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I accept my wife's choice of work.EOMred_smile
scoed 8 Reviews 471 reads


ladies would prefer to be with a man  

a. clueless you do this and you never tell him ever...
b. accepts this as a job like any other work is work and love i is love just porn stars...
c. temporarily accepts you are in this industry under a strict agreement you are quitting within XX amount of time  

do you think you could love and live with a provider ?
do you think if accepts her doing this will cause maany arguements hmm

Yea ofc, providers know what men want and what to say or not say to keep the guy happy. Smarter than your average girl in this area.  

If the guy is jealous then yea ofc there will be a lot of arguments. But I tend to not go for girls who I can get jealous over because usually the attraction there is lust, lust+jealousy = bad

but I would keep him/her in the dark and never tell them ever. Could cause a situation later on where i could be outed to family and friends.

I had an ex girlfriend who did this, prior to me ever becoming a provider.... and I never told even her. She wouldn't have judged, but I feel uncomfortable telling others and having them worry.  

I accepted that she was doing this and it did not bother me in the least, of course she seriously was all about business and not into developing feelings etc.

I would not want a SO to be ok with this. I can understand wondering how I am with other guys and wanting me to himself.  

Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
ladies would prefer to be with a man  
 a. clueless you do this and you never tell him ever...  
 b. accepts this as a job like any other work is work and love i is love just porn stars...  
 c. temporarily accepts you are in this industry under a strict agreement you are quitting within XX amount of time  
 do you think you could love and live with a provider ?  
 do you think if accepts her doing this will cause maany arguements hmm

Yes, but that does not mean it would be easy.  I don't know about you all but when I've been in a relationship or married and we would cum together the closeness would go through the roof and we would be living on a different frequency heard only by dogs and lovers for days.  

 I know there is sex that's just sex, but you all can and will surely tell me if you disagree, but I also have found that there is sex that is way more than just sex.  If I could not turn off the part of my brain that thinks about how she might be feeling where by some chance she feels this with another guy then a relationship would be more of a challenge.  

But love conquers all I suppose and if I really loved her it would be a challenge, but I'd use every ounce of strength I had to deal with it.

As for arguments, I would try never to have one over this or to be judgmental or jealous.  I had to know what I was getting into.  It would not be her fault for a minute.  If I couldn't take it I would say so, and it I had to leave it would be on me, but it would be my weakness, not hers.  No argument there.

"Hey hun, learn anything intreresting?"

"Yes, your ex boss does have big ass hole"

Jim at the corner, holding the world is coming to an end, should have it say "I ain't cuming

Do you really feel a provider could fall for a client?

Sometimes it's just a Captain Save-A-Hoe guy...sometimes a gal needs some "temporary" help...and even sometimes it might last longer than 6 months.

But sure...it can happen  ;)

Just don't put her on any accounts...and for God's sake don't gift her anything that is part of your marital estate  ;)

You have seen Les Miserables.
It your time soon...
Can you feel it

I'm no Whoremonger, most of them hate me
Enlighten me.

with a woman who loved and wanted to live with me.  

Anything in the past, can stay in the past as far as I am concerned. However, I would want a future that didn't include providers, hobbyists and TER - for either of us

Caitlyn, I am just wondering what are the types of personalities that you tend to attract and are they secure with themselves much less with you?  Also are they able to compartmentalize their feeling by separating what you do from who you are? Those are questions that you need to ask before you disclose your line of work.  That might give you an idea of how they will react to it and what might go on next. It is a double edged sword that could come back to bite you if you do go on to share property or procreate with this person.

the dept transitional assistance will pay for child care while i go work at afood service job for 9 bucks an hour, I will HAVE to still do a few calls per week to make rent BUT.



   I plan on waiting til my life is more normal and i can present myself better like a normal workin girl in the world, I know already the type i like, I find men in uniform extremely a turn on, fire fighters cops, basically alpha males that carry guns,

they rock.

i am kinda burnt out with the criminals and jail birds and stuff.  

  I dont plan on dating until i have that normalicy , as for now the amount appts i need to try n do to make rent n survive has become all consuming, It does need time mentally or physically for dating or boyfriends i am cointantly either hustlin my ass off to get money to survive and keep up with the jones{ work phones advertisements , nails, tans, proper diet, }

or i am mentally and physically recovering from grindin it out all week and literaly like need that me time to recooperate.

like 2 weeks ago i managed ten appts in 6 days, But mind you I put my life aside during those six days, i didnt do anything for myself or keep up with the rest thigs, now i am playin catch up and stockin up again on work supllies gettin my home cleaned and ready,

well i got a child comin soon too so i am under a tad more pressure with tryin to get diapers stock piled and things..............................

and doin it with out a baby daddy, which is my choice and i am enjoyin it but its just a tad more trying swinging all the bills and stuff and money for the baby by self.

 I guess I hope to date and have a boyfriend maybe when i am not relying on this for my bills n rent as my sole source of income,  

as of now this job is all consuming and I dont have mental or physical energy left to pursue dating, not even close, The amount of talking and fucking and socializing that goes into it, I am like maxxed out at end the week and couldnt dream of havin guys over here .  

like after the ten appts in 6 days trust me , hells fuckin no i am not gettin all dolled up and going out to patrol the beach for some more dick and companionship.  

I am like lookin around and wanting to like isolate , enjoy solitude and go into my nesting stage and enjoy getting the home stead ready for my wittle man.

for it,  

physically or mentaly, this job takes any energy i have for fucking and talking, i am left wantin no men around and just wantin to veg. I guess if i did something else for work whuich I will be in july and this will be very much a side thing to get by .

 I will have more mental energy then for the dating scene,
right now escorting full time as your only job, it wipes me out. dont get me wrong i aint complainin,m i feel fulfilled and enjoy it, but still no energy is left for a boyfriend for certain. that will come maybe next summer at my 9 dollar an hour food service job i am gonna go do. go duckin me.

I always dated in this job...

I even had a 4 year relationship, which produced my darling now 8.5 yr old girl... and that was a very difficult break up for me anyways...

emotionally I had a super hard time with not wanting to still be with him... etc...

So I had written up a vow to myself to do exactly what you said you want to do before you date...
I planned on doing the same thing...

but ya know one night i posted a cl casual encounters thing when drunk... lmao

and I will say I do now believe the age old saying that you find love when you are not seeking it...  

I never believed that before (maybe because I was always seeking before)  

Well I met my current bf from a fwb thing, we didnt intend to fall in love but...


             it would be nice to meet a guy that is cool with my job then I dont gotta be poor!

 thats gonna suck i dont wanna be poor.

I also retired recently from the adult industry provider and now being a regular employee with 9 to 5 job / office work using my college degree.  
I got to tell you that the transition from adult work to regular employment is not easy.
 I had to lie on my resume pretending that for the last 7 years I worked regular jobs.
 I just couldn't get a regular job if I wouldn't lie that I had continue employment while in college.  
And yes I am also looking for isolation and staying away from men. It is kind of impossible thing to do because I am still married. I was always married during the times I did adult work and constantly have to lie my husband saying that I am just a dominatrix! I came close to arrest, came close to being aggressed by strange men and my husband never know what is going on!  
And Angel you should complain! You have the right to complain! Despite the fact this is the men's world, women got to break through government's biro racy, get into congress or other powerful position, modify the law about adult work, speaking up and get their rights and respect back despite their discriminated gender! If nobody do nothing about adult worker rights for safety , dignity, health, and respect all these women that are being trafficked by violent pimps will go from bad to worse, their mental and physical health will deteriorate, their arrest records will get also worse with no chance for future employment and retirement money .  
This society is led by men who will continue to ignore this subculture (adult workers) and continue to treat us like meat/ pizza/Chinese food easy to order on short notice!
 It makes me so mad! No wonder why I retired! No more waiting by the phone either ready to shower and shave as fast as military people would rushed by their drill sergeants! Lousy living!
 I have so much peace of mind now since I am an office lady! I have my own office! Pretty cool!

Posted By: angelexotic
  the dept transitional assistance will pay for child care while i go work at afood service job for 9 bucks an hour, I will HAVE to still do a few calls per week to make rent BUT.  
    I plan on waiting til my life is more normal and i can present myself better like a normal workin girl in the world, I know already the type i like, I find men in uniform extremely a turn on, fire fighters cops, basically alpha males that carry guns,  
 they rock.  
 i am kinda burnt out with the criminals and jail birds and stuff.  
   I dont plan on dating until i have that normalicy , as for now the amount appts i need to try n do to make rent n survive has become all consuming, It does need time mentally or physically for dating or boyfriends i am cointantly either hustlin my ass off to get money to survive and keep up with the jones{ work phones advertisements , nails, tans, proper diet, }  
 or i am mentally and physically recovering from grindin it out all week and literaly like need that me time to recooperate.  
 like 2 weeks ago i managed ten appts in 6 days, But mind you I put my life aside during those six days, i didnt do anything for myself or keep up with the rest thigs, now i am playin catch up and stockin up again on work supllies gettin my home cleaned and ready,  
 well i got a child comin soon too so i am under a tad more pressure with tryin to get diapers stock piled and things..............................  
 and doin it with out a baby daddy, which is my choice and i am enjoyin it but its just a tad more trying swinging all the bills and stuff and money for the baby by self.  
  I guess I hope to date and have a boyfriend maybe when i am not relying on this for my bills n rent as my sole source of income,  
 as of now this job is all consuming and I dont have mental or physical energy left to pursue dating, not even close, The amount of talking and fucking and socializing that goes into it, I am like maxxed out at end the week and couldnt dream of havin guys over here .  
 like after the ten appts in 6 days trust me , hells fuckin no i am not gettin all dolled up and going out to patrol the beach for some more dick and companionship.  
 I am like lookin around and wanting to like isolate , enjoy solitude and go into my nesting stage and enjoy getting the home stead ready for my wittle man.
-- Modified on 4/18/2015 3:18:22 PM

Can you fill "us" in how no prospective employer did a reference check on the jobs you didn't have?

What does your husband do for a living?  I trust he play's Tommy on Broadway?

And I am pretty sure she is Ridgetucky.  Or maybe Udo.

I'd never date anyone without telling them what I do. Almost every time it has cost me the relationship, so I can understand why some ladies choose not to tell their significant other, especially if this is a temp career for them.

Personally, this will be my life, and I don't want anyone to love me without knowing all about me, including what I do. However, I've had two serious relationships since I started doing this, one fell into the B category, the other into the C category.

The first guy was a client one time (whoops - I know - not intended!). One time only because I knew there was more going on that shouldn't be...I refused to see him again, then it just happened...whoa! He did accept it and never bitched about it. How could he? This is how we met and neither of us expected what happened to happen. Never acted jealous because he knew I loved him AND only him. He just asked that once we married I stop. I agreed. Then the more I thought about it, I backed out. I like this life. And I did love him (still do), but this is my financial security, and while he's very financially well to do, I like my own money.

Second guy civilian. Told him the first date. He didn't flinch. He never asked me to stop and never complained or acted like an ass about it. The only reason that didn't work out is because he lives too damn far away. I travel all of the time for work, just no time for him : (

I genuinely care about my clients and have very personal relationships with them, but my private loves are completely different. It would indeed be a struggle for a man, but he has to be one confident, strong man! Just like his lady ; )

It was so cool to scroll through and read so many posts of men/clients who are open to dating women in the industry. Those of you who know me, know that my deepest desire is to manifest my beloved and to create an amazing and exciting life together. Vanilla dating has not gotten me the results I seek, and I hold this fantasy that at some point I'll meet an amazing man as a client where deeper emotions will sprout and then I would not have to navigate the awkward conversation of telling him about my passion around this line of work. Just knowing that there are so many hobbyists open to dating a woman like myself and building something deeper really brightens my day.
Thanks Guys for giving me some more hope :)


i most certainly could...however, if I were much much younger, just starting out in life and wanting to have a family, etc., then no.  But at 62 I would love a part-time, live-in, with a provider.  I see it as a win-win situation...
1) Two people who care about each other get to be together
2) She would have little to no (ok no) home expenses or responsibilities
3) I would have the love and intimacy I desire
4) She can fulfill her desires that I can't.

If only I could win the lottery.

Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
ladies would prefer to be with a man  
 a. clueless you do this and you never tell him ever...  
 b. accepts this as a job like any other work is work and love i is love just porn stars...  
 c. temporarily accepts you are in this industry under a strict agreement you are quitting within XX amount of time  
 do you think you could love and live with a provider ?  
 do you think if accepts her doing this will cause maany arguements hmm

for free, toss him a some sex and bjs time to time, then escort and blow money and just veg and shop and work out and live this stress free sleep when i want anytime, not worry bout money.

but this guy in his sixties would need a view the ocean and be close enough i can hear waves crash from my bed at night,  

Other wise i d stuck to stayin at my place where i can enjoy those luxuries, i wouldnt wanna down grade for a guy or a situation from where i am, that isnt in the plan...

 That could work totally some old dude with a nice place and toss him some free pussy, He d have to have the cleanest most swanky apt and high end everything,  

if the place was messy or cluttered or whatev I simply wouldnt be able to deal.

bigguy30461 reads

My thing is time waits for nobody in life.

So if you want to date a provider or a provider has a thing for a hobbyist outside of the normal hobbying.

Then take a chance and everybody knows what this hobby is about but we are still human!

Why worry about the outside dating rules when most of us don't like them anyway?

Just letting a opportunity pass you by is foolish.

The thing is both sides knows what each other is like on a hobby date already.

If both parties are into each other just go for it!  

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 3:51:56 PM

part of the equation was always havin to leave my ocean front living situation, I always chose my lifestyyle over the guy.

never met one that could allow me to keep my lifestyle as itis and be a boyfriend it always involves down sizing by like a huge landslide.

one guy i was gonna be with him but part the deal was leavin the beach house to some third floor apt in stoneham, in like middle godam no where with view of like a tree and some houses on a dead end stree. whatver if i have to down size for a guy then its not for me, I will have to find some one that is a as concerned with location as I am, and works as hard as i do, to afford such things!

she makes her living her way, I make mine my way, no arguments

wish I could make my living having sex, haha, nobody's paying for this

I assure you that even though I could be in a relationship with a provider, I wont. It appears that I really suck at relationships, admittedly I'm selfish. Besides, I'm so happy with my life exactly the way it is, why fuck with perfection.

By the way, to some small extent I do love nearly every provider I've been with.

I think it could work with the right woman. I only have about a year and a half of experience in the hobby so far, but it seems like I have learned a lot in that time. I have also gotten to know one provider pretty well and that is what has changed my mind. She is an intelligent, considerate, generous, down-to-earth woman first and an outstanding provider second.  

Both parties would have to be very strong as other posters have observed. I don't know if I could be that strong and confident, but would like to think I am capable of it.

I also would expect the provider not to share too much when asked, "how was your day?"

that is what  I make in one hour or less, but thats what my check would be after a 40 hour work week. ha!

yeah that sounds like a wicked good plan, fucking NOT.

I did the math on the phone with a friend after posting about this new idea /game plan i had. Yeah go do food service for 9 an hour 40 hours a week, Take ut the taxes and thats like around 300 bucks.  

holy crap, Boston rents you gotta be hustlin cuz these apts in boston are NO JOKE. i wonder exactly how many women in boston turn a few trciks each month to make rent exactly?

I bet its like 80 percent, no doubt!

i guess if you got subsidized or section 8 that could be a game changer, but for the rest of us that just pay cash for everything like myself.  

at 300 a week roughly from a "normal job" yeah that wouldnt even be half my rent and bills maybe a third of what my bills n rent is,  

and food and nails n tanning? what would i have to stop that? yeah i think i a stuck in the life people.  

then there wouldnt even be time to work out as much as a viccy secret model does and i d get fat too i bet with out time to do my crazy work outs, my diet and work out routine is ALMOst a part time job in its godam self,  





yeah scratch that i think i will stick to fuckin a few old guys every week for my rent and food moneies, Fuck i am too lazy dammit. ..... that whole food service job thing is soundng less fun as the days pass its actually majorly depressing me the thought of it.  

I guess the saying "crime pays."  

unfortunetly is oretty fuckin true, ..........................................................................I am doomed to be whore rest my days, but god am i havin fuckin fun.lol

i just been on a vacation and al i been doin is shoppin .

I am who I am and I am not changing it!

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