the last thing I want is a harassment suit against me. I just didn't want to always wonder what might of happened if I had asked her out.Do you think I should apologize for ignoring her the 1 day or just act like it never happened?

If this woman was ready and interested, she would have receiprocated further.  Work dating can be done (my ex-wife worked one office away from me), but you have to be careful, and you are bordering on harassing her.  It can be really difficult if you have the hots for someone you work with, but you seem to be interested in having a real relationship instead of paying for sex.  As such, consider other ways to meet women so you can possibly not think about your co-worker as much.  Friends, social scenarios, bars, internet dating services, whatever...you need to give this woman some space for now.  You might have a chance with her, but you should back off, get some perspective, and then in a few weeks possibly come back and, as someone already suggested, be more proactive with the get together (like doing lunch or getting her number).

I've been there.  It's not so much that she's a coworker, it's that she always has an excuse.  I've found that the first excuse can be real, by the third it just means she wants you to leave her alone without her having to say so.

she is obviously not interested in you, and persisting in following her will just get you a sex harrassment charge at work.

Cynicalman2531 reads

but you want to risk it all by fishing off the company pier.
IMHO - Stick with the hobby until you find a less dangerous civilian dating situation.


Kelly Ripa4008 reads

It sounds from a female point of view, that she does not really want to go out with you but wants to be friends and is trying to be nice about it.  

By you asking her over and over, that even more of a turn off and makes you look a little clingy.

I would respect her wishes, and let her make a move "if and when" she is interested, and accept the fact that she may only see you as a friend.

Either way, good luck and you deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you equally.

vannessa3396 reads

I know that just even the mention of the ex is bad.
If it does come up, remember that she was uglier,meaner and not better than your new sweetie.
Even if the opposite were true.
Same rule applies to both sexes.

crank_yanker3375 reads

dude, you got it bad.  We've all been there and I feel your pain.  Infatuation sucks, hang in there.  Don't try so hard, when its meant to be it'll just happen.

Good luck buddy,

Sounds like a story I could of posted from a while back, almost to a tee except I went just tad bit farther and got hurt. So here are some things I learned.
1: No matter how much of a match you think you are, you will never truly know till you date someone long term (first impressions are very rarely accurate).  You end up building a false impression with people that you know superficially and this ends up crumbling sooner or later.  So you say, 'then we should date to find out?' right?? see point 2
2: Never be the rebound guy (or girl).  Women (and sometimes men) need to flirt (or what the opposite sex thinks is flirting) but what really is going on is self esteem building.  She (or he) finds a 'mark' (usually a nice guy) and flirts and since it is reciprocated, the self esteem builds.  Once it goes beyond flirting it is no longer 'safe' and the fear of rejection comes back and poof, she's gone and you are left with a whole lotta nothing.
3: Don't date in the work place.  It doesn't matter if you and her rarely see each other, it will still cause problems because I can guarantee that point 1 and 2 will come into play sooner or later and it will be weird.
4: Do not, I repeat do not try to figure women out.  I am the smartest man alive when it comes to women and this holds true 100% of the time until I become involved with one.... then I am an idiot.  I have had more women tell me that I really truly understand them (chick friends, friends wives, female coworkers, old female classmates, even providers) but once I start thinking with other things other than my head aka whats either in my shirt or pants, all bets are off as are probably are yours. (The smartest guy thing was a joke...kindof)
5: I know what you are going to say, "Well, this situation is different and we really connect and she is just going through a rough time and I'm a nice guy and I can be there for here and she'll really appreciate me....ladedadeda."  Every guy says it, some more than once.
6: If she's going through a rough time, go to a book store find, "The Blue Day Book" leave it on her desk with a note saying that you will be more than happy to be her FRIEND or something of a nature that implies you are not interested in dating buy you will still be a nice guy.
7:  Find someone else to date quick and get your mind off of it.

Didn't read all the other posts so if someone else gave out similar advice didn't mean to step on your toesys.

help needed3644 reads

#2 The flirting sucked me right in. I feel really stupid for falling for it.

help needed3219 reads

Thanks for all your responses. TER is a wonderful community. There was alot of different opinions. It helped me just being able to tell my story.Sometimes getting the opinion of unbiast people is the best thing.You guys don't know me,but your responses to my post means alot.The most common response was to back off and i'm going to do that. I can't help the way I feel about this girl and I really hope something good happens.If it doesn't thats the way it was meant to be.I'm not sure how many chances in a lifetime you get to meet someone special,but I wasn't going to pass this up.I've tried and the ball is in her court as one of the posters said.I really like this hobby,but I would love not having to hobby.

Cynicalman3595 reads

"I really like this hobby, but I would love not having to hobby."

  Gee'z that sentiment has been around as long as the worlds oldest profession.


In order to avoid hobbying, one has to be in a relationship where both participants actively work to keep the relationship as fresh as it was on the first date.  Only a tiny percentage of couples even come close to keeping first date freshness in the relationship.  Without freshness, the almost natural tendency of men to have a wondering eye will kick in.

Or if you insist, she will spell it out for you.

I felt I needed to chime in on this topic, because I have myself seen so much of it in my own personal experiences.

1)  I've had a woman say she would go do something with me (in a general context), only to give excuses when I asked to do something specific.  (This is known as "the run-around).

2)  I've had a woman pull the "rebound flirting" on me, albeit I didn't know at the time.  It wasn't verbal, either; it was physical.  Rubbing shoulders; sitting in close proximity; legs crossed underneath mine; light footsies leading to blantant footsies & downright pressing her foot on my leg for several seconds; hair flipping & head shaking, which sent her perfume flying in my face.  I basically "froze" while all of this was going on.  It led to her chewing me out for "following her around" and acting weird.  The reality was that my non-response to her behavior did not give her the ego affirmation she was seeking, so she flipped it around and blamed me.  (Both 1 and 2 were the same woman.)

3)  I've used the approach you tried, giving my phone number to the woman without asking for hers.  I didn't want to be tempted to call if I didn't hear from her (impatience).  I figured if she was interested, she would call.  She didn't.  I realized I apparently wasn't good enough for her to socialize with on any level, so I said to hell with her.

4)  I've attempted to develop a relationship with a co-worker.  I was given the "I've already got a boyfriend" excuse, which I found later was just that; an excuse.  Some of her female co-workers thought I was a dork, so she didn't want to have them laughing at her by going out with me.

After graduating with a Ph.D. in Female Futility from Hard Knocks U., I have this to say.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.  You did nothing wrong in your attempts to develop something with your co-worker.  I personally don't find it inappropriate to date a co-worker, mainly because if it wasn't for the workplace, we wouldn't have met.  You just need to be cautious, as some of the other posters to this thread has indicated.

I do fear that her reluctance to go out after agreeing to do so does not bode well for you (see #1 above).  Whether it's the recent breakup, just being too polite to formally say "no", too much persistence on your part, etc., is hard to deduce, but my experiences have told me that if something doesn't happen pretty much right out of the chute, it isn't going to.  That was a painful lesson I learned from college nearly 20 years ago which still has terrible repurcussions on me today.  I have never been able to figure out women.  I try to be "assertive", it comes off as being "needy" and a "pest".  I do nothing, and I get walked all over.  I try to stand up for myself, and I get told to kiss off.  I've gotten grief for trying too hard, not trying hard enough, and doing nothing.  Nothing I have personally said, tried, or done has worked.

Reading about your situation struck home with me on many levels.  It really ruffles my feathers to see a lot of what happened to me occurring to someone else.  It only reinforces why I gave up attempting to find love.  It's not worth the crap and games involved.  My suggestion would be to back off from the situation and go about your business.  If something is meant to happen, it will.  Don't sit around hoping or expecting it.  That was one of the major mistakes I made.  I know that is extremely difficult when romantic emotions are involved, but try to do so.  I was extremely naive when this happened to me, and I can only wonder how my life might've turned out differently if I would've known then what I know now.  Also, if you haven't done so already, I would suggest you not to apologize to her for ignoring her.  You might've known you were, but she may not.  You basically were working and otherwise minding your own business.  That doesn't mean you were being rude.  (I have had that misperception happen to me many times.)  You basically did nothing; you shouldn't have to apologize for that.

I have been in the same boat in my past also, and I am pained
to see it happening to someone else also, I also concur with
the remark about not needing to make any apoligies to the
woman. and of course if I can share this one remark,
need help, don't allow yourself to go emotionally down that
path of hope where no path exists.

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