TER General Board

Ninarong See my TER Reviews 27 reads

I don't exactly understand thIs post but if she blocks you, can't you just move on ?it can be anything that you did she just didn't like to the point she decided to just block you. We will never know, you should just move on and figure it out yourself lol.no need to be upset.

REIME1113323 reads

I'm looking for understanding here and I hope someone can help me find it .... first off it happen to me last night I met the most spontaneous , outgoing , understanding , selfless , women provider ive ever met she was wow. wow , wow ... anyway I don't know what I did wrong and maybe someone can tell me if I think I'm a host and I'm totally confused on all of that stuff .... See when I was growing up or being sexual it was common that the person paying or funding the project was the guy the showed up to the table and it was already set ( do you understand what I mean ) ? So anyway IM SO SORRY I THINK I REALLY UPSET THE PROVIDER AND I HAD NO INTITIONS of doing that I thought she was happy when she left , I was wrong she blocked my number told all of the rest of you too stay away from me MY GOD I DIDNT KNOW I WAS THAT BAD OF A GUY LIKE I WOULD NEVER HURT ANYONE PURPOSELY I SWARE THAT ON EVERYTHING I REALLY DO ... ANYWAY HERE IT GOS SOMEONE NEEDS TO TEACH ME HOW TO PLEASE CAUSE EVIDENTLY IM A TAKER AND DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT .... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME I THINK I DESERVE TO GIVE LOVE AND BE LOVED JUST AS MUCH AS ANYONE ELSE AND I KNOW IM NOT PARANOID ... I HAVE PLENTY OF CASH AND I CALL AND CALL AND CALL AND ITS LIKE ALL OF YOU GUYS ARE AGAINST ME ... I DONT GET IT I DONT I DONT I DONT !!!! so I'm going to say its not your job to teach me but I'm bagging please I want understanding she was such a beautiful women and I wont say any names anyway if she does happen to read this cause she likes to read I hope she forgives me for whatever it was I did wrong so that I can continue my search for my life and complete it with the knowledge of HOW IM SUPPOSED TO TREET MY PROVIDERS ANYWAY PEOPLE PLEASE FOR GIVE ME ... ILL TRY TO BE A BETTER PERSON THANKS REIME11 GREELEY  I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT A HTML IS ......

Hang yourself.  Do it now. If you don't have any rope, let me know.  I know someone who does.

....and Conan has rope.

I have found that this factor accounts for a lot of "misunderstandings".

HappyChanges25 reads

She most likely thinks you're a weirdo and she's probably right.

Is that code for you expected her to provide the condoms? Is that what you’re saying? That would not be a reason to block someone. You MUST have done something along the lines of creepy or you smelled bad, have some funky junk or shorted her. It’s a business providers aren’t looking for ways to not see clients. If she blocked you obviously you did something that spooked her or offended her.

EzekielKarl25 reads

Seriously, man, I have no idea what you're talking about.  It seems you did something to upset or offend a provider but, beyond that, it's just about impossible to glean any solid information.  I suggest you take a deep breath, organize your thoughts, and explain what happened in a clear, logical fashion without the emotion and CAPS.  

I don't thing he actually had a date ,he was probably just hallucinating .The post makes no sense ; obviously he was  ' high' while writing  ,and I don't mean Marijuana high, but something a lot more potent.

Yes the OP does seem very confused.  I wonder if he will be able to understand his own post when he wakes up.  

3 rules I live by:
Don't drink and drive.  Don't drink and post on TER.  Don't do drugs.

How do you expect others to tell you?

Hopefully with the light of day and an extra hour of sleep you could provide details.

Up to now you are just babbling.

You would not hurt anyone purposely? I think you know what happened. Please enlighten the rest of us here with something other than the b.s. story you posted  

souls_harbor23 reads

Although I don't mean this to be insulting, I suppose it can't be taken any other way ...

Your reaction indicates you are way too invested in some perceived outcome -- crazy, in laymen's terms.

Now I'm on the stoic side and most people also consider that abnormal, thinking it cold or unfeeling.   So there is a range of reaction that people consider within the bounds of normal.  Too little reaction and you might be viewed a uncaring (and therefore dangerous.)  Too much reaction and you might be viewed as caring too much (and therefore dangerous.)

I suspect from the nature of your posting that you came off as wild-eyed crazy in some manner and the young lady began fearing for her safety and the safety of mankind.

Any Hobbyist on TER who is a Shrink ?...Reime 111 needs your help . You might just be able to figure him out, because none of us can. He is obviously  on a different level of consciousness .No pun intended.

REIME, I highly recommend that you explain your post as many others have stated or else you will quickly end on ladies DO NOT SEE list.  Which means that many of the ladies of TER (and possibly some other boards) will ignore your request to see you.  
No bueno dude.

Read it twice, and could not figure out a damn thing. Take deep breath, take CAPS LOCK off, explain, do not use metaphors, we are all adults on this board. Some hypothesis from your word soup, you might have been to aggressive before the words "get comfortable"? Maybe violated etiquette?  Definitely not smart.

When she showed up at your door she found you on the bed with the envelope stuffed in your asshole and a raging hard and was greeted with the words "get your ass to work" and you can't figure out why she would have an issue with that?

And I mean that LITERALLY! Mothafucka  smelled like a bm gone rogue. Elderly fella so I wasn't rude. I had to play sick which wasn't a fuckin stretch with my gag reflex doing gymnastics. So maybe ya just need to scrub your ass. Nobody likes a stinker!!!

I got banned from an agency before. My crime? Touching the lady's phone. Woops, lesson learned, won't be doing that again.

You are not doing yourself any favors by shouting in all caps. It is rude, and makes your post hard to read.  Also it helps to avoid metaphors that you fail to define. Combined I am not sure exactly what your saying. But I am going to try to help. Let's look at your post.

Posted By: REIME111

I'm looking for understanding here and I hope someone can help me find it .... first off it happen to me last night I met the most spontaneous , outgoing , understanding , selfless , women provider ive ever met she was wow. wow , wow ... anyway I don't know what I did wrong and maybe someone can tell me if I think I'm a host and I'm totally confused on all of that stuff .... See when I was growing up or being sexual it was common that the person paying or funding the project was the guy the showed up to the table and it was already set ( do you understand what I mean ) ? So anyway IM SO SORRY I THINK I REALLY UPSET THE PROVIDER AND I HAD NO INTITIONS of doing that I thought she was happy when she left , I was wrong she blocked my number told all of the rest of you too stay away from me MY GOD I DIDNT KNOW I WAS THAT BAD OF A GUY LIKE I WOULD NEVER HURT ANYONE PURPOSELY I SWARE THAT ON EVERYTHING I REALLY DO ... ANYWAY HERE IT GOS SOMEONE NEEDS TO TEACH ME HOW TO PLEASE CAUSE EVIDENTLY IM A TAKER AND DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT .... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME I THINK I DESERVE TO GIVE LOVE AND BE LOVED JUST AS MUCH AS ANYONE ELSE AND I KNOW IM NOT PARANOID ... I HAVE PLENTY OF CASH AND I CALL AND CALL AND CALL AND ITS LIKE ALL OF YOU GUYS ARE AGAINST ME ... I DONT GET IT I DONT I DONT I DONT !!!! so I'm going to say its not your job to teach me but I'm bagging please I want understanding she was such a beautiful women and I wont say any names anyway if she does happen to read this cause she likes to read I hope she forgives me for whatever it was I did wrong so that I can continue my search for my life and complete it with the knowledge of HOW IM SUPPOSED TO TREET MY PROVIDERS ANYWAY PEOPLE PLEASE FOR GIVE ME ... ILL TRY TO BE A BETTER PERSON THANKS REIME11 GREELEY  I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT A HTML IS ......

This part is where your problem is, I think. This is not the place to "give love and to be loved". P4P is about sex and companionship never love. People who seek to buy love will always be let down and get hurt as no matter how much money you spend love cannot be bought.  

In fact those who seek to do so are a threat to the ladies they see. That is where stalkers come from. Ladies have been outed and worse by clients who sought love in this game. If I was a provider and I thought a client was seeking love in this game for my safety would ghost said client.  

I think this is what happened to you. Judging from you post you are too emotionally involved in that P4P.  All that shouting shows you are hurt. You don't get hurt if you maintain proper boundaries and realize no one owes anyone anything once the time is up and everything is paid.  

Honestly until you learn emotional discipline and quit seeking more then sex and companionship she is wise to avoid you.

If I misread things, I am sorry. Your post lacked detail and was hard to read and understand. I am giving solid advice. Never seek love in P4P. It rarely ends well.

I know he is a poor candidate but if he wants the job given the lack of qualified trolls as of late, why not feed his so he stays around? At least until better trolls take his place.

I don't exactly understand thIs post but if she blocks you, can't you just move on ?it can be anything that you did she just didn't like to the point she decided to just block you. We will never know, you should just move on and figure it out yourself lol.no need to be upset.

Not necessarily in any particular order, however, some thoughts are readily discussed, on
"Private Provider Boards".  
 {"Yes, of course I've added my own verbiage and humor to it"
     Xoxo Angelina }

1.    In one's mind  "I'm a nice guy"....   #noyourearudeprick  
1a.  The "Envelope" is short, missing, contains plain paper, "Monopoly $", or an I.O.U.
1b.   NSNC, or late, late, really late, and expect the full time.
1c.   Arriving very early to the appointment, and expecting to be promptly seen.
1d.   Emailing, texting, PM-ing, but never securing a planned rendezvous....  
              { P.S. "Please peruse "Tinder" for that inane activity" }

2.  Innocuous fragrancing;  
       i.e.   Bad breath,  unshowered or heavily reeking of cigarettes, cigars, alcohol,  
               {ugh & nasty.... please shower the moment you arrive, or I shall request you to do so!},
               or smelling of another "Provider" {unless she's present and participating}...mmmmm yes!
               Unclean, uncut nails  {As in;  "I work on car engines all day and permanently ran out of "Goop" "}
               Adorning a cologne or body spray that is better left at the "flea market" or " El Gigante" "  
               {please refer to #2 i.e.}
               Excessive body hair ....  
               {"why do you think Surgeons require their Nurses to shave said area first?"} lol

3.  Requesting BBFS!  {Indeed, I used all CAPS!}  
4.  "Will you date me off the clock?"

5.  Attempting to secure uncompensated, additional time during engagement.
            {aka:  telling a lengthy story, lounging, looking around at trinkets, turning on tv, taking a long, long, too
             lengthy shower, pretending that one doesn't know "when to leave"....{embarrassing us by having to tell you}

6.  "Will you be my girlfriend?"  {Synonymous to #3, 4, and 5}
7.  "Oh my God, I love you!"  {refer to #'s 3, 4, 5, and 6}

8.   One has excessively phoned, texted, emailed, and continues to do so as I'm preparing prior
            to said tryst  { aka:  showering, primping, coiffuring, cleaning, laundering }, and continuously thereafter.    
            {Refer to #'s 6, 7, and #1}
            {Forgive me Luvs, I'm sure we had a great time, however, "a girl's got things to do, places to go, and people to see"} ;)

-- Modified on 11/7/2017 6:36:36 PM

HappyChanges24 reads

I'm glad hair pulling is not is that list 😁

I always ask before I hair pull. This one girl I banged I couple times now has short hair, so that's not an option. : /

Why would you not be confused?  From your post, it is clear, organized thought is not one of your talent!

Welcome back, do you plan on throwing your hat into the ring to win an unprecedented third SPOTY title?

Get off the cocaine for a week, then re-post your question using coherent grammar.

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