TER General Board

I can't believe a woman with 144 reviews going back to 2003 would be asking this question now.
jenniferxj6 See my TER Reviews 5536 reads
1 / 45

I wonder what people think I'll be a star are they just lonely man that the wives never never give them sex and we provide what they need to stay married to your wife will not give him sex that's what I choose to believe. But want to single guy comes along he travels a lot he's just  lonely and need some attention that I understand to .  Guys have to have sex that's how you guys are made we women have to understand that.  
   But what is it when you're single and do nothing all day and just see working girls and don't date a turnaround and you're 65 years old and never had a relationship that's kind of weird .? Sad I gues. Lol

GaGambler 89 reads
2 / 45

Yes, guys like sex. Yes married guys cheat, they do so with or without hookers. Yes, some single guys have no social skills.

I agree with all of the above, but what kind of point are you actually trying to convey with this mangled and convoluted OP of yours?

micktoz 41 Reviews 82 reads
3 / 45

I'm sure there are many different reasons for guys and women doing p4p.  

I've been married twice, kids are grown and I travel a lot for business. I'm not interested in a traditional live in relationship with a woman, so this works really well for me.  

Didn't say I'm not interested in a romantic relationship, just not open to a standard, monogamous one.  

Have fun everyone.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 88 reads
4 / 45

what GaG and Mick have said. Basically, guys need and want sex whether it be from an affair, casual hook-up, or P4P. Each guys situation is different.

lopaw 29 Reviews 109 reads
5 / 45

...including the craving for sexual variety. I am neither lonely, single nor desperate. I like selecting the women that I deem desirable, paying her donation, having our fun and then leaving. It doesn't get much simpler or satisfying than that. I would have this  same philosophy even if I we're single. If you choose to stigmatize single people who choose to pursue hookers instead of relationships that's on you, but you need to realize that everybody has their own perspective, many of which are not necessarily sad or pathetic.

-- Modified on 9/10/2017 10:21:00 AM

davincib1 89 Reviews 79 reads
6 / 45

The assumption you are making is that either men/women hobbyists are either young and have no life other than hookers and grow to be old men/women with no life because they spent their younger years seeing hookers is idiotic.  Be careful not to alienate your clientele by barfing through the keyboard.  IMO, It seems tasteless to state your opinions that your target audience is in your words "sad," when I suppose the same could be said about escorts in general.  Are we to assume that all hookers were molested as children, or addicted to drugs or pimped out?  

I'd say, as a client you can have a wife/girlfriend/life partner but still lust for another with different features than what you have at home.  Even as a single man/woman you can just enjoy a different variety of women without the headaches and arguments.  Sometimes I like petite, other times I like thick, other times I like big fake boobs, to each his/her own.
Posted By: jenniferxj6

I wonder what people think I'll be a star are they just lonely man that the wives never never give them sex and we provide what they need to stay married to your wife will not give him sex that's what I choose to believe. But want to single guy comes along he travels a lot he's just  lonely and need some attention that I understand to .  Guys have to have sex that's how you guys are made we women have to understand that.  
    But what is it when you're single and do nothing all day and just see working girls and don't date a turnaround and you're 65 years old and never had a relationship that's kind of weird .? Sad I gues. Lol

IBDPhotography 78 reads
7 / 45

Posted By: jenniferxj6

    But what is it when you're ~[single]~ and ~[do nothing all day]~ and just ~[see working girls]~ and ~[don't date]~ a turnaround and you're ~[65 years old]~ and never had a relationship that's kind of weird .? Sad I gues. Lol
...that doesn't sound THAT bad to me (at least 5 out of the 6). LOL

DT_lover 188 Reviews 105 reads
8 / 45

Makes me wonder what her love life is/was/will be?  Willing to share my story which gives me no shame.

Married almost 40 years ago to a woman who convinced me to marry her by giving great blowjobs.  Never touched another woman for the first 25 years until one day she stopped cold.  Started hobbying one month later and have been having a blast with it for 13 years now.  Still married and still sleeping together.

Don't want to bash the OP other than maybe: don't drink and drive, don't drink and post on TER.

-- Modified on 9/10/2017 3:17:33 PM

souls_harbor 73 reads
9 / 45

Everybody has their kinks.  I love to cheat.  I especially love to cheat with married women.  Having done so once found it was intoxicating.  I am perfectly willing to establish a long term relationship with this person.  Makes anticipation of the next meeting all the more delicious.

 But... finding a married woman willing to cheat and who is also simultaneously attracted to me in particular is actually incredibly difficult.  

So, enter escorts.  Very attractive.  Nice variety.  But lacking the connection to be had with a civie relationship.  

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 76 reads
10 / 45

You can't be that drunk at 12 PM on Sunday.  The bars just opened.  I know you miss your time at the shore, but it's time to let go and go back to work.  Maybe Bar A will be better next year.  

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 92 reads
11 / 45
GaGambler 100 reads
12 / 45

Drew, you really need to keep up,

and just in case you are unfamiliar with the term, here you go

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 67 reads
13 / 45

just a few scenarios like you have.  There are many other reasons why people see hookers.  For me, it comes down to efficiency in my sex life.  If I spend two hours with a hooker, the whole two hours we are engaged in some type of sexual activity.  If it see civvie girl for two hours I get lunch or dinner.  If I want sex, then I have to commit more time, which is what I don't have that much of.  

I've only been seeing hookers for nine years.  Before that, I didn't mind investing the time it takes to seduce a civvie woman.  My time was not as valuable then, plus I was better looking and younger, so there were more options for me without paying.  Now, it makes more sense to pay, and save all of the time that used to be eaten up by the collateral bullshit that comes with dating civvie women.  I get all the sex I want, without the drama, commitment, or time-suck, and if I'm in the mood to include a dinner or night at the theatre now and then, I have no shortage of regulars that are willing to go with me OTC.   Life is good.  

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 81 reads
14 / 45
Kimber_Rose See my TER Reviews 95 reads
15 / 45

I think that due to the fact that all of us come from all walks of life makes it easier for some people to judge but I find it to be a double standard because if that were the case hobbyist can judge providers for our lifestyle as well. For me, it's all within the same. We are all here networking with likeminded individuals and we all have our reasons.  

Share your story if you'd like, otherwise I don't feel that anyone should feel obligated to explain and defend their reasons for being here. At least we have a good idea of what our wants and needs are lol What's sad is people portraying to be normal while secretly craving the same desires..

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 78 reads
16 / 45

Tequila, beer, Scotch.  Your choice.  I'm sure you've been overseas.  Alcohol is the universal translator.  No Google needed!

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 76 reads
17 / 45

Let me know when you find out. I had a hard time understand it myself! Lol I'm thinking English isn't her first language really ☺

micktoz 41 Reviews 81 reads
18 / 45

I need to call my favorite big clit provider.
This is going to be fun.

micktoz 41 Reviews 78 reads
19 / 45
JakeFromStateFarm 94 reads
20 / 45

Believe it or not, she makes perfect sense when you talk to her.  I'm not sure what happens when she sits down at the keyboard.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 69 reads
21 / 45

The majority of personal relationships I enjoy today are with escorts.   I find most to be quite intellectually stimulating and erudite, as well as pleasant and personable.   I wish I could say the same for non-escorts I relate too.  (Not talking about you honey.)

But perhaps you envision a poor soul who can't relate to people for one reason or another.   If that be the case, then seeing escorts may be the best solution to finding some joy in what would be otherwise a very barren life.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 86 reads
22 / 45
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 83 reads
23 / 45

married women is that very few cheat just because they're horny.  Its usually because there is something amiss in their primary relationship.  Consequently, many are looking to an opportunity to "trade up."  This makes most married women potentially dangerous, because they're not just looking for sex, they're looking for a better relationship than the one they're already in.  If you're a married guy, she will have no qualms about torpedoing your marriage to free you up for her.  If you're single, you will get pulled into a lot a drama and it won't be worth it for the amateur sex you're getting.  Tried it a few times in my twenties when I was a single guy, and its just not worth it.  

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 81 reads
24 / 45

I like you Jennifer, you tell em!!   Xoxo

JJLLRRKK1971 6 Reviews 68 reads
25 / 45

I am a single and not lonely at all. Yes I love sex just as much as the next guy. I have had plenty of relationships in my life and got tired of the civie girl and I am not the only here who has made this choice. The thing you left out there are probably a number of guys on here including me, who have gotten into relationships with a provider. Now I don't expect it to happen it just does.

 The door swings both ways in this world. What is the shelf life for a provider? I am just guessing if one starts in their earlier twenties maybe early forties. If a girl is a strictly providing, then what do you do after let's say ten years and you want to go get a regular job? What do you put on your resume because sex worker will not fly in this day and age? I have meet a few girls who do keep regular jobs and provide at the same time to avoid this type scenario.

lopaw 29 Reviews 86 reads
26 / 45
GaGambler 73 reads
27 / 45

I did NOT pull lopaw's LadyDick out of my ass, it was NEVER there in the first place. Lopaw is no more likely to have her dick in my ass than I am to have mine in hers. lmao

scb19 10 Reviews 77 reads
28 / 45

but one that did have a 25 year marriage, I can say, even though I loved the picket fence, at this point in my life, searching for, developing, cultivating, and maintaining a real relationship is just too much fucking work.  Women in my age range almost all have roots.  They have kids and grandkids that are going to suck up much of their free time. Most times you are lucky to be third or fourth on the priority list.  It's not like it is when you are young-you life is in front of you and opportunities abound.  At this age, both ladies and men are a tad stuck in their ways and wary of change.  So, rather than work that hard I go the provider route, hoping to find one or two that are more than a drive by and at least give you the feeling of being liked.  And how else (other than SB) do we get to have great sex with young attractive women?  So for me its less sad than just being a LAZY FUCK (not literally ladies ;)).

As as a co-worker once asked me....Now that you've driven a few ferraris, how hard is it to go back to the mini-van.

Jackbenimble17 157 Reviews 75 reads
29 / 45

...don't listen to the haters Jenn, you are one of my ATF's!  I am sure you are dealing with an issue beyond just the job and you are venting on here.  Unlike many others I won't judge you, rather offer assurances that it will eventually get better and this too shall pass.

GaGambler 85 reads
30 / 45

Maybe she was stuck in a hotel room with a bottle of vodka?

Some of your posts over the last couple of days have made even less sense than hers, like the one to your BFF where you call him "my love" lmao.  I suppose you are going to blame that one on a certain fucking fucker. lol

HappyChanges 77 reads
31 / 45

raised an eyebrow when Jake called another guy "my love".

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 80 reads
32 / 45
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 73 reads
33 / 45

But something gets very lost when putting it down in writing.  

It's the "articulate" part that flys out the fucking window.

JakeFromStateFarm 81 reads
34 / 45

Because you of all people know the highly shady characters I was surrounded by this weekend. And how easily led astray I am. LOL!

-- Modified on 9/11/2017 5:26:08 PM

mrblond68 4 Reviews 67 reads
35 / 45

As a single guy, middle aged, I have been in too many dead end relationships. I am sick of the whole dating game, with the drama and headaches and baggage (major baggage). I am still healthy, enjoy beautiful women, but do not want to deal with them all day. The hobby is not a game, it is passion and enjoyment. You pay, you enjoy, then you have memories, all pleasant. No hassles, no drama, no problems.

micktoz 41 Reviews 99 reads
36 / 45
Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 96 reads
37 / 45

She's Just Saying....What It Is...or Ain't... That's The  Million Dollar Question???   Go Go Jennifer'

snaporaz 57 reads
38 / 45

but as an institution needs to be redefined.  It's no longer a financial contract as it was until not long ago; and in those times men sought love outside and it was generally accepted. The institution of marriage was a social and financial arrangement; men enjoyed themselves elsewhere and women were oppressed and didn't have a saying (although I'm sure many figured ways around it).  As society evolved, men, being insecure, often possesive and influenced by religion, opted to accept the same restrictions that their wives had rather than letting women explore their own desires and let everybody just be. Then marriage got4 redefined as being about love and didn't take long for men to realize that such dynamic does not work for most. The current narrative (happily ever after)  causes a lot of pain, shame and guilt. Cheating is not sociopathy; that is when you get pleasure hurting someone and truly don't care for others.  Cheating (boy do I hate that word, so demeaning, and full disclosure, I've been "cheated" on)  is an act of rebellion; a transgression to try to remove the restrains of this arrangement and try to feel alive again. People seek new experiences to rediscover the parts of themselves that got lost in the constrains of marriage. It is not about hurting the person next to you. Personally I find serial monogamy much more destructive but is socially accepted, I don't get it; hurting someone every so many months when the dopamine stops flowing.  
Not sure what the solution is, but should start by reframing the expectations, revisiting them every so often by default and respecting one's partner as an autonomous person and not as property based on a signature in a contract.

Wackyzacky 5 Reviews 53 reads
39 / 45

The girls are stunningly beautiful. Seriously doubt it would be so easy to have sex with such beautiful young ladies plus they are willing to play. Inhibitions be dammed. Civvies tend to be more reserved in the bedroom and less willing to party in more wild manner.

Bottom line, civvies tend to be more about tender love making while professionals tend to be about rock'em sock'em robot ride'm  cowgirl..

What a good workout high on adrenaline? The choice is simple...

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 41 reads
40 / 45

they've chosen the Peaceful Path.
A lot of guys just don't want the bullshit.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 33 reads
42 / 45
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 41 reads
43 / 45

Good point about the hobby you pay.you enjoy. None of the professionals turn down married clients money

KAYLAROSENY See my TER Reviews 69 reads
44 / 45

Hobbying really comes down to having access to something  
A.You would not have normally without an incentive(relationship) B. Minimizes drama. C. Cheaper than dating. I don't understand your point really it's actually strange coming from a provider. It's like your grabbling with a civie perspective yet repping the benefits from a culture that has given you the perspective and right to be an independent woman. Monogamy doesn't work for most people and too many times Women and Men attach their self worth to their sexual partners. Just because your husband steps out on you doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Just because a hobbyist pays for your attention doesn't mean he's lonely. Some people rather see providers than date. Minimizes the whole getting to know you charade and allows for you have your cake and eat it too. You get to be service by beautiful women without the drama of  being in a civie relationship with them. Each time you engage with them it's on stellar levels and a treat. I wish I met a guy that gave me a Fbsm with candles lit freshly done hair, unfortunately most people don't get that for free.  I plan to save my money providing and start hobbying myself.

CorbinCandor 51 reads
45 / 45

But maybe you’re either jaded about your clientele, or perhaps you’re searching for meaning above and beyond what you chose as a profession?

For me, as a heterosexual, and you as an attractive and sexy provider (not unlike many other providers who fit the mold) means more to me than you can possibly imagine! The good love you give me touches pleasure sensors that dance around a schizoid and hostile-backbiting wasp-feminism to a morally self-righteous religious and culturally-judgmental infective-arrogant dogma erroneously disgracing the simplicity to any pleasurable understanding to basic carnal instinct in contrast to getting off! No wonder so many may be screwed-up because of what they pay attention to; thus leaving anything else in lieu of lonely?

But, please, don’t read too much into what someone has or hasn’t done in his life; just celebrate erotica when it comes to the act! Jack it up and let it flow. Baby, I’m cumming to you…Oh ya!

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