TER General Board

Hilarious. Go to match.com . The guys are as bad or worse. eomconfused_smile
Sssssssssssssst 3086 reads

-- Modified on 11/27/2005 8:06:04 AM

As a client would you be more willing to see a girl who is 30 years old then a girl who is 35 years old? Does 5 years make that big of a difference? I guess to me its not a big deal, but I was wondering what the rest of you think. The other thing I don't get is everytime I ask a provider her real age she tells me. For example I recently saw a girl who advertised herself as being 31 years old. When I went to see her we were talking and I asked what her age was. She told me she was 35 years old. I asked why she didnt advertise herself as being 35 years old. Her answer to me was that more guys want to f-ck a 31 year old then a 35 year old. I guess I could understand her reasoning, but I tried to explain to her that I didnt really think it mattered. She claims that it did. As a general rule of thumb I have noticed that most girls who are in their early 30's advertise themself as being in their late 20's. I again can't understand the reasoning behind it.

PS. I'm not saying every provider does this, so please don't attack me saying that you don't do this. I know there are some exceptions to the rule, but more girls do this than don't and I can't understand why.

-- Modified on 11/26/2005 3:27:27 PM

BobbyTZ2523 reads

Same reason they lie about their weight.

With the girl that I mentioned. She was 35 years old and advertised herself as being 31. I'm not going to mention who the provider is, but would you have been less likely to see her if she advertised herself as being 35? For me it would have not made a difference.

BobbyTZ3743 reads

It may not matter to you, but if so many ladies are doing it, it clearly matters to a lot of guys.  They simply won't book so they never know that there was no difference between the 35 year old and the 31 year old.

Everyone is doing it so I don't hold it against the ladies.

I think age matters. Personally I prefer late 20's to early 30's, but I don't pay much attention to the age column. The height is important to me; I suspect that there is a slight discrepancy for it as well.

I just turned 50, and I actually looked forward to it. I'm now a proud card-carrying member of the AARP. :) Although I think I look about 40, I did a survey of providers and the average guess was about 34 (in a few cases I had to show my ID to prove it), seriously.

I appreciate the maturity of older women, but I've always felt like a 30 year-old and acted like a 20 year-old. With my Peter Pan complex, I'm not sure if an older woman would be a good fit. I think I'll work up the age ladder slowly. Please be gentle. :(

In your header you say "I'm ready to take the plunge."  After, in your message, you say "I think I'll work up the age ladder slowly."  Hmm!Just kidding.  Actually, fair is fair. I'm younger than you (but not by a whole lot), feel about 20 some times (80 at other times - wisdom wise), act like a 30-year old and reason probably like my age (most of the time).  Now, should I go for a 30-year old, a 40-year old or a 50-year old. I love that commercial on TV right now where the woman says, "To all you men dating women half your age -- we don't miss you."  Sorry, but I thought that was pretty funny. She, of course, was doing a commercial for Ponds skin cream and the spot implied that she was much younger looking, but one cannot deny the implications.  Wink! Wink! Wink!  Another quote from a movie I did, "Well, when you're old enough to play with someone with experience, you know where to find me."  Wink, again!


I am attracted to women of my age in "real" life. I guess hobbying is a means of satisfying my fantasies for young ladies.

I love intelligent ladies and I know where to find you; unfortunately I'm in DC.

I have to stop here because the Laconic Police is watching. :)

To me it makes no difference, but I suspect it is because I am 62 years old.   Whether she is 29 or 35, it is all the same to me.  But if the guy is 30--or worse 25--I suspect it might make a difference.   Maybe it would even make a difference if he was 40

For a while I used to lie about my age, on the theory that I looked young enough to pull it off, and that clients wanted younger girls.

Now I'm honest about it. I just celebrated my 38th birthday, and I'm delighted!

I can't begin to appeal to the type of client who prefers an 18 year old hottie. So I don't even try, now. I aim for gentlemen who prefer a mature provider.

Being honest about my age means that I'm not going to get any negative reviews for appearing older than I state (I've seen a few of these, and always felt sorry for the provider in question).

The down side is, that most gents are so used to girls lying about their age, that they automatically add five years or so to their calculations. So they're going to think I'm 43! Oh well, I look damned good for 43. :)

(the ancient) Beverly Fisher

to please place my correct age on it, but they prefer an age range (which is nice, I guess). I always tell the truth if asked. I like being older -- hot mama!  Wink!


you sure are that, sweetheart!

things are resolving themselves quickly, so I may still be traveling... I'll keep in touch.

Just my opinion...

BackDoorGirl4319 reads

I lost few friendships over the "posted age" issue.

A well known TER provider has on her reviews 31/35 years old, when in reality you can add 20 years or more to that. She does have a 34 year old son, so you can do the math here. She really looks wonderful and younger but is thanks to few certified plastic surgeons.

Another TER darling has some new pictures on her site and they are sooooo airbrushed, lol. She looks like 30 in the pics, but add 20 or more to get to her real age and, yikes, real looks.

Another provider posted on her site "I'm on my 20's". I laughed when I read it and I call her up and said - come on, you are NOT on your 20's how do you think guys will react when they see you in person? - she got mad at me, big time. She took it off, but seriously on her 20's with a 24 year old daughter?

Needless to say they are not my "friends" anymore because I called on their age lies.

The truth is - pictures are all photoshopped to the Xtreme and you should add at least 10 years to what a provider claim to be.

Just look to arrest reports, when you read on the papers and it goes - a 55 year old woman was arrested...- probably she's is the one claiming to be on her early 30's in a highly polished and air brushed website.

Fantasy Sells!!!!!!!Plastic Surgery Rules!!!!

-- Modified on 11/26/2005 6:23:30 PM

gillian46633 reads

my age is in my screen name
no point in fibbing :-)

Occasional Webmaster1898 reads

Certainly there are some providers who lie about their age, and there are some providers whose pictures are photoshopped. But your unequivocal statements "ALWAYS add 10 or 15 years" and "pictures are ALL photoshopped to the Xtreme" are just plain ridiculous, inane and idiotic.

I know many ladies in this business quite well. I do some webmaster work for a few of them. One lady I know is in her late 40's. Her TER profile states "Over 45". Her website does not list a specific age, but she will tell her true and accurate age to anyone who asks - including prospective clients she has not yet met. Are you trying to tell me she is over 60? Her youngest child is 12 - YOU do the math. And I have uploaded photos to her website, straight from the digicam, no Photoshop involved.

Another lady I do work for had an age on her site until recently, when she asked me to remove it. And yes, that now-gone age did shave a few years - six to be exact, not "10 or 15." I have a disc of new photos of her - straight from the photographer - some which are going to be added to the site. And yes, I am going to Photoshop them - but ONLY to blur her face for privacy reasons. I am not going to alter them in any other way, nor does she want me to.

Yet another lady I know is one of those people who simply does not photograph well. The pix on her site do not do her justice - she is much, much prettier in person than in those photos. I have on occasion expressed surprise that she lets those pix out, but she tells me she does not want them altered.

Bottom line - NOT all ladies lie about their age, NOT all ladies have their pictures photoshopped. Some do, yes, but all? No way - and to so state is just absurd and makes you look like a fool.

And those who do shave a few years off their age, the range is usually 3 to 8 years, not 10 to 15. The number of providers who shave that many years you can count on your fingers and toes. (And you would probably need to.)

-- Modified on 11/26/2005 11:34:10 PM

-- Modified on 11/27/2005 2:22:36 PM

my pics are real, darlin', and I don't proclaim to be in my twenties or thirties. Some people age differently. The reason why I don't show my face in pics is because I'm in the public eye a lot, certainly not because I'm old and used-up looking. Just kidding! Please don't add 10-20 years on my pics, guys.  I'd be 110.  Tee-he!


Bizzaro Superdude2793 reads

my daughter's soccer team is 42.  She looks 28!  My ex became jealous that I was speaking with this MILF.  She said to me "You like our daughter's soccer team because of that 28-year old hot mommie..."  My response was who is the 28-year old?  She informed me of her name... and I then asked - do you really know her age?  She is 42!  I know cause she told me...  My ex responds, "but she is older than me....  I look that good, don't I?"  Well, you can see why I think this is a bizarre world....

seriously, I find it curious that many providers are not truthful about their age.  I would see them, even if they would post their true age... they are sexy and age only adds to the knowledge base.  I have said it before - and I'll say it again - women - some of them are young at 60 while others are old at 20!  

Anyone up for a good 1 yr. old cabernet?  Think about it... and Ciara - gal your breakin my heart....

That's amazing about the 42-year old lady you were describing. There are so many instant cures for us women these days, too. Unfortunately, my money is currently going elsewhere. But hey, I'd have no problem admitting if I ever have an enhancement, but it's really no one's business anyway, and I think it's incredibly tacky for people to ask about it. I think most ladies who get jeolous of others' looks, especially when they have to say, "Yeah, but it's because she's had a facelift," are insecure women. I find comments like these humorous because you still have to have nice features anyway. Facelifts only tighten the face not transform it, unless you have major work done consisting of implants in cheekbones, etc. I'd be happy with a chin lift. Wink! Anyway, you're breaking my heart. So when are we going to meet?


BlackListDiva1280 reads

Thats not true in my account. I advertise as 25, 26 most times, but Im really 28....NOT 38! In fact, most of my clients say I look too young to be 28, I get it probably at least once a work day.

Not to brag or boast...but we're like hot butter on a breakfast toast....say a hip and a hop and you dont stop...

"age stereotypes" where it counts, in the minds of men and men's pocketbooks.

It would take time to erode the Madisen Ave. bullshit about age and beauty...but if guys thought all the women they saw were ten years OLDER than they actually were it could help to chip away at the stigmas.

I was talking to somebody about the whole Boomers Refuse To Get Old phenomenon, and how it's made Gen X and Y a lot less worried about turning thirty or forty. Then he said that 40 looks like 28 these days, compared to what 40 looked like when he was a kid, and that got me thinking; I bet our ideas of what X age looks like *are* set in our childhood or early teens, and with the way people age a lot less nowdays (sunscreen, not smoking, staying fitter) a lot of people's ideas of what certain ages look like are seriously off.

So my question would be, what '35', say, are we thinking of when we see that age listed on an SP's site, or even online personals and in newspaper articles? Our kid version, or the reality of how 35 looks in 2005?

I realize I *totally* use the old school version! Try it sometime, when reading an article where someone's age is listed, and see what the automatic picture is that pops into your head. Is it accurate, or does it reflect the ideas of age you had as a kid. For instance, when I see 40, I think of my grade four teacher...and needless to say, she didn't look like the gals in 'Desperate Housewives'!

-- Modified on 11/26/2005 7:23:49 PM

I thought of all my grade school teachers as 60 year old matrons when I was a kid! When in reality, using 20/20 hindsight, they ranged from 35 to 50.

My "age" scale has been cracked apart since I started hobbying.  I've seen 20-somethings to 40-somethings and one or two that were probably in their early 50's and there's so much to love about each experience...physical beauty and the connection of physical grace and the heart's spirit,
I find it hard to take age as anything more than a marker of the style of conversation I'm about to get in to.

Liya2422 reads

on my 'new' website because around christmas  last year eros suddenly took down my ads b/c they decided i looked underaged.  i was 22 advertising 21 and they thought i was ?????  i don't know. but i had to start all over. it worked out okay, because i bought a great domain name and now i advertise everywhere so i'm not so dependent on them... but, i understand why girls do it. men automatically add on 5 years to what girls claim... so i doubt i will be changing my age anytime soon..... ;)

-- Modified on 11/27/2005 11:40:10 AM

BackDoorGirl3363 reads

and claim to be 25 on your website (if you're still in this business of course).

and still have more business than I know what to do with and a great gang of regular boyfriends...its not in spite of my age its because of my age!!!!

time with me, then I could afford to get a facelift and you'd be seeing me even more. Wink! What a vicious cycle, eh? SMILE!


Megatha Christie4412 reads

My website has my real age on it.  I don't have any professional or airbrushed pictures either.  Why set someone's expectations so high that when I get there he is disappointed?  I doubt he'd want to see me again and I really count on the repeat clients that I've made this past year.

Plus it's a great feeling when someone opens the door and he has a huge grin on his face because I am way more than he was expecting.

:) Megatha

PS: I am 36 years old and often get told I look much younger. I think I look around my age but it's still a nice compliment when I hear it.

Why spend the krummy-karma on such a stupid lie as age or slick-as-a-whistle-photos?
I understand the temptation of getting a guy to come out for a date because of a hot photo or an artificially reduced age but how does a gal expect to get the guy back for seconds and run a business?
 If I sense someone's not shooting straight with me I move on.  But I'd much rather be a repeat client.

I don't know if I've ever seen you Megatha but you give me a boner.  Even at the ripe old age of 36!

Megatha Christie3515 reads

I did a lot of research before I started last year and of course took into account how men reacted to me in my personal life.  I actually think I'm better looking now than I was 10 years ago. Maybe it's just self confidence or how I present myself?  

And there are plenty of men who seek me out because of my age.  In fact I hear that a lot especially with men in their 40's and 50's.  Maybe they just feel more comfortable with a woman who's more mature.  

I dunno but it works for me!

:) Megatha

36 is a young hottie to me!
Especially when she's bright and has some joy lingering about her.  

I can easily see how you can feel better looking now than you did 10 years ago.  It's the rare 26 year old that isn't still choosing from a few different major paths.
Just the confidence of having made some choices in life, good or bad, makes you more attractive in my book.  Heck, it makes ME feel attractive at 46 (and I'm a tubby, bald guy!)

there would be another classy gentleman who would take his place. Wink!


You have perked my interest but with an alias, I can't find your reviews on TER.  You can PM me.

Megatha Christie3813 reads

I'm very flattered - thank you!  But, I am very far from you so unless your tour ;) we could never meet.

Megatha :)

Lone Haranguer2446 reads

Women, providers and non, do it because that's what's valued in the short term.

It takes a while to build the rapport that values common history and reliable behavior more than a good appearance (which is not to be played down - there's good reason for liking the visual, and women react to Sean Connery or Antonio Banderas the same way men react to Jenny McCarthy or Angelina Jolie, because of the expectation that they're gonna like the contents of the package).

...an issue with arithmetic that is endemic to the ladies in this profession.

For example, more than once I've noticed an ad that says "1 hr $300, 2 hrs $500". Well, of course, all of us gents know that 2 x $300 = $600, not $500, but we tend not to point this out to the ladies because the error is in our favor.

OK, so your favorite lady thinks that "1 year x 37 birthdays = 25 years old". She also thinks that 2 x $300 = $500. If you ask me, EB, you're coming out ahead in this little math mix-up.

for two hours of service, providers usually offer a discount. It benefits us and you. Wink! Think about it, you're more likely to book for two hours getting a discount than if the one-hour price was doubled, right? What's an extra hour for discounted?  It's easier to stay for two hours and give a really good GFE (I usually give a back rub if sufficient time is booked) anyway.


Why are many civvi women less than candid about their true age?  Answer that question and add the financial considerations associated with this business to that answer and you may start to understand the motivations.

-- Modified on 11/27/2005 9:52:58 PM

As long as they're legal of course.  If they photoshop their photos to look younger, that's a different issue.  Hobbyists aren't too crazy about deceptively photoshopped photos, for obvious reasons.

But if the ladies look like their photos, who cares?  I don't care if she's 38 and looks like she's 25 or if she's 22 and looks like she's 28.  If I like her photos and she looks like them or better, I'm a happy girl.

Bizzaro Superdude2884 reads

I get very nervous - I cannot state it often enough - don't like the thought of underaged gals....   gotta be above the 21 mark....

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