TER General Board

I am only here for fun... and to flirt with skinny minnie and Tobi
skarphedin 2110 reads
1 / 54
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 690 reads
2 / 54

and some led to wonderful experiences off the boards.

For me it's just that simple.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 11/13/2014 10:40:25 AM

skarphedin 728 reads
4 / 54
HandleWithCare 868 reads
6 / 54

the main reason I use an alias on many of my posts is because there's threads on our experiences in the hobby. And I like to be able to discuss some details of my experiences without nosy--er, inquisitive--people digging into my reviews trying to figure out to whom I'm referring.  

In the past, I've also used an alias for topical humor in a thread. But that's less practical to do now given you can have only one alias at a time and can change them only every 90 days.

Senator.Blutarsky 796 reads
7 / 54
OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 812 reads
8 / 54

They want me to get off my ass and type in all these numbers and then actually pay and UGH what is a lazy hooker to do??

Probably just not say anything that she would need an alias to say, lol

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 612 reads
9 / 54

There is nothing here I am so afraid to say that would require me to go out of my way to hide behind an alias.. If there is something that doesn't need to be said, I would not say it at all. Also, I do use my handle to book appointments, so my posts do have real life repercussions on my hobby life - both good and bad.  

Now I've used aliases in the past, when we were playing in the land of multiple aliases but that was for purposes of injecting humor in the conversation. Not necessarily for hiding.

skarphedin 691 reads
10 / 54
skarphedin 597 reads
11 / 54
skarphedin 726 reads
12 / 54

-- Modified on 11/13/2014 3:08:51 PM

smallsteps 4 Reviews 527 reads
15 / 54

My Mother told me this longggg ago.............

GaGambler 706 reads
17 / 54

and believe it or not, women still see me even knowing that I am that big mouth blowhard on TER. lmao

GaGambler 583 reads
18 / 54

an alias can be just as credible as a "real" handle if you have enough posting history behind it. There are several alias posters that have plenty of credibility  gained by years of using the same alias.

But OTOH, what's wrong with using your "real" fake name. I don't even have an alias once TER started allowing only one, I am just too lazy to create one and besides when I am "rude" to someone and bitch slap them across the mouth for saying something stupid, I WANT them to know it was me that did it. but each to their own.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 827 reads
19 / 54

If she asks for more, and wants me to provide references despite the handle I will send her over to one of the girls I've seen, if I am interested in seeing her. If not, I will just pass...

GaGambler 664 reads
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ChiTownHeaux 796 reads
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ChiTownHeaux 765 reads
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of clients I attract. 90% of the guys I see do not know about reviews or know but are the private types that do not like to kiss and tell.  I have been reading the boards for over 5 years. The last year and a half the discussions and energy on here has been very sour. It's obvious why many others do not participate.

skarphedin 673 reads
24 / 54
skarphedin 489 reads
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GaGambler 580 reads
26 / 54

see how well that works out??? lol

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 751 reads
27 / 54

I don't have much to hide. Unless anyone calls me drivel. I hate that!

Anyway. I never have taken this forum that seriously. So I just don't think of posting here as so dangerous.  
I guess I mean If an escort turned me down because I posted something stupid here? We probably wouldn't have clicked anyway.  

Are you afraid to post something with your reviews connected to you because you are ashamed of your persona here? I don't really understand the question :

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 519 reads
28 / 54

When socializing on the interwebz, I am the equivalent of the guys who flop on the bed and blink up at you like "...and?". I rarely come around and when I do it's because of the blue moon special Hahahaha

For example, I'm sick today. So here I am. Lol

I do report obvious spammy stuff, but because of the above, I rarely get VIP days. Then I forget to come back and use them, and by then... I am back to feeling "meh" about it. It's more effective to just pay for it the once in a while that I see someone new and want to check them here.

djddla 681 reads
29 / 54
Skinny_Minnie:-) 843 reads
30 / 54

I am here for entertainment purposes only.

ChiTownHeaux 752 reads
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GaGambler 708 reads
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I really don't care who knows who I am in "real life"  I am not ashamed of anything I do here or anywhere else for that matter, and if the rest of you cowards would step into the light, maybe what happens between consenting adults would no longer be a crime.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 752 reads
33 / 54

Its better for you to hide behind an alias.

Because being from Chitown these days, for ladies especially, is as popular as being in Democratic party....Seriously....

Dr Who revived 585 reads
34 / 54

You have NO fucking clue if the dudes who see you are posting away or not.  Just what some asswipes tell you.

And if you have actually been reading these boards for five (5) years and think that in the last year and a half it's turned sour...then you clearly weren't on here for five (5) years  LOL

Go and read the threads from 3 years ago...and let's discuss further  ;)
Posted By: ChiTownHeaux
of clients I attract. 90% of the guys I see do not know about reviews or know but are the private types that do not like to kiss and tell.  I have been reading the boards for over 5 years. The last year and a half the discussions and energy on here has been very sour. It's obvious why many others do not participate.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 667 reads
36 / 54

why would I care if someone wants to read my posts. And why bother with google? Just come to TER and search.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 890 reads
37 / 54

I am not doubting that you are from Chicago. You could very well be...

!_! 742 reads
38 / 54

An occasional trainwreck or two every now and then is fun too. This board would be boring without them. I think trainwrecks are simply awesome in terms of entertainment especially when there are multiple zigzags that fill two pages. "Everything is Awesome, Everything is cool when you're part of a wreck!" ;

ChiTownHeaux 778 reads
39 / 54

Wrong Dr. I can look up the email and see if there is a handle. Yes, some do lie , saying they don't know about TER  but o find their handle's and posting's easily.  Most of the time it's because they haven't reviewed and don't want to. Do I tell them I know? Nah, no reason to. Most really don't care to be part of the review couture and I respect that.  

Also, yes some may have two different emails so hard to match their identity with TER handle but no biggie. With most new guys I meet only 1 out of 12 actually do a review. I don't care to have hundreds of reviews so it works out.  

You are right, I have been reading for 5 years BUT not on here daily like you to realize the nastiness and shitty energy some dudes and ladies have. I come here when bored to bs, can't sleep or killing time at an airport. That is all.  If it's the same as 5 years ago then go figure why I and many stay away.

Dr Who revived 643 reads
42 / 54

WTF does an email have anything to do with a TER handle?  I'll stike that comment up to your attempt at deflecting the question.  Then you go and babble about not wanting hundreds of reviews...suggesting less than 10% of the dudes review.  Those seem to be the averages around these parts.

Then you want to make believe that many don't read or post because the boards are meaner than yesteryear.  You can go back 10 years and read the same argument.  Posters come and go daily.  Most never post here...while others like you claim to have done is lurk.

Posted By: ChiTownHeaux
Wrong Dr. I can look up the email and see if there is a handle. Yes, some do lie , saying they don't know about TER  but o find their handle's and posting's easily.  Most of the time it's because they haven't reviewed and don't want to. Do I tell them I know? Nah, no reason to. Most really don't care to be part of the review couture and I respect that.  
 Also, yes some may have two different emails so hard to match their identity with TER handle but no biggie. With most new guys I meet only 1 out of 12 actually do a review. I don't care to have hundreds of reviews so it works out.  
 You are right, I have been reading for 5 years BUT not on here daily like you to realize the nastiness and shitty energy some dudes and ladies have. I come here when bored to bs, can't sleep or killing time at an airport. That is all.  If it's the same as 5 years ago then go figure why I and many stay away.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 619 reads
44 / 54

ometimes you have to filter through some of the old people trying to keep their game theirs..
It's kinda funny to watch them attempt to hold on to their board. It's slipping from their grip, and they hate that.
Sad old men... I feel bad they have nothing left:(
I have compassion.. The next adventure for some of these men is death!
So I don't mind if they get all nasty sometimes

GaGambler 604 reads
45 / 54

I don't think I could have said it any better myself.

I am sure there are hookers who won't see me because of the way I run my mouth here and on other boards, but like you just said "We probably wouldn't have clicked anyhow" Believe it or not, I don't have a board persona and a real one. I am pretty much the same person on the internet and in real life, so if someone doesn't like GaGambler, I doubt very much that they would like the "real me" either. and guess what? Just like you, I don't give a fuck. Well actually you don't give a shit, i like to give fucks lmao

inicky46 61 Reviews 567 reads
46 / 54
Dr Who revived 830 reads
47 / 54

that you simply can't fix stupid.

Now go and crawl back into that hole and try and find a clue.

And be careful as Heaux may have your personal info by using your TER handle.  Seems that's where she's going with her assertions.  Or maybe (and much more likely) she's just full of herself and trying to be "smart".
Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
 Sometimes you have to filter through some of the old people trying to keep their game theirs..  
 It's kinda funny to watch them attempt to hold on to their board. It's slipping from their grip, and they hate that.  
 Sad old men... I feel bad they have nothing left:(  
 I have compassion.. The next adventure for some of these men is death!  
 So I don't mind if they get all nasty sometimes.  

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 609 reads
48 / 54

So you coming back like this is ridiculous. I gave you MY reason. In developing friendships here, I use my handle so people can see my profile to get a better idea about my me, and I can read their reviews if I want to. Stop making something simple into a debate with your EOMs one liners.

-- Modified on 11/14/2014 10:08:07 AM

JackDunphy 898 reads
49 / 54

But that feeling might be because I got an early jump on Friday happy hour. lol

Why don't you take our little k-9 friend down to CR and let him expel his "shit" there. lol.

Fairly certain the chicas wont care about HOC posts south of the border.  

But maybe that's why you have to go there so often? :D

JackDunphy 500 reads
50 / 54

was he an asshole all those times you hit him up bc and got advice from him, learned something about this game form him or was that a different HOC I remember????


inicky46 61 Reviews 554 reads
51 / 54

In fact, none of the mongers down there do either.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 620 reads
52 / 54

I was just correlating her being from Chitown to recent notorious comments posted by some other Chitown providers and how that has lead to poor reputation of the city as a place to indulge in hobby.... And then we got MacDaddy... And then Obama.. And then Derek Rose.. Oh and then Cutler...:D

Chicago is in big trouble...:D

-- Modified on 11/14/2014 7:44:03 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 554 reads
53 / 54

I just thought up ChiTownHoax as a riff and wanted to use it.  She's pretty sassy, so I'm sure I'll get a chance to use it often.

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