TER General Board

I am concerned!
Lovely_Jules See my TER Reviews 184 reads

We can all make jokes about this gent as one individual said having a bug up his ass but.... Look at how he refers to ladies in the hobby. As "Hookers"! Look at how he keeps attacking and being concerned with how Jenna and anyone similar spend their money and other items. He keeps mentioning theft? Last I checked there are certain complementary items which even low end hotels put out as a benefit to staying with them. No different than when you go to a restaurant and they offer say a complimentary mint. Kudos to any lady in the hobby and any gent who actually think outside of him or herself.  

Ladies this man has 14 reviews, but none recent. Be aware, this is precisely why I verify with a provider reference outside of just a white list. If he is this angry over her "stealing" and behaves like this from behind a keyboard, imagine being alone in a private setting with him. I won't say his "opinion" is right or wrong I will simply say pay attention!!!!!

To my fellow providers, use his expression as a reminder that there are some fellas whom engage in the hobby that are clearly not individuals most of us would enjoy the company of. Gents like him have an axe to grind and it ptobably has nothing to do with what he posted about. Just my thoughts  

Stay safe and Jenna keep sprinkling your doses of kindness anywhere and everywhere you see fit 😍

It looks like the new big thing with these hookers with wink wink "hearts of gold" are to start taking toiletries from hotel to donate to women battered shelters.

So you are making $$$$$$ to just sit on a penis for a couple of minutes but won't donate what shelters really need $$$$ to operate and instead opt to send them garbage

Women shelters DO NOT need garbage they need money $$$ something you are too cheap to even send that you make more then even high powered lawyers and sought after doctors make per hr.

The last thing a woman who is being abuse is worried about is taking a shower with soap and lathering their skin with fancy body lotions you stole for a hotel room you booked to run a current illegal business :)

I know you are running a illegal business but pretending to send bottle soap and shampoo and body lotion don't absolve you of your crimes  

Hey judge, yes I was hookering but at least I stole the hotel toiletries to support a women shelter ...  So see I'm still a good person

JakeFromStateFarm210 reads

And go back to trying to scare small children.

Youjustdontgetit254 reads

And you just collect them when you travel and drop them off at the shelter?  I was told once, if you don't have your own bed,your own personal soap is a treasure. And btw, I also donate both my time and my money to a homeless shelter!  Enough said!

I am now certain that every one of these women are now breathing MY air in the hotel room I am paying for. And you think you have problems.

GaGambler236 reads

I will concede he is one of the more unlikeable trolls and not worth feeding.

can't help but see a man who can talk the talk but can't walk the walk.

Must be sad that your whole life and day is spent on a hooker board defending hookers and trying to knock other men like you actually are worth something to begin with :D

You sound like you've  always lived the life of sissified luxury,  bubble baths twenty nine times a month, never been camping in your life.  
   I've lived  in the wilderness for weeks, with no shower in site or signs of modern plumbing other than a muddy creek.
 Nothing felt better when I got home than a hot shower with soap.  
  Try to think before you doubt how joyful a shower with adequate toiletries feels to a homeless person or a woman on the run from a demented man.
    Women shelters do need toiletries and money too.  
    Give what you can.  
    Every donation helps.  

Posted By: MidAgedCEO

It looks like the new big thing with these hookers with wink wink "hearts of gold" are to start taking toiletries from hotel to donate to women battered shelters.  
 So you are making $$$$$$ to just sit on a penis for a couple of minutes but won't donate what shelters really need $$$$ to operate and instead opt to send them garbage  
 Women shelters DO NOT need garbage they need money $$$ something you are too cheap to even send that you make more then even high powered lawyers and sought after doctors make per hr.  
 The last thing a woman who is being abuse is worried about is taking a shower with soap and lathering their skin with fancy body lotions you stole for a hotel room you booked to run a current illegal business :)  
 I know you are running a illegal business but pretending to send bottle soap and shampoo and body lotion don't absolve you of your crimes  
 Hey judge, yes I was hookering but at least I stole the hotel toiletries to support a women shelter ...  So see I'm still a good person

So, I posted yesterday on my Instagram and Twitter asking ladies to please send me the toiletries from their room. Yes, I've been saving mine and donate every month.   Last year it was the homeless center for teens in Boston, and believe it or not they actually asked for toiletries in the list of things that they needed. Funny, money wasn't on the list. Toiletries, tampons, Chapstick, things of that sort were.  
I've also had several women publicly and privately post that they were homeless at one time and toiletries are definite   necessity.  
If you're so concerned about me "stealing"from the four and five star hotels that I sell pussy out of, let me put your mind at ease a little.  You see, for hygienic reasons hotels are not supposed to keep the same toiletries in the room from hotel guest a hotel guest. I'm sure most of them do, but they're not supposed to. No worries, I'm just holding them up to their own standards when I take mine with me.  
 I can promise you the SPG group,  Marriott International or  Hilton Inc. won't be hurting from a few hookers taking a lotion  to give to a woman in need.  
When's the last time you lifted a finger to do any act kindness?   How about instead of being a troll on a hooker board nothing to do but post about somebody else doing something kind, get from behind your computer screen and go walk a dog at  local shelter.  Go drop off some food to your local food pantry. Need any more suggestions on what to do with your time? As, I've got plenty.  No need to respond to me.  I won't take the time to read it. I'll be  fucking, and stealing toiletries from my incall.  I don't troll TER, and besides my ads I have had minimal posts in the whole time I've been on here. The only reason I responded to this is because another lady brought it to my attention on TER.

Ditto to all of that. Having been a volunteer at a DA shelter in my area, I can tell you that they were begging for personal care items. Most of the way men in the shelter are there for a reason... they fled in the middle of the night to escape an abusive partner, who often freezes their access to finances (most have been so isolated they have no support of their own). So something as simple as soap is a big deal. The same goes for homeless shelters.  

Having been booted out by my partners for being queer as a minor many moons ago, after roving the streets for a few days and finally getting into a shelter, taking a shower was amazing. Until I was able to get myself on my feet again, I didn't have disposable cash to afford basic  hygiene  stuff, so donated hygiene products were a life saver.

Basically, CEO, delete yourself

Keep finding ways to deliver doses of kindness into the world. Everyone has an opinion and a judgement. As long as what you are doing is making a positive impact in the world of others stay true to self! Good luck with your collection of essentials...

If they are donating the items, then why does it matter? Whether the toiletries came from a hotel or were purchased at Wal-Mart or anywhere else, they can still be used!

Haven't work or  volunteered in a woman's shelter or homeless shelter.  
I do take al the toiletries and I do donate them. I also post on my twitter different things about donating to other campaigns that I participate.  
I not only donate toiletries, but also money, I teach (volunteer) yoga and other fitness classes.  

To each their own, people are too busy complaining about others instead of looking their own.

Posted By: priyarainelle
Re: It's not stealing and regardless  
If they are donating the items, then why does it matter? Whether the toiletries came from a hotel or were purchased at Wal-Mart or anywhere else, they can still be used!

Let me get this straight, instead of using that hooker money for doing minimal work and  buying the stuff from say Costco or Sam's Club, this happy fake gold hearted hooker would rather steal ( by pretending to ask the hotel staff for extras when she really aren't going to use it ) or by asking other hookers to steal from hotels for her.

So why can't she use her hooker money to go to Costco to buy pallets of stuff but instead need to resort to stealing from hotels?

Cause it easier to steal from someone else to GIVE to another.  Kinda like how the gov't use your taxes .... HA HA HA HA  

She nor her fake hearted hookers will ever take out her hooker money to do any good.

So, how many years have you been sucking dick? You must have a lot of experience, since you find it such easy money. Regardless of your "CEO" income, why turn down a few extra grand a week of easy money?

Posted By: gracehadley
Re: Too cheap to go to Costco or Sam's Club but more then happy to steal from hotels?
So, how many years have you been sucking dick? You must have a lot of experience, since you find it such easy money. Regardless of your "CEO" income, why turn down a few extra grand a week of easy money?

So these hookers are so low that they need to steal toiletries to pretend to do some good but yet they post photos of all their Gucci bags and Prada etc etc and Agent Provocateur underwear and all the gifts they get ?

Funny you don't see they heart of gold hookers donating THAT STUFF, nope instead they just steal from hotels toiletries garbage to give to donate?

Yea I'm calling these B.S bitches out

Looks like LoveJenna have no problem posting about all her GIFT CARD gifts, her spa treatment, her trips around the USA and other fun luxury things she gets to do but in the meantime she wants to steal and want others to steal so she can "donate" to these shelters.

I bet all those sheltered people would love to do that too, I don't see her donating those stuff?

Of course not cause she a self-serving bitch who really only cares about herself but pretend to do good "so she can pretend"

Why isn't she donating all those gift cards? spa treatment for these poor abused people.  Why is she just giving them crap she and other hookers stole from a  hotel?

Posted By: MidAgedCEO

It looks like the new big thing with these hookers with wink wink "hearts of gold" are to start taking toiletries from hotel to donate to women battered shelters.  
 So you are making $$$$$$ to just sit on a penis for a couple of minutes but won't donate what shelters really need $$$$ to operate and instead opt to send them garbage  
 Women shelters DO NOT need garbage they need money $$$ something you are too cheap to even send that you make more then even high powered lawyers and sought after doctors make per hr.  
 The last thing a woman who is being abuse is worried about is taking a shower with soap and lathering their skin with fancy body lotions you stole for a hotel room you booked to run a current illegal business :)  
 I know you are running a illegal business but pretending to send bottle soap and shampoo and body lotion don't absolve you of your crimes  
 Hey judge, yes I was hookering but at least I stole the hotel toiletries to support a women shelter ...  So see I'm still a good person

There was a certain relief effort recently where they were asking for lotions and shampoos and soaps. Specifically mentioned were the little toiletries from hotels.  

 I def prefer to donate money or clothes.

and we were able to help a lot of families!  

thank you for all the ladies that help me out with that mission :)

Posted By: Sidney Starr
Re: A donation of any kind is still a donation.  
There was a certain relief effort recently where they were asking for lotions and shampoos and soaps. Specifically mentioned were the little toiletries from hotels.  
  I def prefer to donate money or clothes.

JakeFromStateFarm220 reads

He works for a hotel in Housekeeping and has to work harder replacing all those little bottles stolen by hookers.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Re: Aha!  I'll bet I know why Certifiable Egomaniac Orangutan is upset!
He works for a hotel in Housekeeping and has to work harder replacing all those little bottles stolen by hookers.

We can all make jokes about this gent as one individual said having a bug up his ass but.... Look at how he refers to ladies in the hobby. As "Hookers"! Look at how he keeps attacking and being concerned with how Jenna and anyone similar spend their money and other items. He keeps mentioning theft? Last I checked there are certain complementary items which even low end hotels put out as a benefit to staying with them. No different than when you go to a restaurant and they offer say a complimentary mint. Kudos to any lady in the hobby and any gent who actually think outside of him or herself.  

Ladies this man has 14 reviews, but none recent. Be aware, this is precisely why I verify with a provider reference outside of just a white list. If he is this angry over her "stealing" and behaves like this from behind a keyboard, imagine being alone in a private setting with him. I won't say his "opinion" is right or wrong I will simply say pay attention!!!!!

To my fellow providers, use his expression as a reminder that there are some fellas whom engage in the hobby that are clearly not individuals most of us would enjoy the company of. Gents like him have an axe to grind and it ptobably has nothing to do with what he posted about. Just my thoughts  

Stay safe and Jenna keep sprinkling your doses of kindness anywhere and everywhere you see fit 😍

Uhhmmm. Newsflash: It's not considered stealing if you're a guest of the hotel. The nicer hotels throw the toiletries away after every guest anyway. The nicer hotels many of us stay in have no problem giving extras. So instead of stealing them, as you call it, just to have them sit in the back of our bathroom closet unused, why not donate them to people that really need them?

Having stayed in hotels, sometimes the maids tend to leave the toiletries in carts and available for the taking

When you are asking or taking what you are not going to use while you stay it is call THEFT, or at least borderline stealing.   They have these for use while you are staying at the hotel not for you to take and give away outside the hotel.

Why resort to being a cheap ass hooker stealing to donate when they are too cheap to spend some money and go to Target or Costco or some big lot store or wholesale and BUY/PAY for the stuff to donate then resort to low petty theft ?

One has to wonder why won't they spend a time for these time and resort to really petty criminal behavior ?  And they call themselves high class hookers, LOL

In the event that anybody does care, if you Google ways to help Homeless Shelters you will see they do in fact REQUEST these items...  
Here is one of MANY links to support this fact.

I will only speak for myself ...  
I am very picky to use all my own toiletries when traveling so if I use the ones given by the hotel, toss them, or take a moment to give the items to a place such as above, said hotel has already factored those products into the cost of my stay so NO, I am certainly not stealing.

Ignorant people make assumptions that anybody has ever taken more than their allotted amount of "factored" in products or asked anybody else to.

This practice has been going on LONG BEFORE before I started sitting on Hooker related penises. We would travel with my family 5 bedroom/bath suites and EACH DAY- and sometimes nights fresh toiletries were left even if the previous days products were still in view. We collected our complimentary items and would give them to the Women's Shelter in our town via the Girl Scout Troop, so would all the families in the troops, friends, coworkers, families etc.
I actually had inquired about the OP suggestion of buying a large bottles but was told although that is appreciated, sadly when some people have lost everything, a simple bar of soap that is theirs alone to touch, smell, hold on to, can give the person hope... The people down on their luck need something -ever so slight, to just feel there is hope, maybe a person such as CEO has been so lucky in his life he is incapable of having empathy for these people or so hateful towards the type of women he chooses to patronize, he took any chance to degrade her efforts..pitiful  

Being a Hooker has absolutely nothing to do with random acts of kindness such as her collection effort.  

Besides the time to post, collect, pack, and go to the Post Office, Jenna paid for the shipping out of her own pocket.  
It is none of anybody else's business what else she sent in with the items she collected...  

Threads like this, that are just rude,  nasty, and/or spiteful in nature at their core, make me appreciate the true gentleman I meet that would never post something so stupid. To the gentleman with respect to the ladies in this business, THANK YOU SO MUCH...  

I do hope there can be some good of this post. Ladies that were unaware that most shelters in their area truly want these unused items-- I hope you will take a few minutes every couple of months to drop off the items and anything else you choose to.

Rhetorically speaking of course, what will absolve the OP of his crimes?  

I hope CEO, this post actually make YOU feel like a good person...

I have to say amen. It is surprising what a little thing like soap and shampoo can mean to a person. And when you are homeless travel sized is ideal as you have no storage when you live on the streets. Small things matter.  

And for the idea that taking the travel sized bottles you paid for with the room is stealing is assured to say the least as you paid for them. CEO is a useless toll who belittles a kind and thoughtful gestures that while small actually really matters a whole lot. But one thing I must  disagree on I hope this thread makes CEO fell like shit as discouraging small acts of kindness is a shitty thing to do and must be discouraged. That is why I was not going to post.

"I actually had inquired about the OP suggestion of buying a large bottles but was told although that is appreciated, sadly when some people have lost everything, a simple bar of soap that is theirs alone to touch, smell, hold on to, can give the person hope... The people down on their luck need something -ever so slight, to just feel there is hope,"

Very true words, I've been there. The small things like a bar of soap to shower with matters a whole lot. It makes you feel human again for a moment.

A few years ago I dated an escort. She did quite well for herself, but had 'sticky fingers', and I'm not talking about the Rolling Stones classic....

Anyway, when she traveled she would tip the housekeepers and take home linen. Some of which I have cuz she bought me a new bed. Send me home with a shitload of all the toiletries which she keeps on hand at her house for her john's.  

She gave me a lot of shit. Both monetarily and verbally. But I dug her gumption and understood why she had diamonds, minks, and shopped at Nordstroms and Wolford.  

I learned a lot from that lady and she'll always have a place in my heart..... :)

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