TER General Board

How Many Times
MikeAndIke 2165 reads

have you actually been stopped in a hotel (regardless of why you are there) and asked questions by an employee?  I travel for a living and have never ever been asked stopped and questioned by a hotel employee.  

Sounds to me like you might have some newbie paranoia?  

You could be at the hotel for any one of a thousand legitimate reasons, you just need to be able to think on your fee.  You should be able to rattle off a plausible excuse off the top of your head.  

If I go to visit a provider where she is at a hotel,
what if somebody at hotel asks me where are you going?
What should I reply?
Should I tell the real room number and provider name?

I usually carry some sort of brief case, computer bag, etc.  You fit in better.  *Be prepared.*  Have an answer ready in case you are asked that question or something similar.  "I'm going up to a colleagues room to finalize our presentation."  Room no. you ask?  "He is going to meet me at the elevator on the 5th floor."  Want to follow me?  "Opps, I forgot a file in the car."  Time to leave NOW!

Nicer hotels sometimes ask what room you are going to and what is the last name of the person you are visiting.  They never ask why.  But I get asked....

When I go to a nice hotel to visit I always dress nice so I fit in and talk on my cell phone while walking through the lobby...they never want to interrupt me while I am on the phone.  I don't make eye contact with the front desk and walk straight to the elevators like I stay there.  For all they know I checked in on someone elses shift so they think I stay there.  I have never in 5 years been stopped and questioned.  The cell phone and walking straight to the elevators works every time!


-- Modified on 7/21/2004 5:07:58 PM

My post said "But I get asked."

Suposed to say "But I NEVER get asked."

MikeAndIke2166 reads

have you actually been stopped in a hotel (regardless of why you are there) and asked questions by an employee?  I travel for a living and have never ever been asked stopped and questioned by a hotel employee.  

Sounds to me like you might have some newbie paranoia?  

You could be at the hotel for any one of a thousand legitimate reasons, you just need to be able to think on your fee.  You should be able to rattle off a plausible excuse off the top of your head.  

They always ask how long I will be there and am I visiting someone. I just say with a funny look. Yes I am going to see my exhusband. So I will only be here for about one hour. They keep the car close for me and sometimes they don't even charge me, But i do tip them.

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