TER General Board

How big is a cock?
AcockOfMyOwn 2048 reads

I know this has been discussed before.  But what exactly constitutes a big cock and how do you measure length.  Along the bottom of the shaft or along the top. And do you press into the base of the cock?  I can get a circumference measurement and mine is 5-3/4 inches aaround.  Is that big?  I have no idea since I've never been in the  same room with an erect cock except my own.

you can believe her - they are professionals and they never lie.

LOL....and when she doesn't want to reschedule with you it's TOO BIG!!

AWomanLikeNoOther838 reads

LOL Meowbaby, without a doubt!

I really don't lie about size. C'mon now, you're not going to believe me anyway if you're 5.5 inches and I tell you you're "oh so big".

Neurosexy4337 reads

Dear XXMeowbabyXX:
I was wondering what are the factors in size that would not want to make you reschedule with the hobbyist? Would be that he would be insensitive towards your genitalia during intercourse? Also I was wondering would he be bereft of an equal concomitance of libidinal intelligence to go along with his well endowed member? Or would you feel that it is more of a challenge to bring him to resolution? Also are there certain techniques and positions that a  women with your libidinal experience would deploy to make the coital engagement more pleasurable?

LOL!  But VARIETY my dear...IS the spice of life! And no matter the size I ALWAYS manage to have fun!!

I have noticed an interesting phenomena...and I can find NO reason for it... but in a given week or other time period I will often notice a trend with the clients I am seeing at the time.  Sometimes that trend it a particular kink.... a preference for a style or color or look... OR....it maybe be a "physical" characteristic that they share such as age or height (I'm short!) or....SIZE!  Of course this is always something I notice in retrospect, but even so I wonder if it is a trait I draw to myself...or just plain old boring co-incidence.  

Regardless, it keeps life interesting!  I love being an escort!!


I know I have pledged to stay more positive on the boards but posts like this make it nearly impossible (must be penis envy - NOT).

Dude, since you know this has been discussed before you have no doubt already read the responses to your question.  So, now that we know you have a 10'' by 6'' pecker, yes it's HUGE.  Do you feel better?

Now go measure it in inches instead of millimeters.

Hope2Get It1148 reads

..and he looks like he has to jerk that thing off and put the results in the bag.  Great Job!  Bet he is not making $300/hr. Great Pic Curvy Girl!

Plus that whale has a 6 foot toungue and can breathe through the top of his head! Now I know what I want to be reincarnated as...

Sean Micheals416 reads

I never for the life of me understand why hobbyist here worry so much about their size. The main points the ladies cares about are, correct donation amount, hygiene & manners - That’s it. This isn’t real life she doesn’t care, quite honestly she would prefer an average to smaller size. That’s why some ladies won’t see me a second time & w/ a combo, of it takes me a long time to pop. Not rough w/ them, I guess it’s just wear & tear.

And for the previous threads in case you haven’t noticed, the qualifications on what is considered “big” was already covered. In case you missed it anything over 8” along w/ girth. In your civilian life does your SO suggest you use the Magnums? I hope not, that’s just giving you a false since of size & you might end up getting your feelings hurt by a “size queen” dude.

One last question to ask yourself, when having sex does the lady wants you to start slow so she can adjust to your size, if the answer is no, then you fall into the average range. Ladies STOP lying to these guy’s about there size, you are only making them look like idiots in the long run. No more threads about size for ‘08 please, how many X’s can you beat a dead horse.

A man's cock only has to be long enough to reach the ground.


It might be that your butt is your best asset.  In that case, you probably have been in the same room with another erect penis and didn't know it.  Hope that helps.

...and mine's very average, and I get the same women you do. So it obviously matters.

Is that a cock or a dick? I think cocks are bigger than dicks, or is it the other way around? And then there are peckers. Peckers are the little teeny ones. And then there's.........

Thumb Dick315 reads

but i try to compenstate for this with brains.

and i still ain't satisfied [double sigh]

My SO is always asking me "why am I such a big dick?"

RubberDollAtUrSrvc529 reads

What's the difference between a rooster and a provider? Rooster says cock a doodle do, and a provider says any cock'll do

Mine's big enough to have never had a complaint...the ladies are most more interested in that it is hard and bobbing...until after you have spilled your cup.  After that, it's conversation, cuddling, and chemistry that are most important, as this will the time where it will become apparent whether you (and she) will consider meeting again.  As for guys who can go a second (or third) time, nore power to ya!

kerrakles901 reads

I have been wasting money on those penis enhancement products?

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