TER General Board

Hmm... It depends...
Senator.Blutarsky 433 reads

...on the other cues she is sending. Is she purring or snoring? Is her skin flushed or pallid? If the other signals say she is enjoying it, then no issue at all. If the other signals say something else, then it is time to try some new stimulus.

Pink_Panties1427 reads

This question is for the boys.  If you're with a girl and she is trying to concentrate on having an orgasm, and she closes her eyes for a while, is that cool?  Or, do you feel like she is disconnected or thinking of someone else or doesn't want to look at you? :(

my ego is way too large to allow me to believe that it is anything else!!!  Seriously - if she is "there" her eyes opened or closed won't make a difference.  

Of course, communicating that might not be easy.  I had not thought of it before - but a blindfold on her might remove the "performance" tension that a good provider might have.  Something to explore in my next session with my regular....

Senator.Blutarsky434 reads

...on the other cues she is sending. Is she purring or snoring? Is her skin flushed or pallid? If the other signals say she is enjoying it, then no issue at all. If the other signals say something else, then it is time to try some new stimulus.

Pink_Panties325 reads

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky
...on the other cues she is sending. Is she purring or snoring? Is her skin flushed or pallid? If the other signals say she is enjoying it, then no issue at all. If the other signals say something else, then it is time to try some new stimulus.

JoelGoodsen338 reads

Thus, I figure she's thinking of baseball or Janet Reno or something like that.

followme406 reads

Yeah it is cool with me.

I think that at times when a gal or guy is in concentrating on having or is having an orgasm the persons eyes may close and that person does not realize it at that moment.

Perhaps one day we could make each others eyes close.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

Posted By: Pink_Panties
This question is for the boys.  If you're with a girl and she is trying to concentrate on having an orgasm, and she closes her eyes for a while, is that cool?  Or, do you feel like she is disconnected or thinking of someone else or doesn't want to look at you? :(
If closing your eyes so you can focus on your pleasure or so your not looking my ugly mug helps get their's, I hope they do. Eye contact is sexy, but the "big 'O'" look trumps all.

TwoMints372 reads

I'm not doing it right.  The subtle and not so subtle signs a women is enjoying herself aren't hard to recognize. Lip licking, head rolling, hip thrusting, a puddle forming...

Personally I cannot keep my eyes open, all that much when receiving oral pleasure :

Pink_Panties362 reads

Sometimes I close my eyes for a while- even all the way throughout the buildup until after I've c*m.  So my eyes could be closed for a solid minute.  I just hoped no one got the wrong impression that I was trying to disconnect from them.

that I forgot to take off my clown makeup

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