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2648667 31 Reviews 828 reads
1 / 14

So, this morning I accidentally found this. I make no assertions about medical accuracy. There's a bibliography at the end but I'm not even sure who wrote it. Interesting reading though, either way.

A couple interesting statements include "oxytocin deficiency enhances... psychotic behavior." So, that guy you know who's always complaining his wife/girlfriend is BSC, just needs to get better at DATY.

Then there's "The perfect partner really, really loves to go down on you." Amen.

Anyways, check it out. Gets into a lot of other topics, monogamy, marriage, etc.

Kisses_Jones See my TER Reviews 226 reads
2 / 14

I'm always up for a mixture of medical knowledge & sex.

This article touched down on some high lighten points. Such as, FGM, Female Genital Mutilation. It is known that this is cultural practice. In belief that FGM is a preparation for womanhood. It serves no health benefits and could lead to server complications. Trouble urinating, infections, and infertility to name a few.  

Secondly, yes the release of our natural hormones could save a lot of us from going BSC...LLS Oxytocin is the known as, the "love hormone". ***** Attention to the kitten is a necessity****** Amen.

I have to comment on not being able to have an orgasm during penetration. That statement is not true. It was actually the most heighten orgasm I've ever had. Probably because it doesn't happen as often as a clitoral orgasm. It was very new to my body the first time it has happened. For the record, penetration can cause a Very Steamy orgasm for women as well.

Lastly, I'm not to sure about men not sharing the same purpose in sex as women. Seriously, men love fellatio just as much as women love cunnilingus. As far as copulation, I think it's equal... I guess it depends on our hormone levels and who we're sleeping with.  

Anywho, thanks for sharing!

2648667 31 Reviews 212 reads
4 / 14

Yeah, I felt the article/author was a bit confused as to penetrative orgasms. On one hand, the statement that the clitoris is "the only spot that can give all women a real orgasm" does not necessarily preclude orgasm through penetration, just stating it's the only reliable means by which every woman may orgasm. Indeed, that is followed by "some women can climax through penetration or nipple stimulation."  

OTOH, it is later asserted that "there is no way women in general can obtain orgasm through being penetrated." I suppose it could be said the "in general" leaves room for said "some women", but this seems like a broad general statement. The author does finally contradict themselves, saying "since women do not obtain orgasm through being penetrated..."

If you have orgasms through penetration, awesome! Enjoy them. All I can say for sure is that no two women are the same. Lol. I know many women can't orgasm that way. Well, "can't" is probably the wrong word. Let's say many women haven't. You are certainly not the only woman who says she does orgasm from penetration alone, so I agree, blanket statements should be avoided.

What's interesting is other literature I've read in which a few doctors have said the clitoris is a much larger organ than most people realize; a wishbone shaped structure which extends inside the vagina. Under this line of thinking, it has been asserted that the G spot is a part of the clitoris and therefore penetrative/G spot orgasms are, technically speaking, clitoral orgasms with a different "feel". (Not my theory, nobody jump all over me about this please.) The point is, if you cum from penetration, good for you.

FGM has many other negative effects, which I'm quite sure you know about better than I. Not to sound "intolerant", but I think some people have a very messed up way of defining preparation for womanhood. Frankly, I've always thought of it as barbaric and disgusting. It's done, at least in some cultures, as a means to stop women from enjoying sex so they won't cheat on their husbands. What a ludicrous example of insecurity.

As for sharing the same purpose in sex and desire for copulation being equal, I agree. Was hoping someone would pick up on that. Also don't like the statements that female resistance increases male arousal and all men are rapists. What a load of crap.  

Often it's the things we disagree with that prove most interesting to read, discuss, etc.

2648667 31 Reviews 109 reads
5 / 14
mrfisher 108 Reviews 168 reads
6 / 14

They claim that vaginal intercourse can not create a clitoral orgasm.  In fact, what we call the clitoris is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, with the base of the clitoris enveloping the vagina.  So, while perhaps not quite as intense, vaginal orgasm is possible, and this coincides with what other women have told me about their orgasms.  Some, in fact, told me that they prefer the vaginal orgasm because it tends to prolong the experience, and avoids the pain that sometimes an intense orgasm can produce.  Of course, every woman's experience is going to vary.

Further, I find the comments about men to be untrue and insulting.  Many is the time that my orgasm was predicated not on the sensation I receive but rather the emotional intensity, which emotions are enhanced by a chemical bond I associate with the specific woman I am with.  Watching her have an orgasm during intercourse further enhanced my experience.  The implication that rape is a natural turn-on for men is right wing feminist drivel that perpetuates the idea that men should not ever be allowed to have sex except in the most controlled cases.

I also note that there is no mention at all as to whether orgasms can have a positive physical effect for men.  It would seem that some of those attributes would be gender neutral.

Overall, I'm not too impressed with the article.  It is pop science at it's worst

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 178 reads
7 / 14

I'm glad there is new labeling to promote female orgasm.  "Medical need" or for their "Health" is the wording it takes to get some civilian ladies back in the orgasm game. A lot just give up on orgasm after kids, divorces,  life, etc.  The more new information thrown at them, the more they may accept it (or part of it)  and start masturbating their way to orgasm and health/well being again.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 168 reads
8 / 14

to apply for that gig? Please consider my referrals should you need this type of healthcare. I take all medical plans and offer convenient terms for those without insurance.  

Walk-ins welcome, no appointment necessary!

VelvetVacation See my TER Reviews 163 reads
9 / 14

You should see what they are doing in California....  onetaste.us (must google it)
The ladies spread their blossom open , in front of a room of people. Then a stranger (man) " strokes a woman's  clitoris for 15 minutes with no goal other than to feel, connect, and be present." ... When I talked with one of the representatives, they expect it to catch on.  I see it as "about time" and to me it would be the women's version  of AMPs.

2648667 31 Reviews 129 reads
11 / 14

Deficiencies, yes, right on Fisher. You point out out some of the same ones I did in my reply to Kisses Jones. TBH, there are a few other, more subtle implications made that almost make me think this is from a lesbian with an agenda. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a lesbian if that's who you are, obviously. But this stops short of saying it's the only way to be.  

Hey, I never said it wasn't pop science, just that it may lead to interesting conversation. Lol.

I have to say, I consider myself as pretty right-leaning on most (absolutely not all) issues, but I've never thought of "feminist drivel", especially that which would put men "under as much control as possible" as right wing. I like to learn something every day.

2648667 31 Reviews 182 reads
12 / 14

Yeah, no shit huh? Where are applications sent? I'm gonna kill my guidance counselor lol

2648667 31 Reviews 174 reads
13 / 14
Kisses_Jones See my TER Reviews 174 reads
14 / 14

So we both can agree that is was a guy who wrote the article...whom has never made a women orgasm through coitus...LLS

The clitoris actually is extended on the inside, but it is not the G-spot. Many state that it is. From personal exploration, it is not. The G-spot is less than half of an index finger deep. At the roof of the vagina. The internal clitoral wave is a little further up. For me it can only be stimulated if the outside is aroused...

Interesting indeed. I enjoy a good argument at times :-)

Posted By: Fearghas
Yeah, I felt the article/author was a bit confused as to penetrative orgasms. On one hand, the statement that the clitoris is "the only spot that can give all women a real orgasm" does not necessarily preclude orgasm through penetration, just stating it's the only reliable means by which every woman may orgasm. Indeed, that is followed by "some women can climax through penetration or nipple stimulation."  
 OTOH, it is later asserted that "there is no way women in general can obtain orgasm through being penetrated." I suppose it could be said the "in general" leaves room for said "some women", but this seems like a broad general statement. The author does finally contradict themselves, saying "since women do not obtain orgasm through being penetrated..."  
 If you have orgasms through penetration, awesome! Enjoy them. All I can say for sure is that no two women are the same. Lol. I know many women can't orgasm that way. Well, "can't" is probably the wrong word. Let's say many women haven't. You are certainly not the only woman who says she does orgasm from penetration alone, so I agree, blanket statements should be avoided.  
 What's interesting is other literature I've read in which a few doctors have said the clitoris is a much larger organ than most people realize; a wishbone shaped structure which extends inside the vagina. Under this line of thinking, it has been asserted that the G spot is a part of the clitoris and therefore penetrative/G spot orgasms are, technically speaking, clitoral orgasms with a different "feel". (Not my theory, nobody jump all over me about this please.) The point is, if you cum from penetration, good for you.  
 FGM has many other negative effects, which I'm quite sure you know about better than I. Not to sound "intolerant", but I think some people have a very messed up way of defining preparation for womanhood. Frankly, I've always thought of it as barbaric and disgusting. It's done, at least in some cultures, as a means to stop women from enjoying sex so they won't cheat on their husbands. What a ludicrous example of insecurity.  
 As for sharing the same purpose in sex and desire for copulation being equal, I agree. Was hoping someone would pick up on that. Also don't like the statements that female resistance increases male arousal and all men are rapists. What a load of crap.  
 Often it's the things we disagree with that prove most interesting to read, discuss, etc.

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