TER General Board

I agree, reviews should be factual, and not self-serving, to put it politely. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 214 reads


faxinator1722 reads

I don't know about most mongers, but to be honest I really don't care to read reviews that highlight the incredible sexual prowess of the reviewer. I'm interested in reading about the PROVIDER and would like as many details about them as possible.

And it seems that most reviews talk about how the reviewer was able to pop two, three, four, five times in a session. Or that they were able to get the provider to "O" three or four times. Well listen, I've had my share of discussions with providers and let me tell you something: they all (ALL) tell me that the vast majority of their clients aren't able to pop multiple times (not for lack of trying by the provider) and that most of them NEVER reach an "O" with the majority of their clients (but certainly their performance abilities are well developed enough to make the client think they did).

I don't know, maybe I'm just being an ornery old prick, but these things really devalue the worth of some of the reviews. What do you guys think?

We all are aware, that alot of it is BS.
But reviews do give us some insight about the provider.
For me, it's more of a safety issue, i just want to know if she's legit. ( and that she looks like her web-site pics )

Why do you need to say that to us and the OP?  To show how "insider" you are on a fuck board?  Skip it if you don't like it.

I saw one this past week that was making a lot of noise, I think she only came 1 time. Someone who is not experienced in fucking that much might not know the difference between the lady getting wet and her cumming. But then again there are some who are truly multi orgasmic.  Some will tell me they came very hard and won't cum like again, but they get wet the 2nd round though.

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 9:53:33 AM

reviews are not amusing..try to be as honest as possible..include juicy details without being overly graphic..i never describe my prowess..just what happened..it will help the next client decide..some do exaggerate..some are too bland..admin looks for certain things in a review in order to approve it..if you decide to see a provider based on a certain reviewer's review..it tells me you can trust his judgment..he writes a fair and honest review..not everyone does..

Posted By: faxinator
I don't know about most mongers, but to be honest I really don't care to read reviews that highlight the incredible sexual prowess of the reviewer. I'm interested in reading about the PROVIDER and would like as many details about them as possible.

And it seems that most reviews talk about how the reviewer was able to pop two, three, four, five times in a session. Or that they were able to get the provider to "O" three or four times. Well listen, I've had my share of discussions with providers and let me tell you something: they all (ALL) tell me that the vast majority of their clients aren't able to pop multiple times (not for lack of trying by the provider) and that most of them NEVER reach an "O" with the majority of their clients (but certainly their performance abilities are well developed enough to make the client think they did).

I don't know, maybe I'm just being an ornery old prick, but these things really devalue the worth of some of the reviews. What do you guys think?

1. to go over (lessons, studies, work, etc.) in review.
to view, look at, or look over again.

2. to inspect, especially formally or officially: to review the troops.

3. to survey mentally; take a survey of: to review the situation.

4. to discuss (a book, play, etc.) in a critical review; write a critical report upon.

Nothing states to be factual, or truthful.

It is one mans opinion, period and making it to be anything else is an exercise in futility which is proved to be true over and over on TER.

Can we move on to other often repeated subjects such as rates, fees, donations etc. and by saying it is women's prerogative to start of!

And use your criteria for writing them.  You criticize others for the reviews they have written, but yet you have written none.  Let's see if you meet your own standards and write some reviews!  Set a good example why don't you.

ShutTheFackup143 reads

Do you feel concerned with your 166 reviews?

Plenty of drama
Hot sex
Zingers from gals that never post here (oxymoron if you want to know)

Damn...why not just write a review of the gals you've seen.  I'm sure it will contain all of the above as well!

Thanks for your insightful post.  Frankly pal..LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET THE HELL out of the way.  From your review history I guess you should get the hell out of the way :D

LOL Most of my reviews mention how many times I pop, not my patrons!  :))  And no, I'm not faking or acting.   I'd be in Hollywood if I was that good of an actress.

Otherwise with all those "other" gals that fake it...he might not know  LOL

Using the term "john" is highly derogatory and insulting.  It's a term I don't use.  

When I spend time with my patrons/gentlemen friends/companions I'm not sure if he knows when I climax.  Okay, okay...there ARE times when I announce it, "Here it comes!"  That sort of thing.  But I'm so lost in the moment, who knows what sorts of babbling I enunciate!  All I know is, I'm having fun and enjoying myself.  :))

I'm certainly not insulted by that term.  Any more than being called a trick.  But if you wish to address me as "your royal assholeness" I'm fine with that too.

Sheesh....some gals today are just so temperamental.

So if I stick a gag in your mouth and call you whore...is that offensive as well?

I'd believe it a heck of a lot more if you were spilling out all kinds of shit during your big "O".  But to say...oh Mr. Reviewer...I'm having the biggest...most powerful...mind blowing O there ever was.  Oh..and could you remind me to pick up some ice cream for dessert on my way home when we're done?".  Yep..just how I would expect to hear it from you.

It's insulting to me, hence I don't use it.

And those "words" are simply words.  And using them in the context for P4P is NOT a bad thing.

Now if you want to use them with the intent to be derogatory...you bet.

I suppose I'm not understanding you.  *le sigh*

Agreed, words only have power if one allows them to have power.  Hell, I was first in line at Slut Walk and I'm celibate 90% of the time!

But even "trick" isn't enough to insult me. I don't get how the term "john" is all that offensive.

Apollo-x220 reads

And you are insulted by the word "john" Really?
It's not a big deal to most of us.

My name is John, and I approve that nic.

Makes you "Feel like a King" :D

Seems like so many like that...I read that all the time in the reviews!

I'm not going to get into the actual numbers I suspect, but I feel a significant portion of the reviews are either inaccurate or flat out lies that never even happened.  I think some people do this because they have some very serious ego/pride issues that are unresolved, and this is an outlet for them.  So they post an encounter that never even took place, then send the link to their numerous male friends and brag about how they got it on with an amazingly beautiful chick.  Then, if their friends happen to congratulate them, they feel "better" inside.  I'm sure the same thing happens with all of these people who write stories to certain magazines.

Nice thing is that it's probably easier to identify the honest reviews.

Yes I have a regular that I see all the time and we have become good friends so we talk a lot. She laughs like hell when we talk about reviews on here. She agrees most of it is BS.....she says very few big dicks come in there and if they do she won't see them....she says most all guys are average that come in and more are smaller than average instead of bigger than average. 5" to 6" is normal and 6" to 7" is big and anything over that she sends home unless they will settle for a BBJ. Also on the average most guys don't fuck longer than 5 minutes and 10 minutes is considered a long time. Very Very few guys come in and fuck for 30/45/60 mins like you read in most reviews....It does happen on occasion but not very often. She is known for her BBJ skills and says that most guys after just a minute or so is saying whoa whoa hold up now. She says very very few guys can with stand 10/15/20 mins of her BBJ and the list goes on and on. But also like she said....don't get me wrong because there are exceptions and some of this does really happen but more like 5% of the time and not 95% of the time.....LOL....

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