TER General Board

Here's another way to distinguish...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 92 reads

the rich from the poor...

BrandtCantWatch3361 reads

While I've hobbied quite a bit in the past, I haven't in over a year. And I'm meeting my first TER-reviewed provider in a few days. Anybody else have to restrain themselves from PMing their prospective provider every time they start thinking about the session? I don't want to bug her, and I respect that the session is about the session, not a two-day build-up of sexting beforehand. I'm just so damn looking forward to it. We men really are beasts.

Party pooper

Posted By: FakawiTribe
Re: No we aren't all "beasts", and the giddy nonsense that you are touting
sounds more school girl than beast.

BrandtCantWatch98 reads

Or you could chill out and realize my post was meant to be taken light-heartedly.  

FakawiTribe86 reads

Sounds like you're the one who needs to chill out before you wet yourself.
Take a Xanax or something. If you act like a 15 yo virgin getting their first hooker you'll just scare her off.

VOO-doo115 reads

But, no, I don't continually email my teacher. And I wouldn't expect a good reaction from him/her if I did.  

*She* might be excited to meet you, too! Particularly if you came across as really nice or interesting, etc. Give *her* some suspense :)  

Enjoy the anticipation, and then enjoy your date!!

unless I know her REALLY well.  Even then I don't want to bug her or make her feel obligated to respond just to keep me happy.  It's a good thing you've been able to restrain yourself because if you become a pest to her she could break the date.
Guys in this world become very needy and do stupid shit all the time.  But, hey, at least you're not stalking her.
Have fun.  If you played more often you'd have better perspective.

-- Modified on 6/21/2017 5:11:00 PM

It is totally ok to email the provider here and there up until the session as long as you respect her. If she is busy and let's you know she is not available, definitely respect that. I hope you enjoy your session and have lots of fun.

Two or three times a week, you won't have any desire to intrude on your provider's time before the session, because you just got your rocks off a couple days ago.  This has been my strategy for many years and it works.  The provider is more likely to try to juice me a little by text or email than me reach out to them just to say I have a boner already and the session is not until tomorrow.  

OTOH, the girls that aren't that busy will allow it up to a point, but if you can't control yourself, you will hurt the vibe during the upcoming session.  There's a fine line between being excited and being perceived as "needy" or "clingy."

...How many more times will you casually mention in a post that you see providers "two to three times a week?"

It's getting old, my friend.

-- Modified on 6/21/2017 11:25:26 PM

It's one thing to covet a person's wealth, but wealth and stamina together?   Yeesh.

and you don't really have to be wealthy to get laid twice a day. Wealthy guys race yachts, cars, race horses. Poor guys like me settle for betting on the races and fucking hookers. lol

It's kind of like saying "rich people fly first class" Rich people do NOT fly first class, they have their own damn planes, fuckers. lol

in context for this thread.  Not everyone here has heard me say it before, and not everyone reads every thread here.  It only gets old if you read EVERYTHING I have EVER posted.  Most people don't have time for that, so I don't assume anything when I'm posting on a new thread.  Like others here, I TRY to be humble, but its just not a good fit for my personality type.  So sue me.  

Well, partially disagree. It's certainly good advice not to blow up a girl's inbox with messages. It's also a good idea to limit your messages if you aren't getting responses to your chit chat/the response is short, etc.  

However, that being said, some of us ALSO enjoy the pre-meeting discussion to get comfortable and turn up the anticipation. I'm sure I differ in this regard to most providers on TER, as I really don't meet many new clients. I also partially weed out who I meet by getting a sense of someone through pre-meeting correspondence. For me, as long as I have the time and the client is being respectful ( I.e. isn't engaging in crude/vulgar/explicit convo,etc) and seems genuinely interested in our correspondence then I really enjoy the back-and-forth.  
Oh, one last consideration: the volume of messaging should be consistent with the length of time between your contact and the meeting. A weekly exchange is appropriate if it's 3 weeks til your meeting- not so much if it's 3 months out. Messaging back and forth a couple of days before a meeting is fine, but I'd feel stressed with the same intensity of correspondence over a ten day period beforehand. Etc, etc. For a returning/regular client, I have friends who text to say "good morning/how are ya" nearly every day and I love it- but they are clients who visit like clockwork once a week. Others check in or chat every week or two, but again, we meet regularly on a weekly or monthly basis so it feels natural. I usually wouldn't want to catch up with someone regularly if they're only seeing me every once in awhile between seeing some huge rotation of other providers- it (usually, not always) takes some regularity and/or frequency of visits to build that type of intimacy.  

I'm rambling, so I will wrap it up with this :  i say follow the companion's lead and interact with her as much as you'd like, as long as you're getting a positive reaction. Tell her what you told us- she'll probably feel flattered that you're so excited. I know I would be!

GaGambler146 reads

If there is ANY doubt as to whether the conversation is welcome, IOW, your longtime friends, family et al aside, I take the cue from the response I get and I NEVER send out a new message without getting a reply from the last one, unless of course it relates to the actually appointment

Here is what I mean, If I send a text and get an immediate reply, especially one that ends in a question. ie. "Hey just wanted to say hey, how's your day going?" and I get a response of "Hey, nice to hear from you, I am good, what have you been up to?" THAT is an invitation to keep the conversation going. OTOH, if I get a reply an hour later "Hey, I am good, but kind of busy" THAT is a hint that the conversation is not really welcome and that you should probably not press her to keep the conversation going, and if anything, maybe a follow up of "Ok, glad to hear it, talk to you later" is about all is warranted.

Now if you send a message and get no response at all, the LAST thing you want to do is to start blowing up her inbox, she will get back to you when she can/wants to and you need to respect her space.

Because my thumbs are too big to text on the regular-sized iPhone, and autocorrect can't fix the kinds of mistakes I make with using my thumbs.  It not just a misspelling, its incoherent jibberish.  

and I NEVER send out a new message without getting a reply from the last one

Maybe you should adopt this rule for the discussion boards here - At least try it for a week...

I'm a new ebony  provider in the Carolinas and I dont have a review yet so I understand your anticipation....I can't wait to get my first review! 😌

BrandtCantWatch88 reads

Thank you for your response, and I hope things go well for you soon! You sound like an eager beaver, and any client would be lucky to have you.

EVERY provider has an eager beaver, its why they do this, but its always nice to have new blood here.  

on the side of caution and respect her space.  E-mails, like all forms of communication, are vulnerable to misinterpretation.  So minimize the probability of misinterpretation, or worse yet, that she will perceive you as needy, creepy, or a time waster.  Avoid sending e-mails that do not have a clear purpose.  Don't send e-mail #2 until she has responded to e-mail #1 favorably, hopefully with a question.  Do what you can to make her feel empowered.  Don't make her feel like a pizza or fast food that you are ordering.  She is an experience.  Be careful not to project a sense of entitlement.  If you can't decide whether or not to click send, then don't.    

BrandtCantWatch90 reads

I love how many people thought I was asking for advice in this post. While I am certainly not above listening and learning (and I know I have a lot to learn), that wasn't the purpose of this post.  

I was speaking to the anticipation of the first meeting with a provider that you're excited to meet, especially after a while away from the hobby.  

I wasn't asking whether or not I should barrage her with PMs. I acknowledged that was a poor idea, from the start.  

Regardless,, it's been interesting reading everyone's responses. Those from the providers, especially.

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