TER General Board

His snow remark is from a rumble that I ignited on the Newbie board. To address your question,
Lord_of_the_Board 2377 reads
1 / 47

I see that some guys have paid an escort a deposit and then complain that she kept it without servicing him.

Why would any guy pay for an illegal transaction in advance?

Seems like a recipe for disaster.

If you're one of those guys that got some bad advice elsewhere and paid that advance...how would you plan on getting it back when your escort won't return your calls/texts/emails?

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 1189 reads
2 / 47

they tour and or book expensive rooms... They got clout, and reputaion for being A. wicked good at this. and B. the guys are understanding that for them to arrange to meet the clients, they cant afford to drop everything, and go book hotels and then have every guy cancel.  

  They know how flaky the guys can be and they know they are not one the flaky ones! if you plan on actually showing, your deposit never gets kept......In fisrt place,  

They mainly book higher class more reliable clients that can afford to make deposits since they know themselves, they know they show when they say they will, no loss for reliable rich business men, for a flaky guy that spends 80 percent his time playing games and 20 percent actually hobbying............................

those kinda clients wont bother with a deposit lady..........................................They have little intention on actually hobbying anyway ...


Plenty a guys hobby alot spend alot, earn alot, it aint no thang for them to do a deposit, Just a way to deter the guys that text and text and book and book and no show, I met plenty like that,


i think they spend more time texting and annoying us girls than they ever do actually getting fucked or gettin actual appts,  

I treid the deposit thing myself but I wasnt able to pull it off i have no other job i cant afford to make it too difficult, Those ladies more than likely cut hair durin the week/year then like do one tour once a month and they can afford to wait for like 5 good clients a months. i dont have any other reliable income i cant afford to make shit too difficult i dont wanna deter customers......................which is what that does, i camn afford a few lost hours per week spent dealing with time wasters playin games, It sucks but over all its proberly 2-3 hours per week spent on game players or crank callers. I take it as goes with territory and just deal with it, but i definetly think they are smart to do that, good for them......

89Springer 1039 reads
3 / 47

In my short hobbying career, I've made appointments with four providers who were touring. Only one showed. One cancelled her tour without letting me know, and the other two were NCNS. The three flaky ones were 9 to 10 on TER with exceptional reviews.

I wouldn't take the chance on a deposit after all that.

Lord_of_the_Board 1042 reads
4 / 47

That's an eye opener for me.

Keeping money that one hasn't earned is just not right.

How can those guys get their money back when the escort absconds with his deposit?

I've read about some of those exclusive escorts here.  Other guys report it elsewhere.

Lord_of_the_Board 655 reads
5 / 47

Why wouldn't a guy do the same when an escort steals his money?

I see reports from other guys who have taken the approach you are suggesting.  But I see that as someone afraid of a confrontation.

If you were "held up" and had money stolen from you, wouldn't you file a police report at a minimum?  I realize this is an illegal transaction and that strategy likely is futile.  However, my question is honest in "what is the best way to get a deposit back".

I don't think that doing nothing is an option.
Posted By: RodTidweLL
One from a lady I had seen before. At that point I had sworn off them, but admittedly I've given deposits since then and I'm glad I did because I have met a wonderful lady doing so.  
 Its a gamble sometimes with certain ladies, do your homework I guess. Once its out of your hands assume its gone and hope she sees you, I guess?

JackDunphy 753 reads
6 / 47

They have a money back guarantee. Unless it snows. Then you're totally fked.

Lord_of_the_Board 920 reads
7 / 47

I didn't get this far in life by allowing thieves to infiltrate my world.

Filing a lawsuit isn't a way to go obviously.  

Why would snow be a reason to not pay back a deposit?
Posted By: JackDunphy
They have a money back guarantee. Unless it snows. Then you're totally fked.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 487 reads
8 / 47

I once had my wallet stolen while doing something sort of illegal, but nothing to do with Vice. More than the money in it, I was concerned about credit cards and ID. I filed a robbery report (it was robbery, not theft in my case), and the police did not pursue charges on the matter I was involved with. I didn't talk to a lawyer beforehand, and I didn't withhold any of the pertinent facts, but didn't offer any unnecessary details either. They knew/assumed that others would be involved, I suppose, and of course no names were mentioned. But I was maybe just lucky.

Just saying, some things are more of a public threat than other things. Maybe running that kind of game is a bigger annoyance to society than soliciting. I really don't know.
Posted By: Lord_of_the_Board
Why wouldn't a guy do the same when an escort steals his money?  
 I see reports from other guys who have taken the approach you are suggesting.  But I see that as someone afraid of a confrontation.  
 If you were "held up" and had money stolen from you, wouldn't you file a police report at a minimum?  I realize this is an illegal transaction and that strategy likely is futile.  However, my question is honest in "what is the best way to get a deposit back".  
 I don't think that doing nothing is an option.  
Posted By: RodTidweLL
One from a lady I had seen before. At that point I had sworn off them, but admittedly I've given deposits since then and I'm glad I did because I have met a wonderful lady doing so.  
  Its a gamble sometimes with certain ladies, do your homework I guess. Once its out of your hands assume its gone and hope she sees you, I guess?

palomamontecarlo See my TER Reviews 918 reads
9 / 47

I've never kept a deposit from anyone and always delivered as promised, I hope that those gentlemen performed their research on her before sending the deposit. It is thanks to those girls with poor integrity that is so hard for us to legitimately collect deposits before long engagements, traveling etc.  Tons of providers with integrity who will never in a million years display such poor character, it is just a very easy way to kill your business altogether because eventually everything falls apart and will come and haunt you.  
To answer your question, asking her would be the first step and if you don't hear from her within a reasonable amount of time, I would inform others about her behavior on her particular board, we can't just be unfair and penalize men when it comes to dishonesty, also dishonest women should be exposed.

-- Modified on 1/7/2015 5:41:27 PM

2236707 3 Reviews 944 reads
10 / 47

I don't think you can get a deposit back. Caveat emptor.  My understanding is that you cannot create a review on a provider unless you actually have the meeting.  You could bad mouth them on the relevant regional board, but shit flies both ways. Or you could bad mouth them by PM, but how would they know?  Will be interested to see if anyone has a workable solution.

BTW I paid a deposit once to someone who has a wide presence in the hobby community, and things went fine. I am not at all implying that deposits are safe, but the circumstances in my one experience were green flagged.

JohnyComeAlready 1139 reads
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and of course lost it, there was no real history on the girl. Lesson learned, and unfortunately there are no names to name for entertainments sake.  

The funny thing is I did receive a return email, which was IMO the strangest part of the entire experience.  I think I was better off losing my money, instead of seeing who ever showed up.

JohnyComeAlready 449 reads
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Senator.Blutarsky 907 reads
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...I have not ever been in that situation. I have given deposits, but I really didn't want them back.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1052 reads
14 / 47

I'm not sure if you are implying someone should try to coerce, or somehow force an escort to give back a deposit they feel they deserve back for whatever reason. That is a bad idea.

You just chalk it up as a lesson learned, and tell the guys on your local board to watch out.
Don't be a creeper, and try to "get" it back.  
I would guess.. Most of the time a deposit if lost? It's the guys fuck up anyway but that's another topic altogether.

89Springer 812 reads
15 / 47

Blast her here? On a regional forum? It seems like just about every provider worth seeing has half a dozen white knights ready to trash anyone who speaks ill of their ladies. Whoever utters a bad word gets hammered, and nothing comes from it.

I haven't ever given a deposit, but I did have a provider ask me for money. I had planned on seeing her again, so I gave her half of a three-hour rate as an advance on our next session. When I tried booking with her again, she was busy washing her dog or something. I couldn't get an appointment. I tried many times to book, and to no avail.

Finally I said that I still owed her for an hour and a half. I phrased it such that she would see it as some money coming her way, rather than her having to spend time in exchange for money she already had.

Never again.

JohnyComeAlready 746 reads
16 / 47

Posted By: 89Springer
Blast her here? On a regional forum? It seems like just about every provider worth seeing has half a dozen white knights ready to trash anyone who speaks ill of their ladies. Whoever utters a bad word gets hammered, and nothing comes from it.  
Fuck her and fuck them, no one else cares. Deposit or no deposit, I say one chance and only one chance to make an encounter happen. That's all anyone deserves

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 839 reads
17 / 47

I encourage the client to purchase my optional deposit insurance as well.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 1061 reads
18 / 47

Like a prior post mentioned, blast her ass on the boards but if she has certain info on you from screening then you may want to rethink that and just walk away and forget about it.
Or you can take her to small claims but good luck explaining that to the judge then trying to collect.
I personally would NEVER give a deposit, I've heard way too many horror stories of what has happened.

Ivysparks See my TER Reviews 919 reads
19 / 47

Those girls if your not comfortable

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 708 reads
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mrfisher 108 Reviews 817 reads
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and only two crapped out on me, so that 90%.  Not great, but you have to figure that shit is going to happen and 10% is not so bad considering the great gals I was able to see that otherwise I wouldn't have seen.

And yes, both the gals that flaked were highly reviewed and in fact gals I had seen several times previously with no problem.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 749 reads
22 / 47

Hold your breath

Pray while holding your breath

See which of following happens first:

Your face turning blue or  

Getting you deposit back  

My bet is on your face turning blue

By the way, I am not one of those who would pay a deposit for whatever exclusive it may happens to be. Pussy is pussy and plenty hot providers around without “deposhits"!

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1049 reads
23 / 47

I used to do it.
 When I was a waiter? I caught every single one...
We never tried to get the money. We just humiliated them so bad.
They never did it again.

The best part is most came back to the resturant, and tipped well.

89Springer 837 reads
25 / 47

You don't also sell them insurance to protect their businesses from broken windows and fires, do you? ;)

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 599 reads
26 / 47

I offer coverage from the erection to the resurrection.

magicsam 775 reads
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Just because a guy can afford to pay a large deposit does not make him a "higher class" client-- reminds me of the saying "a fool and his money...." I have seen some of the best providers in this business and I have never given a deposit. She cannot be that special.

Lord_of_the_Board 815 reads
29 / 47

I probably have seen hundreds of escorts over the past few years...and not once has one needed (or asked for) a deposit.

Maybe it's my good looks?

I just looked over your reviews and ironically I know a bunch of those gals.  What a coincidence  LOL

I'm a bit surprised that any of those escorts asked for a deposit.  Even more surprised that you would have offered it up.

See...if you followed my approach you'd have enough to have bought a few sessions with some other gals that I know.  And they aren't bad looking either  ;)
Posted By: mrfisher
and only two crapped out on me, so that 90%.  Not great, but you have to figure that shit is going to happen and 10% is not so bad considering the great gals I was able to see that otherwise I wouldn't have seen.

And yes, both the gals that flaked were highly reviewed and in fact gals I had seen several times previously with no problem.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 727 reads
30 / 47

Where did you "see" that some guy has paid a deposit and lost it? Actually, more than one example would help justify the plural in your OP.

Also, please provide your OWN ADVICE... I understand all contrary advice (including being self-informed) is "Bad" advice. Enlighten us?

In my own limited experience with deposits, I am batting 1,000. I'd rather depend upon my own judgement of a woman's integrity than someone else's. Perhaps you should avoid ladies that require a deposit until your judgement is sufficiently developed? No need to "White Knight" for me and my money; I'm OK on my own.

mtdewking2015 782 reads
31 / 47

Most providers make you give them the cash first if cop you may get in a hug with a cop a feel but that it until you put the cash on the table. So Used a credit card That they take over the phone then if any thing goes wrong you can do a charge back and work with you credit card fraud department. But I would rather use ter and not lose any more cash than in my hand.

Posted By: Lord_of_the_Board
I see that some guys have paid an escort a deposit and then complain that she kept it without servicing him.  
 Why would any guy pay for an illegal transaction in advance?  
 Seems like a recipe for disaster.  
 If you're one of those guys that got some bad advice elsewhere and paid that advance...how would you plan on getting it back when your escort won't return your calls/texts/emails?

Lord_of_the_Board 796 reads
32 / 47

I guess you have limited access to these boards.  But feel free to spend some time on any regional board and do a search for "deposits"...that should keep you entertained for a while.  

I also didn't realize that you keep statistics like those in MLB.  Are you using 'roids as well?  I guess being 1 for 1 is your experience?  Even a blind squirrel can find an acorn now and then  ;)

I'll bet you're a really needy type.  Actually one of the escorts I know quite well has told me that.
Posted By: MasterZen
Where did you "see" that some guy has paid a deposit and lost it? Actually, more than one example would help justify the plural in your OP.  
 Also, please provide your OWN ADVICE... I understand all contrary advice (including being self-informed) is "Bad" advice. Enlighten us?  
 In my own limited experience with deposits, I am batting 1,000. I'd rather depend upon my own judgement of a woman's integrity than someone else's. Perhaps you should avoid ladies that require a deposit until your judgement is sufficiently developed? No need to "White Knight" for me and my money; I'm OK on my own.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 635 reads
33 / 47

And I'd never not give it back if I couldn't make the date or we agree to a rescheduled date.

Steph xoxo

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 749 reads
34 / 47

...snowballing works pretty well for this!  ;o

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1138 reads
35 / 47

I'm betting that Fishbro paid them on extended meetings. Most deposits ate for longer meetings.

If a guy got shafted, IMO he should do major back channeling and possibly do a Rip Off report if it allowed.

BTW are you Lord Gandy, LOL? ;-)

Steph xoxo

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 609 reads
36 / 47
JackDunphy 918 reads
37 / 47

You clearly don't know what a courtesan is. It is the highest form of life on the planet. It is truthful, virtuous and honest.

All you need to do is ask for your deposit back and it comes on Angels wings to your front door. Some are even using drones. But the weather has to be sunny and warm. No, not for the drone. You know, the whole "snow" thing.

I don't think they give refunds when it snows because of the possibility of yellow snow. And we all know that happens when a hooker squirts.

You have a lot to learn my son. I would suggest a trip over to the newbie board to learn more. Lots of decent and caring women there to set u straight on this and many, many more issues. I love them. They are the best.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 776 reads
38 / 47

I don't feel compelled. I'll simply find my acorns as I may.  

A few thoughts:  

I don't feel the need to search the regional boards for things to post about.  

I'm content to post my own thoughts and opinions; I try to avoid representing my words as those of others on the boards.  

I haven't lost a deposit. Nor do I intend to.  

I am needy in my own way(s); as we all are.  

I do take prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. I feel great, but my balls are smaller than they once were.  

There are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics. Why bother

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 879 reads
40 / 47

I was almost crying from all cynicism  and unhappiness and business like approach and from men and from women ..
 It suppose to be fun !!!! gentlemen!!  
 We are all  have souls .. and needs to be loved even for short time .. but loved ..
 who cares then about money ??!!  
 Money .. it is by product ..
 ( said a woman raised in communistic  country with no money concept at all  during all her life still she made it it to states... and now become  "upscale escort"  instead of just sexy woman ..
But IU still will stick to snowballs games ..even it seems as brutal activities and even in schools kids are grounded for playing snowball .. so lets unleash own demons and lets have pillow fight:

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 959 reads
41 / 47

I was almost crying reading this thread - all was so sad and  and SO no fun .. men were hurt( not all but many was solo sad saying how women do not want see them .. even with deposits..)
 then I come across of your post nd and about snowball post !!  
 hahhhaa It made my day :)  

Yes.. who needs deposits back ??!!! when there is best times in life ?

I take despots quite often ..
Some time men do cancel but never was asked gave it back - just to reschedule   and doing it with big pleasure.

Yes .. use brain power and D***K power then to get best out of life  

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 712 reads
42 / 47
mrfisher 108 Reviews 843 reads
43 / 47

their investment in airfare and hotel room would be covered.

I've never paid a deposit for a local gal.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 553 reads
44 / 47
angelexotic See my TER Reviews 768 reads
45 / 47

cancels in less than 24 hour notice. She now cannot swing finding a replacement that is safe and has been through screening to fill its place.  

and its very close call, for them to make the money back they spend on transportation, food, hotel cost. You really gotta move fast, and if you get only 2 dates on a hotel run. Which happened to me monday....................

You may take home less than a concession stand worker. I spent 225 on nice room 5 star monday.  
    I packed up all my own food so that wouldnt be extra expense. Or time wasted waiting for delievery , then worse is getting un healthy food and being disapointed. i hate eating un healthy food....

    I managed one appt at night and one next day....Then alot time spent trying to get a third appt no luck, One guy texted and texted and texted , then never came. I had a full blown melt down tears, upset, i pulled it together though.  

then they wanted a deposit for pet fee, which i left with out paying, unsure if they hit my card on that hope they didnt..

then a guy shorted me and raided the mini bar so over all I didnt even make 200 off him if you deduct the mini bar beers he spilled every where. It was kinda a night mare.


            But, I now am gettin up earlier and will be sure i number one never book a 5 star room for 225 again.
and B. never check in at 7 :30 at night again when paying for a room! I will be certain i check in asap at check in time so there will be better chances of landing 2 appts evening i arrive and then one next day minimum.  



    But now picture a lady who is a model in real life and pron star, a few on national top 100's are.  

Now say these ladies are generous enough to arrange a trip to your town to service the gents in that town. She is not just takin a train into boston as I am. This woman booked a flight that can be pretty tiring for her, and expensive, too.

   The reality is if she arrives and guys flake on her, a small cancelation fee for the lady makes it at least so she doesnt wake up crying and worried and over drawing on her bank account and in a major cluster fuck.  

    If she has prooven herself to be providing top nothc service, the ladies that require deposit are highly reviews. There is a high demand for that style escort and guys in town want variety and will go extra mile for the special ones that make the efforts to tour. .. The guys WILL do it for these gals.  

     I do think they are justified. Totally, They have worked hard to have a flawless review history, You dont get a flawless and all high scores review history from providing a bad service.... You earn it, and once you have that clout many guys like wise want reliable providers and wont put up with the chances a appt could go badly.  

They pay more and they will do deposits and extensive screening, but those are the kinds of gents that have equally as much to lose.  


   I do think if a guy canceled in less than 24 hour notice, and it s a lady who like i said proberly isnt relyin on this she may plan a special tour or special day out of the months for buying a nice room and seeing a cut above exclusive gents only.

If i had another job and this was gravy to me, which i assume the ladies whom insist on deposits,. Trust me they have other jobs thisis gravy money and if they even bother at all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,its only if its guarantee and they will not put up with being left stranded and screwed over........

I totally think thats good for them and its a great idea. If i get another job and do this like one evening a week, or something i can see it being ok to instil a rule, that yes granted it will scare you away and your saying you disagree with it.......


but these ladies arent tryin to see tons of guys they may see 4 a months, they can afford to call the shots and be bitchy about it, they earned that status and reputation, ...

   it will scare off a few potential clients that know in thiewr heart of hearts they cannot commit to set date n time, and that is thier goal in enforcing that rule of deposit.  

it simply scares away the exact type of clientelle they dont want any how.....................................

any one with compassion and business sense will grasp the fact the lady has air fare, baby sitters, needs to dine out whilst at hotel, {unless they fire up the foreman before leaving revere like angel and pack tons of snakcs n food} which is another pain in ass cuz then i didnt leave the house til 6pm.  


but any man who is compasionatte and has consideration simply will not mind a no refund deposit, he will have consideration for the lady whom may have children at home under a sitter, a room she is now paying for,  

any man whom is a gentlemen would be undertsanding and be ok with a no refund deposit policy, he would grasp the fact this women, cannot fill his time slot with a safe screened gent in shorts noitce, and she cant swing touring and providing in that manner...


simply pu the guys doin the deposits have no plans on not showing any how they are reliable men that show for work everyday and its a different kind of client that will do a deposit,  


any how, ....

yes I think it is smart idea.  

I treid requiring a deposit in order to book a room if there is an oncall avl. It didnt work, i just recieved no deposits and then made zilch..............


if they can swing that good. I would too if i could, but it doesnt work for me, I actually have to book the room, then go sit there and pray i make the money back with also a small profit....

i am ok with that.. I think good for them, totally.  

if you seen what we endure as far as millions of texts . pms, voicemails, and the amount of appts we actually land after all the talking about it with the guys..

its surprising how few actually show but many pm you , call you email you, I only got 3 appts this week. and wont be workin again now til next week because i am not goin on the train in the frost bite weather..............................................................

and after the un successful hotel run monday, i certainly cant afford cabs......................................

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 452 reads
46 / 47

a bad person out of your life forever. just write them off and move on to more positive people....

 Its not worth bickering and goin after them, most escorts are so anonymous you wont have luck trackin her down, Good luck with that...

bonordonor 718 reads
47 / 47
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