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HootOwl 48 Reviews 5031 reads

HootOwl reminds me of home.  Where I am located, I rarely hear them. [eom]

-- Modified on 4/13/2004 4:16:53 PM

Please state your handle in the subject line and give the reason in your message. I am really curious about a couple of names. Thank you.

GLisHJ4682 reads

Reading comic books.

GLisHJ = Green Lantern is Hal Jordan.

KLTPZYXM4071 reads

I bet you can't say my alias out loud!


Being one that has to come up with passwords and such all the time on the fly, I look around the room or area and fine something that is easy to remember and just happens to hit me at the time.

Clone: Because I look just like my dad.

Water: Nope.  You gotta get to know me first.  :-)

I have a big vein on the topside of the shaft of my cock that bulges whether I'm hard or limp. Once, a provider said to me, "I love your big vein!!!"

Do you really need me to explain? (:

-- Modified on 4/12/2004 9:18:56 PM

This was asked last year,Mish...but I don't think you were around these parts back then...Now, a day without you posting is like a day without sunshine...alright partly sunny.Don't want to give you too swell a head...lol

I'm a big fan of ole' blue eyes and the ole' Rat Pack gang...

I enjoy reading the stories of Frank,Sammie,Dean,Joey, and Pete.
I still enjoy their music and movies.
Those guys lived life to the fullest...wine,women,humor,and song...and participated as gentlemen...with charisma, class and style...and there was always room for a good joke. Nothing like laughter!

Just so happened that when I registered for TER, I had just watched VonRyan's Express, an ATF movie(hadn't seen it in a while...great in DVD and surround sound...

When US combat pilot Col. Joseph Ryan (Frank Sinatra) is shot down by Nazis and placed in a prison camp, he's more concerned with surviving than escaping, earning him the insulting nickname, "Von Ryan." But in time, Ryan takes over from the commanding British officer (Trevor Howard) and masterminds the commandeering of a train and gets it across Italy to Switzerland with the Nazis in hot pursuit...earning the respect of the other escapees while paying the ultimate price at the end of the movie.

so my handle was born...

I kind of take that same rat pack style to my hobbying approach and life in general without the song...lol...although I do enjoy singing...Having a good time is what life's all about. Laughter is key!...and women are always adorable.

One of my favorite "PACK" true stories as told by Don Rickles on the Larry King show after Dino passed away was...picture the whole gang in a steam room at the old Vegas Sands...drinks in hand and balls ass naked. It was one of their birthdays(forget who) but anyway a gorgeous redhead is "delivered" to the steam room as a surprise gift. This hottie walks into the room unannounced in her birthday suit. Everyone went for their towels except Dino.
His nonchalant expression was like..."Bring it on,baby"


Mathesar4923 reads

Some have thought it was a pun on "Math Czar" but I didn't realize that when I picked it.

The E Ticket5981 reads

From Disneyland (The original)

Used to be when you went to Disneyland, you could buy different levels of rides.

An E ticket was one price....and you got to ride all the rides!

Of course they didn't have a reverse cowgirl ride!  :)


jackvance6075 reads

When asked what it was like to go into space, Sally Ride, America's first woman astronaut (and a California girl), said "It's a definite E ticket"

The E Ticket3937 reads

Definitely an E Ticket!


rb2885594 reads

just happens to be be a variation of my personel email login.
Just easy for an "older" guy to remember.


"I am the needle in your vein...and I control you
I am the high you can't sustain, and I control u
I am the pusher, I'm a whore...and I control you
I am the need u have for more, and I control you.

I take you where you want to go,
I give you all you need to know,
I drag you down I use you up...
Mr. Self Destruct"

from the song "Mr. Self Destruct",
by Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails)

A paen to my sexuality.

For me, it is what I did for too many years before I swallowed the anchor. (Retired)

Quiet American4071 reads

Quiet American is actually title of a novel by one of my all time favorite authors, Graham Greene.  Arden Pyle [the main character] and I have somewhat crossed similar paths ... he in Vietnam, and my track was in the Middle East, many moons ago.

Quiet American4581 reads

Graham Greene, a very profilic British author, and if you cheat on your wife, you need to read "The Heart of the Matter."  Here is the complete list of his work:

Babbling April (1925)
The Man Within (1929)
The Name of Action (1930)
Rumour At Nightfall (1932)
Stamboul Train (1932)
    aka The Orient Express
It's a Battlefield (1934)
The Bear Fell Free (1935)
England Made Me (1935)
A Gun for Sale (1936)
    aka This Gun For Hire
Journey without Maps (1936)
Brighton Rock (1938)
The Confidential Agent (1939)
The Lawless Roads (1939)
    aka Another Mexico
The Heart of the Matter (1940)
The Power and the Glory (1940)
    aka The Labyrinthine Ways
The Ministry of Fear (1943)
The Little Train (1946)
The Little Fire Engine (1950)
The Third Man (1950)
The End of the Affair (1951)
The Little Horse Bus (1952)
The Shipwrecked (1953)
The Little Horse Bus (1954)
Loser Takes All (1955)
The Quiet American (1955)
Our Man in Havana (1958)
A Burnt-Out Case (1960)
The Comedians (1966)
Travels with My Aunt (1969)
The Honorary Consul (1973)
The Return Of A.J. Raffles (1975)
The Human Factor (1978)
Doctor Fischer of Geneva: or The Bomb Party (1980)
Monsignor Quixote (1982)
Getting to Know the General (1984)
The Tenth Man (1985)
The Captain and the Enemy (1988)

I like petite (slim not necessarily short) framed girls with small breasts! Yum!

I answered this a long, long time ago, but I guess a reprise would be acceptable. Click on the link for more.

I've always tried to be intellectual in my handles. In a previous lifetime, I chose a handle based on a Was (Not Was) song from the '80s. Let's just say it fit at the time.

Regarding "Super 9", my best guess is that it's a play on the card game Super Pan 9 which is played in cardrooms all over CA. Consider that if my intel is right, the folks behind Pai Gow (the Chinese domino game also played in cardrooms, lit. "make nine") Video are nice Jewish fellows who lost several tons of dough playing draw lowball for high stakes in Gardena, Bell and Commerce in the late '70s and early to mid '80s, and switched to Pai Gow shortly after it was introduced circa 1983.

Quite a few professional gamblers are serious hobbyists.

Friendly piece of advice: when in doubt, Google.

Reason - It was the name I used on a fake Colorado driver's license when I was in college. It was kind of a bargain basement fake driver's license - the back was a copy of a page from a dictionary.

By the way, Michelle, was this also a test to see if we can follow written instructions?

When I joined TER the handles that I thought of were taken so I used part of my service # knowing that no one else has that #.  I've shown it to some of the providers that I've seen when they ask for I.D. & I show them my dogtag when I say that I'm a VIP member.

It is a reference to my tongue!  A long-ago girlfriend once said she could enjoy it for hours and when I asked why, she said "because it's magic".

A connection to my Father & a wonderful film.  Plus, I'm into counterfit drug sales and love Vienna.

Xenopus-a very ugly frog with many characteristics of a toad.  So kiss this prince already!
I can say more but I will give myself away.  But I will be glad to tell anyone in person.

-- Modified on 4/13/2004 7:45:50 AM

bank25696 reads

Short for bankrobber2. = Client's codename is Bankrobber and I look like him, so Bankrobber2, (BANK2 FOR SHORT)

I joined TER on a whim and when they asked for a handle I entered VIP, that was taken so I just reversed it.

I wish I could actually change my name, but I had it for soooo long, that everyone knows me as Melinda/Mel :)
Mel :)

-- Modified on 4/13/2004 7:21:21 AM

So many things in this hobby make my mouth water.

A published fictional superhero from my own imagination who fights those who usurp the powers given to the United States Govt' and it's employees IE: IRS agents, Social Security agents, Law Enforcement  etc etc. (the 225 is just a personal licence # needed to avoid duplicity in TER user names)


Alright FR....now that you know about that...

Can you do something about the taxes I owe...UGGGGGHHHHH! 4/15 is right around the dam corner.


KissesfromCarlee...........because I love a good kiss.

CarleeofArizona............Because I'm the 5th generation from Arizona.

It was 1 dog and two people living together. Now it would be 2dogg12. Got a very special dog Feb 02!

Just me,

-- Modified on 4/13/2004 12:03:16 PM

sailed7seas6015 reads

Self explanatory....I think

Scorpion384800 reads

My alias...I'm a 38yr old Scorpio

I just love to drill deep, wet, holes.  I drill holes all the time, some are boring, and some are exciting.  Unfortunately, for me the exciting holes are too far and few between.

Tony Souprano4472 reads

sounds like the holes in your head need their screws tightened!


tastey...even without the barbeque sauce...

As for the BBBJ on the thread above...I'm not allergic to Down pillows...plus,I only reserve my gas for grilling...lol

the fish and chicken combo gave you away, girl.


Tuna Fish Twat4029 reads

Smells like Fish, Tastes like Chicken.

HootOwl reminds me of home.  Where I am located, I rarely hear them. [eom]

-- Modified on 4/13/2004 4:16:53 PM

First, everything I wanted to use seemed to be taken already, then I was probably a bit drunk when I registered, so I based it on the fact that I'd recently retired from S. L. A. Co. (which won't be further identified). Ergo, exslac. I'd actually considered EXLAX, but I wasn't THAT drunk

Sexy mofo3755 reads

But if you must know, it means "Sexy Mother F**cker"! ;-)

It's the name of one of my favorite short stories. It's written by Harlan Ellison, and it's not about s&m.

D-Inspector5872 reads

I'm a building inspector and my first name starts with D.... ta DA

My hobbying persona is my way of expressing the bad boy inside of me.

Stealthmode4405 reads

...always gave her shit about her and I posting to each other, so I had to put it in ... "Stealthmode".

She's still very special, but now I reply under the sheets.........


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