TER General Board

How many of you have quickly unbottoned your blouse after being stopped by LE? EOM
stucaboy 302 reads


I don't know if this will get posted or not but I found it funny and confirmed what I have thought all along. A provider who I have been seeing on a regular basis, and therefore trust what she tells me, told me that a very, very high ranking official in the law enforcement community of where I live visited her as a client. Just the one time but I had to laugh and to be honest thought to myself that it is good to know what I have always suspected, that just because a guy is affilited with LE doesn't mean they don't have the same wants and desires as the rest of us. So my question is this? Do any of you ladies and gentlemen out there have any knowledge of anything like this where you live? Have any of you ladies seen a known LE member as a client?

I feel concerned for your girl that she would specifically state who any client is- that is a recipe for her to get hurt so I hope you never spill who it is - intentionally or even by accident.

A name of another client to a client should just never happen... there is no reason for it.  
I'm a firm believer if a person will disclose private info about another person- what is to say she will not do it to you?
Even if you are the most trusting person and would never intentionally hurt her by saying oh ...(Jane) ... told me about .... (John)... to somebody else, if by accident you said it and the person you say it to goes running back thinking they will make points with ??? John.. people have been seriously hurt in this business for opening their mouth. Men who have careers and family's to protect do not take kindly to blabber mouths discussing their PRIVATE business.


I think it is fair and fine to say yes, I have seen cops or politicians but to specifically say who, is really really messed up...

Discretion is key. If she blabs about her other clients to you, she is blabbing about you to them. Bad things can happen when people blab that shouldn't. Couldn't agree more.

I hear you Brenda and understand what you are saying. She is a bit young and maybe naive and I would never say anything to anyone about the person in question. But you are right, I should tell her that she shouldn't have even told me about it. It is a private business. Of course that is why I mentioned it in broad general terms.

Dfusethesituation274 reads

A secret is only a secret until more than one person knows about it.  Yes she may be young and naive, but discretion is discretion.  Personally I wouldn't trust her if I were you.  I feel bad for the LE who decided to visit her, if she told you, how many others do you think she has told? Or how much of your info has she given out to another client.

She has given out none of my info because she doesn't know any real information about me. She knows me as a name I chose to give her and knows the number of my hobby phone and that is it. I met her through backpage and 90% of them don't screen. She is one of the good ones though albeit young and naive. And the LE guy in question is so recognizable in our area that you couldn't mistake him if you ever read a paper or watch the news.

If a provider gives anyone who bothers to call her location, do you have a plan for when you walk into an appointment and LE is waiting for you?  

Posted By: Hooliganmike23
She has given out none of my info because she doesn't know any real information about me. She knows me as a name I chose to give her and knows the number of my hobby phone and that is it. I met her through backpage and 90% of them don't screen. She is one of the good ones though albeit young and naive. And the LE guy in question is so recognizable in our area that you couldn't mistake him if you ever read a paper or watch the news.

Walking in to an appointment is not illegal. Exchanging money for sex is illegal and I don't do that.

My concern is, if she gives up her clients  voluntarily, what will she do under pressure? My bet is she would give up everyone and everything, including that LE client who will get crucified by his employer.

Newto1000236 reads

But by stating that: 1) the "outed" LEO is a high ranking official in the city he lives; 2) doing some background on the location of the providers he has seen and 3) making a list of high ranking LEO's someone can probably figure out who this person is.  Shame on both of them.

You couldn't narrow it down that much. You could have dozens of people that would qualify from several states. And I hardly think that the weight of a post on a message board would  get a LE official in trouble. It would take a LOT more evidence than that. Think about it.

souls_harbor230 reads

Spitzer anyone?

Many ladies I see claim that they have members of the finest as their clients. How true it is? How would I know :)  
Ladies say that it's very useful to them because those guys usually warn them just before the heat is going to arrive to the area (or hotel) where they're working.  

I'm sure that cops see escorts no less then anybody else. Their work requires cops to harass working girls, it doesn't mean they enjoy doing it though. I suspect many police officers would love to see prostitution legalized or decriminalized so they don't have to be arresting some poor girl (and/or her client) over bullshit.

and have also told me that they feel a bit protected on account of that, which would seem logical.

Providers are great for men who have high stress jobs to help cope with that, and what better way is there to do that when you come right down to it?

I don't know any LE particularly well, so I can't vouch for any of them directly

ShockedHO430 reads

Some of my favorite clients are LE and some have come to be real friends and if I ever need help, I know who to turn to.

"out" them, watch how fast they say, "ShockedHo who?  Never heard of her."

ShockedHO588 reads

Why would I ever out  them or anyone else for that matter!  Ridiculous !

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you ever get in trouble you would know who to ask for help.  My point was, if their badge is on the line, they are going to deny they know you.  That's all.

"Admit to nothing, deny everything, and demand proof. "
Guess who taught me that. A former DEA agent.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
you ever get in trouble you would know who to ask for help.  My point was, if their badge is on the line, they are going to deny they know you.  That's all.

ShockedHO353 reads

2 very different things.  I have needed help before and they helped...never been in trouble!

in Chicago that offered to make 2 cops clients without paying while they were busting her, but they turned her down.  I didn't say she was smart.

I have had one as a client for years, retired NYPD, and he's been able to help me out of a few pesky tickets!

I know several providers who have LE clients, as well as some AMPs.  

It's tough to get through screening though. :)

Oliver_Closeoff281 reads

Isn't part of the screening to verify place of employment, how did he get by that..

She doesn't screen very well. As I said she is new. Backpage girl but a good one

I actually saw a question about this on the newbie board a couple years ago.  The ladies advised him to book with someone out of his jurisdiction.

I agree with you in that we are all humans sharing similar basic desires. Therefore, no matter a persons' profession, those desires are definitely active and need to be met as well. I personally choose a nondiscrimination approach when accepting clients, because as with all commonalities, there are exceptions. We all know that law enforcement doesn't agree with this business; however, the person behind that title may agree wholeheartedly and should be able to be fulfilled as any other client representing another profession, that may or may not, on a large scale be known as an opponent of this business. Nonetheless, a provider has the right to choose whether or not she wants to accept any client.  

Furthermore, as a licensed healthcare provider for many years, I had the opportunity to understand and practice confidentiality firsthand. And, I must say that it is vital to a trusting relationship with any person, client, etc... Sharing a clients' name, etc... is a huge no fly zone. It is unprofessional, unsafe, and simply a violation of a persons' privacy. We all have personal and professional lives that a careless disclosure could possibly ruin completely. It's just not okay... Professionalism has to be in full affect at all times, and honoring confidentiality is a major part of that role.

Best Wishes & Kisses;) -Abl

martin_gale361 reads

a provider I saw recently told me among her regulars were 2 superior court judges and a police detective.

She also told me her roommate, who is a provider, is HIV positive. she doesn't get appointments anymore so the word must be out.

Don't mind if I do! Love em all...something sooooo hot about fucking a cop  mmmmmmm

Posted By: Hooliganmike23
I don't know if this will get posted or not but I found it funny and confirmed what I have thought all along. A provider who I have been seeing on a regular basis, and therefore trust what she tells me, told me that a very, very high ranking official in the law enforcement community of where I live visited her as a client. Just the one time but I had to laugh and to be honest thought to myself that it is good to know what I have always suspected, that just because a guy is affilited with LE doesn't mean they don't have the same wants and desires as the rest of us. So my question is this? Do any of you ladies and gentlemen out there have any knowledge of anything like this where you live? Have any of you ladies seen a known LE member as a client?

Adjax405 reads

The real question is how many LEOs using their badges to get freebies.
Not sure if this came up before, was not on a board in a while.  If it did, disregard.

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zerofcksgiven305 reads

I do not want any clients who are active LE I don't care if they are in another city or not.I don't care if he is the park police.
I did see a guy who was retired DEA.

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