TER General Board

I brought my PENCILLLL. (eom)
StankyHoProductions 4688 reads
1 / 34

Would you prefer a woman with a beautiful face/average build.

OR, average face/beautiful body? Now remember, you have to choose one.

Curious as to how men may think ;)

3000GT-VR4 Guy 5 Reviews 5393 reads
2 / 34
majemi 8 Reviews 4979 reads
3 / 34

A great face will turn me on more than a hot body so I'd choose the beautiful face/average build.

luvsgirls 13 Reviews 4440 reads
4 / 34

Trick question indeed.

Why don't you attempt to describe average face, beautiful body, beautiful face, average body.

Why am I throwing your question back at you is what your asking, simply answer each of us has our own way of seeing beautiful face, average body, average face beautiful body.  There is no such thing in my mind as PERFECT, perfect is as each of us see's it.

I will simply say that I look for what interest in as a TOTAL PERSON.

Want to go further into this, what about the Hobbyist that has a foot fetish, everything else about the body is secondary to the feet.

Or the Hobbyist that seeks out the so called perfect ass, or breast or one that has large nipples.

Now how did you describe beautiful face/average body/average face/beautiful body again?

Lex Luethor 3537 reads
5 / 34

...on whichever of the two answers my email first.

ashleelala 4584 reads
6 / 34
StankyHoProductions 4009 reads
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So lets say they both answered: which one would it be?

StankyHoProductions 3224 reads
8 / 34

I cannot, for I am not you lol So lets just say, that you spotted 2 providers: one with an average face (Roseanne Barr type of look) , for example, but with a boomin' body, and one with a beautiful face (model material type of face like: Cindy Crawford) and with an average body (babyfat to obese). Who would you pick?

stormhunter 2 Reviews 3250 reads
9 / 34

Average face, beautiful figure........but hey, thats just me!
                   Semper ubi sub ubi
          Remember, sexy is just an attitude!

rag_house 3 Reviews 3057 reads
10 / 34
Shlomo Shlong Dong 2958 reads
11 / 34
1woody 18 Reviews 3996 reads
12 / 34

Sex starts in the brain!!!!     But I will say , if she had a Rosanne Barr face that would rule her OUT!!!

bbggjj 2501 reads
13 / 34

Beautiful body - it is the turn-on that instantly makes me hard.

rifraf92000 58 Reviews 1844 reads
14 / 34

I take the hot body chick in a heart beat. A great face is nice, But if she had Rosanne Barr's body I dont think I could performe.
You can just avoid the butter face and concentrate on the ass,tits and legs. Just an opinion.

PSElvr 3172 reads
15 / 34
Lex Luethor 2845 reads
16 / 34

I have to factor that in too. ;)

-- Modified on 1/11/2005 8:20:46 AM

SULLY 24 Reviews 2873 reads
18 / 34

Hell, I like Muscle chicks- who often have faces like a squished tomato.  

But I like beutiful faces too, and my def of beauty is a lot wider than most here....

I DO hate surgery evidence tho'.

VonRyan 15 Reviews 3622 reads
19 / 34

but Woody's answer suits me just fine.

A sexy personality is like splendid poetry in motion.

I believe Carl Jung got it right when he said...

""The brain is viewed as an appendage of the genital glands."


luvsgirls 13 Reviews 3562 reads
20 / 34

As I said before it is not the beatiful face/average body, average face/beautiful body alone that would make me pick one over the other.

There are other things I look for in a female besides those two choices.

Now if your picky why not just do a double with one of each!  Heck ad a T-girl for added pleasure.

After all some of them have beautiful faces/average bodies/average faces/beautiful faces too.

babalewie 12 Reviews 2194 reads
21 / 34

you added the description of "average body" and I had to changed my answer. Some of us like "baby fat". So a woman with a beautiful face and baby fat is for me particularly appealing. The fact is we all have different criteria of what is desirable in a woman. Appearance is but one category and in itself probably the most subjective. Moreover, the fact that someone is "average" suggests, for example, that while certain physical features are plain and non-descript, others may be quite special. All things being equal, never is.

tba 20 Reviews 2406 reads
23 / 34

Probably go for the hot body.  A lot of ladies blur their faces on their pics and still get plenty of inquiries.

However, your examples don't quite fit your question.  I wouldn't consider Roseanne Barr to have an "average" face...and Cindy Crawford with a touch of baby fat is one thing...while by definition "obese" is not an average body.

SirPrize 3096 reads
25 / 34
Singer 15 Reviews 5580 reads
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Placebo 9 Reviews 2712 reads
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it's gotta be the beautiful face.

That's what I usually notice first on an attractive woman, and it's what stays with me the longest after we have separated.

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 5103 reads
29 / 34
ashleelala 2455 reads
30 / 34

YES.  And I knew "Depends" could not be a Final Answer for you........

BernieK19 7 Reviews 4545 reads
31 / 34

I always go for a beautiful mind over substance any day. EOM

Lex Luethor 2058 reads
32 / 34

...I was startin' to think you don't like my big mouth... but then I laughed, realizing that would be impossible because everybody likes me... ;)

You're not a teacher by chance, are you? I ask because suddenly I'm getting a flashback from my school days...

"How about we give some of the other children a chance to answer, Lex?"

-- Modified on 1/12/2005 8:31:37 AM

ashleelala 2415 reads
33 / 34

You are very entertaining...that's why I've tended to reply to your posts.  Ofcourse I like you, what's not to like?

As for the teacher....."Are you hot for teacher?"

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2975 reads
34 / 34
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