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higher rates
ickylib 40 reads

In my regular line of work, I have never been able to charge more due to "inflation or COLA.
I charge affordable commissions (same since 2000, with a discount for my long time clients) or an asset-based fee of ~1%.  Huh!  I wish that I could jack my rates up!

The only raise I get is by getting new clients or getting existing clients to bring more $$$ in.   Damn the SEC for going to decimal pricing back in the early 2000's!  It ushered in a new world of online cheap/no commission trading.  Yeah yeah.....but it also brought in a generation of "gambling mentality" youngsters who treat the markets as a casino.  

I have only really struck one gal off my list (DC area) because she went from ~$350.....$450...and is now ~$1,000 for her hourly rate.  She's awesome, super sexy, sweet, but she is out of my reach now.  Some other gals have raised their rates nominally,  ($100-200 from ~$260) which is ok.  I get it, due to their costs going up, but any gal thinking they're worth $1k, better damn well be worth it.  I bet the majority aren't.  Prove me wrong...

There's plenty of gals still affordable and once in a while, can find that UTR or new gal still ~$300-350.  

Happy hunting & stay safe.

Inflation of 9-10% has been hard on everyone. This not a thread to knock providers. Provider and Client's are dealing with higher cost for everything. For me I find myself more willing to wait a few days so I can see one of my regulars, they are of  
know quality and price. In earlier times I would have taken a shot at some new or traveling provider. It seems like a lot of visiting provider's in my area are in what I would call " las Vegas " price range of $1200 and up. Overall I have had some of best meetings over the years with "7 and 8 " rated providers.  Am I missing something here ?    

RespectfulRobert38 reads

Now once in a blue moon, if a bucket list girl is just above that number, I would pay the extra $ for a total fantasy woman.  But I have had amazing times with girls charging half that. These are unique times and it calls for unique solutions. Women charge what they want and I pay what I can. Sometimes those two things are compatible and sometimes not.  

but I can't because I agree with you completely.  It's good to have a price limit, but you can't let that stop you from seeing a legend that unexpectedly toured to your city.  

Meh, legends can be overrated. Unless they are a quick riser, numerous providers who are legends are so because of their past and you don't always get the experience that got them to that status. I'm not naming names, but a few that I have seen did not live up to their status.

by living in SoCal where the roster of top providers runs long and deep. In many areas of the country, mongers never see a legend or real porn star tour to their area, so when one does come along, and they are not likely to see her there again, they should see her as a bucket list item, even if it strains their budget a little.   We can be a little more discriminating because of the embarrassment of riches we have in our choices when it comes to topflight providers.

AllTheTimeBaby37 reads

I might add that,for every legend there's an undiscovered $400 fantasy girl just waiting to be found.

Yes, LA has its perks. I have visited other places and gotten the itch and seen how slim options are. I would have a very different perspective if I lived in some of those places.

hobbying when travelling on business to other cities.  I look for Kgirl agencies first, because the service if generally more consistent, but many cities don't have any, so that's when I start sifting through the local indies to a girl or two that I think will provide good service to a customer who is NOT a local who can repeat frequently.  

I have only been with four ladies whom one might call porn stars.  

My batting average is 500.  Two of the ladies were, and are fantastic lovers.  The other two, not so much.

An example of price not being a measure of performance.  

ickylib41 reads

In my regular line of work, I have never been able to charge more due to "inflation or COLA.
I charge affordable commissions (same since 2000, with a discount for my long time clients) or an asset-based fee of ~1%.  Huh!  I wish that I could jack my rates up!

The only raise I get is by getting new clients or getting existing clients to bring more $$$ in.   Damn the SEC for going to decimal pricing back in the early 2000's!  It ushered in a new world of online cheap/no commission trading.  Yeah yeah.....but it also brought in a generation of "gambling mentality" youngsters who treat the markets as a casino.  

I have only really struck one gal off my list (DC area) because she went from ~$350.....$450...and is now ~$1,000 for her hourly rate.  She's awesome, super sexy, sweet, but she is out of my reach now.  Some other gals have raised their rates nominally,  ($100-200 from ~$260) which is ok.  I get it, due to their costs going up, but any gal thinking they're worth $1k, better damn well be worth it.  I bet the majority aren't.  Prove me wrong...

There's plenty of gals still affordable and once in a while, can find that UTR or new gal still ~$300-350.  

Happy hunting & stay safe.

your 1% wrap fee has benefited from inflation of assets.  Think about how much your book has grown from asset appreciation /inflation vs new assets.

ickylib27 reads

ahh yes...that would be ideal...  but....

But those older clients who have passed on....the younger kids always took their inheritances and ran....

Very few of the younger generation have investable assets....  Most of them save within their 401k's....not much else....
And they buy over priced housing in the area.....  Such is life!

Bisous_Ciao47 reads

The price of escorts is probably one of the purist applications of "supply and demand" in capitalist economy out there. All independent escorts are individual businesses so there's no monopoly, no "upper management setting rules", no "maximizing shareholder profits".

Providers charge more now because men are willing to pay more, either because more men have more disposable income, or because more are willing to see providers now than before, or a combination of above.

My personal pet theory, the top 1% income earners has gained wealth/income faster than the bottom 99%, and these are disproportionately a) more likely to see escorts and b) more desired by most providers. So provider rates are going to scale to the income growth of these 1%ers, and not to the overall average.

RespectfulRobert34 reads

The normal rules really dont apply as much to SW as they do in the RW, in many cases. There is a reason for that. Many SWs do this as a side job and dont necessarily need to maximize income as almost any RW business would. Providers can set a price, and if it's not met, they can just leave it the same until someone does meet it bc they have the luxury of having steady income coming from their day job. Now the ones that rely solely on the income, if SW is their only profession, thats a different story and I would agree with you more there.
One of the reasons why providers are charging more is that there are less of them, as many have switched their income stream to vehicles like OF where they make money without physically being present with anyone. This happened due to Covid, SestaFosta, etc Thats in addition to your two points which were absolutely correct.

You haven't really pointed out a flaw in supply and demand theory, only in that supply might fluctuate. Each resource has its own supply dynamics.

RespectfulRobert35 reads

With many ladies they just don't care about the "market" or "demand." They dont play by those rules. They have their number and if they get it, great, if not no big deal. That's not the way a RW business would act. RW businesses adjust their rate accordingly based on market conditions. Big difference.

You keep naming reasons for supply fluctuation. People enter and leave professions for all sorts of reasons. That effects supply. Psychology can effect supply.

Yeah, but I wonder how much of that is also an offshoot of the legal quagmires?

It seems like most or all places where this is legal end up with large agencies and/or megabrothels dominating the landscape. It seems like when you remove the illegal variable, this industry operates a lot more like any other in a free economy. Prices generally fall, but seem to follow supply and demand more like you’d expect. Another general truth that seems to me to become more true for SW when it’s not illegal is the fact that a large or medium size company has a better chance of survival than an indy.  

I think one factor in all this is that not being illegal has a larger effect on supply than demand. Let’s say it’s suddenly not illegal. The potential client pool doesn’t shift much because reasons to stay away, like stigma and SOs, remain in play. But the potential provider pool, especially young ones who just want a job and don’t necessarily want to start a business right now, increases.  

Again, a good sized company with capital has the advantage over “the little guy”.  Or lady. They can better weather a lull. They can make up lower prices in volume. When buying their own business needs, they can get a better deal because of their volume. That could be advertising, buying hotel rooms, licenses, whatever. They can talk to each other and fix prices. They can create barriers for startups. Basically all the stuff that goes on in every other industry.  

I certainly agree with you, this doesn’t follow the traditional rules of economics. Many providers having other jobs probably is a factor. I’m just throwing another potential factor into the discourse.  

Intuitively, one might expect the cost of luxury purchases to hold steady or fall when the cost of necessities jumps up the way it has. I mean it makes sense right? Everything people need suddenly costs a lot more so EVERYONE has less disposable income available. So, the sellers of luxuries are gonna have to lower prices right? Right? Well it just don’t work that way.

RespectfulRobert36 reads

Providers having those full time civie gigs can make them not have to follow the normal rules of S&D for their side, SW hustle.  
The other factors you mention re: legality you play a part as well and would be an interesting case study if it were to occur.  
The supply side and the demand side would certainly increase in that case but it would be the ratio that would be all important, and the numbers of full time vs part time SWs as well, but they are all unknowns. Great post!

For example, there are no large agencies or "megabrothels" such as you describe in Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. Well, there ARE "megabrothels" but the sex business there isn't controlled by the brothel owners. They are usually running  it as a hotel/casino. The girls are all independents and set their own prices. In one case they even tried to force a price increase on customers but not enough of them joined the "union" to make it stick.
Perhaps the most notorious of them, the infamous Del Rey in San Jose, Costa Rica, has closed but others have filled the void. I last stopped into the other famous CR whorehouse last year (the Cocal in Jaco) and it was still operating much as before.
As to the rest of your scenario, I don't dispute it.

Bisous_Ciao27 reads

While I agree that may providers are less dependent on this revenue stream compared to traditional work, I doubt there's more than a handful that are in this for anything other than monetary reasons. Many have a goal of how much money they need to save, or how many years they'll do this for before retiring. If they price themselves too far out of market standards they risk not being able to hit those goals/timelines.

I don't actually think this is the case. There is a finite number for girls who can really occupy the space of being a provider for the 1% so to speak. Therefore there are a whole bunch of girls bottlenecked into a situation where they have overinflated their price relative to their value. Most girls I've met don't even know what it is that makes one an elite provider. They simply think that their looks or what people around them have said about them over the years gives them enough cache to charge well above market. They're always surprised when they can't even find someone to pay them $400! In essence, I think that  regardless of inflation and the markets, the pool of providers that can charge high rates will always be somewhat capped and the widening gap between wealthy and the rest of society makes it so that the size of the pool of girls getting paid less is actually INCREASING and creating downwards pressure on girls at the top who have to maintain pristine reputations and standards so as to avoid being demoted into the pool of those who do not earn top dollar. Think about it... if this is a supply and demand issue and the top 1% are increasing wealth faster wouldn't that in fact create a downward pressure rather than an upward one based on the fact that fewer people now have more money? Either way your top 1% of providers will always be able to raise their rates but the real test of the market is those in the middle.

RespectfulRobert47 reads

The numbers of women let's say in the NYC area, that charge $800-$1000/hr has skyrocketed. You can track this on Tr*st as what I am saying isnt purely anecdotal. Now before Tr*st and going back say 4 years, they were VERY few ladies charging $1000 or more per hour. You could count them on one or two hands.  
Now? I just checked and that number is around 250 that are a minimum of 1k with MANY charging WELL more than that!. I see no downward pressure at all on rates at the upper end at this time. None.
There has been a massive influx in demand since the threat of deadly Covid has essentially passed as tons of new clients came flooding into the market all at once. If anything, super high rates are exploding exponentially, at least in NYC. But what happens in NYC may not be the case in the rest of the US as NYC is its own unique market. But similar things, adjusted for inflation, have happened in Philly, Boston, DC, LA, Chicago, etc.
Now as the number of clients entering in year by year stabilizes some, post Covid, maybe that will stabilize rates. I think that may be happening or will soon. But we will see. Tough to tell as so many girls can now get income from sites like OF without ever having leave her house that, I believe, lowers the potential pool of possible providers.

Bisous_Ciao33 reads

The thing is that there are far more 1%ers still than there are providers to meet that demand. Take a city of say 8 million, the top 1% is 80,000 people. A disproportionate number of that will be male due to gender wage gap, so say 50,000 men are in that pool. Say 1/50 see providers, that's still 1,000 men looking for top end action. Even in provider-rich cities like NY and LA, I'd be hard pressed to find more than 40-50 truly top end providers. So as that 1% gains wealth and starts seeing more providers/more frequently, it's actually creating a vacuum at the top end that more providers can step into.

In my personal case, my income since I started hobbying 9 years ago has tripled, but the price of the type of provider I see has only doubled or so. I'm actually able to see more providers now than I could a decade ago.

Newto1000129 reads

Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.   You need to be really careful about making assumptions that fit your narrative without any hard data.  I am constantly approached for financing by individuals who say "  Mr. Venture Capitalist, the market size is $4 billion and I can get 1% of the market.  Hey buddy, 1% sounds small and reasonable but your 1% market share is an unfounded assumption.  No fucking way you are getting 1%.  In your example, you assume 1 out of 50.  Maybe it is 1 out of 500 of the 1% percenters, you or I have no fucking idea.  Well, if it is 1 out 500, your argument completely collapses.  I think there are a number of theories, some reasonable and some not, why provider prices have gone ballistic.  In my view, a lot has to due with the change of mindset induced by the pandemic.  I don't believe the prices are sustainable.  One further note, I think the impact of OF on provider incomes has been widely exaggerated.  

Except you have supply and demand being distorted by sex addiction. Lol

We're all going to have a budget constraint and some sense of price versus value for what we spend within whatever budget exists. That's just standard consumer behavior.

Also, the approach of reducing your monetary risk when prices are rising by not exploring the unknown, previously untried options available also seems a good approach, unless of course it is the adventure that is the source of all the pleasure for someone.

....and in the case of strip clubs and AMP's an increase in the tip amounts that are expected. But it really hasn't changed my approach or frequency of partaking in this hobby. As long as my income is steady I don't see my fun stopping anytime soon 🤞

AllTheTimeBaby41 reads

Two years ago, I was on to a young, tall and limber Asian woman. In heels, she was 6'2". Being 5'11" i looked like I was shopping with my Mom when out with her, except Mom didn't wear fishnet stockings nor a leopard-print mini skirt.

Anywho, the lady in question lived half a mile away and was up for spur of the moment engagements. "Can you come over now?" kind of thing.

Did I mention she charged $400 / hour?

Well, one night your's truly, in a fit of altruism, told her she should be making $700 / hour.

Shortly thereafter, she stopped returning my calls, it was then I noticed her ad on Tryst. $700 / hour.

Realistically, inflation is roughly the year over year S&P index gain, so, it's not 10%, it's closer to 25% for just 2023. Just ballpark numbers mind you.

In that sense, no, I haven't seen any meaningful rate increases. Sugaring has gotten a little more expensive, not really in terms of how much they're paid directly, but restaurants/bars/etc have all gotten more expensive. I suppose that's made me slightly choosier than I've been in the past, but, there's also more options than in the past so perhaps it's mostly that.

In terms of being a regular and having the rent go up, well, I'd simply no longer be a regular. Pretty common practice for repeat customers to get grandfathered rates, so, if you're not getting that, well, you're probably not actually seen as a regular. Idk why you'd want to be anyhow, if you're seeing a girl that often, you may as well just find a civvie and make an honest woman out of her. It's like renting a house versus buying a house at that point. Nobody's looking to buy a hotel room, but if you're paying for a house, you may as well own a house instead of just making someone else rich with your money.

As a woman who had the deed to her own home in SoCAL for many years I would much rather rent. You only 100% own if you do not have a mortgage. We can all agree to disagree as mature adults. It’s your money do what you like. 👍🏽

Well I suppose in the strictest sense, you never really "own" a home, given you're still on the hook for property taxes, which only ever increase. I'd perhaps be a little less cynical about that if they at least kept the roads nice lol

That being said, this is probably the wrong venue to get into the nitty gritty of assets versus liability...

Factoring out real estate boom/busts, what better place to store your wealth than your home (ownership.)
My mortgage payment is far less than renting would be, and part of that money goes into my ownership.  

you are at this point in your life as to whether renting or owning makes more sense.  There are lucid arguments for both.  If you are at a transitory point, i.e., new job, new city, new wife or husband, etc., renting can make more sense than plunging into debt with an uncertain future, but if one is well-established, has had the same job for a few years, is not likely to be transferred to another city, and is either single or in a solid marriage, buying makes more sense.  The main disadvantage to owning is if your situation changes rather quickly, you may have to sell at an inopportune time.  Otherwise, for the long term, owning beats the hell out of renting.  Your payment is static whereas rents can increase annually, and although values can go up and down in the short term, the long-term value of owning your home is undisputed historically.

With literally millions coming across the border, failure of the new construction market to revive quickly after 2008, there is going to be a housing shortage for a while.  Some markets may have been overpriced, but by and large, the housing market won't collapse by itself (the whole economy could collapse, but that's a different story.)

poor Hispanic suburbs of Los Angeles, property owners are cramming four or five illegals into each 10x10 bedroom for $100-200 a week.  It's a poor-man's AirBnB.  What they didn't count on is the surge in crime and property damage that comes with that kind of overcrowding.  Imagine the plumbing issues in an older home when 10-15 people are sharing the same bathroom.  Yuck!!!

For me its the non-availability of fresh and new talent that is keeping me away. A lot of grannies out there are charging $800. I will gladly pay $800 for young cute spinner with no silicon and no tattoos that provides excellent GFE.

Spot on  

The last time I remember that there was “new supply” was in 2013-16 - so many beautiful young girls especially where I live and I didn’t mind shelling out big bucks like nearly  every week
Now if you really want “new” talent, you have to spend some time and real effort on the sugar dating sites. What they lack in skills is more than made up for in looks

I don't get mad I just try to stick with ladies who are reasonable at the $3 to $500 range.  
Danica Lane is to me the perfect kinda woman I want to see but she is now up to $1K for an hour.  I think when I first saw her ads she was $6 or $700.  I just can't afford her.  
Karen Fisher was a reasonable $500 for a PS.  Now she is up to $700 and just not able to justify an extra $200.  

Michigan has lots of options but I noticed some ladies have stopped touring the state.  

John_Laroche28 reads

As I've gotten older and wiser, I find I prefer having a few regular providers rather than a new flavor every week. My regulars, for the most part, haven't passed on their "ho-flation" to me. So i agree with your point that a "known quantity" is very important, but it's not so much the monetary cost of the unknown, it's the time and effort that I no longer want to put in. Bullshit screening requirements, deposits, and inflated reviews have contributed more to my changed habits than increased rates.

Hard to see paying $1000+ and sending a deposit.  I’m better off with sugar babies.  

Went all sugar babies 6 years ago.

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