TER General Board

I call bullshit. SWAT does not bust prostitutes. EOMconfused_smile
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 315 reads


An URGENT bulletin has been issued for the following person, who is wanted for violent acts against women; specifically those working in the escort and sex industry.  

White male, approximately 6-0, 235 pounds, with brown hair and eyes. He has the following tattoos: Chest – hand holding a knife with a broken handcuff; Left shoulder to elbow – demonic female with colored eyes. Lewis should be considered armed and dangerous. While he is believed to be in the Denver area at this time, he is known to travel from coast to coast. This is a nation-wide alert.

I encourage you to forward this alert throughout the community as you see fit. Also, any provider who has been victimized by this person (or any other person) should feel safe in reporting a serious incident to the police.  

Contact Crime Stoppers, or your local authorities, if you have any information that would help put this predator away.  

Please stay safe out there.  



I wouldn't hold my breath, though.  They'd rather put us behind bars, rather than having to go after a serial rapist/stalker/killer that actually endangers society.  Just the way it is...

nevertell459 reads

Some of them are a bunch of fucking cowards. Instead of going after actual dangerous criminals they will pass on them and bust girls they know wont hurt them and are just there trying to pay their fucking bills. It's seriously crap! Think about it, why go after dangerous dudes who will have guns and not think twice to use them on LE versus a rub or escort girl there to use her hands to provide pleasure. They should be ashamed of themselves for being such giant losers.

Think about what? LE officers work under a chain of command, have assigned duties and work those assignments.

I guess an officer could work a rouge mission while fulfilling their assignment.  

However, does that make a whole lot of sense?

Skinny_Minnie:-)539 reads

A friend of mine who got busted told me that about 8 officers in SWAT gear stormed into her hotel room and one of the officers pinned her arms behind her back with such force, that she had bruises days later.  She is 5'2, 115max, and blonde.  

She wound up not even being arrested or charged with prostitution, but rather ticketed for a lesser charge which is about the equivalent of a traffic offense

Cops for the most part actually do want to serve and protect. The cops are much more interested in arresting violent criminals.  

Posted By: nevertell
Some of them are a bunch of fucking cowards. Instead of going after actual dangerous criminals they will pass on them and bust girls they know wont hurt them and are just there trying to pay their fucking bills. It's seriously crap! Think about it, why go after dangerous dudes who will have guns and not think twice to use them on LE versus a rub or escort girl there to use her hands to provide pleasure. They should be ashamed of themselves for being such giant losers.

Politician are the scumbags who want to go after provider to make name for themselves. Most idiots called district attorneys.  Activity always goes during their re-election.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Cops for the most part actually do want to serve and protect. The cops are much more interested in arresting violent criminals.  
Posted By: nevertell
Some of them are a bunch of fucking cowards. Instead of going after actual dangerous criminals they will pass on them and bust girls they know wont hurt them and are just there trying to pay their fucking bills. It's seriously crap! Think about it, why go after dangerous dudes who will have guns and not think twice to use them on LE versus a rub or escort girl there to use her hands to provide pleasure. They should be ashamed of themselves for being such giant losers.

No, not the case. Most officers don't want to see a bunch of dead women in ditches. Most cops are human and have a heart.

JackDunphy338 reads

The cops go where they are dispatched to go. If they don't go to where they are told, they get fired. PERIOD.  
NOBODY joins the police force because they are cowards. In fact, it would be the LAST place a coward would go for employment.  
So you keep going on being a brave keyboard warrior while there is a cop nearby that protects your rights, your family/friends and your life

How any of these clueless souls think that a first responder is a coward is shameful.

I doubt she would know where to go to buy a clue...let alone be able to afford it.

Posted By: JackDunphy
The cops go where they are dispatched to go. If they don't go to where they are told, they get fired. PERIOD.    
 NOBODY joins the police force because they are cowards. In fact, it would be the LAST place a coward would go for employment.    
 So you keep going on being a brave keyboard warrior while there is a cop nearby that protects your rights, your family/friends and your life.  

JackDunphy335 reads

No, not Ebola, but "cluelessness."

Seems to be an epidemic lately.

The only problem with reporting a sighting or encounter, is that a police officer cannot see or become aware of criminal activity and take no action. A provider doesn't have to tell them that she came in contact with the man via P4P. But, yes, there is a risk. Non-Vice officers might exercise a little restraint unless they confront something obvious.

This is the second post I've read today  about dirt balls like this.  Really makes my blood boil.  These guys are lower than (fill in the blank).  Hoping none of you ladies run into someone like this be safe.

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