TER General Board

Hello, I think this is a very
TaylorSteele 644 reads

great and valid suggestion. I'm even skeptical as a woman when I see a ring of tens across the board for anyone. Noone is perfect. The only dilemma it could cause is if you give your 10 rating, and another woman you meet truly tops it. Then what lol. Great point though and could help the rating system be a little more on point as well.

xx kisses
Posted By: jeandeaux
Should reviewers be limited to giving only one "one in a lifetime" rating?

jeandeaux2629 reads

Should reviewers be limited to giving only one "one in a lifetime" rating?

Skyfyre819 reads

I've been confounded by similar conundrum too. It's like "should a hobbyist be limited to have only one ATF?"

It's all just so confusing isn't it?  How can a guy possibly wade through all this confusion to make good choices?  Life is tough isn't it?  Yet we somehow soldier on...

Skinny_Minnie:-)921 reads

And once you're an ATF, you stay on that list FOREVER!  (Psycho music playing)

One of them is now in a relationship so we don't see eo any longer.  One just had a baby and is being a good boy temporarily.  One now lives on a diff continent so we only see eo about once a year.  One is out of the hobby due to personal circumstances.  And #5, I still see regularly and we are hot hot hot together like baked potatoes.

So to answer the original poster, I would say that there's no prob with giving multiple 10s.  We can connect with multiple people and it doesn't make it any less genuine than connecting with only one.

Practically speaking, I do have one ATF and don't see her as often as we'd like for financial reasons.  
Many of our encounters have been mind blowing. I still shake my head when we are done with each other
But there have been several unique OIAL ecperiences.

For example, I met with a highly rated, beautiful women who cancelled 3 or 4 times on me. SHIT happens? But when I rescheduled, she offered to make it up to me with 90 minutes for less than the hourly rate. Well, 5 1/2 hours later, with her extracting at least 5 come shots out of me and having to switch beds because she soaked the first one as she was a squirter, I walked out of that room wobbling, literally. But not without a blow job for the road. LOL
That was a once in a lifetime experience. Fortunately it wasn't the only one.

-- Modified on 1/17/2015 8:07:46 AM

Or 5 preferred customers, but you can't have 5 "all time favorites." At least not at the same time. An ATF can replace a former ATF.

Just because 5 ATFs defy logic, why cant a fella have five simultaneous ATFs. Same with the "once in a lifetimes" you could have five OIALs one right after the other.

Posted By: perfectstorm
Or 5 preferred customers, but you can't have 5 "all time favorites." At least not at the same time. An ATF can replace a former ATF.

djddla685 reads

and if not for p4p Ter and to some extent p411, providers use the service, I would never in this lifetime meet these extraordinary ladies. These are the world's finest in many ways and it is insane to limit your thoughts to only one being worthy.

and FWIW, I come down on the side that says it's okay to have multiple ATFs.  The key is that little "s" on the end that makes it plural.  If a guy sees 20 ladies a year over 10 years, he can slice and dice this all he wants.  Maybe he has 5 still-active favorites, 7 ATFs from all 200, perhaps one ultimate ATF a hair above the rest, 10 "What was I thinking?" gals, 5 "only if we were the last 2 left on earth", an perhaps 1 "if I was stranded on a desert island with her - I'd chance the swim across the Pacific" lady.

I'm with you Minnie. I have about 5 ATF's myself. And there is something different I get from all of them. Do I have some that I enjoy seeing more than the others? Sure. Would I be willing to give up all the others to see just that one? Honestly, no, I couldn't. That in itself tells me it is possible to have more than one ATF. ~~~~Rob

nom_de_plume993 reads

I don't think so.  I've had many experiences I consider to be "once in a lifetime."

Thus I think it's fine for a reviewer to give more than one "10".

Now, if EVERY review is a 10... then that reviewer may be overly generous in his ratings.  Or, he may simply be very picky about the providers he chooses to see.  ;)

jeandeaux841 reads

You can have many experiences that are beyond your wildest dreams, or that are absolutely phenomenal, or that are some other superlative. By definition, however, you can't have many experiences that are "once in a lifetime." Words, after all, have meanings. Otherwise, you end up on the slippery slope toward 1984's Newspeak or, even worse, Fox News.

nom_de_plume495 reads

... from my own experiences?

I consider these to be "once in a lifetime" experiences:

* My first-ever day of school (kindergarten)
* My first successful attempt riding a bike - with a big assist from my dad
* My first passionate kiss
* The first time I made love to a woman
* My first solo drive in a car (and due to what happened that day, I really HOPE it was once in a lifetime!)
* Buying my first car
* Graduating from high school
* Graduating from college as valedictorian  
* My first day of work after getting a job out of college
* Graduating from grad school (much different experience than from college)
* Getting married
* Being present at the birth of each of my children (each experience was different enough and special enough to be once in a lifetime)
* My first airplane flight--also the first and only time I flew a plane
* Visiting London for the first time, as a young man
* Visiting Jerusalem
* Taking in the breathtaking view from Windows on the World at the World Trade Center
* Being at my mother's side when she died

And there's many, many more I could list, but I hope these examples help you understand how someone can have many "once in a lifetime" experiences.

I've had more than one of those with providers.  Each one was so special, and different, that I truly believe they can never be duplicated.  Hence "once in a lifetime"--my lifetime, at least.  :)

Posted By: jeandeaux
You can have many experiences that are beyond your wildest dreams, or that are absolutely phenomenal, or that are some other superlative. By definition, however, you can't have many experiences that are "once in a lifetime." Words, after all, have meanings. Otherwise, you end up on the slippery slope toward 1984's Newspeak or, even worse, Fox News.
-- Modified on 1/17/2015 1:53:32 PM

Posted By: jeandeaux
Should reviewers be limited to giving only one "one in a lifetime" rating?

I am guilty of that. If i could go back and rerate there would be lots of tens turning into 8's.

It's all relative so it makes sense that a newbie would post higher; unless he held back on reviewing for a long time there's no basis for comparison. Looking back across all my review I'd definitely make adjustments, up and down, but not by more than one point. I feel pretty good about my looks scores though.

magicsam814 reads

Some of us spend a great deal of time researching the providers that we see and often select those who already have very high ratings. 95% of the time the provider lives up to the great reviews and high expectations and I give them 10s. The problem is when the experience is not as great as advertised. Do you give an honest evaluation? If she doesn't meet my expectations, I choose not to write a review at all rather than break the provider's streak of 10s. Perhaps the "ethical" thing to do is write the honest review and let the chips fall where they may. But I take the easy way out, realizing that we just didn't connect and either she or I was having an off day.

In this hobby there tends to be two types of atfs, at least for me. 1) Ones with whom you connect spiritually. They literally won't let you leave. There are overnights, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, freebies, long pillow talks, gifts, personal information, emails, phone chats, on and on. 2) Ones with whom you connect strictly in a physical sense. They're always defined by the sparks that lead to a forest fire of passion. The fun part is when one and two combined. In those cases, two always leads to one, never the reverse.  

There are times when I don't have a lot of time, and simply want a wild ride in the hay. I know exactly which ladies to call. There are times when I want a more connective session with my wild ride. I know exactly who to call. I love them both, and they are equally important. They are all atfs. But at the same time, they're all different in their own sort of ways. How could I ever determine which session, or which lady is my all time favorite?  

So to answer your question, in this hobby, for me, there's no such thing as a once in a lifetime experience, nor lady. Therefore, to be very fair to every over the top wild ride, to every spiritual connection I've ever had, or ever will have, one has to be able to give more than one "once in a lifetime" rating. In fact, since I see my atfs regularly, "once in a lifetime" has happened to me hundreds of times. That's why I like this hobby. That's why it's so addicting

with each OIAL experience having its own uniqueness that may be imitated, but not quite duplicated.

hat is TER' s label, not mine. For me a 10 is the best experience. And like everything in life there is no ONE best. Best is a shared place.

almost every appointment is a "once in a lifetime" event.  (But I am judicious with 10-ratings, nonetheless.)  

Seriously, there are too many 10-ratings out there right now, but a TER imposed limit of one per reviewer would be WAY more problematic than the status quo.  

-- Modified on 1/17/2015 8:22:07 AM

In the Suggestion and Policy board this has discussed a lot. The answer I got was "we are working on that"

Guys score according to how they honestly feel about their experience.
So some are more generous with scores - who the hell cares?
There is MORE than enough good information available to us from scores, reviews, ads, ladies' sites, and back-channeling to make wise choices the vast majority of the time.

I don't get why some folks are so controlling and overbearing that they want to control the way that OTHERS go about their business.  Live and let live.  Of all the things to get worked-up over in this hobby - too many high scores is way way way down the list.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help guys enjoy this hobby without stress.

1) Research ladies.
2) Have a fun roll in the hay with a beauty.
3) Review or don't.
4) See #1

Not very complicated.
Now go get laid everyone.

that is needed to make good choices.  With TER reviews and ladies' ads - can this really get any easier?

Personally, I find complaining about how others score to be petty and small-minded.
If it's just in a shooting-the-bull thread, then it doesn't matter.  Gab away.
But to be so controlling as to want to force others to adjust how they score to better comport with one's own vision of how things should be?  Meh, not my thing.  And I find it ironic that some want to set up little controlling rules - considering we are all individualists breaking many of society's big rules by even participating in this hobby.

GaGambler918 reads

Many reviews that read like cheap porn are plainly written for the reviewers own benefit. Others are written as ads for, and sometimes actually by, the lady herself, and finally others (the useful ones) are written as you say, for the benefit of the other mongers who are thinking about seeing the reviewed lady.

Can anyone seriously suggest that any more than maybe half of the reviews written are written for the benefit of the "next guy" and are not self serving for either the guy or the lady reviewed?

It's very important to those of "us" who like to see her have a good time.

I try and seek out only gals who have at least 8 Big O's in an hour.

The others seem to not be trying very hard.

Posted By: GaGambler
Many reviews that read like cheap porn are plainly written for the reviewers own benefit. Others are written as ads for, and sometimes actually by, the lady herself, and finally others (the useful ones) are written as you say, for the benefit of the other mongers who are thinking about seeing the reviewed lady.

Can anyone seriously suggest that any more than maybe half of the reviews written are written for the benefit of the "next guy" and are not self serving for either the guy or the lady reviewed?

I have gotten very good at finding the gals who cum over and over and over. It's almost like a sixth sense with me. The screaming, panting, yelling, etc. all very obvious signs I made it to the promised land.

And lucky for me, when I can't tell, the girls are more than happy to let me know afterward how many times I sent them to heaven and back. Lol

Keep hitting me up bc like you do for those ladies.  

And of course you get the extra added benefit of me telling you how much I haggled her price down and just how much OTC you can expect.

Me and you are good like that.

89Springer697 reads

It means she's such a good actress she can be convincing eight times in one hour. That's Meryl Streep quality. ;)

Yeah...that may be the answer.

Posted By: 89Springer
It means she's such a good actress she can be convincing eight times in one hour. That's Meryl Streep quality. ;)

I think too much is made over the scoring system as well. It serves my purposes just fine. I put much more stock into the written words, but by bc thru pm, than I do anything on the review. Sure, I'll get her menu items from the reviews, hopefully, but I don't take them as gospel. I get the truth, as close as I can come, by hitting up her reviewers and building up trust with guys I have known for a decade in this biz.

Problem is the newer hobbyists don't know to be careful with those 10/10 gals. Many get those on reputation or intimidation, rather than what goes in in any single session. Guys are slow to wanna be the "dick" that gives that first 9/9 or God forbid, an 8/8. Oh the humanity! LOL

The more experienced guys need to take some newbs under are wing, in a forum like this, so they dont have to be on that receiving end of an intimidating email.

Rather than change the scoring system, I would much rather have TER make scoring intimidation a bannable offense and to get rid of the Top 100 list. That's where all the comparing that the girls do and it pisses many of them off to see a competitor they despise ahead of them. Any experiemced guy will tell you he has had numerous gals bitch about this to them bcd.

-- Modified on 1/17/2015 2:53:22 PM

I agree with your comment about scoring intimidation.
The thing with the "all 10s" ladies is that it just isn't credible on-it's-face.
Even when I was brand new that was obvious to me.
But beyond the rating and service, I think those ladies become a luxury item.
Seems to me that part of the bene of paying the exorbitant price and giving their 10/10 is later being able to say, "yep, I had a piece of that perfection."
A lot more ego involved as compared to seeing the great $250 an hour lady who provides superlative service (like my current favorite).

great and valid suggestion. I'm even skeptical as a woman when I see a ring of tens across the board for anyone. Noone is perfect. The only dilemma it could cause is if you give your 10 rating, and another woman you meet truly tops it. Then what lol. Great point though and could help the rating system be a little more on point as well.

xx kisses

Posted By: jeandeaux
Should reviewers be limited to giving only one "one in a lifetime" rating?

consider the possibility that the reviews, as they are now, serve their intended purpose very well. They allow us to research and find the ladies and experiences we are seeking, and help to keep us all safe.

ANY debate about scores is not about the reviews and the scoring system, and nothing that TER controls at all. It is simply a disagreement between two or more hobbyists who see and experience the world (and the women in it) in different ways. Changing the scoring system does absolutely nothing to make different people see things the same way - especially in this world of fantasy, varied preferences and different levels of experience.  

FWIW, the only thing the debate does is make me not want to review at all. I doubt I'm the only one who feels that way. No reviews would surely f*ck up the review system, wouldn't it?

I made the suggestion in Suggestions and Policy to just quit using a 10 to mean "Once in a Lifetime,"but instead, use something like "Fantastic" "A time I'll never forget", Mind Blowing" or some other verbal superlative.
They replied, "We are working on it."

Obviously, TER has no rule against giving more than one 10.  So I give 10s to girls who are "as good as it gets" in either looks or performance.
Some members give 10s to almost everyone they review.  Those are easy to ignore.  I really don't care.
To me, the fact that they decided to use "one in a lifetime" was not meant to be taken literally.

-- Modified on 1/17/2015 5:42:07 PM

jeandeaux799 reads

According to the Review FAQs a 10 means "one in a million." I wonder why it doesn't say that in the actual reviews?

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