TER General Board

"Hooker of Honor?" LOL EOM
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 291 reads


bbfs4ever2771 reads

I know that if the prostitute dies you won't.  But what if she just won't return a text or email and steals the deposit?

I wouldn't ever give a prostitute money in advance.

It's like giving a thief money.  Why would anyone be surprised when they don't live up to the bargain?  

Just stick with paying when you are done with her.  Never give money in advance.

Does she have reviews? A reputation? Is she on a reputable site (NOT back page)?
Deposits are very useful for women, especially on tour. It protects their time and investments in traveling. I'm sorry this happened to you, but make sure you're going to someone who's proven to be safe.

wrps07351 reads

One that I was seeing needed some money for groceries and pads for her period. Next thing I know no appointment.

followme445 reads

You saying you would not give a deposit is bullshit because you would not ask the question otherwise, therefore  
you obviously did pay a deposit in advance.

With your attitude I would not blame her for not returning the deposit, besides (though you do not have the balls to admit it) you most likely violated her terms so you do not deserve to get it back.

You're welcome

Of her pimp not rushing in and kicking you ass taking you money and you getting nothing please be more Pacific.

With interest.   Once not as timely as I wished, but when I did see her again many months later, it was a multi-day that we still talk about. :) :) :) :)    

Believe it or not, many of the ladies in this hobby have a sense of honor and are trustworthy.  And, for me at least, they are not that difficult to find.  Sorry if that's not your experience.

Thinking every prostitute is a "thief"
    is like thinking every client is a Bad man or LE.

I notice the guys willing to hand over a "deposit" are the ones I would never need to collect a "deposit" from.

Umm... You ARE aware Providers read this shyt right?
If the woman you lay with is as you describe what does that make you?

I am amazed at the language you guys use on these boards. Like you are  
better than the girl you call for company.

They've become like a pack of nasty little high school boys.  
Just waiting to pounce on something.  
Very little of value ever contributed.

FatVern300 reads

I look at things from a risk assessment perspective, if someone is already participating in a illegal activity, you have a better chance of losing your money, minus a way to recoup your loss.

You screen your clients don't you, if you trusted them? you wouldn't screen them.

Posted By: bbfs4ever
I know that if the prostitute dies you won't.  But what if she just won't return a text or email and steals the deposit?  
 I wouldn't ever give a prostitute money in advance.  
 It's like giving a thief money.  Why would anyone be surprised when they don't live up to the bargain?    
 Just stick with paying when you are done with her.  Never give money in advance.

I guess the troll hasn't given up.  He waited until there were a lot of new people on the boards, and now he's posting again. IOW, for those of you who have been here for 3 months or less, bbfs4ever is one of our resident trolls, and one of the stupidest ones at that.  At least rip is entertaining.

If you meet with a reputable provider, you shouldn't equivilate us to thieves and can be assured that we aren't trying to steal  your money for several reasons.  

1. We have reputations and images to uphold. This job is about establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships.
2. We have our lives and careers outside of this industry that we wouldn't want to jeapordize.
3. This is an extremely lucrative profession and I probably generate more revenue than at least half of my client base.

That being said this  job is about creating an environment of respect and transparency. I'd never meet with someone who had such a hostile opinion on payment and who makes broad generalizations about sexworkers or women in general. It's a red flag indicative of so many other things I'd find unsatisfactory in a someone I'm going to be intimately involved with.

-- Modified on 8/17/2016 2:14:41 PM

And, uh, are deposits supposed to refundable if you don't show? If so, why bother with deposits?

Mr.M.Johnson360 reads

I ain't never given a deposit.  I ain't never had a no-show.  I ain't never stiffed anyone

Life is simple and good!

Don't fucking put all providers in the same category!!!

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