TER General Board

how is the term "mediocre" not derisive?
Kikiloverkink See my TER Reviews 2485 reads
1 / 44

What are your tricks to do when business is slow to bring in more clients?  

Do you offer a special discount ? Do you get new pictures done?  

I am looking to upgrade something ... Because it's really slow for me right now!  

Please share your input :)

LasVegan 605 reads
2 / 44

couldn't "slow" be relative?  Have heard a lot on here about this being a slow season.

May sound counterintuitive, but one must ask; have you done a market analysis for your locale?

Am betting you already have a business model in your head.  Each provider's TER profile provides a first step in this process by illustrating the "services" she is willing to offer.  While of course, this is always a personal decision, with more experience, am guessing that is an area subject to refinement from time to time.

How do small businesses target their clientele?  Some ladies may consider changing/expanding advertising media, or traveling options.

Of course am betting you have already considered all of these but just in case you have not.

-- Modified on 9/6/2016 10:49:07 AM

DoctorGooden 729 reads
3 / 44
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 599 reads
4 / 44

Posted By: LasVegan
couldn't "slow" be relative?  Have heard a lot on here about this being a slow season.  
 May sound counterintuitive, but one must ask; have you done a market analysis for your locale?  
 Am betting you already have a business model in your head.  Each provider's TER profile provides a first step in this process by illustrating the "services" she is willing to offer.  While of course, this is always a personal decision, with more experience, am guessing that is an area subject to refinement from time to time.  
 How do small businesses target their clientele?  Some ladies may consider changing/expanding advertising media, or traveling options.
 Of course am betting you have already considered all of these but just in case you have not.

-- Modified on 9/6/2016 10:49:07 AM
Good advice small business.Don't make this your only income.Save money for slow days.Watch business expenses..Economy bad and it's not like 25 yrs ago....I keep hoping hit the sweepstakes no knock at the door yet.Damn!

-- Modified on 9/6/2016 11:35:19 AM

goofball42 1 Reviews 271 reads
5 / 44
clairecavendish See my TER Reviews 458 reads
6 / 44

Sometimes it doesn't matter what you do, it's just a slow time of year. I find just after Xmas is generally quite dead so I save the good dollars from Autumn to have time off surfing after Xmas :)

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 619 reads
7 / 44

she didn't as how to raise her scores; your derisive comment about them was unsolicited, not germane to the discussion and thus uncalled for.

and your posting under an alias was cowardly.  if you're going to insult a lady, have the balls to do it under your ter handle so the women can know whom to avoid

702touch See my TER Reviews 525 reads
8 / 44

definitely agree...also, have a budget and 3-6 months of money put away for bills :)

DoctorGooden 560 reads
9 / 44

Before you work yourself into another White Knight lather, why don't you look at what she actually said:

"I am looking to upgrade something ... Because it's really slow for me right now!  Please share your input."

She was asking for ways for her not to be slower in the future. One of those ways would be to improve herself (i.e. "upgrade something") and thus that improvement could come in the form of working on her looks (better make up, haircut, clothes, etc)  and possibly improve her skill set/performance. That was honest and constructive advice.

Imo, improved looks and performance would help her review scores and that should lead to more emails from interested gentleman for dates, thus making the slow times less slow. She is new and thus has room for improvement does she not? And she asked for opinions. I gave her mine. Ironically, the guy with the alias made an attempt to help the OP while Mr. "See, I use MY HANDLE" guy has done NOTHING to help her out. Don't be that guy

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 551 reads
10 / 44

be willing to come through for you when it is slow.  You don't need to discount or run specials, but a "gift" to established customers of a little OTC time for dinner or drinks after a two-hour+ session is usually welcomed as a show of appreciation by those that like to spend time with you. It always works with me with the girls I have been seeing for years.  If you just tell them "it is slow and if they'd like to book a couple of hours for some naughty fun, you would be willing to go out with them to dinner afterward because you won't be scheduling anyone after them. Its not something you can normally do, but this time you can."  This way, there is no expectation that this would happen again, so if they want to take advantage of the opportunity to spend more time with you, they should jump on it.

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 417 reads
11 / 44

I didn't see derision or insults in DG's comments at all. I will concede it wasn't politically correct but that's ok too. She asked for ways to help her stay out of prolonged slow times and his ideas were certainly logical. Her reviews are spotty. And who among us cant improve?

The escorts are running a small business here and she did ask for other peoples "input." So his post was "solicited" and it was "germane."  

No need to trash the alias either. That argument usually come from the losing side.

Dr Who revived 505 reads
12 / 44

When YOU put up YOUR real info then feel free to post your crap on any handle here.

How about it BigPeter...or don't YOU have the balls to post under YOUR real name/pic?
Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
she didn't as how to raise her scores; your derisive comment about them was unsolicited, not germane to the discussion and thus uncalled for.  
 and your posting under an alias was cowardly.  if you're going to insult a lady, have the balls to do it under your ter handle so the women can know whom to avoid.  

lisa0302 See my TER Reviews 396 reads
13 / 44

How can she SAVE money, if money is not coming in....rolling eyes...is she supposed to save the lint in her pockets..

Regulars, that is a nice thought...lol, really it is, regulars have other regular ladies they see. Regulars move on, blah blah blah.  

Reviews, again she look and suck better, however if gents DO NOT review her and her upgrade....what is she to do then...guys don't review all the time.

1. Fresh pics take some selfies
2. Tour if you can
3. Continue to give good service
4. Lots of ladies Twitter now....

JakeFromStateFarm 497 reads
14 / 44

Meaning a scoundrel will wrap himself in the flag as a last resort.  In the same way, someone with a losing argument will try to impeach a poster by saying his use of an alias makes him less than credible.
Well, like you,  I call bullshit.  In my case, for reasons of my own (to reveal them would "out" myself), I choose to only post under my alias.  My handle will only review and never post.  This obviously protects my handle from anyone who doesn't like my posts.  But my alias IS ME.  It's the only way I post.  So what you see is what you get.  In the past, with my old handle I posted EXACTLY THE SAME WAY.  So my use of an alias for posting has nothing to do with what I say or how I say it.
Yet I guarantee that WK pussies like BPJ will keep rolling out that tired old line.  Even if someone posts under both a handle and an alias it's a weak argument in most cases.  As you said, a handle is really an alias too, and hides the "real" person from prying eyes.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 456 reads
15 / 44

... (well for the last 2 yrs) with a pretty good civvie job the 'escort' slow periods bother me even less.  

Re-writing ads or new pics or both couldn't hurt you though....maybe a site re-vamp too.

wrps07 545 reads
16 / 44

It says no black men. That is a big no no. It gives guys the impression that you are provider working for a pimp. Many hobbyists are boycotting providers with those types of exclusions.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 424 reads
17 / 44

mediocre by definition is average, and average on a scale of 10 is 5, not 7.

i've opined else where on these boards that 7 is a confusing score to give because many guys hand it out with the conclusion that they had a great time and will see the provider again.  in fact, all 3 of kiki's reviewers state they will see her again.

so she doesn't do what you want a girl to do, so what?   she didn't ask for advice on getting higher scores, she asked (the women on this board, not the guys) for advice on what to do to pick up the slow times.  obviously her self-limited menu won't allow for higher scores on the ter scale, and she's happy with that.  

telling someone her performance is mediocre and she needs to do things she's obviously not comfortable with does not help her.  sure, it makes all the bros on this board feel good that once again the stupid whores aren't getting their way because reasons, but it doesn't really address the girl's question, and you bros can contort your logic all you want but the condescending nature (and the hiding behind aliases (i'm talking to you, doc) ) shows how little you actually want to help someone who was truly asking for help

John_Laroche 417 reads
18 / 44
JanetRenosBeard 476 reads
19 / 44
wrps07 645 reads
20 / 44

It is widely know that providers who put such statements in there ads are of low quality. Do a google search for "black mens boycott prostitutes".

LoveBuddy469 1 Reviews 484 reads
21 / 44

I find it interesting that you are focused on getting more clients instead of getting more business from existing clients.

impposter 49 Reviews 511 reads
22 / 44

Posted By: wrps07
It says no black men. That is a big no no. It gives guys the impression that you are provider working for a pimp. Many hobbyists are boycotting providers with those types of exclusions.
Her website also says, "No Thugs."

Kiki offers non-GFE services at a very affordable rate in Brooklyn, not Manhattan. If she is a native who also grew up in Brooklyn or vicinity, she may have been affected by the surrounding circumstances. Maybe some would call it racism; others would call it stereotyping. There are many reminders of random violence that can be perpetrated on people in Brooklyn and it is often black-on-black or black-on-other violence. Brooklyn is home to Bedford-Stuyvesant, Ocean Hill, Browsnville and other poor, mostly black neighborhoods which are headline grabbing homes to numerous newsworthy crimes. Not every part of Brooklyn is Park Slope.  

Only Kiki can answer, but if a non-thug, gentlemanly black guy asked to see her, would she consent? Is she trying to deter thugs from trying to see her with a "color code"?  I don't know.

When you're out and about in public in a racially diverse community (New York!), your radar is on. You can be friendly to everyone of all colors until you get a bad vibe. You develop a sense of when to cross the street or walk an extra block to avoid a dark alley or take a more crowded subway car to avoid the rowdy guys in a car further back (Wow! Flashback to Bernhard Goetz, 1984).  

When you invite someone into your apartment, the circumstances are different. If Kiki can't be at her best in certain circumstances, she might as well say so up front and avoid disappointing a black client for the wrong reasons or putting herself in danger for the right reasons.

And, as has been pointed out many times before, there are many black Providers who also enforce a "no black men" policy.

I do not know Kiki. I don't know her reasons. But I know NYC and how life on the streets and on the news can affect your point of view.  

NYC Crime by Neighborhood:

New York City Crime Map (total, not by race):  
EDIT: Tried to post the NYC Crime Map but it doesn't appear correctly.
See the maps at http://maps.nyc.gov/crime/

-- Modified on 9/6/2016 7:36:53 PM

JanetRenosBeard 450 reads
23 / 44
JakeFromStateFarm 571 reads
24 / 44

The guy is counter-intuitive.  If he says "left" you can be certain the answer is "right."  Here's a shot of wrps doin' his thang.

-- Modified on 9/6/2016 10:50:39 PM

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 508 reads
25 / 44

And I'll probably catch alot of shit but fuck it and think outside the box.....here ya go, ready???......BACKPAGE....I don't know how Backpage plays in NY but it's worth a try....Your price point and what you offer reads Backpage, sorry to say.But don't fret, better have posted on BP before so forget the stigma for now and go for it...at least for now.

John_Laroche 281 reads
26 / 44


sophiafun See my TER Reviews 470 reads
28 / 44

as much as you want. Some people rely on themselves and their experience. There is absolutely nothing criminal to have any policy she wishes.

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 378 reads
29 / 44
sophiafun See my TER Reviews 431 reads
30 / 44

We need some action here. We must educate him and endulge. xo

GingerGunnar See my TER Reviews 396 reads
32 / 44

A few ideas, contact clients you've seen and had great sessions with that haven't reviewed you and ask them for a review.
Otherwise, trying a different platform to advertise can help.  In my own experience I rarely advertise and am almost afraid to, because I don't have a ton of time to contact and see clients.
Honestly the BP idea isn't a bad one, just of course screen.  It won't cost a lot to advertise there, and after one appointment it can perhaps pay to put an ad somewhere more established like EROS..
Join p411 if you're not on there.
I do not ever run specials as it sets up a bad cycle.  Also people who look for the discount are not really the type that are good safe clients (while there are exceptions Im sure.)  know you're worth but also be fair in your pricing, instead of discounting.   Its good to set something that won't make you burn out..gents should also understand girls who price themselves on clearance have to see a lot more clients and tend to be jaded and out of the buisness much faster.  Again there are always exceptions to this of course.  You might be better off to raise your rates as with low rates people will percive there is something not good about you, if that makes sense.
Also, never hurts to have a civvie job.  That way any escort money is just gravy.  I don't know you and you may have a civvie job..but just tossing out ideas.  Having a schedule helps too!!

sophiafun See my TER Reviews 360 reads
33 / 44

When you rely on the government, whatever government it is, you are screwed. You can listen, agree or not agree but never rely. Oh babe, you are damn sexy. xo

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 381 reads
34 / 44

....BP isn't just for the budget and mid-range girls. I know more than a handful of verified ladies who charge 500hr+ minimum who use it on at least a semi-regular basis (just throwing that out there).

-- Modified on 9/7/2016 7:28:27 PM

EastCoastAshley See my TER Reviews 530 reads
35 / 44

How do they verify potential suitors via BP? (I post pics on BP to link to TER  but am hesitant about meeting people who contact me from BP only)

-- Modified on 9/7/2016 7:52:35 PM

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 432 reads
36 / 44

Posted By: EastCoastAshley
How do they verify potential suitors via BP? (I post pics on BP to link to TER  but am hesitant about meeting people who contact me from BP only)

wrps07 396 reads
37 / 44

It is widely known and stated on those boards. You don't see it on TER because most TER providers don't have those restrictions on there ads or websites.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 238 reads
38 / 44

i'm on a whole different coast than the op. never even heard of her until this thread.

that doesn't preclude the preference for  civility among strangers.  

if someone derided you when you asked a legitimate question sophia i would do the same.

2465305 70 Reviews 388 reads
39 / 44

I did...and it came up as empty as your head.  

My God....can you please post something, anything remotely positive for once.  

It must suck to be so NEGATIVE all the time.
Posted By: wrps07
It is widely know that providers who put such statements in there ads are of low quality. Do a google search for "black mens boycott prostitutes".

2465305 70 Reviews 340 reads
40 / 44

He's "that guy" who either has been there, seen it, done it, or knows someone who has.  

All from the confines of public housing in West Baltimore.
Posted By: sophiafun
We need some action here. We must educate him and endulge. xo

2465305 70 Reviews 281 reads
41 / 44

Dude you really are talking out of your ass. Ladies have every right to chose who they do and do not see.  

You've been peddling that lame ass excuse for quite some time and it has never been proven.  

If you want to see low quality and have pimps....look at your list of reviews. It oozes LOW QUALITY and your score confirm it.

Posted By: wrps07
It is widely know that providers who put such statements in there ads are of low quality. Do a google search for "black mens boycott prostitutes".

2465305 70 Reviews 397 reads
42 / 44

Bullcrap. You've been spreading this rumor for months with absolutely ZERO proof. Or is this info on one of your many spread sheets you compiled?  

Posted By: wrps07
It says no black men. That is a big no no. It gives guys the impression that you are provider working for a pimp. Many hobbyists are boycotting providers with those types of exclusions.

2465305 70 Reviews 389 reads
43 / 44

WRPS07 has some conspiracy theory in his little pea sized brain. He's been on the kick of Providers who don't see AA men and he's worn it out like a pair of 8 year old shoes. Soon he will have the Black Lives Matter movement protesting outside TER's office.....and only he knows where the office is.  

Posted By: sophiafun
as much as you want. Some people rely on themselves and their experience. There is absolutely nothing criminal to have any policy she wishes.

2465305 70 Reviews 294 reads
44 / 44

It does no such thing. A woman is free to see who she wants based solely on personal preference. She has her reasons and you should abide by them. There are NO hobbyists boycotting anything due to that issue.  

It's a conspiracy theory inside your head and based solely on your reviews...you only see fat ugly back page ho's with a life expectancy of a fly in a honey factory anyway. Most women would not see you based solely on your need for the rate to be $40-$50 max. You admitted to me via PM that you are a bargain basement shopper and are out for quantity and no quality.  
Posted By: wrps07
It says no black men. That is a big no no. It gives guys the impression that you are provider working for a pimp. Many hobbyists are boycotting providers with those types of exclusions.

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