TER General Board

Hello Mr. Fisher. There is an exception to the rule
TaylorSteele 1027 reads

so please try again if this is you.  

[*The exception to this rule is with the 'Master Numbers' 11 and 22 - i.e. November the 11th month, birthdays on the 11th or 22nd, or sum totals of 11 or 22. These numbers are not converted to single digits.]  

xx kisses

TaylorSteele3081 reads

Lifepath Number ... Calculate it and find out.

It may play a bigger part of your life than you think.  
Just one lil number lol.  

Does it have something to do with you being here, where you are going?
Could it have something to do with why some encounters are on another level than others and with whom?  

Does your # describe you?

xx kisses
Stevie/T (I'll tell you mine a lil later lol)

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 5:26:28 AM

Is that like a review score? I'll take it!!

traits of a 9? That is sooooo you. lol

xx kisses  

Posted By: MasterZen
Is that like a review score? I'll take it!!

Thanks, Stevie! That was interesting! Can't wait to get you naked!

And Yummy... name the time and place. Bring it WB LOL.  

But what's your # silly?

xx kisses

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 6:16:10 AM

TaylorSteele1203 reads

if you tell me yours ;) haha

Too cute. You make me smile. Could be interesting if we're the 'same' getting nekked under the sheets someday together ;)

xx kisses

PS You could PM me and it could be our lil secret lol

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 6:31:55 AM

cuppajoe897 reads

eading the description, it seems totally opposite to what I know about myself.  

Posted By: StevieStyles
Lifepath Number ... Calculate it and find out.  
 It may play a bigger part of your life than you think.  
 Just one lil number lol.  
 Does it have something to do with you being here, where you are going?  
 Could it have something to do with why some encounters are on another level than others and with whom?  
 Does your # describe you?  
 xx kisses  
 Stevie/T (I'll tell you mine a lil later lol)

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 5:26:28 AM

I_am_the_walrus912 reads

. . . For the part that says I'm overly careful with money. That all changed 4 months ago - when I started hobbying ;)

lumbermanxxx1109 reads

I passed I'm a 1, and its true I like to be the leader!!

TaylorSteele1014 reads

I think most people just aren't in touch with the truly spiritual side of themselves and aren't open to the idea that our makeup of who we are as individuals is a combination of many, many things out there. It's just a matter of listening, that's all.  

For those who aren't like their Lifepath #, maybe it simply means you aren't aware of that side of yourself...not yet anyway.

You're funny cspatz. (I'd love to know your # lol)

xx kisses  

Posted By: cspatz
 ...it was spot on. Nice coincidence.

Nice do. 1975 baby. OMG, freakin hilarious.  

xx kisses (almost pee'd the panties lol)

89Springer842 reads

Life Path Number 3
BIRTH DATE ENTERED: 12/12/1950 (Date Equation)
Numerology Life Path Number 3 You possess a great talent for creativity and self expression.
Birth Date: 12/12/1950
12 = 1 + 2 = 3
12 = 1 + 2 = 3
1950 = 1 + 9 + 5 + 0 = 1 + 5 = 6

3 + 3 + 6 = 12
1 + 2 = 3

Life Path Number: 3

Many writers, poets, actors and musicians are born under the 3 Life Path. You are witty, possess a gift for gab, and savor the limelight.

Your talent for the expressive arts is so abundant that you may well have felt drawn to becoming an artist while still very young. Your artistic abilities can only be developed, however, through discipline and commitment to the true development of your talent. Commitment, concentration and hard work are the only means of bringing forth your talent.
You Like Attention
"Thanks to your gift for self expression, you can be the life of the party, and the center of attention. However, you could easily squander your talent by becoming a social butterfly.

Your creativity is the gift that can give you the comfort and luxury you desire, but not without continual focus and discipline. You are optimistic and possess the resilience to overcome many setbacks. You are socially active, popular, and inspire people with your sunny 'happy go lucky' attitude.
You Can Be Too Generous
Many people born under the 3 Life Path have difficulty handling money because they can be disorganized and not particularly serious about their responsibilities.

You are emotional and vulnerable. When hurt, you withdraw into a cloud of silence, eventually emerging from your reticence with jokes and laughter that cover up your true feelings. You can become moody and cynical when depressed. You can succumb to sarcastic remarks, which can be painful to those around you.
You Can Inspire
When used positively, your talent for self expression can be a great inspiration force in the world, uplifting others, and bringing much success and happiness to you."

I get better results from a rigged Oujia board. ;)

Somehow I am an 8 on that scale  LOL

Don't you have somewhere to be?

Posted By: StevieStyles
Lifepath Number ... Calculate it and find out.  
 It may play a bigger part of your life than you think.  
 Just one lil number lol.  
 Does it have something to do with you being here, where you are going?  
 Could it have something to do with why some encounters are on another level than others and with whom?  
 Does your # describe you?  
 xx kisses  
 Stevie/T (I'll tell you mine a lil later lol)

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 5:26:28 AM

TaylorSteele1013 reads

But yes silly, I'm waiting in an airport...bored lol. Need something to entertain me for a bit. This is interesting to me for sure. Play like a good lil boy now ;)

xx kisse

When those playground girls want their ponytails pulled...and then I pull it...

Why do they think I'm not playing nice?

And they always come back out at recess playing the same game  LOL

Posted By: StevieStyles
But yes silly, I'm waiting in an airport...bored lol. Need something to entertain me for a bit. This is interesting to me for sure. Play like a good lil boy now ;)  
 xx kisses  

just because a girl sports a ponytail (which I do everyday), does not mean we want it pulled. Especially by bad lil boys at the playground lol. You're lucky she doesn't turn around and kick you straight in the nuts mister lol.  

Ya know, I could've started a pussy-sized thread to pass the time. Would that have been more entertaining for you? I think you know those dick-size threads just don't do it for me lol.  

Or did I get that backwards again?  

xx kisses

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 8:22:41 AM

It's been twenty years since I've had a GF under 25.  
   Only a few  short years ago I would have called a guy my age with a GF under 25 an old pervert.  
  Now that I've become a certified older perv , I've become nonjudgmental on age difference.  
   I've heard the words many times, from friend and foe, she's too young for me.
    In her defense, like many Eastern  women, she's more mature and worldly-wise  than most  women her age.
    I'm dealing with our age difference the best I can, no greasy formulas for me.  IMO that would be tacky and shallow.  
     Sounds like you are discretely hoping  for a dick-pussy size thread using overt reverse psychology. The best size story I've read, well  here you go. :-D  

Posted By: StevieStyles
just because a girl sports a ponytail (which I do everyday), does not mean we want it pulled. Especially by bad lil boys at the playground lol. You're lucky she doesn't turn around and kick you straight in the nuts mister lol.  
 Ya know, I could've started a pussy-sized thread to pass the time. Would that have been more entertaining for you? I think you know those dick-size threads just don't do it for me lol.  
 Or did I get that backwards again?  
 xx kisses

... and while I don't normally believe in this stuff, it does describe me oddly well.  (But maybe they all would?)

yea it blows me away that it does describe me to a T :)
Hugs and kisses

Should the 11th month be a 2, instead of 11 as they show?

In any case, I ended up a 1, which is a hard charging Elon Musk type of guy, but I am a laid back sort, so for me anyways this is a bit of a fail.

They need to get their act together on that example they show.

But I am, lol. No big surprise there...



GaGambler851 reads

and yes, count me in as another "1". lol

No a 1 is a born leader and very independent, among other things!



TaylorSteele1028 reads

so please try again if this is you.  

[*The exception to this rule is with the 'Master Numbers' 11 and 22 - i.e. November the 11th month, birthdays on the 11th or 22nd, or sum totals of 11 or 22. These numbers are not converted to single digits.]  

xx kisses

I'm a 5, but the cool thing is the descriptions fit me like a glove.

Senator.Blutarsky1079 reads

...is there a prize for the highest score? Maybe this gal, perhaps?

quintessential Perv LOL. You and your hottie photos make me giggle. Her tits are beautiful but enormous for her shape. Her back must hurt like the dickins lol. Her waist looks like an 18"er lol.  

xx kisses (always)

number. It takes all the numbers to cohesively make all the fabulous people in the world or we'd all be the same. How boring would that be. It's just interesting to see where you are, what your # is and what path that is or may lead you down this road we called Life and how and if it's at all impacted by it.  

#5 is just as important as a #3 and so on and so on. Be happy with your Lifepath and embrace it.  

We are who we are.  

xx kisses

But alas,  other than this very inspiring headline, the rest of the description for this number really isn't me.   Perhaps it got me confused with two #1s.  Or maybe I need a new birthday.  Oh well, it was fun playing

Since  my number could come up anytime now, I checked my LP number. As a scientist I don't take these things seriously. As a 6,It describes me quite well. One glaring departure was the part about my musical talents  Whoa, is that a laugh. I'm about as musical as a cat in heat.

Posted By: StevieStyles
Lifepath Number ... Calculate it and find out.  
 It may play a bigger part of your life than you think.  
 Just one lil number lol.  
 Does it have something to do with you being here, where you are going?  
 Could it have something to do with why some encounters are on another level than others and with whom?  
 Does your # describe you?  
 xx kisses  
 Stevie/T (I'll tell you mine a lil later lol)

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 5:26:28 AM

I have no control over their formula and results, but have great control over the areas described.

What that means to me is that I should hobby on every 11th and 29th of each month.  

Holy foooock!! Tomorrow is the 29th! I better get my ass in gear. See you all later!

nom_de_plume759 reads

Mine was a 9.  Much of the description accurately describes me.  But some of it was way off.

Then I tried my atf.  A 5.  And the description fit her to a T.

And then I tried my SO.  Came up as a 4... the description for which is the polar opposite of my SO.

This is no different than everybody gets a trophy even if they suck.

HidingBehindMyAlias746 reads

My path has the potential for self-destructive behavior.  It is not all positive.  Guess it's what you want to read into it.

I am an Eleven, the first master number.  
It describes me and my life to a "t".  

Posted By: StevieStyles
Lifepath Number ... Calculate it and find out.  
 It may play a bigger part of your life than you think.  
 Just one lil number lol.  
 Does it have something to do with you being here, where you are going?  
 Could it have something to do with why some encounters are on another level than others and with whom?  
 Does your # describe you?  
 xx kisses  
 Stevie/T (I'll tell you mine a lil later lol)

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 5:26:28 AM

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