TER General Board

I asked my ATF...regular_smile
russbbj 89 Reviews 197 reads

How does it feel to walk into a crowded room and know that you're the most beautiful woman in the building.

She said "I don't think that way", and I said without hesitation, "I knew that and that makes you even more beautiful".

She knows that she's hot, and therefore she doesn't need that affirmation from others. Confidence is sexy. And to top it off, she's one of the sweetest people I've ever met, for these reasons she is and will always be my ATF.  

Well to be perfectly honest, it doesn't hurt that she's the best cocksucker I've ever been with.

As i begin a search for a new regular (hopefully to become an ATF), i have begun to think more specifically about what i am looking for in a companion/provider.  Certainly, looks matter. But i can honestly say i have met more ladies who i considered "beautiful" than women who turned out to be "sexy." Being intimate with a truly beautiful woman can be nice, but spending time with a truly sexy woman is the best.  I realize there is a lot of subjectivity to these terms and that most of us hobbyists are good at spotting what we consider "beauty." I was wondering if "sexiness" mattered to you guys and, if so, what do you look for prior to contacting a lady to make that judgement?  To the ladies...does this distinction between beauty and sexiness make sense to you? If so, are there personal qualities that you (or others generally) possess that make you just as sexy as you are beautiful? Do any of you consider yourself more sexy than beautiful?

bonordonor490 reads

are the ones that act like they don't know they are beautiful.

try to get him "off" as quickly as possible (younger providers especially) and out the door. Sixty minutes is 670 minutes not just "pop and go".

How does it feel to walk into a crowded room and know that you're the most beautiful woman in the building.

She said "I don't think that way", and I said without hesitation, "I knew that and that makes you even more beautiful".

She knows that she's hot, and therefore she doesn't need that affirmation from others. Confidence is sexy. And to top it off, she's one of the sweetest people I've ever met, for these reasons she is and will always be my ATF.  

Well to be perfectly honest, it doesn't hurt that she's the best cocksucker I've ever been with.

FatVern329 reads

I only go for a certain type anymore, and that type is hard to find.

There is a clear difference between beauty and sexiness. Some ladies can pull off both. I view the difference as this -  

A beautiful woman is to be explored slowly while a sexy woman makes you just want to f***!

And I like both, depends on my mood ;-)

-- Modified on 4/12/2016 12:16:02 PM

As I consider your question, it seems that when I think of "beautiful" that's about what I'm seeing from the face, and "sexy" is what I'm seeing from the rest of the body

that is pretty good distinction all I would say is that "beautiful" is about what I am seeing not just from the face, but the total package while "sexy" is a vibe (maybe pheromones?) that I get.  I've seen many women I felt were beautiful but not sexy and many sexy bitches that wouldn't rate a 7 on the looks scale.

Posted By: wholewheelofchz
As I consider your question, it seems that when I think of "beautiful" that's about what I'm seeing from the face, and "sexy" is what I'm seeing from the rest of the body

Agreed.  I have been with what i consider to be some amazingly beautiful women who were, unfortunately, not really sexy.  I have also been with women who, while not classicly or universally beautiful, were off the charts sexy...the best

I would rather be with a beautiful woman for sex.

A gal with a sense of humor, who shows she is intelligent, and has an erotic air about her always translates to a great time.

Toss in a little chemistry and voila:  an ATF

Mr. Fisher...just curious... Do you consider how a woman portrays herself on her website and on these boards to be a reliable indicator of potential sexiness (And the factors you point out on your post)??? I have found that i cannot get that info from reviews, and find myself lately exploring their website looking for clues as to their "sexiness quotient"

the ones that are playful, smart, quick-witted and will joke around a little, before seamlessly moving into erotic GFE mode. As an earlier poster said, many beautiful women know they are beautiful, so they sometimes act like they are doing you a favor by seeing you.  Give me an 8 in looks any day who goes all out to make my day and delivers a ten in service.  Without the playfulness, I will not become a regular because it gets boring after a short while.  Beauty does not take up the slack for a lack of personality, IMO.

But a sexy woman will automatically become beautiful once you experience her.

And, just a little bit of advice Coach1437.  Don't "search" for a regular and/or ATF.  Just go ahead and enjoy the ladies as you will, and if a regular/ATF emerges, then great.  If not, enjoy the variety.


Wise advice.  I enjoy variety, but i have become more focused on potential sexiness as opposed to sheer beauty when deciding on a new provider to reach out to.  I look for clues on their website (how the create their image) and, at times, by how they present on the boards...i find intelligent and witty women to be potentially quite sexy. I do agree, however, that enjoying the journey is an important part of the hobby

The whole coach gig makes my loins damp  so I will return the favah and make you laugh your balls off.  

Posted By: Coach1437
 Wise advice.  I enjoy variety, but i have become more focused on potential sexiness as opposed to sheer beauty when deciding on a new provider to reach out to.  I look for clues on their website (how the create their image) and, at times, by how they present on the boards...i find intelligent and witty women to be potentially quite sexy. I do agree, however, that enjoying the journey is an important part of the hobby

and hundreds of beautiful women will walk by every hour. So what?  

External, physical beauty is nothing. It can mask everything from ice queens to idiots as well as the most wonderful, smart and sexy women.

Look past the pretty wrapper, and you may find that smart, funny, creative, warm, caring, SEXY woman - because sexiness will only be found on the inside.

Give me SEXY every time; it has high value. Beauty? Nice, but not rare and often fleeting

...the you tell us that "external, physical beauty means nothing."

Thank you, Master "Non Sequitur" Zen! :D :D

because I can.

Wait, maybe appearance rating inflation is due to "sexiness"?

Each one was unbelievably sexy. I was lucky enough to have long periods of time with each one of them. None of them was ugly, all were attractive, more and more so as I got to know each.  One of them was stunningly beautiful to me, the other four were absolutely not, but each was astoundingly sexy,

Photo one is a picture of the woman’s face and she is a stunning to look at.

Photo two is of a different woman but shows her body and she is smoking hot.

From only looking at these two photos (which is all there is to go on), which woman would you like to fu*k?

I’m thinking of photo  #2  because it has more information to go on and shows that her smoking hot body creates the desire for sex. However, even though photo one is aesthetically pleasing (as she indeed is beautiful to look at with her wonderful symmetry and features), wanting to fu*k her may not come to mind as strongly as the second photo.

Then take both photos again, but this time put the face with full body and visa-versa.

Photo one is of that gorgeous looking woman with a nice body.

Photo two is of an okay looking face on the woman, but with a smoking hot body.

I suppose lines can get blurred, but to simplify, in photo two she is sexy and in photo one she is beautiful.

Anything else past visual then becomes another form of beauty.

But I like to think of it this way: The sexy woman is the one you’d like to fu*k, whereas the beautiful woman is the one you want for a significant other. But since this is TER and even if you want sex with the sexy woman more than the beautiful woman, you enjoy being with the beautiful woman because  she is multi-dimensional and has so much more to offer than just sex and you miss her when she's gone. Never-the-less, what the sexy woman offers is still pretty damn good in itself or the hobby would not exist. Lol!

Of course, I welcome criticism.

-- Modified on 4/12/2016 9:03:00 PM

-- Modified on 4/12/2016 9:05:45 PM

WildJimmy!308 reads

That isn't so very hard to do. Not around here.

Many an elegant lady who has opened the door to meet me has become a precious little slut before the time was up.

Posted By: Coach1437
As i begin a search for a new regular (hopefully to become an ATF), i have begun to think more specifically about what i am looking for in a companion/provider.  Certainly, looks matter. But i can honestly say i have met more ladies who i considered "beautiful" than women who turned out to be "sexy." Being intimate with a truly beautiful woman can be nice, but spending time with a truly sexy woman is the best.  I realize there is a lot of subjectivity to these terms and that most of us hobbyists are good at spotting what we consider "beauty." I was wondering if "sexiness" mattered to you guys and, if so, what do you look for prior to contacting a lady to make that judgement?  To the ladies...does this distinction between beauty and sexiness make sense to you? If so, are there personal qualities that you (or others generally) possess that make you just as sexy as you are beautiful? Do any of you consider yourself more sexy than beautiful?

Have been with some pretty women and they're not always very sexy. In fact, some (not all) are not sexy at all because they rely on their beauty.  

For me, I'll orgasm once w/ a pretty woman and multiple times with a sexy one

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