TER General Board

Holy Haile Selassie! You are Falasha? That is perfect! And hot. But more perfect. -e-
skarphedin 1282 reads


I"m sure we've all known a few and I had some of them in mind when I read this.  Do you think this describes any of our fellow members

I suppose if that's what they like to do, they might have some success. I mean, it could be part of the fantasy if both know that that's what they're doing.

 am sure that there are lots of women who take the few dollars they offer and suck them off. The birthday thing could be offered, but it is the weirdest thing to ask for (I've got a birthday coming up--well, we all do in a manner of speaking). If a woman asks 6 and settles for 4 I lose respect for her in a way, and it affects how I anticipate the even and makes the prelude uncomfortable. But that's me. The time and effort haggling would take from me doesn't seem worth it. If I wanted to bargain with contracts I'd probably go back to work. It seems like the flip side of up-selling.

Posted By: inicky46
I"m sure we've all known a few and I had some of them in mind when I read this.  Do you think this describes any of our fellow members?  

Well said Brut, I'm turned off the moment it's asked for which means I won't enjoy the date, rather I'll metaphorically pinch my nose and wait for it to end and that's just from someone asking. Never negotiate.  
Just find someone in your range and jah willing have a little fun...

If I told you you'd not only enjoy but might fall out of your chair with surprise… A lot of board heavy hitters are hobbying by the skin of their teeth, begging for discounts, being ignored and rejected by the majority of us and yeah… we talk...

But no names, I'm barely tolerated as is :D

JackDunphy1308 reads

And I def didn't know so many HCH were getting shot down. I guess they don't know how to negotiate properly.  

Almost every girl I know negotiates which only makes sense because it benefits them to do so as virtually every business understands this proven free market concept and negotiates as well.

What can I say? Some people just love paying the MSRP Soph.

A fool and his money are soon parted. How true, huh?

Almost every girl you know???? So like one and a halfsies?
Oh shut up Jack, I'll give you a discount, but I'll also cry while laying on back motionless wondering how my life took such an awful turn that I found myself beneath you.

Something tells me you'd be into that though…shudder.
You beautiful wanker you...

that was fucking funny. Keep it up and I might like you again.

GaGambler1164 reads

Hey, she can even use cunt in a sentence. How can you dislike a hooker who uses the word cunt, or in the case of TT, "cuntier"

I don't know about you, but the MHB's are my favorites. I don't want BSC, but too fucking nice is boring as well.

But she won't name names of course. Imagine that.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Hey, she can even use cunt in a sentence. How can you dislike a hooker who uses the word cunt, or in the case of TT, "cuntier"

I don't know about you, but the MHB's are my favorites. I don't want BSC, but too fucking nice is boring as well.

She got my attention when she told Andrew he was frontal lobe challenged. I have never negotiated. I figure even if she does drop the price I probably won't get her best effort. If I'm going to spend my time and money on you I want you doing more than just going through the motions.

JackDunphy1123 reads

She admits other girls negotiate. Many won't dare acknowledge that fact.

JackDunphy1113 reads

Accountants negotiate all the time! I have with mine in my business. Attorneys? Absolutely. You really think everyone pays a 33 % or 40% commision? Think again.

Doctors take different fees for the exact same service pending the patient. Why? Someone negotiated there fee! Maybe it was the insurance company or Medicare but doctors get negotiated every day.

Electricians negotiate. Ever hear of putting a job out for bid? They know they are competing and, voila! Lower rate than normal. Then after the bidding process is done, many intelligent people will go back to the one that "won" the bid and tell them they will choose them if they knock off an additional 10%. All due to negotiating.  

Real estate agents? You think the 6% commision isn't negotitable? Think again.  

Yep, virtually everything and DEFINTELY hookers as well.

Why do all these different businesses and people negotiate? Listen up.

It's because it BENEFITS them to do so. That's what most of you don't understand and apparently will never understand.
People that think negotitating is win/lose just don't get it. When I negotitate, and I cant speak for others here, both sides win.

And if you don't think so, tell a girl she shouldn't have taken my $1k, after I megotitated her, when she would have made zero that night because no one else contacted her.  

Hate to break it to you KK but hookers have rent, need to buy food, care for a child, etc.  

Give it some thought. Makes sense for both sides if you stop and think about rather it than have the "group think" mentality that pervades this place that thinks it's "cheap". Lol. Oh if you only knew

The blab was about negotiating for illegal services. Aren't the dynamics somewhat different in that case?

I wouldn't know because I don't trick.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Accountants negotiate all the time! I have with mine in my business. Attorneys? Absolutely. You really think everyone pays a 33 % or 40% commision? Think again.  
 Doctors take different fees for the exact same service pending the patient. Why? Someone negotiated there fee! Maybe it was the insurance company or Medicare but doctors get negotiated every day.  
 Electricians negotiate. Ever hear of putting a job out for bid? They know they are competing and, voila! Lower rate than normal. Then after the bidding process is done, many intelligent people will go back to the one that "won" the bid and tell them they will choose them if they knock off an additional 10%. All due to negotiating.  
 Real estate agents? You think the 6% commision isn't negotitable? Think again.  
 Yep, virtually everything and DEFINTELY hookers as well.  
 Why do all these different businesses and people negotiate? Listen up.  
 It's because it BENEFITS them to do so. That's what most of you don't understand and apparently will never understand.  
 People that think negotitating is win/lose just don't get it. When I negotitate, and I cant speak for others here, both sides win.  
 And if you don't think so, tell a girl she shouldn't have taken my $1k, after I megotitated her, when she would have made zero that night because no one else contacted her.  
 Hate to break it to you KK but hookers have rent, need to buy food, care for a child, etc.  
 Give it some thought. Makes sense for both sides if you stop and think about rather it than have the "group think" mentality that pervades this place that thinks it's "cheap". Lol. Oh if you only knew!  

It's a case-by-case basis and your examples are largely correct.  That said, I can't think of a time I've negotiated with a girl in the US over her fee.  First of all, I don't even consider seeing someone who's out of my financial comfort zone.  And if she's inside my zone I can afford it and don't want add a negative note to the experience over $50 or $100 bucks.  For example, if I'm booking her through P411 and there's a $25 P411 discount, I don't take it.  As someone else said, I want her best effort and if a small concession gets me that, why not?
Of course, in other countries, negotiation is the norm.  She may start at a higher price but will come down.  It's all done face to face and she expects it, so there's no impact at all on the service she provides.  Just ask Gambler about the "Jaco Beach Hookers Union." LOL!

GaGambler1351 reads

and so far at least there seems to be a lot of "breaking of the ranks" as "individual needs" trumps "sisterhood of hookers" every fucking time.

When business is good, it's easy to hold a firm line and refuse to negotiate, but like Jack says, "when the rent is due" or the kids have no food, "something is better than nothing"

I don't have anything at all against negotiating. I have to negotiate most things in life. In my world, guys that pay sticker price finish last in life. That said, I really don't negotiate the price of pussy in this country, it's simply not worth the effort 99% of the time. The only reason I do in in Latin America is to prove I am not a stupid gringo who can be taken advantage of. Paying full price in many Latin American countries will get you WORSE service, not better as they lose all respect for you and they know that any man that will overpay for pussy in the first place will accept a substandard session as well.

bonordonor1118 reads

coin a couple of phrases right here on TER. "The Clueless leading the Fearless." If there are multiple layers of management then "The Delusional leading the Clueless leading the Fearless."  These words have never been written in the history of man, well except possibly in my personnel file at my former employer. lol I wanted to do it here so hundreds of years from now scholars from all over the world will be logging onto TER to see the original writing and discover all of my other brilliant posts. You're welcome TERAdmin!

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 12:15:06 PM

First of all one of the low balling fucktards is on this thread… BOOOM. (you wanted a name bae right?)(coughed grant PS I was being nice now fuck off b4 I have to remind everyone how you asked for an appointment and I didn't bother responding…back channel goes both ways and nobody like a cheap LITTLE dick)

Second I'd love for you to like me again Nikki baby but honestly…who's shedding tears? (ps why you such a hater lately? NY board today… hater nation) Let me save you the trouble…fuck off. I sayz what I feelz….

trip… me happy with my clients and bullet proof black book (oh u fuckers thought I forgot?) My clients are awesome, but yall is entertainment for shizzle….  

I'm a straight up no chaser bish… don't spend all day everyday on a fuckboard then claim you don't give a fuck...and don't tell me your race based jokes are ok because…and mines not because… stfu. Grow a pair, smoke some ganja or do something… like find a better reason to hate on my clever fucktard ass..

Some of these folks may see you as authority… not me muhfucka. You can suck it from here to Jerus…I can't spell that shit I'm high…

You guys always say you want a challenge or some interesting dialogue but really I'm witnessing a fucking circle jerk…

You tell me what's appropriate to say???? Have you read your shit??? Now prove you're superiority by spell checking my shit like a fucking school girl :D

Don't come for me less I send for you...

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 4:13:40 AM

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 4:18:27 AM

Oh, well, now we know what happened to NewEnglandGangsta.  You ate him whole and washed him down with a jug of Ripple.
You call some clown a "jew" and call someone else a hater? LMAO!
PS: Hear that clicking sound?  It's the sound of dozens of guys putting you on their DNS lists.
Better calm down.

GaGambler1234 reads

It's rare that a woman can come on here under her real handle and talk shit without being labeled BSC.

I don't care whether I agree with everything she says or not, this could be fun.

Should I set a morning line on who is going to win this little spat? Normally, I would pick you as the favorite at about -150, but you've been getting soft and lazy since you mainly "debate" the likes of SD and the Turdmeister, not to mention fungy and Pimples/JCA who wouldn't make even riders of the short bus break an intellectual sweat. A little fresh blood might get you back on your game.

After putting a bit of thought into this, I set the early line at "pick em"

Fuck popcorn, i think I will open a fresh bottle of vodka to enjoy this show. lol

Until last night her trash talk seemed pretty funny but, it's clear her more recent posts here have gotten sloppy.  I certainly hope she doesn't descend into Tidwit-Land.  That would be a shame.
And as for you, listen to Mr. Goodbar.
PS: I hope that bottle of vodka is a small one, cuz Admin seems to be closing innocuous threads lately, let alone train wrecks.

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 10:23:15 AM

Trust me, she's a silly biatch like myself. I luh her.  

P.S. Can I call you a JewJewBee?  

Posted By: inicky46
Until last night her trash talk seemed pretty funny but, it's clear her more recent posts here have gotten sloppy.  I certainly hope she doesn't descend into Tidwit-Land.  That would be a shame.  
 And as for you, listen to Mr. Goodbar.  
 PS: I hope that bottle of vodka is a small one, cuz Admin seems to be closing innocuous threads lately, let alone train wrecks.

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 10:23:15 AM

That other POS, not so much.  Did you read her most recent BSC ravings?  She's losing it.  Assuming she ever had it.

Drop her off in North Bed Stuy on a Saturday? And please don't go ape shit on my southern goy girl ass.

And I honestly think the whole Andjew thing wasn't meant as a slam on Jews. IMO, but 'cuse me, I'm just a goy girl, she meant it as a play on his handle and the fact that he sounds quite a bit like a demonic insane German leader and that whole superior attitude that still prevails to a lesser degree in Germany and among  some who see those blond blue eyes, fair skinned, narrow nosed, blah blah blaha attributes as THE gold standard for physical beauty.

Now right now ya'll both just need to stop. She's got a mouth on her though.

I would say that I'm betting she's from South America and has a hot temper but I suspect I'd get called racist.

And I'm also betting Jack isn't as much of a haggler as he is a hondler and again in my goyish opinion there's a subtle difference.


Yup, she was joking. No doubt. Good topic to crack one about.  

Posted By: MatureGFE
Drop her off in North Bed Stuy on a Saturday? And please don't go ape shit on my southern goy girl ass.

 And I honestly think the whole Andjew thing wasn't meant as a slam on Jews. IMO, but 'cuse me, I'm just a goy girl, she meant it as a play on his handle and the fact that he sounds quite a bit like a demonic insane German leader and that whole superior attitude that still prevails to a lesser degree in Germany and among  some who see those blond blue eyes, fair skinned, narrow nosed, blah blah blaha attributes as THE gold standard for physical beauty.

Now right now ya'll both just need to stop. She's got a mouth on her though.

I would say that I'm betting she's from South America and has a hot temper but I suspect I'd get called racist.

And I'm also betting Jack isn't as much of a haggler as he is a hondler and again in my goyish opinion there's a subtle difference.


I would have blasted her to hell and back. It's just my opinion but whether it came across correctly or not, I think she meant it to slam Andrew for his creepy, scary thoughts on what a perfect woman is supposed to look like.

Right now I wish she would just knock it off though and Nicky too. I'm thinking ya'll smell blood right now.

I think she got her crack pulled down. She clearly was taking an anti Semitic shot regardless of who it was directe at. As Iman said clearly an interesting marketing concept. Hard to fathom how she thought in any light it made her look good smh

Posted By: MatureGFE
I would have blasted her to hell and back. It's just my opinion but whether it came across correctly or not, I think she meant it to slam Andrew for his creepy, scary thoughts on what a perfect woman is supposed to look like.

Right now I wish she would just knock it off though and Nicky too. I'm thinking ya'll smell blood right now.

She's very clear about her ethnicity on her website. And she's not a Latina.

And some from South America don't like to be grouped in with the Central Americans. And for heaven's sake, that's not how I feel, it just what I've heard from some South Americans.

It describes her as "Mixed."  But there's a link to a web site as well in which she describes herself as:
"a young petite curvy Ethiopian girl with exotic features and a whip sharp mind."
I'm taking her at her word, just not the part about "a whip sharp mind."

Sophia as the Queen of Sheba and you as King Solomon. Legend has it...


King Solomon spanked the Queen of Sheba, then made her bark like a dog. I'm down for that. Hell, you're invited, too. We'll make it an FMF.  Unless you'd prefer an FFM or an MFF.  Just bring some FCs.

GaGambler932 reads

and thinks that Ethiopia is in this hemisphere? lmao

Can we play "are you smarter than a fifth grader?"

Ok, enough of these comments from the peanut gallery. I want those two to entertain me. Come on you tow LET'S GET IT ON!!!

I am taking wagers on the outcome, if anyone is interested. lol

As for the original issue, I beg to differ on her racist slam on that asshole.  I pointed out I agreed with everything else she wrote but she's too combative to care.  And, to me, calling out someone for racisim and using racist trash talk to do it deserved some comeuppance.  If you think calling someone a jew ain't racist, well, we have a different view of the matter.  Since I like you I'll shut up now.  
Anyway, I'm done if she's done.

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 3:02:21 PM

GaGambler1093 reads

and the racist pig that I am, I am wearing it right now, Cocksucka!!! lmao

And, as I tried to tell the young "lady," since you and I know and respect each other we can call each other every name in the book and it's OK.  In fact, I think we actually have called each other every name in the book.
And since you've revealed I sent you a "Wu" T-shirt, I must point out what it actually says is, "Mr. Wu's Laundry and Disposal Service."
Anyone want to feed the pigs?

GaGambler1150 reads

and yes we have called each other every name in the book, I remember once I hit you with a low blow and called you a "hobbyist" That one really was below the belt and I did apologize profusely lol

I respect you because you are exactly the nasty, boorish, alcoholic, whoremongering swine you claim to be.

To Jew someone down- bad. He's a European Jew-not bad. That Jew lawyer-bad. Jewish law in the old testament was for the Jews not bad. He's an Orthodox Jew. Orthodox, adj, Jew,noun?

I know it's a touchy subject. And unfortunately I guess the Holocaust changed how people view the word Jew as something bad. Most historians call it the persecution systematic murder of Jews in Europe. The OT (and the Torah of course)makes references to the Jews.

Please don't take this as bragging, I'm saying this only as a reference to why I feel the way I do...I'm a History/Poly Sci double major, and minored in religion from more of a historical perspective.

And I had something to say to Ms Sophia on this thread as well.

Ok now I'm done except for maybe trying to find a certain website. ;-)

But if I make it to NYC sometime I'll bring you a present if I'm lucky enough to meet you.

First of all, noun or verb it's all about the context and the intent.  In this case the intent was to say something nasty to another poster and use the "jew" part with the intent to be hurtful.  I don't even know whether that racist clown Andy was hurt by it or even if he's a Jew (the odds are long).  But the intent was to hurt so I commented.  She couldn't handle it, as was made clear by her over-the-top response.
And I don't think I'm over-sensitive any more than Blacks are to certain words they think are code words for racism.  And I don't mean the "N word," which is out-and-out bigotry unless it's a black person using it on another in the same way I might call a Jewish friend "Jew Boy."  But don't try that unless you're a fellow heeb.
One such code phrase is "you people," as in "you people are too sensitive" or "you people are too...." whatever.
As for your historical perspective let me point out a flaw.  The use of the word "Jew" as something bad did not spring from the Holocaust.  In fact, the Holocaust was, in large part, an expression of institutionalized anti-Semitism going back to Medieval times.  I won't go any further with this as I'm hardly an expert and this is not the P&R Board.
The funny thing is I'm such a bad Jew that most religious Jews don't even consider me one.  I had no Bris or Bar Mitzvah, never go to Temple and don't believe in god.  I also have a tattoo and intend to be cremated, which means I can't even be buried in a Jewish cemetery.  I'm actually really uncomfortable around religious people and consider them to be seriously deluded.
Thus endeth the rant/lesson.
So what are you bringing to me if you visit New York?  A yarmulke?  I'd rather have you bring me a Moon Pie like my old girlfriend from Shreveport once sent me.  In return I'll take you to Katz's Delicatessen for a Corned Beef on Rye.  They're so big you need to split them

So a nasty ass Moon Pie is out of the question. An autographed copy of your latest book will get you some imported in Cheerwine. I tasted it once, that was enough. It's like redneck Dr. Pepper if you ask me. Fishman came to visit me in NC and he had a Cheerwine float.

BTW, I've been voted in as an honorary tribal member 6 times in my life maybe you'll be the 7th. Remind me to tell you sometime about the time a Jewish couple booked me for my Total Romance Package back in 2010. I could do a 30 minute standup on that damn night. Just because I knew that her diamond was a European/Old Mine cut and that the 2nd oldest (and THE oldest in continuous use) synagogue in the US is on the island of St. Thomas (that's where her hubby grew up), I couldn't POSSIBLY be a Gentile-LMAO. I've been to St. Thomas 5 times and I love history. Cool thing is the floor of the synagogue is made of sand. BTW the history of St. Thomas says, and I quote, "One of the first Jews in the Virgin Islands was Gabriel Milan, who the King of Demark sent to be governor, the first of three Jews who have served as governor."  That's in the history of St Thomas's synagogue.  They were called Jews not Jewish.


But I don't care. BTW, WTF is "Cheerwine?"  I don't even like wine.  But I do like you. And if you come to Noo Yawk I will give you an autographed copy of my book.  And I will take you to dinner (and not just at Katz's).  The dinner is on me.  But the autographed copy of my book will not be free. I mean, c'mon! I'm a whore.
And I'm also a major mrfisher fan and was pleased to be at his wedding.  Wish you'd been there, too. It was a blast.
PS: You would have loved the package my Shreveport gal sent me before my first visit down there. In addition to the Moon Pie it included a book on Southern Belles, a Shreveport PD leather shield case, and god knows what all else. She called her heels her "FMPs".  Her "Fuck Me Pumps."  And I did.

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 11:46:25 PM

I'll admit to having a bad case of it back when you were a mod here.  But I'll lay you odds you post as least as much these days, though I am far too lazy to count.  As for "The Jabbering Jew," that's rather weak in the humor quotient, so I'll simply respond by labeling you "The Chattering Chink." Or "The Blathering Celestial." Or "The Sino-Sicilian Drunken Driveler."

GaGambler1009 reads

Remember when Tidwit tried to create a couple of acronyms? I predict these will encounter equal success.

As for keyboard diarrhea, my posts are easy to count, as they are tracked by TER, yours' would take require actually clicking three or four keys to count and I agree that would be entirely too much work to do to find out. Let's simply agree we are both blabbermouths and move on. It was nice when LR was here to lock up the number one blabber mouth spot. I hope she's doing well.

I should have taken the bet, before doing the 3 or 4 clicks you were too lazy to do. :D

GaGambler1162 reads

If you count all of TER this post will make number 441 for the last thirty days. I have no idea how many Inicky has on all the TER boards, but I assure you, I am too lazy to count them. lol

BTW It only took me one click to count all my posts, which is about all the effort that is was worth.

I was too lazy in this case to find inicky's posts on all the boards, (and yes yours are easy to find with one click) but I figured we were mostly talking about the GD. :)

Almost all my other posts are on the NY Board and the RO Board.  It's rare for me to post anywhere else.

But I know we can count on ps to delve into the matter further. :)

GaGambler942 reads

I already know I am a blabbermouth, I don't need a post counter to tell me the obvious

You guys both know that GaG's post only challenged me to do more research, right? :)

I did more sluething right after his post, and before your post telling me where to look. (I already knew where to look:))
I got tied up right after that and never posted my findings. and only now returned to the board. Of course now, hours later the results will be different for both of you, but as of the time of GaG's post, when he was still at 441, you guys were neck and neck. Your posts here, the NY board, the RO board, the NJ board, the P&R board, the S&P board, the newbie board and the porn star board had you at 439. I'm not sure if I missed any Boards you might have been on.

With this post and one at the top of the page I should be at 441.  Gosh!  This is almost as much fun as the SPOTYs.

GaGambler1098 reads

I think PS better check every regional board, just to be sure. lol

Some of yours on the Chicago board and that actually put you in the lead.

I think I need to get laid. :)

GaGambler1025 reads

Also Chicago doesn't seem to have anywhere near as many WhiteKnights willing to get their virtual ass kicked trying to "defend the honor" of the BSC hookers who have no honor in the first place. Yes, Chicago is a fun board. lol

And I'll also admit my word count is much higher than GaG's, too, thanks to my friend, TheCunningLinguist.

Thank you! That's very flattering. LMAO!
PS: You do know it's not spelled "bonor," don't you?   Or are you an Urban Dictionary freak?
Term U2's lead singer, Bono, uses when referring to his erection. Sometimes called "Little Bono".
"Edge, I have to tell you something. I was supposed to go to Africa to do charity work, but instead I just fucked a groupie in the ass with my massive Bonor. YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH."

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 9:47:32 PM

I don't need a label to know when some one is crazy.

What's not to love? First bash the Jews then bash your client pool. Genius.  

Posted By: GaGambler
It's rare that a woman can come on here under her real handle and talk shit without being labeled BSC.  

I don't care whether I agree with everything she says or not, this could be fun.

Should I set a morning line on who is going to win this little spat? Normally, I would pick you as the favorite at about -150, but you've been getting soft and lazy since you mainly "debate" the likes of SD and the Turdmeister, not to mention fungy and Pimples/JCA who wouldn't make even riders of the short bus break an intellectual sweat. A little fresh blood might get you back on your game.

After putting a bit of thought into this, I set the early line at "pick em"  

Fuck popcorn, i think I will open a fresh bottle of vodka to enjoy this show. lol

GaGambler1165 reads

I just want to be entertained. So come on you two, Entertain me!!! lmao

Well, I just lobbed a scud at her on the early thread. The one where she went after the Jews. She's starting to challenge Chitownbscgal. Pretty impressive. But at least this has shot her appointment requests thru the roof. Yup I believe that too. Lots of free time for the boards considering how busy she is.  

Posted By: GaGambler
I just want to be entertained. So come on you two, Entertain me!!! lmao
-- Modified on 10/19/2014 11:17:24 AM

Well, she says she's done.  I'd say it's more "put a fork in it" done, but if she's done I'm finished as well.

Not to jump in and state the obvious, but this website is not the only pool from which clients are found. Not every person who enjoys the company of a lady of leisure is a "hobbyist". Some people just don't have the time or the inclination to share.

Ask most whoremongers about TER and they have no idea what you're talking about.  That said, if you check the number of "Users Online" at any given moment it's usually close to 30,000.  How many of them are posters or lurkers on this board, who knows?  Chances are it's in the thousands.  And chances are many of them are put off by girls who are combative, defensive and racist.  This is why Gambler pointed out how rare it is for a girl to come on and flame like this using her handle and website attached to it.  It just makes it easy for anyone who dislikes her tone to put her on their DNS list.

-- Modified on 10/19/2014 3:24:57 PM

Clicking sound is me having the most likes on this thread and waking up to 6 app requests. She woke up like pharell…

Officially done with this silly.

(PS Thanks Tobi, me luh you morez!)


Posted By: inicky46
Oh, well, now we know what happened to NewEnglandGangsta.  You ate him whole and washed him down with a jug of Ripple.  
 You call some clown a "jew" and call someone else a hater? LMAO!  
 PS: Hear that clicking sound?  It's the sound of dozens of guys putting you on their DNS lists.  
 Better calm down.

I'm kinda girl crushing on you but this post right here...it's over the top. Once a post has fuck in it more than 3-4 times the word loses power.

And I'm a tad confused here, who PMd you for a date? Are you referring to USGrantlover? Jack, Nicky, who? Nicky is one of my board buds, he said he doesn't haggle anyway. USGrant far from being known as cheap from what I've heard and my FAVORITE lady to ever grace the board considers him a friend. He's seen some HDHs and DDG women (I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy, LOL) so that leaves Jack. and Jack is Jack and he's an acquired taste...or not. Don't take him at face value. I've told him before he couldn't POSSIBLY be as blunt in person as some of the shit he says here.

News Flash: some of the guys here admittedly stir the pot. I think youand I both know they aren't wrecking your business. It's called being shit stirrers.

And if you want to cuss me out, well I can't stop ya, but honestly maybe just brng it down a notch? I'm the one saying I really didn't think your Andjew was meant as a negative comment on Jewish people, but rather a play on creepy Andrew's handle and his insanely creepy view on  perfection.

Let's just move on now...maybe?

Steph xoxo

Steph I sent you this like 2 hours ago and haven't responded to anything since 9am western time.
Here's a copy and paste:

"Christ almighty thank you. If anything it was a joke about the ol German superior race bs in andrew's post and a play on his name. You can call me South American boo, I don't find offense in calling someone a race or culture. The negative connotation is in the offended persons head. Calling me anti semitic is just silly and a nice try. I'm not, they know it and it's a straw grasp...  

I do have a dirty/sharp/acidic little mouth on me though… No doubt. I'll learn though. That's what the 20's are for right?

I'll be from wherever you like sugar, I can't thank you enough for stating the obvious.
In a strange twist that I didn't feel the need to state earlier my people are Falasha..

Thanks Steph."

Cuss you out? Neverz. I said I was done over 3 hours ago and haven't responded to anyone, but in case my email didn't go through here's a public "advice heeded, very done" :)

if they disappear and never call you again.

That's a win/win.

bonordonor1044 reads

I do 1 hour minimums and it's $500...Oh, you want 1/2 hr? Ok, the 1st 1/2hr is $250 and the last 1/2hr is $500. Do you want the 1st 1/2hr? Before you choose, please note you only get to nut in the 2nd 1/2hr. Which will it be Big Boy? lmao

so that's not really how I think or talk or any of the ladies I'm familiar with. What's next, "why don't you come up and see me sometime big boy?


-- Modified on 10/19/2014 9:45:47 PM

bonordonor976 reads

I wish I could take $400 but I have a $495 car payment due tomorrow.

I'm just kidding!

Everyone would prefer getting a better deal, but providers should stand firm on their rates. If he doesn't like it, he should amass  more funds or go elsewhere.

The part that is frustrating is reading about the hobbyist asking for a discount in exchange for a good review. A good review should be based on the experience, not the price/bargain. It defeats the whole purpose of the review process. Good and bad reviews are a part of the research that I do when I hobby, and I am careful when I check if the reviewer's statements are valid.

Writing negative reviews for out of spite is wrong. Valid negative reviews due to false advertising is different.

I think it is very accurate The way they describe the gents and how they cat.  Of course these are very common.  I dont like them calling out S** Workers not the words I would have chose.  Unfortunately the article will not stop the calls but does offer helpful advice on how to handle them.  That being said I still would be scared to use them for ads with them being  in the news like they were.

Birthday haggler.

The author writes that she doesn't care that it's someone she doesn't know's birthday. I find it hard to believe there are many people who care when it's someone they do know's birthday. The only thing a birthday confirms, is that people are capable of counting.

That's comforting to know.

One and six is seven.

Never quite understood what it was "supposed" to be.

I thought you were a Jets fan?

Why don't you like the Jets? I've always thought they were a respectable franchise.  

They don't produce many results, but what does that matter?

I just hate those candles that you keep blowing and they won't go out though. I fking love birthdays. I say let them eat cake (not brioche)  too.

They're bound to go out sometime. Speaking of birthdays, I a few coming up soon. However I'm too poor to have fun, and you probably aren't that good to begin with.

I have never called up or emailed a provider to haggle their price.  That is simply awful and I would never do it.  Now, after posting in price threads discussing the high price of providers in my area I have been contacted by several ladies offering lower rates, which in my mind is not haggling.  I put out what I was willing to pay per hour and got takers.  Others were more vague about a "discount" which when I emailed them back I got answers that were all over the place ultimately not panning out.  Again, not haggling, just responding to clarify details.  Maybe I'm the "poor" guy they talk about in the blog, I don't know, but I definitely determine my cost before contacting anyone for the first time.  If offered a lower rate I'll go for it, but I don't go out of my way to ask for it on an individual basis, haggling is not my style.

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