TER General Board

Huh. Thanks. (E)regular_smile
Sex-Aeterna 289 reads


Iheartsports1037 reads

We all know major cities like NYC and Chicago will always have the most touring providers but are there other cities you think providers should consider? This is a conversation that takes place at least twice a week so I thought it would be pretty productive to have a discussion on the GD board about it. Perhaps you wish your state got just a little more attention.  

The reason I started this thread is to help others out there. Maybe it will promote a tour who knows.
Ladies and Gentleman feel free to list a few cities you think providers should visit but have not for whatever reason.

I am always trying to think out of the box for places to tour.  
I'll start by saying that Providers should consider Tucson, AZ They have very limited providers and with most girls visiting PHX instead of Tucson there is a big need for quality provides there. I get inquiries at the very least once a week for out there.

Hope this helps. Can't wait to see the responses.

Thinking outside the Box
Bethlehem Pennsylvania near Sands this is not close to Philly

Any location that has a Football Stadium Starts in 5 weeks
Nashville TN was dead when I went a few months ago
Kansas City
Green Bay

Near me
I love when providers come to the Meadowlands not enough NY providers leave the nest or they just look down on us. No idea why. FYI Meadowlands is 8 miles outside of the city.

Posted By: Iheartsports
We all know major cities like NYC and Chicago will always have the most touring providers but are there other cities you think providers should consider? This is a conversation that takes place at least twice a week so I thought it would be pretty productive to have a discussion on the GD board about it. Perhaps you wish your state got just a little more attention.  
 The reason I started this thread is to help others out there. Maybe it will promote a tour who knows.  
 Ladies and Gentleman feel free to list a few cities you think providers should visit but have not for whatever reason.

Yes if won big I will get a provider.

My advice to Providers would be to consider some of the smaller cities that happen to be pretty good hobby towns.
They can expect to be well received by the gents interested in top tier ladies and do very well. Especially when you consider cost related to the visit will be far less than they experience in places like NYC , DC , Chicago etc.....

Don't get me wrong. I love those places....use to be my favorite stomping grounds . But there really is a pretty good market in the mid size smaller cities as well.

A strong indicator that a city might be worth a visit is if they actually have their own review board on TER. For example there is a Carolina review board...this includes areas and cities in North & South Carolina. However , Raleigh , being a damn good hobby town has its own board. Same for Missouri.....KC , not even the largest city in Mo has their own board. There is a reason for this.


-- Modified on 8/1/2016 3:30:22 PM

Iheartsports415 reads

You have good points. I didn't know Raleigh had a board. I have to go look again.  

I think one of the reasons smaller cities aren't desirable could be due to rates, maybe rates are lower in smaller cities so some ladies prefer not to visit but I think any rate can be welcomed any where. There's something for everyone in each city.




Posted By: STPhomer
My advice to Providers would be to consider some of the smaller cities that happen to be pretty good hobby towns.  
 They can expect to be well received by the gents interested in top tier ladies and do very well. Especially when you consider cost related to the visit will be far less than they experience in places like NYC , DC , Chicago etc.....  
 Don't get me wrong. I love those places....use to be my favorite stomping grounds . But there really is a pretty good market in the mid size smaller cities as well.  
 A strong indicator that a city might be worth a visit is if they actually have their own ad board on TER. For example there is a Carolina review board...this includes areas and cities in North & South Carolina. However , Raleigh , being a damn good hobby town has its own board. Same for Missouri.....KC , not even the largest city in Mo has their own board. There is a reason for this.  
-- Modified on 8/1/2016 4:36:47 PM

True. Rates can be important, though if travel costs are low, it may even off. What I really look at are rates paired with menus. If menus are generally very permissive or PSE with low rates, I tend to assume it's a hard city.

Actually ladies with higher rates do very well in the two cities I've mentioned.
Not to drop names but you can check out my latest review. This particular lady stayed as busy as she wanted in KC and always books up in Raleigh. So I know $500 hr isn't the ceiling .
Trust me , there are plenty of dudes that will pay $400-700 per hr for a top notch lady but won't consider seeing a BP 7 for $200.

What I meant to say was Raleigh has its own review section separate from the Carolina's. But the larger city , Charlotte does not.
KC also has its own review tab , though it's a smaller city than  St Louis Mo.
I think this indicates something about the hobby scene in these small cities.

Providence is a great area.
I would also look into Newport RI

Posted By: Iheartsports
We all know major cities like NYC and Chicago will always have the most touring providers but are there other cities you think providers should consider? This is a conversation that takes place at least twice a week so I thought it would be pretty productive to have a discussion on the GD board about it. Perhaps you wish your state got just a little more attention.  
 The reason I started this thread is to help others out there. Maybe it will promote a tour who knows.  
 Ladies and Gentleman feel free to list a few cities you think providers should visit but have not for whatever reason.

As more provider come close by me the demand may not go up so to sell her service she will have to drop the price.

GaGambler386 reads

because any woman who was even considering putting Detroit on her list to tour just removed it on the off chance that she might run into you.

on Sept. 31st. Will you be there to show the ladies around town?`

-- Modified on 8/1/2016 9:55:00 PM

You should come to DC. Has a football, basketball, football and hockey team so plenty of sports. Plus my ATF says she always has fun here. Only thing is that the metro closes at midnight, and there's a bunch of trackwork so clients may have trouble getting to you depending on where you set up an incall.

NYC is home base, and everyone passes though here sooner or later.  :)

Please GOD come to Hilton Head.  I am having to resort to BP or the local agency.  Just yesterday got stood up by one BP girl and no response from others or agency.

I don't have that problem. But Cleveland, Detroit, Tucson? ... there's a reason women don't go to those cities and there's a weak talent pool there (I didn't say that) ... it's because bidness probably sucks.  

Let's see ... Boston, Manhattan, Philly, DC, Miami areas ... 10 million guys, ... the cities above.... sorry if you live there but I don't think this post is gonna improve things that much for ya.  

It's why beautiful women go to LA ... one way or another, it pays of

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