TER General Board

I can count on one hand the number of bad actresses I've known here
Dr Who revived 446 reads

No one can be fooled into believing something they don't want to believe.  H+T is just another GFE gal that had some dude profess his undying love and servitude.  I suspect she's just another in a long list of other GFE gals he does that too.

We know too many gals here who have similar issues with these lovelorn johns.  So long as they don't become dangerous (as in stalkerish)...the smart gals have the program in place.  Gals who can't figure this game out tend to not play here for very long...or end up in uncomfortable situations over and over.
Posted By: inicky46
She's a really good actress and can fool a trick into believing she's into the session when she's not.  It's called GFE.

How can a guy find a session so good for him, the connection, the acts etc., yet the hooker has the opposite feeling yet he has no clue

JackDunphy525 reads

We are paying you. If the Ritz Carlton doesn't get a warm and fuzzy feeling about my stay, and I have a great time chilling in their pad, what diff does it make to me?

Only downside if you or the Ritz wont let me come back if I had a good time.  

You are leaving shit out here, lol, so fill us in HT.

That is the kicker...the next appointment that the hooker refuses because it was so bad and the trick really loved it and wants more. So much so that he talks about the fabulous connection and how hot it was.  

I act the crap out of a session, that is how I roll, no secret. However, I can tell when a partner IRL is not connected.  

I know the feelings, the body language, the subtleties so well as I have to hide it when in session with some guys, not all, but hey money is money right?

So what if some dude thinks there's a connection?  Seems like that's "his" problem.

Plenty of gals will avoid a future session with someone that is just creepy...or whatever you want to define as a non-connection type.

I've had sessions where it was quite apparent to me that she and I were from different galaxies (and remember...I have that TARDIS and have been to many many galaxies).  It's just as awkward for some dudes to finish the session, and certainly have NO intentions of returning.

I trust that this john is of the delusional type.  I doubt any form of reality is simply not in his world.  I could send you quite a few handles here who fit that profile....hey, money is money  ;)

Simplest way to let that lost soul know he's delusional...show him this thread.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
That is the kicker...the next appointment that the hooker refuses because it was so bad and the trick really loved it and wants more. So much so that he talks about the fabulous connection and how hot it was.  
 I act the crap out of a session, that is how I roll, no secret. However, I can tell when a partner IRL is not connected.  
 I know the feelings, the body language, the subtleties so well as I have to hide it when in session with some guys, not all, but hey money is money right?  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
How can a guy find a session so good for him, the connection, the acts etc., yet the hooker has the opposite feeling yet he has no clue?  

That clueless pompous Engishmen ran an Empire in the 19th century.  He's a self righteous bastard who just doesn't give a shite because its all about HIM and his feelings and emotions.  He neither notices nor cares what the provider like or dislikes as long as he is having fun or deluding himself into thinking he is having fun.  The "little people" don't count for that clown.

Sorry you had to run into a joker like that.

JackDunphy596 reads

Are you one of HT's gents that NEVER goes on TER? :D

Come on. You can tell us.

I didn't think anyone other than me could travel in time and space.

The only other plausible explanation is that Fridays117 is one old dude.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Are you one of HT's gents that NEVER goes on TER? :D  
 Come on. You can tell us.

JackDunphy593 reads

No...HT would draw a line there, I'm sure. Unless...

Maybe that's an upcharge situation? Like anal? lol

She's a really good actress and can fool a trick into believing she's into the session when she's not.  It's called GFE.

No one can be fooled into believing something they don't want to believe.  H+T is just another GFE gal that had some dude profess his undying love and servitude.  I suspect she's just another in a long list of other GFE gals he does that too.

We know too many gals here who have similar issues with these lovelorn johns.  So long as they don't become dangerous (as in stalkerish)...the smart gals have the program in place.  Gals who can't figure this game out tend to not play here for very long...or end up in uncomfortable situations over and over.

Posted By: inicky46
She's a really good actress and can fool a trick into believing she's into the session when she's not.  It's called GFE.

Posted By: Duplicitouslust
She is a lesbian who happens to be a thespian.

My curiosity was with how can his version of events be so different from hers. Hey I have no issue with a john having it all for him, in fact I prefer that. In real life, it is give and take. The money is what changes that dynamic

GotItWhereItCounts606 reads

It's the repeated 'so bad' that makes the question interesting.  Im sure GFE sessions are doled out daily to forgettable or even undesirable guys, but for it to be so bad on all levels and him to have no clue...sounds like the perfect alignment of a all-pro game face and total lack of self awareness and/or experience.

Here's one particularly amusing example of it, and very apropos to our field:

There's always the possibility the client wanted you to feel as if you actually did a good job.

You know to protect your self esteem. Some people rather give validation and praise instead of constructive criticism

is any connection other than sometimes just chewing the fat with a friendly or interesting person.  Sometimes I suspect that a provider feels a bit good for me that I got happy, kind of because many woman have an innate mothering instinct. No, that doesn't mean that I fantasize about screwing my mother.  

(2) Acts:  We are primates.  Men enjoy the acts even with a sp*nge bob toy properly greased.  Make it a life form and ooga ooga!

(3) Etc:  Some of us are so starved at home or else wise for human contact and the opportunity to touch someone tenderly that it is fulfilling regardless of whether the other person gives a doody.  See (2) above.

It seems like an occupational hazard of GFE.   If I'm reading it right, it's not so much that he's fallen in love with you, he hasn't crossed that boundary.  It's just that within the boundaries of GFE he liked what you gave him and wants more.  

With deference to the Senator, as Bluto said to Flounder, 'he fucked up, he trusted you'

AFICIONADO13534 reads

All about acting. Great actor= Repeat business and more money.   Emotionally stable guys are not usually delusional about this. Do I think she really wants to be with me… no. I am paying her to make me believe that… yes.  And the better job she does at that is what keeps me coming back for more.  

Just like a haunted house. Do I believe there are really monsters in there no. I am paying them to make me believe it. ye

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