TER General Board

How the time fliesteeth_smile
mklou 9 Reviews 353 reads

12 years. 51 years old. Lost count, maybe 30 or so.

NomdeAmour4218 reads

I'm always interested in quantifying things in this world. I have the supposition that hobbyists have a much longer duration here than providers, but I don't really know, so:

Anyone who's interested just put this:

Time you've been in p4p. Client or provider. Age.

Use of aliases is fine, even preferred to get honest results.

I'll start:

7 years. Client. 62.

If there are enough answers, I'll do statistics and post back to the board with the results. Come on folks, it would be fun to get some real data on this.

ROGM585 reads

First time;

Bagiuo City Philippines. I was 20 in 1984.

Here in the U.S.;

1985. I was 21.

TheScorpionMKE447 reads

45 years old hobbying off and on13 years

Although I haven't kept an exact count of the providers I've seen, its over 400 so far.  I average a little over four new girls a month.  The rest of my hobby time is spent with current regulars.  I'll  add my age when you add yours.  

I looked at your handle and assumed you were a provider.  Never occurred to me that a straight guy would have a name like that.  My mistake.  Then I got down to your stats, and it said "client 62."  I again thought you were a provider saying you've had 62 clients.  I realize now 62 is your age and you're not a provider, but just a client with an androgynous name.  My bad, my apologies.  

My age is 57.

NomdeAmour364 reads

I'm a very straight guy! But, now I'm hurt...I thought the alias was kind of clever.

I honestly didn't know you were a guy.  Anyway, if you're going to stick with it, the proper French would be NOMD'AMOUR.  You don't need the e.  That's what happens when you translate word for word.   . . . .  Yet another reason I thought it was a provider trying to look exotic and foreign but isn't really.  

NomdeAmour428 reads

I'm not exotic or foreign; just a wise guy who thought it was a nice play on nom de guerre and then spelled it wrong...sigh.

AnonymousHo478 reads

He said he's 62.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Although I haven't kept an exact count of the providers I've seen, its over 400 so far.  I average a little over four new girls a month.  The rest of my hobby time is spent with current regulars.  I'll  add my age when you add yours.  

...wow!!! 9 years.  New adventure every week!
I have had five adventures and I am blown away how different each woman is.
In my dating life in college the women I dated were not that different...or maybe I was just too young to appreciate their differences. Let's just say that definitely the sexual experiences were not that different :(

adventure, you seem to have a really positive attitude about our hobby.  Many times, the attitude the customer has going in makes more of a difference in the results of the session than the providers attitude.  

LaffysBoytoy418 reads

about 3 years. Client. 48.

Does it count if, in the 3rd grade, you paid the neighbor girl a dollar to show her pussy?  

My first p4p was when I was 20. I've been at it 44 years. It's been one helluva ride!  

Lowest session ever was five dollars. Highest session ever was five hundred dollars. Any ladies willing to do a throwback rate? I'm teasing!!

GaGambler353 reads

first p4p was when I was 15, I've been at it 43 years, present age 58.

Total number would only be a wild ass guess, and my wild ass guess would be somewhere around 4,000. I was seeing at least 100-200 new girls each year until the last year or so when I moved to a much smaller city and mainly see SB's instead of hookers. Ordering hookers requires about as much forethought as ordering a pizza and seeing a different one every singe day in a big city is a breeze. Getting new SB's requires a lot more work, but considering there are ZERO TER providers in my small city, a man has to do what he has to do.

NomdeAmour350 reads

Because I'd like to hear from PROVIDERS as well as clients, and I am not sure they want to talk about time in the business. And ladies....you're notably silent so far. Use your alias; this is just statistics.

10 years   client   52

Posted By: NomdeAmour
I'm always interested in quantifying things in this world. I have the supposition that hobbyists have a much longer duration here than providers, but I don't really know, so:  
 Anyone who's interested just put this:  
 Time you've been in p4p. Client or provider. Age.  
 Use of aliases is fine, even preferred to get honest results.  
 I'll start:  
 7 years. Client. 62.  
 If there are enough answers, I'll do statistics and post back to the board with the results. Come on folks, it would be fun to get some real data on this.

_kintaro392 reads

First time in something like 1976 or 77, client, 59.

I'll acknowledge that we all have different personalities and differences in how we approach what we find interesting and I'll somewhat interested in what you come up with as descriptive stats. Still, I find this a bit like analyzing art by counting brush strokes, number of colors and the like - it just seems to miss the really key aspects of the experience ;-)

Posted By: NomdeAmour
I'm always interested in quantifying things in this world. I have the supposition that hobbyists have a much longer duration here than providers, but I don't really know, so:  
 Anyone who's interested just put this:  
 Time you've been in p4p. Client or provider. Age.  
 Use of aliases is fine, even preferred to get honest results.  
 I'll start:  
 7 years. Client. 62.  
 If there are enough answers, I'll do statistics and post back to the board with the results. Come on folks, it would be fun to get some real data on this.

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 5:34:42 AM

July of 2002 is when it all began. Though I didn't really start advertising in the Phoenix until 2003. Regardless,  this is year 15. I can't possibly put a number on this as I've never kept records. Somewhere in the 6000 range I'd venture to guess. Some of course were non sexual. Keeping in mind that I started my career as a dominatrix. Ooops I'm  45

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 8:43:00 AM

AnonymousHo383 reads

The poll asks you to list your age. So?

Posted By: Aiobheann
July of 2002 is when it all began. Though I didn't really start advertising in the Phoenix until 2003. Regardless,  this is year 15. I can't possibly put a number on this as I've never kept records. Somewhere in the 6000 range I'd venture to guess. Some of course were non sexual. Keeping in mind that I started my career as a dominatrix.

Posted By: NomdeAmour
I'm always interested in quantifying things in this world. I have the supposition that hobbyists have a much longer duration here than providers, but I don't really know, so:  
 Anyone who's interested just put this:  
 Time you've been in p4p. Client or provider. Age.  
 Use of aliases is fine, even preferred to get honest results.  
 I'll start:  
 7 years. Client. 62.  
 If there are enough answers, I'll do statistics and post back to the board with the results. Come on folks, it would be fun to get some real data on this.

10 months, provider, 25 yrs (almost 26!)

WICardinalfan377 reads


Age 58

6 years

Client; 63; started hobbying in 1992, although I've taken time off here and there.

58, client, 5 years....though I did see a pro in Australia 30 years ago and had an going with a vegas stripper 15 years ago.

and I still feel (and often act) like a newbie.

Posted By: SweetloveB91
on and off low volume 6 years  

12 years. 51 years old. Lost count, maybe 30 or so.

Based on the responses so far, I could very well fall below 3 standard deviations below the mean...

Posted By: NomdeAmour
I'm always interested in quantifying things in this world. I have the supposition that hobbyists have a much longer duration here than providers, but I don't really know, so:  
 Anyone who's interested just put this:  
 Time you've been in p4p. Client or provider. Age.  
 Use of aliases is fine, even preferred to get honest results.  
 I'll start:  
 7 years. Client. 62.  
 If there are enough answers, I'll do statistics and post back to the board with the results. Come on folks, it would be fun to get some real data on this.

I saw my first provider in May of '09 so to answer your questions: I'm a  
7 yrs 9months

Mendelevium325 reads

Posted By: NomdeAmour
I'm always interested in quantifying things in this world. I have the supposition that hobbyists have a much longer duration here than providers, but I don't really know, so:  
 Anyone who's interested just put this:  
 Time you've been in p4p. Client or provider. Age.  
 Use of aliases is fine, even preferred to get honest results.  
 I'll start:  
 7 years. Client. 62.  
 If there are enough answers, I'll do statistics and post back to the board with the results. Come on folks, it would be fun to get some real data on this.

Prior to that I had been receiving great BJs from the wife.  Had not touched any other woman for over 25 years.

Still married to same wife.  Still not getting it at home.  Still outsourcing until things change at home...and they might.

Starting with the girl I picked out from behind the glass window in Thailand when I went there on R&R

4 years, client, 56.  But I played a little while in my earlier days

And as Maxwell Smart would say

"And loving it"

Best thing? The young lady who got me hooked is still active and we still see each other on occasion.

I posted my very first ad 3 years ago today! I'm a provider, and I'm 33.

ATLDAWG367 reads

First P4P 1968 or.....49 years ago !

Lost track of the # of encounters after it hit the 300 plus mark in 1996 !!

Posted By: NomdeAmour
I'm always interested in quantifying things in this world. I have the supposition that hobbyists have a much longer duration here than providers, but I don't really know, so:  
 Anyone who's interested just put this:  
 Time you've been in p4p. Client or provider. Age.  
 Use of aliases is fine, even preferred to get honest results.  
 I'll start:  
 7 years. Client. 62.  
 If there are enough answers, I'll do statistics and post back to the board with the results. Come on folks, it would be fun to get some real data on this.

Imabigfan252 reads

First encounter was in 1971. Limited participation from 1984 until 1996 (only a couple of encounters).  Pretty steadily since.

6 months this time around. Provider. 28. (break from 24-28, 6 years prior)

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