TER General Board

How in the hell did I forget Sasha & Ava?! -e-
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 556 reads


I really like to read these boards, and wonder if the posters really are as entertaining/interesting as they come across on the boards.

Do you think that most of the posters are being themselves here, or some of them just put on a persona?

If you could only meet one poster here (not for a P4P encounter), who would that be?

For me, I guess I'd really like to meet GaGambler.  I'm not gay or anything like that, but that would be my first choice.

SodaPop733 reads

Sort of like a Simon Cowell personality.  U like him, but u also walk away thinking, what a d-bag. LOL

GaGambler623 reads

Ok, first ten are on me, after that you are on your own.

I'd expect GaG to bring the chicas!

I think most of us are a little bolder and more forthcoming with our opinions behind the anonymity of our keyboards but that for the most part our true character shines through (for better or worse)I for one do not stutter at all while chatting on TER  
I would kinda like to meet MR Fisher I'm not gay either but it feels gay just writing that

What you see here is my real personna.  In real life, I'm a fake.  (Tip of the hat to Larry David for that one.)

Here's a little gift for you:

Lenny Bruce at his most wonderful weirdness:

I can also say that you are the person behind the handle.  As bizarre as you are at times, you're still one of my favorite posters

I've met GG and a few others.

Big Pappsan is another.

I'm sure there's more.  Basically anyone who'd want to meet me

I'm sure you're a lovely lady and smile a lot.

Who would you want to meet?  I would meet you instead of GaGambler.  No offense to GaGambler, but I'm sure that Courtney is prettier too.

though no doubt some are creations. If I could only meet one? H+T over many, many drinks; feisty beeyatch, that one. GaGambler close second, followed by lopaw.

He could diffuse any high voltage situation.

I'm sure the hbysttruth poster isn't really like how she posts.  I hope not at least.  That's why I asked this type of question.  Some posters just can't really be as they post, or else they'd need some professional help.  I'm sure that it's just an act.

I want to have drinks with H+T the poster; if she's a mouse IRL, no spank you. And Mr. Fisher is welcome.

Posted By: Looking4Phun
He could diffuse any high voltage situation.  
 I'm sure the hbysttruth poster isn't really like how she posts.  I hope not at least.  That's why I asked this type of question.  Some posters just can't really be as they post, or else they'd need some professional help.  I'm sure that it's just an act.

Alan_Nimm659 reads

Wouldn't have to be over lots of drinks though... H+T unadulterated by alcohol would be just fine too.  

And I'd love to meet Mr. Fisher someday also.

and blowjobs don't HAVE to be uncovered either, but I like my pleasures enhanced :-)

Posted By: Alan_Nimm
Wouldn't have to be over lots of drinks though... H+T unadulterated by alcohol would be just fine too.    
 And I'd love to meet Mr. Fisher someday also.

Here I see no reason to use that filter and will react as to how I am treated...as an individual and as a woman.

You know something most people need professional help, the smart ones get it.  

You would be quite surprised if you met me in real life. Although if you are a tool to me, best watch out...lol

ragnar27858 reads

You've posted a number of times now that you'd get physical with someone, with the intent of injuring them.  That's not a good thing.  But it seems you are sincere in that.  I hope you really are a big woman, or I would guess one of these days someone just might hit back.

Some days you seem normal, other days you seem to hate the world.  And even here you lashed out at Looking4Phun for no apparent reason.

You should take your own advice and see that therapist twice a week instead of the once you're doing now.  And ask about changing up those meds.

And being that you know nothing about me, I am quite capable.

Hate the world no, hate stupid people, for the most part yes...and I place you in that category. Although you are more ignorant than plain stupid.

So if you scissor lock a trick's skull between your thighs, will you at least allow the john to tap out?  Or will you be going for an oxygen depletion hold till the monger passes out?

ottolbrock647 reads

We would be suprised to learn who we are really talking to. There is small differences between my online persona and the real me that I am aware of. It is not intentional but it happens. I am sure we are all like that. IRL? Let me think.

Also my alter ego is MoanerLisa. Gosh I feel gay just saying that but I'm not really I'm not. I wouldn't want you thinking that my alter ego is gay, how embarrassing!!!

in a non P4P kinda way. I don't know what happened to him though. He was last seen in Chi-Town cooking the books for a famous  guy. I hope he's ok......


Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 9/10/2015 9:12:18 AM

My off-beat humor is often misunderstood, and without the inflection of tone from my voice it loses a lot of its flair.  Most of the people in my real life usually agree I'm a goof, but I get them laughing all the same.

that I could concentrate much, I'd be trying to look at that ass the entire time.

-- Modified on 9/10/2015 8:26:16 PM

GaG, Lopaw, Tobi Telford, London Rayne, Mr. Fisher, Jack Dunphy for starters.

Honey, I ain't nobody's opening act.  

You can bring those others if you wish but I am the show.

Watching you, Rayne, LoJack and the Tobester engaging in a pillow fight and accidentally performing cunninglingus on each other could be entertaining, however.

GaG and I will get our drink on and we will be throwing in a few suggestions from time to time. LOL

I'll tell you one thing though...

If Mr. Fish's colostomy bag breaks, I'm out the fkin door yo!!!  :D :D

Why would someone try to be someone who they are not on the boards? I mean sure, I know it happens a lot, but what is the benefit? I only lie if it benefits me.

I own my words, even when I PUI.

I am very opinionated, I believe that everyone is entitled to my opinion.  

If you could only meet one poster here (not for a P4P encounter), who would that be? lopaw, she has awesome taste in women and I'd love to discuss her perspective on this wonderful life of ours.

I think most posters here are being themselves, with some perhaps pouring it on a bit heavier due to the relative safety of anonymity. But I think that it would be too taxing for a regular poster here to maintain a persona so far away from their true nature for very long. Our true selves tend to bleed thru, despite our attempts to sometimes try and hide it.

There are so many wonderful characters here on TER that I'd love to share a drink or two and some war stories with: H & T, russbbj, BigPapasan, GaGambler, AHappyCamper, Arovet, RTowers, perfectstorm, skarphedin......just to name a few.  

And also a whole bunch of guys & gals who I have PM'd with, but who don't often post here on the boards.

Thankfully I've already gotten to spend lots of IRL time with my ho besties Erin & Courtney.

I'd have to go with lopaw I'm intrigued by her. She funny sometimes insightful sometimes sarcastic sometimes and always seems smart. I would love to sit and have a drink and tell stories with her.  
TS Sasha too I'd like to meet her as well for basically the same reasons the three of us sharing stories would be fun.

-- Modified on 9/11/2015 1:40:52 AM

London Rayne
Tobi Telford
TS Sasha

I like opinionated people what can I say. And those with out dicks I wouldn't mind seeing other ways as well but I doubt hotpants or lopaw would go for that given they don't like dick ether. I also would respect Tobi not wanting to as well as I fit one of her deal breakers. I still want to meet her. I like her attitude. And of course there are others I wouldn't mind meeting too.

-- Modified on 9/11/2015 7:25:35 AM

It would be a fun game to try and match up pics with names. If only!

I just want to SEE all of you! It's so weird talking to (and about) so many headless, blurry faced, and entirely invisible characters lol.  

As far as who I'd actually like to meet in person? Literally every intelligent woman that's written on this board! I'm far too lazy to look up all of their handles, but there's a bunch.  I can't imagine a better group of ladies to enjoy a long, boozy brunch with ;

On the fellow hobbyist side, I'd like to meet GaG, Mr. Fisher, and Scoed.  On the provider side, I'd like to meet Tobi, Alex Kole, Rasha, and of course, my new crush TS Sasha.

DebbieNoonerGirl and Sarah.  Then there is GaG, Arovet, Russ and Mr.Fisher (want to see if he is truly THAT nice.)  What can I say, a little sense of humor and being straight-up are qualities I like.  Now, as a previous poster did, do I need to specify that I am not gay and do not want to fuck the guys? lol!

I have had a few phone conversations with him and he reached out to me when I was sick. He definitely is one of the good ones on the boards.

For me it's lopaw, MrFisher, GaG, perfectstorm....

I've also heard a few of the asshats are actually nice people, but I don't know that personally because I don't risk getting together with asshats.

Al Gore invented the internet. Back in the dial up Unix days before GUI....

I've met many people that I chatted with over the years and I've come to the conclusion that eventually your real personality bleeds through. Keep avoiding the asshats because there is a very high probability that they are asshats irl.

You will never convince me that a board asshat is actually nice people

There is a good possibility that a bunch or the asshats here are actually just one asshat.

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