TER General Board

I admit... I am a bit suspicious... but
toast 9 Reviews 3748 reads

... the rule of thumb here is NEVER expect anything.  If extra time and services come forward count yourself fortunate.  But this is the way these ladies make their living.  Asking them to discount their services because you have some special chemistry is backward.  When you get outstanding service anywhere else, do you expect to pay less?  Identical post on another board.

I'm still new to the game and looking for regulars.  So, I'm asking if those of you who have a regular for a while. Do they offer a special rate? Just wondering. Thanks for any comment.

Listen, lets get this straight.  These lovely ladies that we see make us feel like we are the cats meow.  However, lets understand that this is their business.  Why would you expect a special donation?  If the young woman is your ATF she would probably be many others ATF also.  Therefore she'd be giving discounts to many of her clients.  No do not expect that, you may however be lucky enough to get some extra services or perhaps a little
extra time if her schedule allows.  
Mostly, just be thankful that you discovered a new and better way of life.  Welcome newcomer & enjoy.


ps-Please don't not use alias's if you you want to be taken seriously.

betterhelpful2776 reads

If all of us providers gave discounts to every single client, I seriously doubt that we would be in business for long. I do give discounts, but it is to those long standing clients, that I have been seeing for years. If he sees me regularly, then I would show my appreciation back by adjusting my rates for him :) What irritates me more than ever, are men who either ask about an adjustment right away, without ever meeting me, and or the ones, you see just once, and already are talking about an adjustment of the rates! Those who see me regularly over time, make an effort to meet, doesn't cancel out on me more than 2 times, and we have a chemistry, are the ones that I love to surpise with in adjusting my rates for :) Every provider is different on how she views her situation with her clients, and some don't give discounts at all (her right). A gentleman is best off finding a woman that he connects with, enjoying her company, and continue to see her overtime, and may just be awarded too :)

I think it can work both ways.
I have an ATF that I've been seeing quite regularly.
I enjoy her company and I think she like having me as a customer.

She has been giving special rates for the last 2 months
to her regulars. Not to be expected but appreciated.
She had just posted new rates on her website.
The new rates I cannot afford.

I e-mailed her to confirm if these were the new rates
for regs, and she told me I could keep the old rates.

Am I special: No.
Did she want to keep my business: Yes.

Because of this I'll continue to see her.
And to her delight she will continue to get my money
what little there is of it.:)))

Thanks for the feedback. ... just a clarification ...  the reason I'm asking is that I usually pay $20 - $40 EXTRA TIP to the normal rate. So, if an hour is $180, I pay the provider $200. So, after I've seen a provider twice, I'm just thinking I should give her the NORMAL rate of $180 and not pay her $200 cuz she's already my regular.  No, I will not pay her below her rate ... I agree that this is her business.  But maybe now, she will understand that I see her frequently .. say EVERY week .. then I don't have to pay EXTRA ... sorry, but I didn't specify the context of my situation.  Thanks for your feedback.

Try living in Chicago or NY where $400/hr is the average rate! Where the heck do you live? I wanna move there!

At $180 an hour I'd think you could flip her an extra $20 each time without batting an eyelash. What's twenty bucks these days, you'll probably find a loose $20 in your pants pocket in the laundry bin!

Tipping should only be considered if the lady is a quality provider, goes the extra mile to make your session extra special etc.. Don't feel that tipping is mandatory.

I do not know what they are like, but some reviews on them are good.  I prefer pricier ladies that have good reviews.
    But you are right, the "entry" fee for a lady in Chicago and NYC starts at about $300-$400 and goes up from there.

Kelly Ripa3438 reads

But I tend to spend extra time with him at my choice.

Do you give your employer a special rate because he has employed you for a while?  I know I don't.  Usually it is the other way around - you ask for more the longer you have worked for someone, especially if you feel you provide superior service.

So, if you wouldn't provide a special rate, why expect that from a provider?

But, if you were a consultant (as opposed to an employee) to the company, you might give them a special rate if they buy a block of time (assuming you are billing per hour).  It's better for the consultant to get a lower rate rather than spending the time on the beach.  OTOH, if the consultant is in very high demand, then the "beach" scenario becomes moot.  In either case, I don't think the "employee" model fits --- providers are more like independent contractors.

Give nTake3028 reads

I also make sure to see her regularly so that the overall monthly total far exceeds one or two visits at her regular rate.

 Some ladies here may argue but the numbers don't lie.

I am a creature of habit , same barber , stores , restrants ETC , damm if any of them give me a discount . I don't expect it from the ladies ether , however many do give me a little extra time and attention .

is a client asking for a discount; it's sorta like a provider asking for a tip. I've had that happen numerous times, and when it does happen, even if I was considering tipping them, I am taken aback by their forwardness, and feel less generous because of it.

overclocked2666 reads

many do.  Actually without a regular discount there are only a few ladies I would see more than 2 or 3 times.

She's never offered one, and I've never asked for one.

Before I started writing reviews, I used to see a lady regularly.  Her rate was quite reasonable, so I never needed an acutal "discount."  Over time, she became more popular, so she was able to raise her rate.  However, she told me since I was already a regular, she would continue to see me under the old rate. This arrangement worked for a while, but didn't last.

After seeing her a few times under the "old" rate, she began to take the attitude that I was costing her money, as opposed to me being a valuable client.  One day she flat old told me that she would only see me if she was able to get no other appointments at her "new" rate.  On more than one occasion she cancelled appointments with me after she was able to book appointments with others at the higher rate.  One time she even sent me away just as I reached her place.  Another time I called her on a Friday night, and said I wished to see her, and asked if she had anything else scheduled.  She said she had no other appointments, but would not schedule one with me because it was possible that she MIGHT get a call from someone else and be able to get her higher rate.  (What ever happened to "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?")

As you can probably guess, I no longer see her.  A suppose I could have offered to pay her "new" rate, but what would be the point of that?  The bottom line is that always remember it's just a business.  If you get a "discount" it will only be if it's to her advantage business wise.    

... the rule of thumb here is NEVER expect anything.  If extra time and services come forward count yourself fortunate.  But this is the way these ladies make their living.  Asking them to discount their services because you have some special chemistry is backward.  When you get outstanding service anywhere else, do you expect to pay less?  Identical post on another board.

Over the years I have found that most of the ladies I have met and seen on a regular basis will keep you at the initial rate despite price increases and will often give you extra time.  They may go out to lunch or dinner with you off the clock.  In general they have not offered discounted rates for being a regular.  However I have heard a number of ladies on TER discussion boards say that they do offer discounted rates to regulars.  In some cases the lady will tell you about the new rate and in others you may have to ask to get that rate.  After seeing the lady once or twice it may be appropriate to ask for her definition of a regular, etc.

Several posters on this thread have made some comparisons between the ladies and employees.  A better comparison may be between the ladies and other self employed professionals.  If you are employing professional such as lawyers, accountants and even doctors volume does bring lower rates in many cases.  If a large corporation is employing a CPA firm for an audit they can often get a fixed lower hourly rate for the professionals being used on their $5,000,000 audit than the small company that has a $25,000 audit. HMO's and PPO's often negotiate a fee of so much per patient per year or per visit with the doctor.  If you walk in off the street you will pay a higher price.  Once again it is a case of expected steady volume.

Each provider should run her business in the manner she feels will maximize her returns but it is not unreasonable for a regular to think that he may get some consideration for being a regular.  

Some ladies rates are alot higher then mine and that is for them to make that choose. Me I think my rates are low for everything i offer. Guys have asked even before they see my about lower rates and I just won't see them. Guys tell me they want to be a regular and I just say we will see. They think a regular is onces every 3 months. I don't think so. Now I do offer great rates to guys that want to fly me to them and they pay for everything and we have a great time. It has worked out fine. We both get to have fun and I get to get away for awhile. BE-Good-I-TRY-TO   sassy

From a Provider3155 reads

You find those you really connect with and enjoy being with, and gladly grant them discounts, such as more time for the same fee, discounted overnights, greatly discounted rates for travel.....

Once every 3-4 mos is not considered 'regular' status.  Once every few weeks or once a month or so is what I call 'regular'.

And have always found that the more we see one another, the more fun we have each time, as it's more personal, relaxed, and natural.  Highly suggest you find a regular!!!

betterhelpful4637 reads

Once a month, once a every few weeks is what is what I look at, when discounting a client :) When it's on-going, is the key to discount with me.

My new ATF has given me freebies, without asking for anything in return.  Of course, I only schedule with her when I know I can pay her her full rate, but she has called me and told me she wants to see me without payment.  I have awesome times with her and, even though I've asked her to accept payment, she will not.  I consider her a good friend, and I can't imagine that she does this for too many of her clients because I don't think she could sustain her business doing so.  I guess I'm just lucky!

Sexy mofo5583 reads

and with every 10 stamps, I get a free BJ!  Tuesdays are double stamp nights!

I saw her regular and you would have thought I might have gotten a better price or a better service than someone who sees her once and never again.  But actually I never got much of a discount, Just what someone who saw her a second time would have expected, and last visist she stalled and whatever she could do to get way with giving my only one pop ina Two hour appointment.

Left me frustrated might be an understatement of the year.

I have been offered real good discounts by some providers to be a regular....and I have taken them up on it too.  Identities of the ladies whill remaim between me and them.

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